I think I know when he first discovered me. I was younger, and crazy, letting it go and breaking free... I was quite the controversial queen with my loose hair, swishy gown and my palace of ice but I was all alone and didn't care.

I could be who I was, and not be judged. I could test my powers and get a real grip on what I could do. I imagine he enjoyed seeing me break loose like that, and the look in his eyes even to this day shows that my powers, which almost rival his, are still the focus of his bewilderment in regard to me.

Those years are gone, but he still stayed by my side every now and again when he felt he had the time to laze around and just enjoy my presence, and I in turn, and unknowingly, enjoyed his.

A breath of fresh, crisp, cold air whenever he passes me by. A pleasant draft the the heat of summer, to save me from having to use my own powers... I have to say I should have realised it sooner.

Distant chuckles, snow pranks, and ice that I can't control... They were all signs as if to say, "Hey, I'm here and I exist, I just don't want to you know that just yet."

I think I only began to see him a few years ago now, usually flitting around the tops of my ice castle and no doubt still finding things to ogle at in regard to my knack for structure and design.

And me too... I've caught him staring at me from the corner of my eye, and wandering the kingdom streets after me, like a lost puppy. He's persistent but at the same time too shy. I wish he would just show himself.

I've tried telling him I know he's there, but not enough to scare him away. I leave the doors and windows ajar at night, despite my sister and her husbands incessant 'scolding' me for it, so he can get in, and I sometimes leave little ice presents for him by the window sill.

He seems to like the bunnies, since I always see them rearranged when I wake up.

He's just so darling, and it seems he never ages like I do. And yet, no matter how old I am nearly three years onward from the time we met, he still finds me fascinating.

I sat by the window, staring out at the night sky, one winter and decided I'd catch him unaware once more. I gazed at the sparkling snowflake like stars and sighed. I can't say it's love, I hardly know him, and he seems to have more of a little crush on me than a desire for something more. Of course, if that had been his intention, then he wasn't doing a very good job making any advances.

Perhaps I should be more direct, and take the lead. Let him know loud and clear that I know he's there, and it's okay.

A sudden flash of white crossed the sky, and my interest perked up. It bounced and bobbed in mid air before landing on the rooftop of the family castle, far on the other side.

Thinking quickly, I feigned slumber and hoped he wouldn't be deterred. I rested my head against the frame of the window, and excited frost covering it lightly as I tried to contain myself.

No sooner had I closed my eyes, did I feel a pleasant breeze make its way past my nose, my loose hair lifting and falling with its movement.

I kept my facade up and waited, my heartbeat was fast and I felt a cold sweat forming on my forehead as for the first time we sat face to face.

I felt him shift his weight on the window sill, and then his cold breath on my face as he slowly dared to creep closer.

He pushed aside some hair from my eyes and I broke out in chills and goosebumps as he touched my face. I didn't think I could keep it up much longer.

"What are you sleeping over here for? You'll catch a cold..."

I heard him speak for the first time. His voice was older than I thought it would be, but it held such a concern and care in its tone. I resisted the urge to pull away from the human contact as he ... Less than effortlessly... Tried to pick me up to take me to my bed.

Instead he resigned to bringing a blanket and a pillow to me.

I fought back a giggle as the young man struggled to keep me 'asleep' as he place the pillow behind my neck. If only he knew the cold never really bothered me. Or perhaps he did know but was just paranoid. It was a sweet gesture nonetheless.

"Ah... The things you do for love, am I right?" He jokingly whispered stroking my hair.

If it weren't for my equal fascination with him, and to be frank if he were anyone else at all, I'd have had him arrested on the spot and felt violated beyond forgiveness, and to top it off I'd introduce him to my favourite living snowman... Well... The big spiky one anyway.

But this was different. Though I admit I hardly know him, he means me no harm, as clearly demonstrated by the way he tried to tuck me in, and over the years it almost feels as if I've come to know him.

He got up and I was confused as I heard no footsteps, but then when he spoke again it was from far away.

"Wow, you sure have a whole lot of these sculptures. I wonder if you-" he trailed off and laughed at himself.

"As if..."

A pause, and then I felt the breeze of his moment change to around my bed area again.

It wad then I remembered he could fly. When I was younger I heard tales from my books (that hadn't frozen together) and instructors about a young man who never grew up, who went to visit a young girl every night. I doubted this boy was the same one, but it's put a whole new perspective on the matter for me.

I peeked an eye open and had a look at him. He was of an average height, and had this oddly spiky, snowy hair, and equally fair skin. His clothing was nothing short of foreign and a bit shabby in my opinion. The sleeves and collar of his sweater-looking thing were dusted with little icy webs of frost and snowflakes, and he carried a ridiculously large wooden cane.

I finally let out a snort, and he froze where he hovered, whipping back just in time to see me close my eye, my smirk still in place.

My heartbeat sped up again, and I held my breath as I anticipated his response.


Suddenly, I felt the window blow open...

I opened my eyes and he was gone.

"Oh... He left." I whispered, standing up and gazing around outside, hanging half out the window and hoping to catch a glimpse of him.

My heart sank and I sighed. Maybe I... Maybe there was a few harboured feelings I held for the delicate, and elusive young man. I closed the window, but not before silently calling out, "I'll catch you one day! Just you wait and see!"

I hitched the latch on the window, and with a heavy heart made my way to my bed and threw myself across it with a huge sigh as I met the mattress.

I flipped over and stared at the forever-icicle covered ceiling and closed my eyes. One day I'd catch that little snowflake.


I hovered above the balcony, staring at the now locked window. I swear, this has never happened before, and if I'd know she knew about me I'd...

I sighed and rubbed my face roughly, mentally scolding myself for being too obvious. For three years, every chance I get I fly up to the hidden away kingdom of Arendelle where this... Amazing snow queen lives.

I just take one look at her and its like the world suddenly doesn't exist! Her powers are so great, and from a human no less, that it was almost annoying how they rivalled my own.

I'm the freaking spirit of winter darnit! Why can't I sprout magical castles and overly intricate statues out of nowhere? And I swear she's got that whole living-things-made-of-snow idea down pat. Puts my efforts to shame, but oh! How I just...

I floated through and pressed my forehead against the window. It's silly, and it's totally not gonna happen, I can just tell, but man does she make me wonder...

"I'll never find another one like you... For a long, long time. I know it."I whispered before deciding to leave.

"I'll see you next year when it's time to bring winter to Arendelle..." I muttered.

Relationships are a real pain when you're, you know, immortal and invisible and all? I dunno, I've got a whole lot of time to work it out. No need to rush things. Then again, I suppose I kind of forgot she doesn't exactly have the next hundred years for me to make a move.

But then... She's a queen for winters sake! How does one simply 'make a move' on a not only extremely important political figure, but also one with ice sorcery to boot!?

I paused in my flight, taking one glance back at the castle where she slept now.

"Good night I guess... Elsa..." And then I was off.

Like I said... I'll figure it out. Next winter. This time I'll actually do it... Next winter...