Hey folks!

It's been a while eh? I don't have an excuse but if you want to know the reason we found out my dad had bowel cancer in March, pretty much the last time i updated this monster fic. Between visiting the hospital to see him and stress with work i've not had the energy for this but I finished it, and I'm fairly proud of the ending! If you want to know my dad got out yesterday, he's had the tumour removed and everything is looking good.

Anyway I do have another fic in the wings, been thinking about it a lot on the hour drive to the hospital and back so keep an eye out for it. Untitled at the moment though.

I do like how well the title matched this fic, there are a lot of first impressions made in it, Ichigo, Sophia, Starrk all not as they first appear and purely by freak accident, i don't even know why i called it that, but hey it works now!

Love to all the reviewers, favouriters and followers, you kept this alive and I thank you for it.


Chapter 23

Grimmjow signed as he finally turned into his own street. The traffic to get home that night had been terrible and he was so dog tired he just wanted to curl up on the sofa, hopefully around a warm hard body. Don't get the wrong idea, Grimmjow loved his work, he'd finally managed to get a decent gig after three years of small time freelance work he finally had his own section of the large regional newspaper's sports department. It was only the college section, covering the various sports the local universities and colleges excelled at but he himself had a page to fill and had two other guys working under him to help. He'd been off that night watching his old university basketball team in their semi-final match and he had a screen of notes to work through the next day as well as the game recorded on his IPad in case he wanted to review anything.

His old Honda Rebel bumped up the kerb and into the little driveway leading to the three spaces for their flat. He parked in the far left space, disappointment filling him as he looked at the other two empty spaces. Turning the engine off and flipping his visor up he pushed his bike jacket's sleeve up to look at his watch before dismounting and heading for the back door, unclipping his helmet so he could carry it in. As usual he chucked his keys into the helmet and the helmet went on the floor just inside the door, his bike boots joining it as he padded into the living room. His eyes were drawn to the empty sofa and he flopped down, another big sigh escaping.

The room was a combination of them both, clean but not spotlessly tidy, uncluttered but a few meaningful items scattered around. There were hints of his own mother as well, from the scatter cushions on the sofa matching the curtains to the cream vase with green leaves vining up the side that matched the room's décor sitting on the hearth. Ichigo loved the fireplace and curled up in front of it when it was on to read or just stare into the flames, his mind far away. Grimmjow liked just sitting and watching him, the glow from the fire setting his vibrant hair off until it flickered with inner warmth. Sometimes he joined him on the floor, curling round him and enjoying the shared warmth.

They never went cold and Ichigo never went hungry; Grimmjow was very careful that his man was well taken care of. This was something that had caused a few arguments between the men, Ichigo still having issues with being treated as the 'girlfriend'. Grimmjow ended up pinning him to the wall, his superior upper body strength giving him a temporary edge.

"You are not my girlfriend, but you are my man. Mine. It's my job to take care of you just like it's yours to take care of me. If you saw me needing something and you could give it to me would you just leave me? For someone who doesn't like to be treated like a princess you certainly sit on a tower and bitch down at me. I might be overprotective of you but there are damn good reasons for that." He remembered thumping Ichigo into the wall at the end of his rant but he watched the anger drain out of his lover's eyes and a hint of understanding crept in. Ichigo had lifted his hand and stroked it down Grimmjow's face, ending up cupping Grimmjow's strong jaw and using his thumb to smooth over the cheek. Ichigo had pulled him in for a soft kiss but Grimmjow still had an edge of frustration in his veins and the kiss hadn't remained soft for long.

Grimmjow unzipped his jacket, dragging the heavy black and red fabric off and tossing it onto the opposite sofa and stretching his jean clad legs out over the light tan fabric, one cushion behind his head and the other cuddling on his chest, a poor replacement for his lover. He looked at his watch again and seeing it was nearly eleven o'clock he pulled his phone out of his pocket. Ichigo worked late occasionally but he usually let Grimmjow know in advance. The phone had one text message but it was from his friend Nnoitra who was just checking on the arrangements for the next day. Grimmjow considered just texting him back but he was feeling a bit lonely coming back to an empty flat so he hit the dial button, waiting for the other to pick up.

"Gilga's pleasure sauna, how can I help you?"

Grimmjow rolled his eyes at the greeting. "Hey man, how's it going?"

"Going alright here. Shouldn't you be getting you beauty sleep? You'll need it for tomorrow, early rise and everything. Why you thought working the morning before was a good idea I'll never know."

"We don't need to leave till four plus it was the semi-final game, they deserve to get a decent spread after the season they've had."

"Still got a soft spot for the old team eh? Were they as good as us?"

"Don't be stupid." Their university team had welcomed the two males and they had worked their way up, Grimmjow being captain in his fourth year of uni and Nnoitra being his second. They had won the regional finals in their third and fourth years, getting to the national semi-finals in their fourth year only for them to fall short just at the end. It was still further than the team had got in years and their team picture was in the changing rooms. Grimmjow had been interviewing the current captain that night and he was happy to see the picture still had its place. "Still it was a good game."

"Yeah yeah; you all packed?"

"No, just in the door a minute ago. Do you happen to know where Ichi is? Is he with Shinji?" Grimmjow thought he might be hanging out at the pair's home since he knew Grimmjow was due in late.

"I don't actually know where he is, but as I also don't know where Shin has got to I can't say for definite they're not together. You lonely?"

"Nah, hungry and tired though. You still picking me up?"

"Yup, I'll be round about half three and we can head. Did you get the beer in?"

