Chapter One: Through the Veil

Warnings: I do not own HP or Spartacus. I wish I did though:( I own my story and plot and any possible characters I add in which is unlikely.

Author's note: So, this will be my first HP crossover and I must say I'm a little nervous about it. I always thought an HP and Spartacus crossover would be awesome and, if I remember correctly, there are some out there, only I'm going to be doing mine a little different as I always do lol:p to those that are also fans of the Spartacus TV show PLEASE let me know if I forget any characters you guys deem important! There's just so many and since I'm going by seasons it's going to be hard for me to remember you dies when and who come in and who leaves and all that stuff so help with characters would be very nice! Also since this is a fanfic I'm not necessarily going by history, you'll see as I go through this but I'll be following history while not following history pretty much. Hope you guys like it!:)

FULL SUMMARY: Harry's been abused by the Dursley's for as long as he can remember. After nearly losing Sirius at the department Harry's had enough. Tired of the abuse and being neglected by those he thought loved him all summer he decides to it's time to end it and goes back to the veil and jumps through. What Harry wasn't expecting, though, is to end up hundreds of years in the past and ends up meeting one of the most powerful men in history, Spartacus. Spartacus wants to hide and protect Harry for as long as he can from his masters and during their time together brings feelings. With the meeting of these two unlikely people, history will never be the same.



Chapter One: Through the Veil

(Also just to let ya'll know I'm going to go ahead and have Spartacus' wife dead. For my story it'll make since.)

Harry's POV:

I was still laying on the floor where Uncle Vernon had left me. He'd been gone for an hour now but I was just in too much pain to even think about getting up.

Summer holiday had only been on for three weeks and during that time Vernon had beaten me for pretty much everything. To make matters worse not one of my so called friends has bothered to write to me. Not even Sirius or Remus.

'Probably blame me for all that had happened at the Ministry.' I thought sadly and turned my head slowly so I could see outside some. 'Maybe it would've been better if I had let Voldemort kill me that day. That way no one would be in danger anymore.' I thought and sighed when I heard Hedwig tapping at the window.

Since summer started I had made a point to let Hedwig out for all day hunting trips so Vernon couldn't touch her. She hated, being a smart bird she knew I was being beaten, and frequently came back shortly after Vernon leaves to see me. I tried to stop her at first, but it was obvious that she wouldn't so I made her leave five minutes after she came.

Slowly, I began to stand up and tried to ignore the world as it spun and walked to the window to let Hedwig in. The second the window of open enough for her to slip through she landed gently on my shoulders and nipped my ear lovingly before rubbing her head against my cheek, not caring she was getting blood on her pure white feathers.

"Hey girl, nice to see you today." I told her and she hooted softly at me and nipped my ear again. "Even though you're in danger here, it seems that you're my only friend, the only one who hasn't abandoned me here." I told her and she just looked at me with her big eyes.

I walked over to my dresser and got her a treat and petted her as she ate it.

"BOY!" Vernon yelled making me jump.

'He just left and locked the door! What could I have possibly done now?!' I thought and walked, well limped, as fast as I could to the window. "Hedwig you have to leave girl! Vernon's coming back and he'll kill you if he sees you!" I urged her but she just clamped tighter to my shirt. "Please girl, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. Please leave, I'll be fine." I told her and she looked at me then out the window then back at me before nipping my ear once more and flew out the window but I watched her land on a tree directly across the street and stared back at me clearly saying she wasn't going to far.

"I closed the window and turned just as Vernon unlocked all the locks and slammed the door open, his angry purple face glaring at me with eyes that wanted nothing more than to see me dead.

"WHERE'S THAT BLOODY PIGEON OF YOURS?!" He asked and I felt my heart stop. He had seen Hedwig.

"I-I don't know what you're t-talking about uncle." I said and backed away in fear as he got closer and stood over me making feel like a mouse.

"DON'T YOU LIE TO ME BOY! I JUST SAW THAT BLOODY THING FLY THROUGH THAT WINDOW! NOW WHERE IS IT! TELL ME OR I SWEAR YOU'LL REGRET IT!" He yelled and I looked out the window out of the corner of my eye and saw Hedwig sitting there watching me, just knowing she was there and I wasn't alone made me feel some hope.

"She wasn't here uncle, no bird flew into this room, I swear." I said calmly and he turned a deeper shade of purple and hit me across the face.

"YOU'LL REGRET LYING TO ME BOY! TELL ME WHERE THAT THING IS NOW!" he yelled and punched me in the stomach making me fall to the floor where he began to kick and punch in part of me he could reach.

Vernon finally stopped and walked out of the room and I thought that was the end of it and tried to stand up only to feel a foot stomp on my side and keep me in place. "I'm through with you boy!" he said and I looked up to see he had a butcher knife in his hand. I got really scared then and tried to get out from under his foot but he stomped harder and I felt more than heard the crack and I cried out in pain.

My cry turned to a scream when I felt Vernon lift his foot and stab my right side. He twisted it and I screamed louder, never had I felt such pain before. Sure Vernon's stabbed me a few times in the past, hell I even have some burn marks along my stomach from where he held me on the stove for burning his dinner, but this, this was worse than any of those put together.

