Rating: M (for later chapters)

A/N: Well…Yep, I started a new Leo and Nico fan fiction. I don't really have anything else to say. So…To the story! :D

My Favorite Mistake
apter 1

The whole Argo II seemed to be breaking down as the ship quivered, jaggedly rocking from one side to the other erratically. Leo, who was racing to the top deck, gave a shrill cry as the ship tittered under his feet, causing the running boy to tumble to the floor, unprepared for such movement. His nose was the first thing to hit the floor as he slammed down onto his face- pain reverberating through the boy's entire being. He quickly staggered to his feet, holding tightly to his throbbing nose. It took Leo a moment to take in the entire scene when he got up on the deck. The wind blew harshly, whipping the Argo's sails from side to side. The rain fell in sheets, causing the deck to become waterlogged and slippery. Lightning crackled as cross the dark, ebony sky. Thunder boomed loudly, over taking the sound of the galling winds. Le o couldn't help but wonder if Zeus was pissed over something.

It only took seconds for Leo to become soaked with rain and chilled to the bone as he stood shakily on deck. He hated to admit it, but maybe he shouldn't be on deck during a storm like this. It seemed like the big guy upstairs was getting kind of fancy about where he threw those lightning bolts. Leo retreated back below deck before he could be barbecued. He was surprised that everyone else was still a sleep with all that racket that was going on above deck. How could anyone possible sleep through all that?!

Leo stopped for a moment, think it over. Now that he actually got into it he realized why no one was awake. Frank probably slept like a bear (Well, he could turn into one anyways). Piper needs her beauty sleep being a daughter of Aphrodite and all. Jason was….. Well, he was Jason so there was no way he was getting his lazy butt up. Hazel probably didn't want to go out in the rain. Nico probably…

Leo thought about it for a moment. He didn't understand what could cause Nico to sleep through this mess unless the boy was just a heavy sleeper. To tell the truth Leo didn't know that much about Nico. He often avoided the boy. He didn't mean to, but it was just one of those things. Besides, Nico kind of gave him the creeps. The boy looked like a walking corpses, he talked to the dead, and he was still a little wacked up from being in Tartarus; Nico was probably a whole catastrophe of messed up emotions.

Leo shook his head quickly. He didn't want to think any more about Tartarus, for he knew if he kept thinking about Tartarus soon his mind would wander to Percy and Annabeth. There were still quite a few emotions there that he didn't want to deal with. He couldn't say that it was entirely his fault that the two were lost, but he couldn't say the guilt wasn't eating him alive either. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get rid of that stab of guilt that struck him every time someone mentioned Percy and Annabeth. He didn't think he would ever get over it- not until they were both safe.

Deciding that he needed to get his mind away from the topic Leo chose to check on each of his friends, just to make sure they were all alright. First he took a glance into Jason's room. The boy seemed completely unfazed. Next he went to Frank's then Hazel's. He stopped at Piper's room and almost woke the girl up with his laughter. He couldn't believe Piper was snoring! It took him a couple of minutes to gather his composer and back out of the room. Then, finally, he knew he had to check on Nico. Although the boy scared the living heck out of him Leo knew Nico was just as much a part of the crew as anyone else and, even though he had only spoken a few words to the boy, Nico was just as much of a friend.

Nico's room was the last one on the Argo II. Leo had original intended to make it a spare room, but the moment Nico arrived he kind of claimed it. Leo remembered it was the first day after Annabeth and Percy were lost in the pit. Nico was strolling around the lower deck, just snooping around slight before night set in. Leo just happened to be strolling around the lower decks as well. He ran into Nico as they were passing Piper's room. Nico merely glanced at him with those strange eyes before walking right on past him. Leo didn't think anything of it- Not until the boy spoke up.

"Leo?" Leo nearly jumped at the mention of his name. Despite the fact that everything had been entirely quiet before Nico spoke up, it was just the sound of the boy's voice that shocked him. Ever since Nico had returned from Tartarus his health hadn't been in the best condition. He was skinny (skinner than he should have been), he rarely ate, and his voice was weak, almost as though he was constantly whispering. This alone was enough to slightly frighten Leo.

He quickly whirled around to face Nico. "Umm..yeah? What is it, Nico?"

"Is that room on the end empty?" Nico questioned softly. Leo simply nodded. "Well, then I guess I found where I'm sleeping tonight."

Leo knew the boy meant it in a joking manner, but he didn't respond or even smile. Leo just simply nodded once more before continuing on with his trek. It wasn't until later that day did Leo think back to that moment. He kind of felt bad about it later, knowing that Nico was at least trying to put his best foot forward and that he was making no attempt to welcome the boy.