Grimmjow replied that he had and the conversation finished with a short goodbye before Grimmjow was back to looking at the wall. He glanced down at his phone, swithering on whether to call his other half or just leave it so he settled for a quick text before making himself a cup of tea and grabbing the packet of biscuits he'd squirreled away at the back of the cupboard. He loved dunking chocolate digestives into his tea but his lover not only though it was gross, he didn't like to keep sugary snacks in the house at all. He'd calmed down from his late teen health freak self but years of scrimping had left a man who didn't get what he didn't need. Grimmjow liked his treats though and didn't hesitate to pick them up. He did have several hidey holes for them though.

By the time he'd brewed his tea a reply had come in from his boyfriend and he dunked half a biscuit in the hot drink before sucking the melting chocolate off it as he read the text. Ichigo had just replied that he'd be home within the hour and to not wait up if Grimmjow was tired. Grimmjow just made himself comfortable on the sofa with the remote and his snack to wait for his lover.

He heard the car pull into the space downstairs as it was right below the window closest to him and he grabbed two more biscuits out of the packet to lay next to his cup before twisting the packet up and putting it back, returning to his seat in time for his lover to walk in. Ichigo's face lit up as he saw Grimmjow still awake and he dumped his laptop bag next to Grimmjow's helmet and boots before toeing off his tan dress shoes and walking over in his black socks. Grimmjow smiled as he approached, turning into a feral grin as the smaller man laid his body on top of Grimmjow's, the thin navy dress trousers providing a poor barrier to the man's body. Grimmjow's long arms circled the other, hands kneading the perfect ass as Ichigo's legs dropped down either side of Grimmjow's waist.

"Hey babe, long day?" Grimmjow turned more onto his back and thrust up a little, letting Ichigo feel that he was more than happy to see him.

Ichigo ground down in response. "Yeah, latest trials are taking longer than we thought. They asked if I could work late again tomorrow."

"That sucks, you not going to see me off?" Grimmjow's hands were wandering all over his lover's body as they discussed their day. He pulled the pale blue shirt out of the trousers so he could get access to Ichigo's upper body, running his hands over the perfect moulding. It had lost some definition over the years since he'd stop dancing for a living but he still kept himself in shape.

Ichigo started to move his hands over Grimmjow's torso, circling his nipples through the thin t-shirt. "Do you need me to? I'll be waiting for you when you get back."

"Well I better give you something to remember me by if I'm not going to see you tomorrow." Grimmjow pulled his lover down by the front of his shirt, sinking his hand into the longer hair at the back of Ichigo's head and sucking the tongue bar into his mouth. Ichigo yanked up Grimmjow's t-shirt and gripped at the flesh underneath. Pulling at the back of the shirt, Grimmjow eventually sat up, turning his body to back on to the couch and allowed Ichigo to pull the shirt up and over his head, the pair breaking away for a moment or so. Grimmjow attacked the buttons on Ichigo's front as the smaller man ran his hands through Grimmjow's hair, scoring his blunt fingernails over Grimmjow's scalp gently. Ichigo dropped his arms behind him as Grimmjow finished opening the buttons and the blue shirt dropped to the floor. Grimmjow's arms went around the inked torso in front of him and pulled him close, the two bare chests connecting as the men devoured each other. Ichigo was still straddling his lover and could clearly feel Grimmjow's excitement right next to his own, even through the man's jeans.

Ichigo broke his mouth away, moving it down Grimmjow's throat and along his shoulder, tongue bar tracing the black ink pattern that started at Grimmjow's collar bone and tangled down his upper arm to stop at his elbow joint in a half sleeve. He'd decided to go under the needle just after his twentieth birthday and Ichigo had helped him choose his design. Grimmjow did put in a small request without Ichigo's knowledge and the small strawberry outline just sat under his collar bone, almost hidden in the rest of the design. Ichigo discovered it while helping him care for the new tattoo and although he hadn't ever liked the nickname, he realised the sentiment behind it, and was very grateful it wasn't a small carrot.

Ichigo sported his own new tattoo, one covering the bullet wound on his chest. Sitting low along the base of his rib cage was an abstract heart shape in the same style as the tribal patterns on his upper chest. Underneath in script was the phrase 'eis quos amo' meaning 'for those I love'. Grimmjow appreciated the sentiment also, knowing Ichigo'd taken a bullet while trying to protect him but the boy had been adamant he intended the ink for all those he loved. The scar wasn't visible any more but the texture was still there under the ink and Grimmjow liked the shudder he brought out when running his tongue over the sensitive skin.

Grimmjow's mind was brought back on to the task in hand when Ichigo freed his member from his jeans and ran his thumb over the leaking tip. Grimmjow thrust up into the hand, using his own to free the boy from his trousers, Ichigo actually getting up for a second to remove them before sinking down again. Grimmjow pushed his jeans and boxers down past his knees and was in the process of kicking them off when Ichigo wrapped his long fingers around the two dicks and squeezed them together. Grimmjow lost the ability for higher thought when Ichigo started to ride his own hand, raising and lowering his hips in his hand and rubbing his cock along Grimmjow's. Grimmjow leaned forwards and sucked Ichigo's nipple bar into his mouth, tugging on it gently. One hand ran down Ichigo's firm ass and the middle finger slipped into the crease between the cheeks, just running the tip over Ichigo's entrance. That made Ichigo whine slightly, pushing his hips back slightly, trying to get more stimulation but Grimmjow kept it light, just teasing as the boy's motions got more and more aggressive. Grimmjow leaned his head against the back of the couch, looking up at Ichigo's face, the big brown eyes closed and a frown visible as he moaned and gasped loudly. The visual stimulus was helping Grimmjow lots as well as the feeling around his dick and he knew they'd not last much longer. His boyfriend had the most stunning body and he just wanted to paint it white with both of their releases, his larger hand coming to relieve Ichigo's, taking control of their members. Ichigo leaned his hands back, settling them on Grimmjow's knees as the man continued the torture of his body, the sensations at his rear coupled with the firm grip around his member had him moving even faster, a small amount of sweat building up on his forehead and under his arms. His tempo stuttered for a moment before he cried out, his release landing on his torso like warm milk, the white ribbons landing around the base of his sternum. Grimmjow wrapped his arm around the small of Ichigo's back, bending him a bit more as Grimmjow leaned forwards. He moved his hand over his cock almost viciously before he released a half grunt, half whine as his own juices mingled with Ichigo's own.

