Hi Guys! I'm super excited about writing this story, I got to thinking about the idea a while ago and was pretty fascinated so I wrote a fanfic of course. Please favorite, follow, and review as the more support I have the more likely it will be that I finish this (constructive criticism is also welcome) ; I really want to, but the plot is going to be pretty long and sometimes I lack motivation.

Thanks for reading!

I don't in any way own Frozen or any of its characters.

It was the break of dawn in Arendelle. The northern lights were just beginning to fade, making way for the sun's arrival. The city had yet to start it's bustling routine, and everyone was still nestled in their beds; everyone, that is, except for a little princess who was sneaking rather clumsily across her room to her sister's bed.

"Elsa?" she half whispered, strawberry blond hair glistening in the pale yellow light of the sunrise as she made her way towards the large bed—complete with a pink canopy.

No response came from the beautiful girl.

The younger child quickly wondered how her sister's hair could possibly stay so perfectly in place through a long night's sleep.

"Psst, Elsa," the princess said again, this time in a louder and more demanding whisper. She climbed on top of the tall bed with some amount of effort and sat up with her legs criss-crossed.

Since there was still no sign of movement coming from Elsa, the younger princess decided it was time to take drastic measures. This of course meant that she plopped down on Elsa and then bounced as fast and hard as her little body could manage.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" she yelled, not quite at the top of her lungs—she had given up on being sneaky.

This time, a loud groan escaped the older girl's mouth accompanied by a mournful, "Anna go back to sleep!"

Elsa then flopped over on the other side of her pillow, hoping this would convince Anna to leave her in peace. However, Anna was not so easily evaded.

The little princess hopped up once more, this time landing squarely with her back on top of Elsa's.

"I can't!" Anna sighed—quite dramatically, "The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!"

The small girl bounced a bit on the last word for emphasis and her pigtails practically quivered with excited energy.

Elsa, still unconvinced and very tired, croaked, "Go play by yourself."

Then, in one swift movement, Elsa rolled over and pushed Anna off of the bed. She was sure that this time she had beaten her sister, so she settled back into her pillow hoping to fall asleep quickly.

Anna lie in defeat for only a moment before she had an idea. She grinned to herself knowing that Elsa wouldn't be able to refuse. She slowly rose up to the bed, peering over so that only her ocean blue eyes and the tips of her pigtails could be seen.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" she asked, drawing out the last word; she liked the way it rolled off of her tongue.

At this, Elsa's eyes peeked open mischievously, and even though Anna couldn't see the slight movement—she could feel that she had won.

As Anna and she were running through the palace's wide hallways and down its polished grand staircases, Elsa wondered if she could ever have a more perfect time than she did on mornings like these. She felt a rush of excitement every time she and Anna did this, and she loved the look on her little sister's face when she made gleaming white snow burst into the air from the palm of her hand.

And of course there was always the fun that came after that.

When the two princesses reached the ballroom—their usual place for snow adventures— Elsa stood still, a mischievous smile on her face. She wanted to let the excitement build.

Anna, who was always a good audience, waited only a moment before she giggled, "Do the magic! Do the magic!"

That was all the prompting Elsa needed. She laughed as she pressed her hands together, and immediately a small ball of gleaming ice formed. Then, she opened her palms and the ball exploded into a thousand tiny white snowflakes, showering the room.

"This is amazing!" Anna squealed, jumping up and down.

Elsa grinned and then thought of an even better way to have fun.

"Watch this," she said in a hushed tone, as though she was revealing a wonderful secret.

Then she simply stomped her foot, and a sheet of fresh ice covered the floor. She thought that there was no better way to make Anna smile than a little impromptu ice skating.

The younger princess began inadvertently sliding along the ice, which caused her to have yet another fit of laughter. Elsa wondered how such a little body could produce that much laughter.

After a while of slipping around on the ice and steadying Anna in her ungraceful pursuits of skating, Elsa remembered the all-time best way to entertain her sister. She called Anna over to help her roll three huge snowballs and then stacked them tediously on top of each other.

The older girl then ran outdoors to fetch several sticks along with the rest of the supplies she would need for the snowman. The temperature was shockingly high out there compared to the snowy haven inside. As she gathered, all she could think about was Anna's laughter and the fuzzy warm feeling she had in her stomach.