Now, heading towards Nico's room, he felt like an unwanted stranger. He prayed that Nico actually was asleep so that he didn't have to explain his presence. Leo stood outside Nico's door for a moment, just staring straight forward. He still couldn't determine if this was a good idea or a mistake. Maybe he should just go back to his own room and sleep it off. Giving a light sigh Leo knew he would feel bad if he didn't check on Nico too. He cursed him guilt ridden heart and his amazing, caring ways. Opening the door slowly Leo gazed into the darkened room- gazing around slowly as though he expect to see ghost or zombies running around the room. Instead he just saw Nico, lying peacefully on his bed. It was kind of strange, just watching the boy sleep. In fact Leo thought it was strange. Nico was lying completely still, not moving in the slightest. At that moment a lump formed in Leo's throat. Was it possible the boy could have been… ..dead?!

Leo quickly stepped further into the room, slightly in a panic. He didn't know what to do. What if something was really wrong with the boy?! Moving closer to the bed Leo leaned over Nico's body, gazing at him as though he was an exterritorial. It took his a moment, but finally Leo realized the boy was in fact breathing. Leo let out a sigh, glad that he hadn't found a dead guy on the Argo II. What would he had told Hazel? How would they have gotten to the doors of death? Shrugging his shoulders Leo turned on his heels, heading back 0ut the door. The boy froze when he heard movement from behind him. Whirling around Leo allowed himself to breath again. He was glad that the boy hadn't woken up on him. Instead Nico just rolled over in his bed.

Rolling his eyes Leo looked back at the boy, wondering why just a simple check in had to be so troublesome. Nico slightly shifted again, but this time it was for a completely different reason. The boy shivered under his thin blanket, quivering from the cold. Leo, noticing the demigod's discomfort, moved back towards the boy. In the dark Nico looked paler than ever before, become a beacon among the blackness. His eyes were skewered close in an uneasy sleep. Pale, chapped lips were slightly parted as he lay there, breathing in and out softly. Leo didn't know what compelled him to do so, but he gently lifted his hand, willing his fingers to heat slightly before tenderly trailing them over Nico's cheek. The boy once again shifted before a small smile crept on his face. Leo found in amazing and slightly astonishing that the boy could muster the strength to smile in his sleep, but not when he was awake. Leo took his hand and traced it down Nico's arm. There was no way for Leo to suppress the hazy smile that twisted on his lips as the sudden thought occurred to him; Nico looked so much happier and younger when he was a sleep. Leo had always heard that sleep took off the wear on some people and now he knew that was true. There was no way to deny it hadn't worked in Nico's case. He watched Nico's face scrunch up, completely oblivious as to what was causing his discomfort now.

Nico once again shifted on the bed, this time more violently than before. Leo reeled back when he realized he was causing Nico's distress. His hand was now burning, leaving the skin on Nico's arm slightly red.

"Fuck…" Leo hissed under his breath. He hadn't meant to hurt the boy. To tell the truth he secretly wished he could do something more for him- something to relax him and help the boy sleep better. Shaking his head harshly Leo realized he had done enough. Backing up slowly in a crouched position Leo headed out of the room, swearing that he was going to leave this time. He actually managed to back completely out of the room before messing up. Standing back up Leo smiled quietly to himself before slamming Nico's door. At that moment he froze inside himself.

Realizing that Nico still hadn't come after him for slamming the door Leo cracked it open slightly and glanced back inside. He cursed to himself as he saw those dark eyes gazing back at him from across the room.

"Come in. Now." Nico commanded. Leo pondered if he should run or come on in. It all depended on whether he was afraid of a really pissed Nico or just a pissed off Nico. Finally Leo just stepped back into the room, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Umm..Well, I just…" Leo murmured quietly, unsure what to tell the boy before him.

"What are you doing?" Nico asked as loud as he could muster his voice to go. Although it had been several days since they rescued Nico from the jar he still wasn't completely healed.

Leo shrugged his shoulders quickly, muttering something completely unintelligible under his breath.

"No, seriously, what the hell are you doing?" Nico moaned quite loudly. His hand flew up to his face, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Leo was surprised to see Nico acting so…..Childish. The way he was complaining made him seem so much younger and (although Leo would never admit it) slightly adorable.

"Well, you see, there this huge storm outside and I was all curious and stuff as to why no one was up or anything. I was just like you all must be deaf or something. Then I kind got a little bit worried, like why none of you were on deck during this and so I thought maybe I should check on everyone. So I did and you just happened to wake up. So… Yeah, here we are." Leo blabbed on. He took a deep breath once he was finished before glancing over at Nico. The boy gazed at him thoughtfully before sighing.

"That explains why it's so cold in here. It also explains why you're soaking wet." Nico murmured before grabbing the blanket from his bed and wrapping it tightly around himself.

"Huh?" Leo looked down at his clothes only to discover he was wringing wet. Somehow through all his sneaking he managed to forget that fact.

"Yeah, you're drenched. Anyways, goodbye Leo." Nico replied quickly before slumping down on his bed, leaning backwards, and tucking his blanket around himself. Leo looked at him questioningly. Why did he have to be so rude all the time? Why did he half to act so distant? Suddenly, an idea dawned on Leo.