After a clean up the two men cuddled in their large bed, something Ichigo did not argue about when they were shopping for their own place. Even though they liked to snuggle as they slept, the two men were long and neither liked feet sticking out the end.

Ichigo lay with his head tucked under Grimmjow's jaw, snuggled in the hollow of his neck as he drew random patterns with his finger in Grimmjow's smooth skin.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

Ichigo looked up as the other spoke to him, a small smile on his face as he snuggled down again. "Nothing, just thinking about tomorrow. You're not going to find some hot chick or dude and run away with them are you?"

"Unless you are there, I'll not be looking at anyone. Why would I? You are the hottest guy on the planet. And when they finally get a space ship far enough out to meet the aliens I still bet you'll be hotter than anything out there."

"You're crazy."

"Yup, crazy and all yours. What about you, regretting not going away?"

Ichigo snorted. "Yeah me heading out with my vast array of male friends. It'd be me, Kensei and Shinji and if I managed to keep them from arguing I'm sure it'd be fun."

"But you're not even having a night out, you not going to celebrate the end of your single life?"

"What's to celebrate? The only good thing to happen to me ever was meeting you. Why would I ever want to celebrate years of scraping by and hiding? Nah, you go, have your bachelors' party and I'll go and work."

"Whatever you say dear."

The next day Ichigo helped Grimmjow pack for going away while they ate breakfast and they exchanged a brief but passionate kiss before Ichigo had to go off to work. Grimmjow stood at the door watching his lover leave, enjoying the view of Ichigo form fitting grey trousers leaving attached to the lithe boy. Ichigo's little Hyundai purred to life outside before he drove away, the orange haired man looking up through the windscreen to wave at his lover as he drove off.

Grimmjow grinned as he double checked his bag before getting himself ready to head to the office for a few hours to write up the report on the previous evening's game. The college page only appeared every other day so he didn't have to catch the press every night with the latest report. He'd managed to get one of his boys to finalise the page before it went to print so he could take a half day and get away for his stag party. Nnoitra had decided to take them to a different city for the night and had booked them a few hotel rooms in a reasonable place in the centre of the city so they could hit the bars and clubs till late. There were ten of them in total going, a couple from high school some from university plus his step dad Starrk all going for the evening. Starrk had raised an eyebrow at his invitation but knew it was probably a good idea to keep the man of the moment out of trouble; his best friend wasn't exactly reliable.

Work went quickly and he had his article and page layout all pretty much done by twelve so he took a moment to call his fiancé just to hear his voice before the madness of that evening took over.

"Hey babe, how's work?"

"Not bad, caught me at a good time, just waiting for the boys to get their safety gear on before we go and check the pumps."

Grimmjow frowned, he didn't like it when Ichigo had to get physical in his job; but he did find it epically amusing that Ichigo's hard hat was luminous orange, marking him as a lead engineer in the plant while the other hats were yellow. Years of hiding his natural hair colour under black hats had led to him getting a job that required one that matched. He had taken the internship at the nuclear plant during the summer between third and fourth year and had made such a good impression that he'd been taken on when he graduated and was working to overhaul the coolant pumps at that point. There had been one accident at a different station where one of the pump valves had ripped open and killed three workers so the other two stations in the company were looking to improve their safety factors and Ichigo was on the team at his own station. Grimmjow knew the boy wasn't stupid and would take any risks but the last thing he wanted was to go out this weekend only to get a call about an accident.

"You'll be careful yes?"

"Grimm you worry too much. Our pumps have already been checked over by the safety engineers and given the all clear for the moment. I just need the team to look at the space we've got available so we can work on a solution."

"Fine, just thought I'd hear your voice before heading off; you going to miss me?"

"Of course, just think, I'll have the TV all to myself and not have to watch a documentary on mining or fishing or logging."

"Hey that's good quality TV! Better than that fantasy shit you watch."

"Love you."

"Love you too. See you Sunday."

Grimmjow smirked down at his phone as he got himself ready to go, clearing up his desk and sending the page to his colleague through email before heading down to his bike. The drive home for him was short and he jumped in a quick shower before grabbing some lunch.

Nnoitra was on time for once, clearly excited about going for a weekend of drunken nonsense. He was dressed casually for the trip but they'd all spoken about having sharp clothes for going out in the evening. Grimmjow grabbed his bag and checked the house over once before heading to the bedroom. He grabbed a post it note pad out of the stationary drawer and wrote a quick message, leaving it stuck to his pillow for his lover to read before he went to bed.

Grimmjow got to ride in the passenger's seat, even after picking up two of the other guys as it was his weekend and the four of them drove in relative silence, with a few comments thrown in about leaving the blue haired man bald and naked tied to a lamp post.

"Oi, the wedding is in a month, anything that affects that day is not cool. And Ichigo can kick all of your asses without my help so I would change your plans. And Nnoi, you know Shinji will get pissy if Ichigo is upset with you so it'll be on your head."

