Hey guys, sorry for not posting any chapters up for a long LONG time. Some things were happening in my family, and i just couldn't find inspiration to write. I promise to post more chapters more often to make up for the late chapter. THANKS and sorry again for the wait. AND NOW (drum roll) TO THE STORY!

Karai pov

3 weeks later

Karai stood there at the edge of an apartment complex, about 5 miles from Shredder's lair. Razog had be after her for months, and every time they met, they fought. Sure she won every time, but she was getting cut up badly, and it was getting harder to get bandages since she has no money. She tried to get a job, but no one would hire her. She looked bad, and not "Oh well my hair is a bit uneven and clothes are a bit cut," no it was more like her clothes were nothing but patches. AND on top of that, she looked like an albino hobo that smelled like death all the time, and looked it too.

"Maybe it would not be so bad if she went to the turtles." She thought, "But what would she even do, just show up and be like "Hey, sorry for trying to kill you all those times, but do you want to be friends now?"

She shook her head "That would be stupid," but then it hit her, "Would they even let me in? And if I did show up out of the blue, whose to say they wouldn't try to kill her?"

The next day

Karai awoke in a alleyway. She was covered in trash, turns out if people in New York see a body, they just cover it up. She stood up and pulled a baby diaper out of her hair, "Charming..." She spoke to herself. She finished pulling trash off of her then climbed up the side of the building. Once she was on the roof, she looked around to see if it was safe. When she saw that it was, she dashed across the roof and jumped from rooftop to rooftop. She made her way to Shredder's lair, she had over heard Rayzog talking about a plan to wash out the turtles. She sneaked in a hole in the roof. After crawling for awhile, she found another hole and went through it. It lead to a ledge that over looked Shredder's thrown. She arrived just in time for Shredder's conference with krangg prime.

"Will my shipments be shipped in time for the plan?"

"Yes, the shipments known for the Shredder will be delivered by the time set by the Shredder."

"Good, now what if you encounter complications?"

"Complications known as the turtles will be dealt with the ones known as the krangg."

"Good." The conference ended, and Tigerclaw entered.

"You called me master?"

"Yes, the shipments are almost here. When they arrive, unload them, and prepare them for release in the sewers."

"Consider it done my lord." Tigerclaw turned qnd left the Shredder alone at his thrown. Karai sneaked back out of Shredder's lair, and ran as fast as she could from the building. She had to find the turtles and warn them of Shredder's plan before its too late.