Happy Endings

Time was running slower now. They didn't have a threat lurking around them and their lives had become much calmer. Regina was enjoying having her mother with her and she was gaining a little more weight than she would have wanted because Cora kept cooking for her and her growing baby. Her belly was bigger and Emma loved putting her hands on it and feeling the light kicking from their son.

The palace was no longer gloomy because Tinker Bell had made it a chore to brighten it up to be more welcoming for the soon to come child. She got rid of the furniture she found too aggressive or boring and put all of what Jasmine had given them in their wedding. It made the place look much warmer and relaxed with the many pillows littered over the rugs in the great room.

Cora would often argue with the ex-fairy about her bad taste but she would let her do as she pleased in the end, because she had grown to love her like a daughter too. She wished she had given Regina a little sister and was happy Tink had become just that. A cheerful sweet sister and friend they could rely on.

Emma would often come and go to her parent's realm to let them know about Regina's pregnancy progress. Even when most of their friends had embraced their union, there were still some who didn't want to see either of them in the kingdom. She didn't really care but she didn't want to trouble her parents, so she kept her visits short and punctual.

She would come when they had to solve things concerning the welfare of the realm and business, because she would inherit the throne after her parent's passed away and she had to learn everything with precision to keep the kingdom thriving.

They continued doing business with King Ardan Jones through Killian. He had insisted to his father that he could do it after having come to Emma's wedding with Regina. They soon learned he had met Tinker Bell in that party and even shared a dance with her. It wasn't too hard to guess why the fairy had decided to live a human life now and they were happy when they announced they would be getting married the following year.

Emma was back home after a tiring day with her father in the country. They had to visit their farmers to see how they could help them improve their production so they could export more of their produce. She felt her feet throbbing and summoned a hot bath for her whole body to relax. She was starting to fall asleep inside the tub when she heard Regina give a painful moan. She immediately opened her eyes and rushed out of the tub.

Emma was dressed in an instant with magic and she was helping Regina get to their bed.

- "Cora! CORA! It is time!" She yelled.

Cora quickly appeared and summoned a basin with warm water and clean towels.

- "It's okay, honey, it will hurt for a moment but all will be forgotten when you have him in your arms." Her mother said lovingly whilst wiping Regina's forehead with a clean rag.

Regina continued panting holding Emma's arm firmly. Emma could almost feel her arm breaking because of how strongly her wife was tugging. She kissed her temple and encouraged her to push. Tinker Bell came as well and helped Cora with changing the stained towels for new ones.

- "Snow… Emma. You have to get her." Regina said between pushes.
- "What? Oh, right. She would never forgive me." Emma remembered her mother had ordered her to bring her when the time came.
- "But I don't want to leave your side." She struggled.
- "This is going to take a while, sweetheart, you can come and go in a blink of an eye." Cora said to her daughter-in-law with serenity.
- "Okay. I won't be long." Emma said before vanishing in a golden mist.

She appeared in her parent's bedchambers and was glad they were sitting by the hearth reading books. Emma told them it was time now and Regina was in labor. Her father agreed to let Snow accompany her daughter and he would stay in his palace because they couldn't both leave at the same time. Emma appeared with her mother next to Regina's bed and continued cheering for her.

As hours continued to pass and Regina's pain became worse Emma was growing more anxious. She started regretting getting her pregnant in the first place. She cursed herself mentally for causing her wife so much trouble.

Regina had suffered the first months of nausea and hormonal imbalance. She had to deal with her body changing into a shape she said was unflattering, even when Emma considered it an object of her worship. This was all her fault.

- "Can we call the Blue Fairy?" Emma asked her mother with despair.
- "Not unless there is no other way. This is normal, Emma." Her mother told her.
- "How can this be normal? She started last night and the sun is already rising behind us!" Emma was frustrated and desperate.
- "Love, I'm fine. It is just... a little painful but I can do it." Regina tried to appease her, ironically, what made Emma's guilt only worsen.
- "He's coming! I can see the head." Cora announced with excitement.

Everyone recovered their breath and even pushed together with Regina, what made the pregnant woman chuckle mentally. They seemed to be even more strained than she was. She did have immeasurable pain and felt like her bones where shattering to make room for the wicked brat to come through, but it was humorous how Emma was trembling and sweating as if she would die any moment.

A loud cry made them stop suffering and Cora showed them a little boy still covered in blood to assure them they had a healthy vigorous baby. Regina smiled broadly and Emma sighed deeply but she nearly fainted when Snow told her she should be the one to cut her son's cord and gave her the gold scissors that would do the job. She gulped and gathered her courage and did what she was meant to do and Regina kissed her proudly.

Tinker Bell helped cleaning the baby and let Snow wrap him in a lovely blanket Granny had weaved for him. It was similar to the one she had made for Emma but it had a different name on it.

- "Henry." Regina said as Snow White placed the baby in her arms.

It was her father's name what they had chosen for their first-born in honor of his memory. Cora cried hearing the name and seeing her own child bring a new life to this world. It was a miracle and magic on its own to give birth and this baby was anything but ordinary.

The newborn slowly opened his eyes revealing a green gaze like one of his mother's. Emma let her own tears pour out and kissed her wife again feeling overwhelmed and extremely honored with the beautiful child she had granted her. He was just too perfect and innocent.

Regina gave her the baby so she could carry him in her arms but Emma was very nervous to take him. He looked so small and fragile she feared holding him too loosely and dropping him or too tightly and breaking him.

- "Don't be silly. You will do just fine." Regina smiled at her.

Emma was careful and received the child in her arms. Her tears trickled down her cheeks as she leaned to place a kiss on his tender forehead. The little boy looked at her with curiosity and then lifted his tiny hand glowing in pale blue. She touched it with her finger and he curled his tiny fingers around it, the gleam disappearing from his magical hand.

They were all so thankful for this new chapter in their lives that would only bring joy and a happy ending their way but decided to wait until Henry was three months old to present the little heir in court.

News had already traveled across realms about the magical baby born in the Dark Palace. Some were excited to meet him and others were terrified about his background. He was a child born from darkness and light that had magic and could easily lean toward evil if not guided right. He presented a threat for the conservative but hope for those who believed in second chances.

It was time to present the little prince in the Enchanted Forest. Snow had prepared a beautiful ceremony like she had always liked doing. It was her grandson after all and a future King her people would have to follow without question.

Snow White and Charming presented Emma and Regina first, so both mothers would then present their baby with solemnity. Emma held the little boy in her hands high in the air and everyone bowed in reverence to the little prince.

Baby Henry cooed in happiness and his tiny hands shimmered in pale blue. Small white petals started to fall from above them inside the palace and everyone looked up in surprise. They didn't feel scared because it was a beautiful show what prince Henry was doing. He was showing them a glimpse of what his heart had for his future subjects. It was light and gentleness. He was just True Love's Product in the end.

Regina smiled at Emma and received the baby from her wife. She went to sit close to her parents in law's thrones to sing a lullaby to her now sleepy child. Everyone was pleased with the ceremony and left the palace with a warm feeling in their hearts. Those petals that had touched them carried the seed of hope and forgiveness to soothe their spirits and change the minds of the few who were still holding a grudge against the magical family.

And they lived happily ever after.

The End