The taller man just grumbled as he changed lane, knowing his friend was right. Shinji had been so happy for the pair when Ichigo had accepted Grimmjow's proposal and had been helping with the arrangements for the wedding for the last year. It was as much his baby as Ichigo's and there would be hell to pay if Nnoitra was responsible for ruining the day, even slightly.

The drive took the best part of an hour but they eventually pulled up to hotel car park and unloaded the car, covering the crate of beer with a couple of jackets and carrying it gently so it wouldn't rattle. Grimmjow was surprised he got his own room with the rest of them sharing but he wasn't going to complain as his best friend was a snorer. Starrk obviously got his own room but he didn't have any money issues. He even took a room on a different floor so as to not get disturbed.

They gathered in Grimmjow's room for an hour or so, necking a couple of beers each before heading out for dinner, Nnoitra having booked a steakhouse for them. Grimmjow had an easy choice when it came to best man and little Yuzu, though she wasn't so little now, was to be his maid. He had remembered the promise he'd made to her when she was twelve and after Ichigo had accepted he'd got down on one knee in front of Ichigo's little sister and asked her to be his groomsmaid. Karin had rolled her eyes at the stupid title but she was going to be standing with her brother as the younger twin stood with his partner. The rest of the wedding party was made up with Nel as maid, Kensei as Ichigo's best man and Shinji as wedding planner/usher/groomsman extraordinaire. Since Ichigo didn't have a parent to give him away the men had decided on just meeting each other at the start of the aisle and walking up together. The outfits had all been sorted, the men's suits and the ladies dresses were all bought and paid for and packed to go.

Grimmjow enjoyed his steak, being careful not to drip his sauce on his grey suit jacket or his black shirt and all of the men had more beer with their meal. Starrk was sitting on Grimmjow's left while Nnoitra sat on his right. When Nnoitra stood up clanging his dessert spoon on his pint glass and started giving a speech, Grimmjow had just covered his eyes, laughing as his friend made a fool of himself in front of the whole restaurant. The comment about him changing sides brought in a few whoops and Grimmjow sent a couple of glares up at his tall friend as the comments about his lover started coming out. He didn't need it to be known that Ichigo had given him a wet dream or that Nnoitra himself had fancied a go as well.

After dinner they hit up two bars, Nnoita pulling out shots for the crowd and they banged the little glasses down one after each other. Just before he left the second bar he took a trip to the bathroom, needing a moment and after he washed his hands he stalled in the corridor, pulling his phone out. One text from Ichigo lit his screen up and he opened it, smiling as he read it.

-Hope you are having fun and that you're not too drunk already. Thanks for the goodnight note on the pillow, I will definitely be dreaming of you as I sleep.

Grimmjow returned to his friends, grin still in place as he stumbled slightly. He followed the crowd out and down the street, entering another bar with a neon sign outside proclaiming the name 'Zan's'. Grimmjow couldn't help but frown as he thought he should know that name.

He stopped dead as he entered, the gleaming pole in the centre of a run way from the stage declaring loudly that this was no ordinary bar. An incredibly hot woman in a very short dress welcomed them pleasantly and showed them to a booth just at the side of the runway with an excellent view of the whole stage and of the main pole. There were three other poles and dancing tables round the room with seats around them, punters ogling the dancers above them.

Grimmjow allowed himself to be drawn over to the table but hesitated about sitting down. "Guys, I don't think this is a good idea, did you clear this with Ichigo?" He didn't want his lover to be pissed at him for this.

"As if he'd dare get pissed at this, this was his job." Nnoitra guided his slightly inebriated friend into the booth, making sure he had a good view of the stage. Grimmjow nodded along, seeing the logic of his argument but still unsure.

He reasoned inside his head that there was both girl and boy dancers as well as customers of both sexes so the place wasn't as sleazy as he'd thought it would be. He'd always regretted not seeing Ichigo on the pole, sure his lover would be incredible but Ichigo had danced for him many times in the years they'd been together.

The room darkened slightly, drawing everyone's attention to the main stage as a man walked out. He was tall with long dark wavy hair hanging around his face. A pair of rimless tinted glasses sat on his straight nose and his hands were in the pockets of a long dark coat. The place went silent as he stepped up to the microphone.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to my club. My name is Zangetsu but you may call me Zan. I hope you have enjoyed the entertainment so far but I have a special surprise for you all. Tonight in the house we have a group in celebrating one man's future wedding and we want to make sure he remembers this night fully. Can you all put your hands together for Grimmjow?" Zan started to clap as he gestured to the man in question, a spot light turning to catch the blue haired man looking like a rabbit in the bright light. "Grimmjow, this next act is especially for you."

The spot light dimmed over Grimmjow and two reappeared pointing to the centre of the main stage, every eye in the house riveted to the join in the curtain. Two hands came through just as the music started, Sigma's Nobody to Love starting out slowly. The hands parted the curtain letting the man walk out, feet getting placed very delicately as he stalked up to the pole, giving the room time to absorb his appearance. His long legs were half covered by tight shorts that came to above his knees and his upper body had black straps round it, one down the centre of his chest and one down his back with three horizontal one's going around his chest. His arms were left bare and the tattoos covering the body were evident. His face was kept forward, his expression blank as he approached the pole, deep brown eyes heavily lined. His hair caught every bit of light, the vibrant colour the only break in the monochrome.

