A/N: So here we are, the third story I've started without A) knowing if I'll be able to finish it and B) finishing the stories I've started already. Do you guys hate me?

Anywho this is my first story for Fruits Basket, and I wouldn't have started it if I didn't have a lot of ideas, a lot of things worked out and a lot of love for the idea in full. Please review, don't kill me if my characters are OOC and enjoy!

Chapter One: Unnecessary Apologies

The stench of pain, blood and human wastes pervaded the twitching nostrils of the trembling young woman. Through the peepholes, she could see the wasting, broken body of her beloved, crouching and shivering, with little more than a loincloth to hide the weak body from whoever happened to be passing. The air was frigid, every breath of the three people hanging in the air like malicious spirits. The master smiled cruelly, nodding in response to Tohru's unspoken question. Taking a deep breath of the foul air and forcing a smile onto her face, she spoke a quiet greeting.

"How are you this week? I hope that you haven't gotten ill." It seemed feeble and pointless, and Tohru faltered, but at the sound of her hesitant voice, the tortured one's head rose, looking about in confusion. Identifying whose voice it was seemed to relax him, and he attempted a grin.

"Well, I can't say I'm any better, but I don't think I'm doing any worse either. What about you?" Tohru almost began crying at the raggedness of his voice and at his genuine concern for her when he was so obviously worse off. She steadied herself before answering.

"I'm fine." She trailed off, watching a serenity come over his features as he savored her words, insignificant as they were. She opened her mouth to say something, but it seemed so useless and meaningless, she stopped. She knew her time was short, but she simply didn't know what to say. Beside her, the dark haired youth trailed her finger along the line of Tohru's shoulders, sending a shiver of fear through her. She flinched as the finger traced lower, pressing firmly at the new wounds between her shoulder blades; the wounds that would get her beloved out of this living hell by the middle of next week. A single fingernail pressed harder and Tohru felt blood begin to drip down her back.

"I'll give you two five minutes alone. I think you've paid the price for that much. I'll be back to get you. And, I beg of you, don't forget our deal." The sibilant whisper made her shake, but she nodded, even managing a slight bow.

"Thank you." She breathed, staying bowed until the snap of the sliding door was heard. Straightening shakily, she moved to the barrier between her and her love, rapping on it and signaling Akito's exit. He moved, slowly and painfully, to the wall, pulling himself into a half-standing position that brought their faces level, although he couldn't see that.

"Tohru, are you alright? I can feel you shaking through the wall." He asked, panting with the exertion the motion had caused his frail body. She nodded, mumbling something about the cold. He tiredly accepted that this would be her answer for now, unwilling to waste any of their precious time on an argument.

"Four days." She whispered, pressing as much of her body to the thin wood as she could.

"What?" he asked, confused by her fragmented statement.

"Four days, and you'll be out of there. We'll be together. It's almost over." Her tears were flowing now, although she tried to stifle them. Her companion heard the subtle change in voice tones and knew immediately that she was crying.

"Hey, hey. It's ok. I'm alright. Don't worry, everything will be fine. You just said it's almost over. Just stay strong a little longer, and then I can be strong for you. Just hold on a little longer, please." He was pleading with her, pouring as much of his love and concern for her into his voice as he could. He heard her sniffle, take a deep breath and then her voice regained its tone of quiet control.

"I'm fine. I'm worried about you though. Is our little hole still there?" He confirmed this, heading to the far side of the screen, he carefully pulled aside a crumbling bit of wood, revealing a hole large enough to pass small objects through. This time, there was a slim canteen full of water, a tiny pouch with some painkillers and a package of crackers. The prisoner stashed them quickly under the hard mattress of his cot.

"Thank you." He whispered, his quick ears catching the sound of the door opening. Assuming an expression of beaten subservience, he shuffled back to his spot on the floor, waving a feeble goodbye to Tohru. His eyes shone fiercely, letting her know he really hadn't given up. The cruel youth that entered didn't miss the daring glint, but she let it pass. Leading Tohru out, she bowed to her and went inside. The gates opened and Tohru began the long walk home. Tears dripped down her face. Turning her face to the sun, she hugged herself in the cool fall air.

