"Captain, you're running out of time."

"Just hold the light a little more to the left, please. She's stuck." The sounds of the child screams echoed through the metal pipe, setting the dogs to howling again. Sharon wondered if her hearing was going to be permanently affected.

"Sounds like she's in good shape." Provenza's voice filtered in to her. "Just grab her and pull. The patrol guys aren't going to be able to hold back the flood much longer. You don't get her out now, you'll both drown."

"Always the optimist, " Sharon mumbled. Despite Emily's kicks and protests, she'd determined that it was this child's disposable diaper that had her pinned in place in the middle of the pipe. Whatever brand diaper the child had on, the tabs weren't coming loose.

Breaking two fingernails to the quick, she pulled at the plastic, ripping the layers of the diaper away. The diaper could stay in the pipe, Emily was coming with her.

Water was covering her mouth by the time she had the baby out of the diaper. She started backing out of the pipe, knowing she was probably didn't have enough time before the pipe filled.

The last thing she remembered was the grip of someone's hands on her ankles and a pain in the top of her head as Emily grabbed a handful of hair.

The emergency waiting room was full but the Major Crimes squad had managed to find a corner to congregate.

Provenza was in hospital scrubs, dry and regaling the team with the tale of Emily Carson's rescue.

"And when Flynn grabbed her legs and pulled, she came out of that pipe like a cork in a bottle. The kid was attached to her head, screaming like a banshee once she spit out a mouthful of water."

"Emily was screaming or the Captain?" Sanchez asked.

Provenza took a sip of his coffee and explained. "Emily was screaming. Although there was nothing wrong with her a bottle and her Momma couldn't cure. The Captain was unconscious for a few minutes after Flynn got her out of the pipe. I took the kid and Flynn resuscitated the Captain. Or tried to anyway, she started puking up her guts right away. Flynn will probably have nightmares about that. Anyway, by that time the rain had stopped. Fire Department Rescue was on the scene and we all got to ride a chopper back to the hospital. I'm expecting a medal for my involvement."

Sanchez smiled. "Absolutely, sir."

Tao nodded. "They might even overlook that wrecked department vehicle."

Provenza's expression darkened. "I dare them to mention a thing after I climbed all over that mountain rescuing that poor baby."

"So what happened to the dogs? Thelma and Louise?" Buzz was leaning against one wall, holding a plastic bag with the Lieutenant's clothes. "They're the ones that actually found the child. What happens to them?"

Provenza shrugged his shoulders. "Andrews and Willis dropped them off at the vet's for me. After they've gotten their shots, I'll take them home with me. I've got the room and they seem happy enough with each other's company. Unlike some people, they won't have to be constantly entertained. And besides..." He took another sip of coffee and sighed. He figured Flynn was going to make his move now. His partner was probably going to be preoccupied for the foreseeable future.

"Besides, what, sir?" Sanchez got up to bring him another cup of coffee.

"Besides, nothing. Did someone get the booking filled out on Petersen? We don't want to have to make any deals with that scumbag!"

"How are you?" Sharon asked as Andy Flynn stuck his head around the exam curtain. He was wearing hospital scrubs and thick white athletic socks.

She was sitting on the gurney, still wearing only a hospital gown. Her hair was drying in a tangle of curls. A nurse was placing bandages on her arms, covering the places where they had been scraped raw on the metal pipe. Similar bandages decorated her bare legs.

He grinned. "Tetanus shot hurt. But I'll live."

She wiggled her bare toes. "I'm envious of your socks. They look warm. Where did those come from?"

"I charmed them off of an old lady who was picking up her husband. She'd packed extra clothes for him, hoping he'd be admitted and she'd get a little vacation. Her misfortune was my good luck."

The nurse left the area with an admonition not to go anywhere until her x-rays came back.

"Where does she think I'm going to go in this outfit?" Sharon quipped. "Any news about Emily? That baby really didn't like me." She touched the top of her head for emphasis. "Am I missing some hair up here?"

He moved close and pretended to check. "No. You've still got enough for two women. Emily is fine. She's with her mother up in pediatrics. They'll probably send her home tomorrow."

Sharon smiled and patted his arm. "Would now be a good time to thank you for saving my life?"

"Tomorrow night during dinner would be better." He tucked a errant strand of hair behind her ear. "I've been hoping you might—"

"Andy, we really can't. You'll get me fired if —"

He leaned in and quickly kissed her.

She allowed herself a few seconds, then broke the kiss, pushing him back. "Andy—"

He grinned, moving to stand in front of her. "Haven't you heard? You're a hero? Taylor isn't going to fire you. You might even get that Commander title, he and Pope promised you."

"Right." She sighed, placing a hand on his chest. "There's a freeze on promotions."

"So tell him you just want me instead." He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him.

"I'm not sure I need the headache." She wasn't ready to tell him, but she was beginning to believe Andy Flynn was exactly what she needed in her life. She wasn't sure how they would manage a relationship and both keep their jobs, but she think of something. For every rule there was an exception, she just had to find it.

"Oh, I'm worth a few headaches." He stroked his hands up her bare back and then down. "You've only experienced my head massage. I give great full body massages. Competitive rates."

She glanced up into his eyes and grinned. "Let's start with dinner and go from there. Without that raise, I'm on a budget."

The End