Grimmjow's jaw dropped as his lover stalked up to the pole, one long arm reaching out and gripping high as he dropped his weight, swinging round until he was backed onto it. He reached above his head and held tight as he raised his legs, fully extended with his toes pointed right over his head until his thighs were around the pole, Ichigo now upside down, he gripped the pole with his legs, releasing one of his hands to grip the ankles now nearly above his head as he bent into a tight c, pausing once he placed his heels on his head, one hand gripping the pole at his armpit and the other over his ankles. He released one leg and started to pull it back until it was level with the other, straight at his groin in an inverted split. When he released the hand on the pole the crowd gasped, growing loudly as the boy dropped a foot just by releasing his muscles for a second. Both his hands grabbed the pole as he dropped his legs, swinging on his arms for a moment before wrapping his legs around it, using his weight to make him turn faster. As he slowed he spread his legs again, the pole passing right through the middle as his groin sat against the pole, his hands holding above his head. His feet were in the air on either side of his head and as he turned past Grimmjow and the boys, Ichigo plucked up the courage to look at his lover to see his reaction. A grin broke out on his face as he took in Grimmjow's fish impression and he dropped his legs gracefully, giving his arms a subtle shake before grabbing the pole again, kicking up his legs so his front was pressed against the metal. The pole was still turning and he gentle spread his hands out, keeping one above his head near the floor and the other going to his waist. This was his last pose of the night, the lactic acid in his muscles becoming a factor so he clenched and unclenched his hands slightly before starting to lower his legs, keeping his body straight and fully extending his arms. Pulling with his higher hand and pushing with his lower he supported his weight as his body drew level, a slight tremor in his lower arm. He felt all his core muscles complain over the action. He started to twist, turning his head and body together so he started to face the side rather than the ceiling and he spread his legs so he formed a cross, the pole turning so he could look straight into his lover's eyes just as the song ended. He twisted again, bringing his legs together round the pole before standing, taking a slight bow to rapturous applause. Zan came back out onto the stage, clapping his hands as he approached his protégé. He wrapped an arm around Ichigo's shoulders and held his other hand up, the room going silent.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. I know you enjoyed that as much as I did. This is Ichigo, I trained Ichigo when he was still a boy and he danced for a few years with me. He is also the lucky man getting married to our Grimmjow who didn't know his fiancé was going to be here tonight. As he's not on the payroll any tips you give for Ichigo will go totally to the pair to help them celebrate their wedding next month." Zan produced a glass jar and sat it on the stage with Ichigo and Grimmjow's name written on the front in an arrow heart. Several punters immediately crowded the stage to put bills in, Ichigo's face growing red at the amount getting put in so quickly. When he finally got to leave the stage, Ichigo glanced down at his fiancé who was still staring at him. He gestured that he'd be out in a few minutes before disappearing backstage to get changed.

Grimmjow tried to not count the moments before his lover came out and he totally missed the jokes getting thrown at him from his friends. Starrk was smiling faintly at his step son's reaction. He was totally impressed with Ichigo's moves, knowing that the boy's worry over just having a body for show was all meaningless. He might not do this for a living anymore but he'd just proven that he still could if he wanted to.

Ichigo came out eventually, trailing a familiar looking blond behind him and a tall white haired man next to him. He wandered up to the booth, uncertainty in his movements as he drew closer to Grimmjow but Shinji just shoved him forwards, only Ichigo's grace stopping him from face planting in Grimmjow's groin. He ended up hovering over his lover, hands on the back of the booth behind him as their faces were inches apart.

"Hi," Ichigo's uncertainty was evident in his voice as well.

Grimmjow just grabbed a handful of his lover's polo shirt and pulled him in for a heated kiss, drawing whoops and cat calls from not only their group but most of the bar. Ichigo sank one hand into Grimmjow's hair as he tilted his head.

"Hi yourself. I thought you were working tonight."

"Hell that is work. I'm going to hurt tomorrow." Ichigo stretched as he spoke, falling into the seat next to his lover. Shinji went over to his own lover and sat next to him, leaning his head on the taller man's arm, his shoulder much too high. Nnoitra lifted his arm and drew his little boyfriend into his body. Kensei shook hands with Starrk; the pair had met at the boys' graduations three years ago and had met again at various birthday events the pair celebrated.

The night ended in the pole dancing club after many more drinks due to the extremely friendly bar staff and generous owner who thumped the full glass jar onto their table at closing time. The jar was about sixteen inches high and packed full of bills, some looking fairly big and Ichigo thanked his old friend, the pair hugging before Grimmjow had dragged his tipsy lover off to the taxi waiting for them.

As they arrived at the hotel, Grimmjow now saw the reason he got his own room, he wasn't spending the night alone as he'd thought. Ichigo was pinned to the elevator wall quickly as the pair made their escape from the group. Nobody had wanted to share the lift car with them after seeing the looks they'd been giving each other as they waited for it to arrive.

Within five minutes of getting into the room, Ichigo was riding on Grimmjow's cock, Grimmjow's face buried in Ichigo's chest as he thrust up into his lover. Ichigo dropped himself heavily each time, whining as Grimmjow's member scored along his prostate. Ichigo could feel his thighs complaining about all this exercise but he ignored it in favour of the other sensations in his body. He went off without Grimmjow ever touching his dick and he flopped back, Grimmjow catching him before holding him tightly to find his own release.

Round two was in the shower, Ichigo pinned to the wall and Grimmjow fisting his cock as he slowly and deeply fucked his lover. Ichigo's release was louder that time but thankfully the water running covered most of it. After the shower the boys did their normal night time routine, Ichigo brushing the alcohol taste out of his mouth as he bounced to a song in his head. He wandered over to the bed, still moving to music only he could hear and didn't notice his lover stalking up behind him.

