A/N: Like I've stated, this story is rated mature for a reason. Those not comfortable with sexual scenes should turn back now. Hope you all like the update! Sorry it took so long to get it posted. I've been working on some other Fairy Tail fics. If you guys are interested, I've posted the first chapter of White Dwarf, which is about Nashi before she travelled into the past. Anyway, please, leave a review on the way out.


Chapter Fourteen

"Where are you going?" Natsu asked as I rolled over and out of the bed.

Pulling one of the blankts along with me, I murmured, "Bathroom. I'm filthy."

I watched in horror as Natsu shifted closer to me and took a sniffed me. Frowning, he replied, "You smell fine to me."

Shoving him away, I moved further away from him. "Natsu! Just because you say so, doesn't mean I feel like that." Shaking my head, I turned and started for the bathroom. It wasn't until Natsu brushed past me that I asked, "What are you…" trailing off as he came to a stop at the doorway.

Did he seriously think I was going to bathe with him? He held the door open for me, nonchalantly saying, "Well come on," completely naked!

Clutching the blanket to my chest, I shrieked, "I'm not taking a bath with you!"

He blinked before asking, "Why not?"

"Natsu!" Why didn't he just get it? It was hard not to let my eyes drift down, but I couldn't get distracted right now.


Shaking my head, I replied, "No! It's not proper!"

Crossing his arms, he asked, "Why not?"

"It just… isn't."

He smirked, invaiding my personal space as he murmured, "Luce, it's not like I haven't seen it all before." I could feel his hot breath across my skin, and it sent shivers down my spine.

I felt my cheeks flush as I looked away. "Still…"

He leaned back then, tugging on the sheet. "And it's not like you haven't seen me naked."

"…" I didn't bother to catch the sheet as he freed it from my grasp, baring me to him. With my face red, I relented. "Fine."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom, shutting the door behind us. Swallowing, I licked my lips as he strolled over to the tub and turned on the water. I could feel my pulse jump as he made his way back over to me, his eyes narrowed—darkening with desire. It sent a bolt of pure desire to my loins.

Without a word, his mouth was over mine, hot and demanding. I couldn't help but melt against him, kissing him back with just as much passion. We'd already had relations multiple times tonight, but it was as if he couldn't get enough of me. I could tell he was… well, we both were making up for lost time. I wondered how many more times it would take before he would be sated for the night.

"N-natsu," I pulled away, gasping as he dove towards my throat, nipping at the mark he'd left there.


"The… the water." He pulled back, frowning. Clearing my throat, I elaborated, "I don't want the apartment to flood."

"Oh." Nodding, he released his hold on me and turned back to the tub, shutting off the water. After it was turned off, he turned back to me, and I knew what I was in for before he even opened his mouth. I could feel my desire dripping down my thighs at the thought. "Now, where were we?"

The following morning, I was awoken to Natsu rolling on top of me and wringing several breathtaking orgasms from me before he allowed himself to find pleasure.

"That's a nice way to wake up," I murmured, my hands running through his pink hair, as he caught his breath atop of me.

"Aye." After a moment, he started to roll over, and I gripped his hair tighter.

It felt nice, having him in my embrace like this. "Don't," I warned. I was comfortable and he wasn't going anywhere right now.

Eyeing me, he finally nodded after a moment. "Aye."

Glancing out the window, I took note that the sky was brightening up considerably. After a moment, I murmured, "… You know, we're going to have to go to the guild sometime today."

"…I know."

With a sigh, I continued, "I wish we didn't have to. I wish we could stay like this forever."

He grinned, pulling himself up and gave me a kiss on the lips. "Just give me another minute or two, and we can go again."

Flushing, I shoved him off of me, "Pervert!"

"But you love me anyway," he replied, pulling me into his arms.

Smiling, I nodded. "I do. I wouldn't change a thing about you."

"I love you, Lucy," he murmured against my skin, nibbling on my sensitive throat.

I sighed with contentment. "I love you too, Natsu. With all my heart."

Just then, my stomach growled, disrupting the moment. Pulling away, he looked at me with incredulous. "Oi."

I sat up taking the sheet with me. "S-shut up! I'm hungry!"

"Guess we definitely need to head to the guild then before you starve," he replied, leaning down to kiss my stomach through the sheet.

Scowling, I snapped, "Idiot!"

He got out of the bed, pulling me with him. "Come on then."

Walking to the guild was interesting to say the least. Anytime anyone, particularly male, came near us, Natsu practically scared them off with his growling. If they were stupid enough to ignore the warning, he didn't hesitate to release his deadly aurora.

I shook my head at his behavior, chalking it up to his parentage and magic. After all, he was raised by a dragon. Though, I knew I'd have to address it sooner or later because he couldn't just hoard me to himself, regardless of what he was thinking.

As we neared the building, I pulled him off to the side, "Natsu…"

"Aye?" He gave me a quizzical glance.

"I was wondering…." I trailed off, wondering how to put it without offending him.


"Do you think we could keep it from the guild for just a little while longer?" To be honest, I wasn't ashamed or anything over our relationship, but right now we had other things that we, as a guild, needed to be focused on. Like Nathan for one.

A flash of hurt crossed his face before he could stop it and it hurt to see it. "…why?"

"I just… I don't want to be teased all day."


I continued, "And I just don't think now is the right time for us to tell everyone… not until this situation with Nathan is resolved."

After a moment of silence passed between us, he nodded. "…I guess I can wait."

"I mean, if you really want to tell the guild, we can."

Shaking his head, he said, "No, you're right. We should wait."

"Okay." I smiled, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Grasping his hand in mine, we continued towards the guild hall, loosening our grips and allowing our hands to drift apart as it came into view.

We weren't even able to greet everyone before Mirajane's voice rang out, "So, who's your father Nashi?"