Elsa was outside for only a moment before she slid back indoors and positioned the sticks to form the snowman's arms. After she finished the arms, she quickly stuck the rest of her supplies into what would soon be the snowman's face. It didn't bother her that her creation wasn't beautiful. She figured it would be funnier that way.

In a flash, Elsa was behind the snowman. She took a moment to decide what she was going to say before she finally narrated in the goofiest voice she could muster, "Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs." As she pronounced her line, Elsa made the Olaf's little stick arms wiggle around. Just hearing her own voice sound so funny made her giggle a little.

Elsa watched as Anna gasped delightedly right before she ran forward and gave the lopsided snowman a hug.

"I love you Olaf!" the tiny princess exclaimed—slurring the L's a little—and lingered in the hug for a long moment, but—unlike Elsa—Anna could get cold fairly easily so she had to let go soon.

After a short lived snowball fight, Elsa watched as her sister giggled violently and collapsed onto the snowy ground. She followed suit and gently lay down beside Anna.

As she began making snow angels, Elsa let the wonder of the moment sink in. Anna was so elated that no amount of her big sister's shushing could get her to quit laughing, and to be honest the older girl preferred it that way. The feeling of crisp snow ran up her body, even tingling the scalp behind her blond braid. It didn't really feel cold to her, in fact, it felt as though she had forgotten what the perfect temperature was until she sank into the frozen fluff.

Elsa hadn't been lying down for very long before Anna got up again and began sliding down a snowbank that was piled against a wall. Elsa joined her, deciding that she could sacrifice her moment of reflection to have more fun.

Before long, Anna got bored of the sliding game and instead decided to jump off of the highest snow peak she could find.

"Catch me!" she laughed, not concerned at all that she was in danger of falling onto the hard, icy ground.

Elsa, who was concerned, created a snow pile just high enough to catch her sister. However, instead of climbing down as the older princess expected, Anna jumped again, this time higher. Elsa—trying not to get too nervous—caught Anna again and again, until the younger girl was far too high up and the older was far too panicked. The last time Anna jumped, Elsa knew that she was too late to catch her in the air, so instead she aimed at the ground with every bit of focus she had.

Anna landed safely in a huge snow drift, created only seconds before she hit the ground. Elsa watched anxiously as the force of the landing caused the little princess to sink almost a foot into the snow.

"Anna!" she yelled as she ran to check on her sister. Anna had to be ok.

Elsa looked down into the snow pile Anna had fallen into, wondering how she could live with herself if her sister was hurt, when all of the sudden- "Tada!" Anna flew out of the snow, causing a small shower of the stuff, "Let's do it again!" She yelled.

"How about let's not," Elsa sighed, trying to hide how shaken she was behind a thin smile.

That was too close. She could feel a thin layer of ice cover her hands, her shoes were now crystallized; even the room seemed colder in response to her fear.

A second later and she would've hit Anna.

Elsa stood silently for a second, still stunned by what had happened, but before she could gain her bearings a tiny hand had shoved a snowball in her face.

"Bet you can't catch me!" Anna teased while slipping and sliding away from her older sister. Elsa laughed and played along; still thinking about the moment she almost didn't catch her.

As the years passed, Elsa and Anna were always there for each other. When Anna was bored, Elsa would play dolls with her, or even build a snowman. When Elsa was sick of learning the history of every European country on the map, Anna would without fail find a way to distract her, which—even though she protested— Elsa was very grateful for.

Anna was always the best at making friends, partially due to some people's fear of Elsa's abilities. The younger princess could endear even the coldest of the palace staff, while her sister always seemed to have the power to put a freeze on conversation just like everything else. However, Elsa was still a master of manners and—to Anna— seemed infinitely graceful.

Anna on the other hand. . . well she wasn't.

She made it a habit to break an arm or leg almost every month, normally from climbing a tree or trying to steal a sweet roll from the kitchens ('I mean whose idea was it to keep iron skillets hanging from the ceiling, anyone could knock themselves out!'). Also, no matter how hard her etiquette instructor tried to teach her to balance a book on her head ('while in heels!' She would argue) or especially to "speak when spoken to", she just couldn't seem to get it right.

Despite all this, the sisters did have a few things in common, namely the love of chocolate, parties, each other, and their parents. When one of those was taken away their world started to crack around the edges.

It was just waiting to be shattered.

"Elsa?" Anna called from the hallway outside of her sister's room. She and Elsa had gotten the news three days ago, and Elsa hadn't come out since.