"You know every time you move I just think of you up on that stage with that pole between your legs. I can't help but think of fucking you as you hang off it."

"That would just end badly; I'd either rip myself a new hole or rip your cock off. Nah I'd much rather just get fucked on a bed."

"Would you now?" Grimmjow wrapped his arms round his lover, pulling him back to feel that Grimmjow was not done for the night. Grimmjow pushed him forward, Ichigo catching himself on the bed with his hands before Grimmjow came up right behind him, plunging inside him without warning. Ichigo raised his head with a cry before Grimmjow pushed him down again, pressing a hand between Ichigo's shoulder blades. The boy's chest was hard onto the bed before Grimmjow grasped at Ichigo's hips, rotating them slightly so his back was arched more. It meant that Grimmjow would knock straight into that little pleasure button Ichigo loved so much every time and made the boy howl. Thankfully the rooms on both sides and across were taken by people they were with or they'd be getting complaints. They'd still get complaints but they would be over breakfast the next day.

Ichigo cried out with every thrust but just arched his back more, forcing the dick deeper onto his prostate as it passed. Ichigo reached round with his hand and rubbed his own dick, knowing he was self-pleasuring would set his lover off and he turned his head to gaze up at his lover. The cords were out on Grimmjow's neck and shoulders as he gripped at the body under him. Grimmjow had to close his eyes as seeing Ichigo with his hand wrapped around himself and gazing up with those brown eyes was just too much but he couldn't stall himself long and he gripped Ichigo with bruising force before burying himself deeply, his jet setting the boy off underneath him. Grimmjow felt the boy's legs give out under him and grabbed him, lowering them both gently before he slipped out. It was all proving too much for the smaller man and he was succumbing to sleep in front of Grimmjow. Grimmjow pulled out gently before fetching a wet face cloth from the bathroom and cleaning his lover off before lifting him into bed, tucking him in before giving himself a quick wash before joining his lover in bed. Ichigo was like a magnet and he turned, curling up to the larger man without really waking up.

Breakfast was rowdy, Ichigo blushing over the remarks that he was walking funny. He glanced up at his lover who shook his head, a grin on his face before he glared at the commenter. Ichigo was actually struggling to walk that day but it was other parts of his body that were complaining louder than his ass. As he stood once they'd finished he made a quiet but still audible groan, stretching his aching thighs as he pushed his chair back in. It took a moment for him to register the silence surrounding him but as he looked around at the crowd of men all with lewd grins on their faces, his face grew warm and he just looked at his feet.

"I trust you'll go easier on him the night before the wedding?" Shinji was standing with his hands on his hips, frowning up at Grimmjow. Shinji didn't mean it to be a comedy moment but it broke the tension at least, Grimmjow just shrugging before wrapping his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder and walking away from the others.

Grimmjow ducked his head close to his lover's ear as he spoke. "You alright babe? Did I hurt you?" As much as the blue haired man might have laughed along with the jokes he didn't want his lover hurting because of him, a bit sore is alright though.

"I'm fine, just been a while since I've had a thick pole gripped between my legs." Ichigo's eyes widened as he realised what he'd just said, his face flaming.

Grimmjow couldn't help it; he threw his head back and crowed with laughter. "Well I'll have to make sure I don't keep you waiting again, you can have my thick pole between your legs any time you want." Grimmjow grabbed his boyfriend, pulling him in close with Ichigo's back to Grimmjow's chest. Ichigo sniggered as Grimmjow nuzzled the back of his neck. He attempted to fight back in play but he was just too sore.

"Grimm can you let me go, I need to stretch or something, everything hurts." Ichigo wriggled a bit to enforce his words and Grimmjow released him. The group had headed to the lounge area of the hotel to get themselves together before heading home. Ichigo slumped to the sofa, Grimmjow saying he'd run up and grab their bags and Shinji tucked himself at the orange haired man's side, Nnoitra rolling his eyes before heading to so the same.

Grimmjow was only a few minutes before he was in the lobby with both of their bags, his larger holdall and Ichigo's rucksack gripped in his large hand, the room card in the other. He thanked the girl at the reception desk for the stay as he checked out.

"Mr Jaeggerjaques, is the orange haired man in the lounge you boyfriend?"

Grimmjow frowned at the girl, wondering why she was asking. "He's my fiancé; we're getting married at the end of the month, why?"

"You are a lucky man sir. Congratulations on your wedding." She smiled and handed him his receipt, Grimmjow nodding in response with the frown still in place.

The sight in the lounge quickly brushed that away as he saw his incredibly hot boyfriend lying on the floor, legs split long ways and his chest pressed to the front thigh. He walked over, dumping the bags over the back of an empty sofa. "Ichi, what the hell are you doing?"

The others in the room sniggered as Ichigo sat up, planting both hands on the floor before lifting himself to bring his legs under him in a crouch. "Stretching, it's fucking awesome." He stood, bending backwards and putting his hands on the floor about a foot from his feet. His body stretched up like an inverted cat before he stood again, shaking his arms out.

Ichigo turned to his lover, smiling as he shook his legs out, Grimmjow seeing the tension that had been in his face melt away. Ichigo raised one leg, bending his back and grabbing the foot over his head, pulling with his arms. He released a fairly loud groan as he pulled at his protesting muscles, not noticing the reception girls standing at the adjoining bar, ogling him. He stood finally, righting his jogging trousers before flopping down on the couch in front of Grimmjow. Nnoitra and Kensei clapped their hands sarcastically, a few of the others joining with lame whoops before they resumed their conversations.

Grimmjow leaned on the back of the couch, Ichigo looking back at him over his head. "You wanting to get jumped in the hotel lounge?"