"I love you Kyo. See you home soon. I'm so sorry." She whispered. "So sorry."

The still, slim figure, face swathed in bandages only a few shades paler than her skin, shifted ever so slightly as her breathing grew shallower. Her breath seemed to be cycling in depth, becoming shallow for an hour or so, then deepening for perhaps half that time before growing shallow again. Kyo was beginning to count time by it, so steady was its pattern. Not that time mattered; he would stay by her side until she awoke, be it in an hour or a year. But a small, piercing whisper told him it had been three days already.

You should eat, maybe get some rest. At this rate, you'll be lying next to her rather than protecting her. Kyo's survival instincts were strong, almost convincing him, but he refused to let his instincts keep him from protecting someone he cared about ever again.

"You should get some rest." The gentle urging repeated. Kyo shook his head, releasing one hand from its grip around Tohru's to run his fingers through his hair.

"For the last time, no. I will not leave her. So you can shut up, whoever you are." He felt a hand grip his shoulder, and he turned quickly, grasping the wrist of the person who had dared interrupt him. The unreadable features of Hatori Sohma looked down on him. The doctor glanced momentarily at his imprisoned wrist and Kyo released it, slightly sheepish. Hatori was dressed somewhat more casually than usual, in a dark blue sweater and brown slacks, but that didn't mean he wasn't ready for business.

"Sorry, just a little jumpy I guess." Kyo mumbled and tried to turn back to face his fiancée, but he was pulled back around to look at the family doctor. Hatori held his gaze, assessing his condition. After a moment, he seemed to have made a decision, though about what the former cat couldn't guess. Keeping his hand on Kyo's arm, Hatori carefully walked to the foot of the bed, reading the chart at the foot of the bed quickly and checking the machine readouts with a practiced eye. He took a deep breath, seeming to both steady himself and contemplate something.

"So what I've heard is that she was helping an old lad with carry her groceries to her house from her car across the street, she dropped something, and in turning back didn't see the car coming. It only knocked her down, but she fell hard against her head, damaged her face and put herself into a coma. The doctors have her stable, but they don't know if she's going to come out of it. Is that right?" Hatori's tone was calm and steady, but he put it so bluntly that Kyo felt a stabbing pain in his chest as he realized how close he was coming to losing her. Dropping his eyes to the floor in case any tears showed, he nodded. Hatori sighed softly, his expression at the obvious pain Kyo was feeling.

The older man had been the only Sohma who had been able to make it up to visit so far. Most hadn't yet been informed, Kyo wanting to make the calls himself, but also putting it off until he could say it without breaking down. Not even Uotani or Hanajima knew. How Hatori had found out, he didn't know, but secretly, he was glad for his support.

"How long has it been since the accident?" Hatori asked, his voice marginally gentler.

"Three days." Kyo answered shortly.

"And you've been here the whole time?" A nod.

"Have you eaten?" A grudging shake of the head, indicating he hadn't.

"Slept?" Another negative. Hatori sighed, slight frustration showing itself.

"Kyo, you can't do this to yourself. Do you want to end up in a hospital bed just like her, unable to talk to her? Do you think this is what she'd want of you?" The orange-haired young man glared at the floor, scowling. Hatori knew he'd made his point.

"I'll keep an eye on her. You go get a good meal at the cafeteria and I'll have the nurse bring in a cot. At least get a three hour nap. Doctor's orders." He added, seeing Kyo about to protest. Slowing, wincing at the stiffness of his muscles, the younger man rose, limping tiredly to the door. Hesitation showed on his face as he glanced back at the still form of the one he loved. Hatori had taken the seat by the bed, although he didn't take the white hand Kyo had released.

"I love you Tohru. Please wake up soon. I'm so sorry." He whispered, not letting Hatori hear. "So sorry."