Enjoy and I don't own Teen Wolf.

Sorry for the long wait! Things have been crazy, and I'm now done with school, sorry this seems kind of rushed, but I wanted to finish it for you guys, and hopefully you'll enjoy it. (But who doesn't love a happy ending?)

We continue to the end! Last Chapter.

The door slams shut behind them and Lydia turns to it, turning the handle frantically, and then Isaac hears it, Allison screaming his name. "Allison!" he roars and Lydia steps aside as he lunges to the door, his shoulder hitting it with a solid sound. He shoves himself against it again and again, as Lydia watches. Reaching out a hand when she hears a splintering sound, Lydia helps him as well, both of them screaming Allison's name.

The door breaks, and Allison is standing on the other side, her brown hair a mess and her eyes worried. Isaac doesn't hesitate before reaching out and pulling her firmly against him, wrapping his arms around her.

"Allison." He says, his voice barely a whisper, and he finally feels like he can breathe knowing she's safe again.

Allison can't remember much of her time stuck in her mind from the Nogitsune, and Isaac never asks her. She's grateful, because she hates that it's time she'll never get back, and she's never asked Isaac what it made her do. Allison worries that she'll never fix the wrongs it's left her with.

Scott looks far too broken when he tells her, and she reminds him each time that it was what they had to do. She'll have to live with being a werewolf. Stiles makes a joke each time, about how she's more of a pack member now that she's a werewolf, and asks if her children will look like puppies.

Scott smiles just a little bit each time Stiles jokes, and Allison shoots him a look that seems to work better than hitting him when he makes the puppies jab.

They finally capture the Nogitsune, and Deaton holds the box in his hands carefully, telling them all "he'll take care of it". Allison shudders as Isaac pulls her firmly against him; and she hopes to God that they'll never have to deal with it again as long as they live.

Life continues on. Allison sleeps with the nightlight on some nights, others it's tucked away. Isaac doesn't say anything about it, other than to ask if she needs it. She hopes one day she'll be able to leave it off, but Isaac tells her that as long as she needs it, it will be there.

So will he.

He sleeps with her almost every single night. They have a routine before bed, and on nights of a full moon, they sit on the floor beside the bed, and Isaac helps her adjust to the change, and he talks her through it. He anchors her the whole time, and the next day they don't bother going into school, because they catch up on the missed sleep and she helps him with his homework.

Allison and Stiles meet up one day each week for coffee and doughnuts. He makes a joke about how they shouldn't, because he plans on going into the police force and protecting Beacon Hills when his dad can't anymore.

Which they both hope will be a long time.

They talk about anything, mostly how Lydia normally stays with him to make sure he's okay, which he lets her have his bed so she's not on the floor, but after the first week she insists his bed is big enough for the both of them and he finally gives in, and joins her.

Stiles and Allison never bring up the Nogitsune, but Allison knows it's what makes them closer than the others in the pack. After all, once you've seen how dark you can be, how can you pretend you didn't see it?

The school year ends, and they all surprisingly pass and make it through another year of high school. Allison thinks it's hilarious how Isaac and herself have managed to get themselves detention on the last day of school, but Lydia is screeching about how they had last day of school plans to go shopping, since most of their clothes have been ruined, and how Lydia 'refuses to sleep at Stiles' another night in one of his shirts' but the way she says it, Allison's certain she loves it, and needs an excuse to get lingerie to wear on nights when the Sheriff isn't home to see Stiles' reaction.

Allison promises her that they'll go as soon as their one-hour detention is done.

"You're moving boxes in the supply closet today." The teacher says with a wave, as she finishes grading a paper.

Isaac grins at Allison a second before looking completely serious again. "I have to work with her?"

The teacher glances up at Isaac, and returns to grading. "Yes, Mr. Lahey, you have to work with her. Should I add another hour of detention?"

"I'd rather not spend my first day of summer in a broom closet."

"Get to work then, you two."

Minutes later they're stacking boxes, when Allison laughs to herself.

"What's so funny?" Isaac asks with a grin of his own.

"We're back to where we started. In a closet, in detention." Allison shoves the box onto the shelf, and turns to face him. "It's pretty funny, actually."

"Hilarious." He laughs as he moves closer to her. "So I was thinking—now that everything is almost back to normal…"

"Almost?" Allison raises her eyebrows at him.

"When have a pack of werewolves ever been normal?" Isaac shoots back, before leaning down to brush his lips against hers lightly. "As I was saying; maybe we could try hanging out for real sometimes."

"Oh." Allison says, almost grinning.

"You know," Isaac backs away from her to move another box. "Outside of your bedroom, school, and abandoned places with the pack."

"Are you asking me on a date?" Allison can't help grinning now.

"Would you like me to ask you on a date, Ally?" He smiles at her, and she can't help but hope to see that smile—the one that's just for her—for the rest of her life.