Every day that week Anna had done the same thing: she took a plate of food to her sister at meal times and then snuck away to her parent's room. Once she got into the cold, empty, quarters she would collapse into her mother's dresses—they still smelled of her perfume—or cry over her father's pictures until some worker, usually Kai, would pull her out of the room.

She could tell that they wanted to scold her for acting so un-princess like, but they just didn't have the heart. So she would spend the rest of the day wandering aimlessly around the palace.

Usually, she ended up in the art gallery, where she could find some peace and quiet. She liked to dream that she was inside the paintings, their worlds seemed much more lively than her own at the moment. Sometimes, though, she got a creepy, shiver-down-the-spine feeling that her parents' portrait was watching even from behind the black shroud that covered it.

Well, after three days of that, Anna decided that she couldn't stand to mope around anymore; she had to be there for Elsa, so there she was at her sister's door.

'After all,' she thought, 'I don't know how I would respond—how I could respond—if I had to face the–the stuff Elsa's facing right now, with the kingdom and all.'

So Anna knocked on the door. She could actually feel the cold radiating out of the cracks and through the wood of the door. It was as though it wanted to escape, 'Maybe just like Elsa,' she thought.

"Please Elsa, I know you're in there," Anna called, she still wasn't quite sure where she was going with this but she knew she had to say something.

She could feel hot tears welling up in her eyes, but she was trying so hard not to let her voice quaver; she needed to be strong for both of them, "Listen, people are wondering where you've been. The staff is nervous, you're people need you. I-I need you."

Despite all her efforts her voice cracked on that last sentence.

"Elsa, at least we've got each other," the princess sighed no longer feeling very royal or even strong at all, "Do you wanna build a-"

And the door opened.

There stood Elsa, no longer looking like her usual regal self, it was obvious that she'd been crying for the entire three days she'd been in that room. Anna was especially shocked by the state of the room itself, it was completely frozen over, some of the wood furnishings had even begun to crack from the strain of the ice.

After only a moment of silence, Anna collapsed into her sister's arms. She didn't care that Elsa was so cold that it made her skin sting, Anna just couldn't go on alone any more.

Apparently, neither could Elsa. She didn't blubber around like Anna, who was—at the moment—wiping her nose on the sleeve of her dress. However, while she was holding her sister, trying her best to be comforting, she did let silent tears fall from her eyes.

They quickly froze on her cheeks.

In a small dark room lit only by the glow of a fireplace and filled with only meager furnishings, a man sat thinking. His eyes were staring intently into the fire. They looked like they were blue flames themselves: alive, flickering, intimidating.

The man looked quite out of place in the pathetic looking room. He was dressed in clothes fit for royalty, complete with a hooded cape, although on second look one would notice that the shirt was weather worn and his pants a bit tight fitting.

Another man quickly rapped on the door and walked in, a messenger. He was obviously put on edge by the presence of the dark figure. After all, he had been given the letter under very strange circumstances by a very strange man. . . but it was his job and the man had paid well.

"Ahem. . . delivery," he announced, nervously tapping his fingers against his leg. He really didn't like the looks of this place.

Although the messenger was sure that the cloaked man had heard him, he made no movement or sound to suggest that he was going to take the letter—a folded piece of parchment sealed with a black wax crest.

Now rather perturbed, as he had several other stops to make, the messenger sat the letter on a small side table, walked briskly out of the room, and closed the door. He couldn't have been happier to leave.

As soon as he heard the door squeak closed, the man by the fire stood up and grabbed the letter. It contained only a simple message, with no name or address given:

The king and queen of Arrendale are dead.

A wicked smile played over the man's features behind his hood.

"How unfortunate," he drawled out loud to himself, "and without a successor of age too."

This gave the man plenty of time to prepare. How lucky for him that Arrendale was so open about its royal affairs, he would never have known in time if it wasn't.

Once he finished thinking over the letter, the man walked to the fireplace and stuck his whole hand into the flames, letter and all. He let the paper burn and crumble to ashes before he removed his hand. Once removed, it was still on fire. He watched it burn—not even flinching.

In a few seconds the fire in his hand extinguished; the skin wasn't scorched, it hadn't even blistered.

IMPORTANT A/N: This will NOT be a "fire and ice" centric story, despite what you just read might lead you to believe. It's got way more to it than that. Besides, if it was, I would have said so in the summary.