Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. Wish I did, though...

"Moisturize me." I commanded. Chip hurried over and sprayed me. I enjoyed it for a moment, until Chip placed the bottle down beside me. He hurried over to the computer, flicking a couple switches. He gasped at the screen.
" Human! She's pure blood human!" He pressed a button, and the spider, which explored the land outside the hospital, moved around. Chip stepped to the side, reaching for something, and I saw the screen. The spider followed two people, a man and a woman. I noticed that she had blond hair. An idea struck me.
"Impossible! I recognize that child!" I breathed. "Her face! Show me her face!"
"Closer, closer…" Chip whispered, spinning a button round.
"Face! Face!" I chanted, watching as the spider rotated around the couple, who were getting up, out of the apple grass. I caught a few of their words.
"Can we visit New New York, so good they named it twice?" The woman asked. Her voice was so familiar. Even after 23 years I recognized it.
"Well, I thought we'd go there first." The man said, pulling on his jacket. His arms blocked the woman's face from the spider's eye. With one hand, he pointed ahead of them. I didn't know at what.
"Why? What is it?" The woman asked.
"Some sort of hospital." The man said. I could see his face now. He was handsome, I admitted that. Silky brown hair, thick eyebrows… he wasn't half bad. He turned his face away to look at the woman. "The green moon on the side, that's the universal symbol for hospitals. I got this. A message on the psychic paper." He pulled out a wallet and showed it to the woman. "Somebody wants to see me." I watched them closely. I don't blame whoever it is for wanting to see him.
"Hmm…" muttered the woman. "And I thought we were just sightseeing. Come on, then. Let's go and buy some grapes."
The man smiled and turned his head back, and I saw her face. My eyes widened as my suspicions were confirmed.
"Rose Tyler!" I proclaimed. "I knew it! That dirty blond assassin!"
"She's coming here, Mistress!" Chip reported.
"This is beyond coincidence!" I cried, as a plan formed in my mind. "This is destiny! At last, I can be revenged on that little-"

The man and Rose Tyler entered the hospital, and the spider lost eyesight of them. But that didn't matter. Chip hacked into the security cameras. We had eyes on the lobby and all lifts. Chip rushed around, setting up the Psychograph, as I mentally readied myself for what was to come.
I glanced up in time to watch Rose notice one of the Cat/Nun/Nurses walk by her. She stared in bewilderment.
"They're cats," she said.
"No don't stare," the man told her, looking back. "Imagine what you look like to them, all pink and yellow." He looked behind her and pointed. "That's where I'd put the shop. Right there." My eyebrows knitted together. Shop? What's this about a shop? Apparently, I've missed something. The man with great hair walked towards the lift as Rose gawked stupidly in another direction. The lift doors opened, and the man walked inside.
"Ward 26, thanks." He said to the computer.
Chip pressed a couple of buttons, whispering to himself. Down in the lobby, I watched the door shut as Rose hurried forward.
"Hold on! Hold on!"
My eyes flicked back and forth between the camera watching the man and the camera watching Rose.
"Oh, too late, I'm going up." The man said. Rose heard him.
"It's all right, there's another lift." She said, reaching over to press the button.
"Ward 26." The man called. "And watch out for disinfectant."
"Watch out for the what?" Rose called.
"The disinfectant!" the man called, louder.
"The what?"
"The disin- oh you'll find out." The man muttered, throwing his head back in annoyance.
Back in the lobby, the doors opened up for Rose, and she stepped into the lift. She glanced upward towards the celing.
"Er- ward 26… thanks…" she said unsurly. The doors closed. In both lifts, an automated voice filled the room.
"Commence stage one, disinfection." Suddenly, water blasted into the lifts. The man didn't flinch. Rose, on the other hand, howled. She started slapping the walls, trying to turn it off. It was actually amusing to watch. Right as the blowdrying started, Chip turned off the moniter.
"Go retrieve her, Chip." I commanded. "And turn on the tape on your way out." He obeyed silently, and my favorite tape played on the walls. Chip left the room.
A younger version of me was displayed on the screen. I was about 37 at that time, having drinks with the ambasidor of Thrace. Handsome man.
I watched a couple seconds of the tape, before I closed my eyes, in wait of Chip, who would soon bring Rose. My new body.