"I would want nothing less." She says with a small laugh.

"I was thinking I could take you out on a proper date. Not a double date, not a 'date' when we eat pizza and do our homework, but an actual date where we both dress up and go out to a fancy restaurant and it's only you and me."

Allison laughs, before kissing Isaac softly, her hands finding themselves looped around his neck. "I'd like that." Isaac finds himself unable to stop grinning as they finish their work.

Allison nearly jumps out of her skin as her phone begins ringing in her pocket. Isaac looks up at her, and she silences her phone, making a note to call whoever it was back.

"The full moon is tomorrow, you know." Isaac says it casually, but his eyes search hers.

"I'm ready for this one. I've had a really good teacher." She grins. They work again in silence, grinning at each other every once in awhile until the teacher stops in to tell them that they can go.

They make plans for dinner, and Allison kisses Isaac before grinning at him and hurrying to Lydia's car as she honks the horn impatiently.

"I love you!" Allison shouts as she rolls down the window while Lydia drives off.

"Love you too." Isaac replies to the trail of dust Lydia's car leaves behind before digging the car keys out of his pocket and driving home.

It's odd to think how Allison's and Chris' apartment is home to him now, well, it is when he's not staying at Scott's. When Isaac gets there, Chris is at the table, and smiles at him as he passes by.

"How was the last day of school?" Chris asks, his attention returning to the papers spread around him

"Fine. Allison got us detention." Isaac says with a small grin as he grabs a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Do I even want to know?" Chris glances up at him.

"Probably not. She was arguing about a test score and I tried to defend her and I ended up with detention as well." Isaac shrugs, and then eyes the papers. "What's that?"

"I was thinking that we can take a trip to France this summer." Chris waves his hand. "Nothing big, you both could do some sight-seeing while I meet up with some family."

"You guys as in…all three of us?" Isaac feels stunned. He'd never thought that Chris would accept him, but he has, and he feels as much as their family as they are to him.

"We're your family now, Isaac." Chris pauses before he adds, "And I've seen the way she looks at you. Vict—" Chris pauses and a second passes before he continues, "her mother used to look at me the same. You're going to be around for a while we both hope."

Isaac can't help but grin. "I—I don't know what to say, sir. Thank you, thank you for everything."

"I've told you to call me Chris. I assume you both have made dinner arrangements already?"

"Yeah, she wants to try that new Italian place that just opened in town," Isaac says as he takes a seat across from Chris at the table.

"Take her to the French bistro instead." Chris says with a laugh. "You can tell her officially that we're going to France this summer."

"Allison, can I say something?" Isaac sounds nervous enough, so she looks up from the menu at him.


"With the whole…situation a few months ago, I realized that I want to be the only one who takes you on dates. The only one who only gets to see what you look like just after you've woken up, I want to be the only guy you see before you go to sleep, and when you wake up in the morning. The one you think of before you go to sleep, and the one you think of when you wake up. I want to be the one who gives you your favorite soup and puts on your favorite movie when you're sick, and be the one who knows the exact place to kiss you before taking you to bed." Isaac's cheeks turn pink as his confession slips from his mouth. "I want to be the one who makes you forget why you were sad in the first place, and I want to be the one you eagerly tell your day to, and on nights when you're afraid your demons will come to get you, I want to be the one who protects you, and be your nightlight."

Allison stares at him, mostly because it's the longest he's ever talked to her, and because she doesn't know what to say to that. She opens and closes her mouth a few times, but no words come out, and the longer the silence goes on, the more he gets nervous and runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry. You're probably freaked out, and—" he begins, his had dropping as he stares holes into the table.

"Isaac." She meant for it to come out strong, but it's a word on her breath. "Isaac." She tries again, and he looks up at her, but avoids her eye contact.

"You probably think I'm crazy, and that we're too young, but—"

"We are too young to be thinking like that." He flinches like Allison had just hit him, but she reaches out with both hands and catches one of his in them. "But I love you, Isaac Lahey. I don't know what the future holds, or anything, but I hope that I'm with you."

They pack later that night and say goodbye to the Pack. Lydia makes them promise to snapchat her updates on anything and to buy her something adorable. Allison promises with a laugh and Isaac can tell she's happy that Lydia has finally realized she likes Stiles.

They board their plane later that day, with promises to Lydia that they'll double date and spill details on everything they do. Though Allison makes Isaac swear they'll keep some things to themselves, before being caught by a flight attendant after coming out of the bathroom, clothes and hair disheveled while Chris is asleep and Allison making some kind of excuse to the flight attendant that Isaac was sick and she needed to help him to the bathroom, the whole time Isaac's face was red, and he whispered, "Do you think she believed you?" and "Hopefully on the trip home, you won't be as loud and get us caught." Which earned hm a jab in the side when they took their seats again.

Allison grinned though, because for the first time, they were normal teenagers.

Well, almost.