Maybe it was because he truly aimed to kill me this summer, or even today by the looks of it, or maybe it was because I was already in so much pain that this just made it worse. Either way, I wished for death right then.

Vernon yanked the knife out causing more pain and sliced my arm open before standing up and staring at me. "I didn't hit any vitals, I want you died but I'm having to much fun right now. Just know that you will not survive this summer." he threatened and walked out of my room, not even bothering to close or lock it knowing I was way to weak to even lift my head.

"H-Hedwig, I'm sorry girl." I told her barely above a whisper and as my world went black it seemed like Hedwig was trying to get in harder.


A few hours later I woke up in the same spot I was earlier and all the pain come back at once. I groaned and slowly turned to see that Hedwig had perched herself at my window and hadn't left. I smiled at her and tried to get up and groaned in pain as my body unwillingly let me up. I limped over to her and opened the window and she flew in and landed on my shoulder as gently as she could and just starred at me.

"I-I'm ok girl." I told her but I could see in her eyes she didn't believe me.

I sighed and looked back outside and wondered who was watching me tonight.

'Why don't they stop him? They have to hear my screams.' I thought and looked back at Hedwig. "You should probably head out Hedwig, I don't know if and when he'll be back but I know he'll kill you if he sees you. I can't let that happen. Go somewhere safe, please." I begged her and she starred at me before rubbing her face on my cheek and flew off to somewhere safe for the night.

'I wish I could follow you.' I thought then limped over to my bed and fell asleep as soon as my head it the pillow with my last thought being.

'I have to write them a letter tomorrow.'


I woke up to the sound of Vernon stomping up the stairs and to my room. I jumped straight up when he slammed my door open and scooted to the wall when he glared at me.

"Those freaks are expecting a letter from you today. You are to tell them that everything is fine and normal here and I will read it before you let that pigeon of yours take it." he said and I nodded quickly before flinching when he got closer and yanked me to my desk and sat me down hard on the chair.

"Write." was all he said and I nodded before picking up my quill and parchment and began to write.


I'm fine. The Dursley's have left me alone and I've been working on my school work because of how bored I've been!
Can't wait to see everyone, when am I allowed to come to you guys? Anyways, like I said I'm fine and no need to worry.



Once I was done, which took my a while because of my injuries, I leaned back and let Vernon read over my shoulder. I looked up at him and he nodded his approval and left just as Hedwig flew onto my desk.

These letters are the only times I know Vernon won't touch her. He knows that if she dies then the letters stop and the Order will show up then wanting answers. I just worry he'll get mad enough and forget that so I keep her safely out of his reach when it's not letter days.

I turned to make sure he really was gone before pulling out another letter from my desk drawer and looked at it.

Unlike the letter I wrote just now, this one tells how I truly feel. This letter also holds my goodbyes to those closet to me and my apologies for all these years and just what it is a plan on doing.

Once the Dursley's leave for the movies I'm apparating to the room that holds the Veil.

I looked at Hedwig and smiled sadly at her.

"I'm going to miss you girl." I told her and petted her feathers gently as she rubbed against my hand making me smile a little. When I heard Vernon coming back I quickly tied both letter to Hedwig and she took off just as Vernon came to the door.

"Send that letter yet boy?" he asked and I nodded at him. "Good. We're going to the movies now and I left a list of chores I expect done when we get home. I don't think I need to tell you what will happen if you don't." he said and I nodded at him and he left.

I waited until their car was out of site before slowly walking out of my room, down the stairs, and through the back door. Once I was outside I looked around to make sure no one was there before concentrating on the Veil and apparated.

That's one thing no one knew about me, I had learned to do wandless magic and actually had an animagus form. I knew they'd know I had apparated whether with a wand or not since I didn't have my license yet.

But with what I plan to do, I don't really care if I get expelled since I won't be around long enough to get the letter.

I landed a few feet from the Veil and looked around to make sure no one was there before slowly walking up to it and stopped right in front of it.

'This is it.' I thought and took a deep breath and was about to step in when I heard running behind me.

"Harry no! Don't do this!" came Sirius' voice and I closed my eyes at the sound of it. His voice always gave me the feeling of safe, but it didn't matter now.

I turned and saw everyone I held close to me staring at me with tears and Sirius clutching my suicide letter.

"Don't do this pup, please. We didn't know what was happening in that house and we're so sorry for not writing you. No ones mad at you, everyone loves you and wants you safe. You can come live with me, just like we planned in your third year, we'll be a family and all your friends can come and go as they please. We'll get you healed up and make the Dursley's pay for hurting you. We'll fix this pup, just please come to me and step away from the Veil." Sirius begged and I looked at him then at everyone else before looking back at him and smiled and saw Hedwig staring at me from his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Sirius, I just can't fight anymore. I'm just so tired. Tired of the abuse, tired of being in the dark, tired of feeling alone, and tired of the guilt that seems to build each year. I wish I could come to you Siri, but I just can't. I love you all, goodbye." I said and stepped backwards into the Veil before they could stop me and my world went black.

How was the first chapter? I'm quite excited about this crossover and I hope all of you enjoy it:) next chapter will be up sometime tomorrow or Friday so be on the look out:) reviews are very wanted and feed backs and advice welcome:)