"Hey Nico, before I go I have a question for you. Are you cold?" Leo gave a sly smile. Nico struggled to sit up in his bed, looking over at Leo peevishly.

"Yeah," He growled, "Its cold in here. So what?"

"Well, what if I told you I knew a way to keep you warm." Leo smirked over at the boy. He expected Nico to sigh and command him to leave. He was waiting for him to call a rude remark. Leo wanted nothing more than to talk back to Nico. There was just something about the boy that got under Leo's skin and he was hoping this time he would give Nico a reason to be annoyed.

Nico watched him cautiously. He didn't trust Leo, not in the slightest, "How?"

"H-how? Um….Well, you just…" Leo panicked. He didn't know what to tell the boy. He hadn't expected Nico to actually want a reply. He expected him to say something along the lines of shut up Leo or go to hell. Then Leo could have easily come up with a good comeback. Instead he needed a new idea and he needed one fast. Looking around the room he suddenly got an idea.

"I need your aviator jacket." Leo didn't wait for a reply before he grabbed Nico's jacket from beside the boy's bed and quickly put it on. He was surprised it fit him considering Nico was about half his size. Although it did make sense considering Nico always wore clothes that were too big for him. Zipping the jacket up Leo caught a glimpse of Nico's face from the corner of his eyes. The boy looked absolutely pissed. Leo could understand Nico's anger considering he wouldn't want his clothes to be worn by someone else who was drenched in water from there head to their feet. Despite the boy's obvious disapproval Leo didn't intend on stopping. He figured if Nico was going to be a jerk, he was at least going to get annoyed for it. Walking slowly towards the bed Leo stopped just before Nico, staring down at the sitting boy. He didn't hesitate before climbing up onto the bed, seeming completely oblivious to the cries from a startled and angry Nico. Leo wedged his way behind Nico before the boy turned on him, gazing with a mixture of rage and shock.

"What the fuck?" He cried wildly. He was cut off as Leo circled his arms around the boy and pulled him down onto the bed. Nico instinctively pulled away, wrestling to get free.

"Just hold still a minute!" Leo cried with a wicked smile. He expected Nico to resist- after all this was a pretty awkward position. Despite his anger Nico froze, huffing bitterly as he stared back at Leo. Leo, who wasn't expecting the boy to be so willing, gazed idiotically at him for a moment. Finally, snapping out of his trance, he remembered what he was supposed to do. His arms began to burn until a point of where they were almost on fire.

Nico, not expecting the sudden heat, shifted uncomfortably. He didn't really understand why Leo was doing this or why the boy bothered with him, but he couldn't say that he was ungrateful for it. To tell the truth his upper body was quite warm, although his legs were freezing due to the fact that Leo's jeans were still soaked. Now he understood why the boy wanted his jacket. At least he wasn't completely wet. Sighing into the heat Nico leaned his head over slightly, allowing his face to brush against Leo's shoulder. The boy offered to keep Nico warm so why shouldn't he take advantage of it and get some sleep.

Leo gazed down at the boy in his arms in complete and utter shock. He had wanted to make the boy angry, but now he realized that was completely out of the question. Instead Nico actually looked quite comfortable. Leo didn't know what to do at that point. Should he push the boy away and jump from the bed or just stay there and let him sleep? Looking at the boy once more Leo let out a growl of annoyance. Nico was actually pressed against him now, craving more of the warmth that Leo was bring him. How could Leo possible deny him now? Shaking his head he just sighed.

"Thanks Leo." Nico whispered quietly into the boy's neck. Leo bite his lip harshly as the warm breath cascaded down his neck, leaving a warm trail in the wake of those sweet words. He hadn't expected Nico to have that kind of effect on him. He felt as though someone had just taken his heart on a rollercoaster, leaving it fluttering and beating fast.

Hazily Leo wrapped his arms tighter around Nico's body, "Your welcome." Was the last words whispered before everything once again fell back to silence, the only noise coming from the beyond the walls of the Argo II and the erratic beating of Leo's heart. Even the slightest movement or the softest sigh of breath from Nico left Leo reeling; his heart beating fast, goose bumps rising on his skin, his body unwilling craving those simple actions from the boy beside him. He didn't understand why he was reacting like so. Nico was just a friend- No, an acquaintance at the most. He barely knew anything about Nico besides the fact that he usually scared the shit out people and was Hazel's half-brother. Yet there he was, feeling so many emotions for someone that he barely associated with. He didn't know how it was possible, but for a while he didn't mind, just letting the emotions wash over him.

In the morning he knew it would be pretty awkward, but for that one moment it didn't matter.

A/N: Well, yeah, this is the first chapter to my new Leo and Nico fan fiction! Hope you all liked it! Oh and I have a question that has nothing to do with my fan fiction, but I'm kind of curious about it. I and my friend were reading a Nico and Leo fan fiction the other day and in it Nico said, "Ti amo." I asked my friend what that meant and she said it was Italian for "I love you." It that true or not? I was just kind of curious.