Harry Potter is property of J.K. Rowling and Frozen is property of Disney.

Summary: Elementals are unique, powerful, and everyday people just like you and me. Elsa, queen of Arendelle, has had her story and now it's time for another. Harry Potter similar powers to the Ice Queen and we will follow his life as he travels through the wizarding world learning to control his powers.

Harry slept peacefully in his bedroom within Potter Manor. A mansion that his family had held for the last century or more. Harry didn't know how long, he didn't care much to be honest. Being six years old made any kind of history dreadfully boring.

His room was furnished like one would expect a child's room to be; a toy chest in one corner, a large dresser against the the wall opposite of his bed, which had thick red and gold covers to protect the six year old from the cold. Oddly enough, the boy slept on top of the blankets rather than underneath them.

The door slowly creaked open and a small head peaked in. A small girl with short red pigtails and green eyes eyed the figure on the bed, she let out a giggle but clamped a hand over her mouth in an attempt to be quiet. She tiptoed her way silently over to the bed and poked the sleeping boy.

"Harry! Psst! Harry!" She whispered before crawling onto the bed and on top of Harry, "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" She urged.

Harry groaned tiredly as he was awoken, "Ugh, Anna go back to sleep." He groaned.

Anna, still on top of Harry, flopped onto her back, "I just can't! The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!" She said exasperated. How did her brother not understand the need to play all the time?

"Go play by yourself." Harry grumbled with a smile before lightly shoving Anna of his bed. He closed his eyes and cuddled back into his pillow.

Anna sat on the wooden floor, thinking of a way to get her older brother to come play. Then, an idea struck her. There was one thing in the world that Harry enjoyed doing above all else. Anna hopped back on the bed and pried one of Harry's eyes open.

"You wanna build a snowman?" She said with a smirk, knowing that this would do the trick.

Harry opened both eyes and gave a smile. His sister knew him to well and knew all the right things to say to get him to do anything she wanted.

Before they knew it, they were scampering down the halls. Anna was giggling happily and Harry was trying to keep her quiet, although he had a huge smile on his face as well. They finally arrived at their destination, the ballroom. It hadn't been used in decades but was still immaculately clean and was the only place large enough for what they wanted to do.

"Do the magic, do the magic!" Anna squealed excitedly, unable to control her excitement any longer.

Harry smiled and gestured her to come close. His hands lit up with blue lights and snowflakes began to drift off of them. Anna's eyes got large in wonder and amazement. Harry now held a floating, glowing snowball in his hands.

"You ready?" He asked, Anna nodded her head vigorously.

Harry launched the snowball skyward where it broke apart near the ceiling, causing snow to fall. Anna's face lit up in joy, she hopped from foot to foot, so happy that she could no longer contain it.

"This is amazing!" She cried happily.

Harry caught his sister's attention, "Watch this." He said and stomped his foot on the ground. Ice spread out from his foot, causing a surface that was as smooth as glass to be under their feet.

Anna couldn't take it anymore, she dove head first into one of the snow piles that had quickly accumulated. She came out covered in snow and laughing her head off. That seemed to break the dam for Harry, because he dove right on in with her. They started to build a snowman, he was oddly shaped and didn't have any arms but Anna seemed to love him. She gave him a hug and named him Barry.

Next, Harry began to use his powers to create an icy wind that pushed Him, Anna, and Barry around the frozen ground. Harry used his powers to create a ice slide. He and Anna both went down which caused them to fly into the snow bank. Anna stood up and threw snow into the air, laughing all the way. She jumped off the snow bank and Harry created a mound of snow underneath her so that she wouldn't slip and hurt herself. Anna jumped again and Harry created a taller mound to catch her. Anna laughed and found she liked this game.

"Catch me!" She yelled joyfully and jumped again.

Harry caught her again causing her to be about six feet in the air. She jumped and again, he caught her, eight feet. So trusting in her brother, she began to jump faster. Harry then noticed with a start that she was getting too high and she was going too fast, he had trouble keeping up.

"Slow down!" He cautioned but Anna didn't seem to hear, too caught up in her game.

She was now sixteen feet in the air and that's where it all went wrong. Anna took a jump too fast and Harry jerked his body so that he could aim underneath her properly, this caused him to slip. Anna jumped again, she had her eyes closed so trusting of her older brother to catch her.

"Anna!" Harry cried and flung his arms out in the hopes of catching her. His blast of ice magic hit her in the head, pushing her enough to fall into one of the snowbanks. It saved her from a nasty fall but she wasn't moving. Harry rushed to her and held her in his arms.

