The story takes place after Discord has been reformed. The mane six, all but Fluttershy are still unsure of this transformation.

There are a few sexual scenes throughout the story so be warned.

Fluttershy was walking around her yard, feeding each and every animal. It was tiring work but somepony had to do it. She had just finished and as she turned around she looked up to see Discord bowing in front of her.

"Hello my dear Fluttershy, it's a pleasure to see you again."

"H-hello Discord, nice to see you a-again" She squeaked.

He then rubs his paw under her chin.

"It's always a pleasure to be in your presence my dear."

Fluttershy's face begins to blush as she looks down"

He notices this and raises an eyebrow staring at her.

"Are you okay Fluttershy?"

She feels him lay his paw under her chin again softly raising her head to see him.

"Y-yeah I''m fine"

"You seem to be blushing my dear"
He gently rubs her cheek.

This causes her to blush a brighter red.

"I...I'm not blushing...I must be warm from feeding the animals.."

He places his paw on her face.

"hmm you don't seem warm."

"I-it's nothing..."

She looks down trying to hide her face but Discord soon turns small and appears in her mane.

"I believe it is something my dear Fluttershy" He says with a grin.

She squeaks and holds her face with her hoof in an attempt to hide her blushing.

Discord smiles and looks right at her.

"You are so cute when you do that" He says dreamily.

She squeaks and faints but Discord catches her before she could hit the ground

Soon she opens her eyes to see that she is in Discord's arms. She quickly hugs him.

"T-thank you..."

"You're very welcome my dear Fluttershy"

They exchange romantic glances for a while.

"You look rather beautiful"

Fluttershy blushes a crimson red and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and quickly turns away.

"I'm sorry my dear..."

She turns back around to face him.

"S-sorry about wh-"

She is interrupted by a kiss on the lips.

"For that."