Ichigo just sniggered, stretching out again as he smiled up at his lover.

"Seriously, I thought Shinji over there was going to London Bridge you."

"What the hell is a London Bridge?"

Grimmjow grinned, walking round so he could fall onto the sofa next to his lover, pulling the boy in closer so he could whisper in his ear. "It's when the seme is bent back like you were and the uke is on top, riding him like he's a bridge. It's a bit dangerous though."

Ichigo frowned as he pictured the logistics. Him bent over with his hands on the floor, his dick out and Shinji straddling his waist. It wouldn't work; the boy's legs weren't long enough.

"You were picturing it weren't you? You want to fuck Shinji again?" Grimmjow was grinning, he wasn't against a bit of group play and it had been years.

Ichigo shoved at him. "I was just trying to see how it would work. It's not like you can get back there so we could try it. Plus I like it rough, not dangerous. As for Shinji, that night was certainly amazing; having it both ways was almost too much. Maybe you should try it."

"With Shinji? Nah, he's not my type. You saying I need to get fucked?" Grimmjow's grin just got wider, enjoying the naughty nonsense.

"Always, but if anyone is getting to fuck you, it'll be me. You interested?" Ichigo turned more towards his lover. They'd spoken offhandedly over the years about reversing the roles but had always fallen into their usual places and were happy there.

"Always maybe love."


A year in the planning and seven years after they got together, the day they were to get married finally came around. Grimmjow had gone back to his mum's the night before, Sophia turning up to drive him and not taking any arguments. She'd maintained that certain traditions were important and they would not be staying together the night before. Ichigo got himself a bit upset after they'd left, trying to hide it from his lover as Grimmjow finished packing but something must have given him away as the other called him, probably as soon as he'd got back to his parent's.

"Hey Ichi."

"Hey Grimm, miss me already?" Ichigo winced as his voice wavered, he bit his lip as he tried to calm himself down, not wanting the other to know he'd been crying.

"Always, what's wrong love? You not looking forward to tomorrow?"

"Of course I am Grimm, but I'm all alone, you know I don't like that. I guess I didn't think it would get to me tonight."

Ichigo heard a sigh on the other end of the phone and he bit his lip, knowing he'd said too much and his lover would now be worried about him.

"I'll be there in ten minutes."

"No, Grimm I didn't mean," Ichigo didn't finish as he heard the phone cut off; the other probably didn't hear a word of it any way. He looked down at the square of plastic in his hand and took a deep sigh himself, feeling a bit pathetic that he couldn't spend a night alone without getting upset. He'd done it, had to with Grimmjow's old working patterns but he hated it and the emotion and stress over the wedding just amounted to him losing it.

He was still sitting on the sofa, staring off with his phone in his hand when Grimmjow had appeared, opening the door quietly before coming round and kneeling in front of his lover. Ichigo still stared at the floor, only moving his head when Grimmjow put a finger under his chin and pulled it up.

Grimmjow gave a soft smile as he saw the state his love had worked himself to. The brown eyes were huge and red rimmed and his straight nose was pink at the end. He was worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, Grimmjow frowning before using his thumb to pull it out, smoothing over it and cupping Ichigo's face with his hand. Ichigo leaned into the touch, closing his eyes and releasing two more tears to trickle down his warm cheeks. Grimmjow kissed them away before pulling him close, lifting himself onto the sofa and pulling the boy onto his lap. Ichigo squirrelled into him, clutching him tightly.

Smoothing one hand over the orange spikes, he checked the time on his other wrist as he settled himself. He'd discovered Ichigo's dislike of sleeping alone after they'd moved in properly. They'd spend most night together over the two years they'd been dating but he guessed Ichigo always had someone else in the house before that. Once they'd got their own place Ichigo was all alone if Grimmjow stayed out, no sisters or dorm mates in the room with him. Grimmjow had returned to a boy sleeping on the sofa, tears staining his face and the TV on quite loud. It had been six in the morning and he was just back from pulling an all-nighter at his work and had been looking forward to cuddling up to his lover in bed.

He clicked the TV off and went to lift Ichigo to take him to bed when the boy snapped open, freaking out at the closeness of a body when he wasn't expecting it. Grimmjow caught the kick aimed for his gut but that had only drawn a scared cry from the boy that only cut off when Ichigo saw who had him. The smaller man had dissolved into his lover's body, ashamed at how he was. It had been too quiet, Ichigo jumping at every foreign noise until he'd drowned it out with the TV. Grimmjow hadn't really understood why he'd got so worked up about it but it had manifested itself a few times since and clearly the night before their wedding as well. He was going to get the man a dog so he'd never be alone again.

Grimmjow sat for a while, just soothing his lover in silence before Ichigo lifted his head, rubbing at his nose with the back of his hand.

"You better go, your mum'll be wondering where you got to. I'll be alright."

Grimmjow snorted. "Like hell I'm leaving now. Any stupid ass tradition that makes the man I love cry the night before our wedding can just go to hell. You are the most important thing tomorrow and you need your beauty sleep. Come on, I'll be your pillow tonight." Grimmjow shuffled to the edge of the sofa, using his long legs to push himself up, Ichigo still in his arms. Grimmjow undressed his lover gently, kissing exposed skin gently as he made the other comfortable, lying on his back before drawing the man towards him, Ichigo curling round the other with his head in the hollow of his throat. Ichigo's nose nuzzled in, a happy sigh leaving his body as he relaxed.

"I love you."

Grimmjow grinned, leaning down to give the man a kiss on the head. "I love you too."


