Disclaimer: I do not own nor was I alive when the actual incident with the real Balto happened.

I was watching the movie and it got me thinking "Is there any way to make him seem even more like a hero?" So this is what I thought of so send reviews and tell me what you think:)

After the dogs were dismissed, they sent a couple to find Balto to tell him the great news. The mail team, with the exception of Kodi, who went to talk to his mom, went to the boiler room to talk and discuss the mail race.

"I know Balto's a hero... and a good sled dog, but... are you sure he can handle this? I mean in his age he'll probably be a little slower with those old muscles and joints of his." Kirby says to the other dogs.

Kodi and Jenna walk up to the outside of the building and hear this.

"What's going on in there?" Kodi asks his mother quietly.

"I don't know... but I don't like what I'm hearing." Jenna answers back. They both continue listening.

"Yeah I don't know about that either. I mean how do we know he can handle it after all this time sitting out?" Ralph agrees.

The door bangs open with a crack, and a pair of Red huskies, Kodi and an angry Jenna, walk through the door. Jenna storms up to the team and gets their attention.

"Don't even think that about Balto! He is a better racing dog then you will ever be!" Jenna says as Kodi tries to get her attention to get her out of there.

"... No scratch that a better dog than you will ever be, with that type of attitude!" Jenna finishes as Kodi finally starts to drag his Mom out of the boiler room. The team all turn and look at each other.

"Wow...Remind me to never piss off Jenna." Dusty said earning a few nods in agreement.

Kodi walks back into the room and sees the the still terrified faces of his teammates after his Moms' outburst.

"Are you guys ok? You look like you've see a ghost." Kodi asks slightly amused.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you hear your Mom yell at us?" Kirby said still a little afraid.

"Yeah she's scary when she yells man!" Ralph say while coming out from where he hid behind Dusty.

"You think that was bad?" Kodi laughs "You should have seen her yell at us, when me and my brothers and sisters were younger. Now that was yelling." They look at the rookie in a new light. A scary light, but a new light.

"Anyway... even though I agree my Dad is older. I think he is more fit than the rest of us. Have you ever seen how he used to (and sometimes still does) get around town. Once you do all that and not fall off a roof or a window sill you can talk about how old he is. My Dad's a hero don't you forget that." They continue staring.

"If you want you can watch me and my Dad train sometime. If you don't want to try to keep up." Kodi gets up "That reminds me if I don't hurry I'm going to be late for a quick session. Bye Guys." Kodi turns and saunters out of the room.

All of the dogs each other an uneasy look and start thinking about looking into training with Balto and Kodi after the race.

"Let's hope they like having extra recruits after the race 'cause I have a feeling we're going to need it." Dusty says. Ralph and Kirby nod in agreement.