"Anna!" He cried, she didn't respond. Suddenly, a streak began to appear in her hair, a blonde white streak. He began hyperventilating.

"Mum! Dad!" He cried in panic, He didn't notice but ice began to form on every surface of the ballroom, creeping up the support beams and walls, the room had even dropped below freezing.

The doors burst open, causing some of the ice that had accumulated on it to break off. In strode James and Lily Potter, they had already heard their two children and were not in a big rush to stop their nightly play time. But when they heard Harry's cries, they had sprinted to the ballroom.

"Harry! What happened!" James asked concerned, he and Lily made their way over to their children making sure not to slip on the ice. Lily grabbed Harry in a hug and James picked up Anna.

"It was an accident!" Harry cried with tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"She's ice cold." James said in worry, Lily pulled out her wand and began to cast every healing charm she could think of.

"James, nothing's working!" She said frantically.

James handed Anna over to Lily, "I'm flooing Dumbledore." If any one would know what to do, the Headmaster would. They had approached him with questions when it became apparent that there was something different about their son.

Lily nodded and began casting everything she knew over their daughter, starting with a warming charm. Harry cried quietly into her nightgown which was beginning to turn hard with ice.

James strode back into the ballroom, the aged Headmaster following closely behind him.

"Headmaster!" Lily cried in relief.

"Let me see her." He said urgently, Lily adjusted her daughter in her arms so that the aged wizard could have a better view of her. Albus placed the back of his hand against her forehead, his eyes shut in concentration. "The damage is not great and can be removed." He said, the two parents wilted in relief. Albus placed the tip of his wand gently against her temple and muttered something in a language that neither of the two parents recognized. A blue light, the same color of Harry's magic, came out of the young girl's head following the headmaster's wand. He waved his wand and dispersed the ice magic into the air.

"She will be fine, all she needs is a bit of rest." He claimed, Lily hugged her daughter closer to her body in relief.

"Headmaster, what should we do?" James asked now holding Harry, "We've talked about this before, you told us that elementals would eventually learn to completely control their gifts. But we can't wait for Harry to learn, he needs to be able to control it now. We can't risk Anna's safety again." Harry gave a sharp sob against his shoulder.

"I know James, but there is no way for anyone to teach him control. He is the only current elemental that I know of. They are born maybe once every century, so there are none that can teach him." Albus paused, he cast a sleeping spell at Harry, the boy had been traumatized enough for one night. He didn't need to hear anything more about his powers.

"Lily, James, from what I've been able to gather, an elemental's powers are based off of emotion. The only way for one to completely gain control of their powers is for them to have complete control of their emotions. As you could guess, this would be near impossible for a six year old." The headmaster seemed to age ten years as he spoke.

"Could you, I don't know, put a block on his powers? Until he's ready to use them?" James asked, grasping at straws.

Dumbledore shook his head, "No, his powers are apart of him as much as magic is apart of you and I. Even more so actually. To block his powers would change him, he would no longer be the happy boy you know and love."

Lilly clutched Anna even harder to her chest. "What can we do Headmaster? What should we do?"

"I'm unsure my dear. I will look into it." He said resigned, it was rare for there to be a problem with magic that he could not solve. "My best guess however would be that you give him as a stable and happy environment as you can. His powers are directly linked to his emotions, but it seems that fear and other negative emotions lead to more volatile results." He glanced around at the frozen room that was now beginning to melt now that the one controlling it was asleep.

"Should we keep Him and Anna apart?" James asked and at Lily's startled look he added, "For the time being."

Albus shook his head, "I do not believe that wise. From what I've observed, there is nothing more that Harry loves more than his sister. He needs as much love as he can get. Help them get through this, try and make sure that Harry does not fear his powers, and above all make sure that Anna doesn't fear Harry. I am afraid that that would break him." Dumbledore added ominously.

"Thank you Headmaster, for everything." Lily said.

"Do not thank me my dear, I would consider it a crime to not help someone in need." The Headmaster made his leave but was stopped again my Lily.

"Sir, before you go, do you think you could tell me the spell you used on Anna? Incase this happens again and we can't reach you."

"It is not quite a spell and more of an art. It is very difficult to learn but I shall bring over a book on the topic upon my next visit. Good night Lily, James." He made his way to the floo.

Lily and James stood quietly holding their children, unsure of what to do. They decided that putting their children to bed would be the best choice but there was no chance that they themselves would be able to go back to sleep. There was too much to discuss, too much to think about, and too much to fear for.