Grimmjow had left the next morning early to get back to his mother's house for breakfast. His father was coming as well so he knew he could cut out but he left Ichigo with a promise to meet him at the altar.

Ichigo had smirked as he closed the door after his lover, jumping in a quick shower. He'd packed his things the night before and was ready to go when Kensei arrived to collect him, Ichigo carrying his suit carrier and holdall down to the man's sleek Audi A5 before jumping in the passenger side, his suit hanging on the back handle and bag on the seat next to Shinji.

The wedding was at a venue about a three hour drive away and Ichigo and Grimmjow had a cabin book for a week afterwards so they could stay in the mountains for a honeymoon. There wasn't much to do in the area except appreciate the view so they did plan on leaving the bedroom once or twice.

Sophia had wanted to hire a big venue in the city but Ichigo had fancied somewhere outdoors and less formal so that's what they did. Grimmjow had gone along with everything his partner had wanted and for the most part it was all Ichigo's day but they had chosen their own outfits, Shinji and Nnoitra knowing what their friend was wearing but no one else so both men would be surprised on the wedding day. Ichigo had asked if Grimmjow was wearing a white dress but the other had just smirked and raised a blue eyebrow. It was one worry that Ichigo had, that his lover would really be standing there dressed in white.

Ichigo checked his reflection once more, leaning in to check his liner, very light for once but still there, he'd look weird without it after wearing it for about ten years. He had in his little black cog to match his outfit of total black and he thought he looked good. The jacket nipped right in at the waist, showing his figure and the narrow lapels accented his shoulders. An open necked black shirt sat under the jacket that was sheer everywhere except right at the front at the satin bib. He'd gone for a slightly daring shirt after much prompting from Shinji saying he looked amazing in it and his body was worth showing off. He reasoned he'd not be taking his jacket off until the evening reception so he shouldn't make too much of a spectacle. Plus, it was a gay wedding, people expect a bit of extreme even if the couple weren't. His long legs were in narrow black trousers with satin strips down the outside seams and ended with his feet in polished dress shoes that were starting to rub already. He had tried to get Shinji to agree to him wearing his work shoes, they were so comfortable and black after all but the other man had freaked at him. He'd snuck them into his bag and would probably be changing into them after the ceremony.

The drive was over in a heartbeat, or at least it felt that way to Ichigo and they were drawing up to the old manor house, Kensei pulling up to the side door so Ichigo could get his things inside. Grimmjow was due to 'arrive' first as in get changed in the house before meeting his wedding party outside for pictures and heading to the ceremony to give Ichigo a chance for photos with his. Shinji had planned it all out so Ichigo got to distance himself, Shinji pretty much dressing him as well. At two o'clock Shinji pulled him out of the room, pressing a glass of sparkling wine into his hand before telling him to smile, Shinji standing on the other side of Kensei from him. Ichigo smiled before looking around, seeing Karin on his other side in her dress. The girls were in blue dresses to match Shinji's colour scheme, strapless and draping to the floor, Karin looking a bit uncomfortable in the gown but looking amazing. Ichigo told her as much, taking her hand for a moment and giving it a squeeze. She clutched a small bouquet of black and blue roses, matching the blue rose in Ichigo's lapel. She smiled up at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Try and not embarrass yourself Ichigo, there are a lot of people here."

"Hey, just getting in practice for your wedding." He grinned as she blanched, Toshiro having mentioned but not gone through with a proposal. Ichigo knew he was planning it as he'd done the old fashioned thing of asking for his permission as Karin's only living relative. Ichigo said he'd have to ask Grimmjow too and the kid had gone as white as his hair before Ichigo had laughed, apologising for the joke.

The time had come and Shinji ushered them down the stairs to the gravel driveway so they could walk over to the ceremony in the grounds to the side of the house. Ichigo winced as his big toe rubbed more and he squirmed a bit, Karin glaring at him. He took her arm, walking her like a lady to distract her and surprised she wasn't stumbling in the heels he was wearing. She must have read it on her face as she paused for a moment, pulling up her long dress and holding her blue converse covered feet. Ichigo frowned, protest coming to his lips as he turned to Shinji.

"How did she get to wear trainers and I have to wear these?"

Shinji frowned, Karin pulling her dress up again to show them. "At lease they match," was all he had to say, continuing to walk. Ichigo followed, grumbling the whole way. Kensei and Shinji parted off, the tall man giving Ichigo a handshake before the men joined Nnoitra up at the end of the aisle. Karin left him after that, joining Yuzu to walk up the aisle together in matching dresses, Yuzu waving at her brother. Nel came next, walking by herself but drawing all the attention in her show stopper of a dress. Technically the same dress as the other two girls but her figure just made it more.

Ichigo stepped forward, waiting for Grimmjow to appear and his jaw dropped, the vision in front of him more than he'd expected. A part of him registered Grimmjow's face displaying a similar expression but most of him was absorbing the sight. Grimmjow's long thick legs covered in white trousers, a blue shirt tucked in with the collar and a couple of buttons open and a jacket that matched the trousers over the top. His hair was flopping over his head in its usual spiked magnificence that just made Ichigo want to run his hands through it. His feet drew him closer and his hands itched to touch the other.

Grimmjow met him halfway and they stopped at each other's toes, looking straight in each other's eyes. Ichigo's grew wider, knowing he should say something but lacking the words to do it. Grimmjow took pity on him, smiling gently before pressing a brief kiss to his cheek. "Yeah, you too love. Magnificent." Ichigo just smiled, dropping his gaze before the blush took over his face. Grimmjow took his hand, pressing a kiss to his knuckles before leading him up the aisle.


The ceremony was brief, neither man wanting to overstate anything but the meal was extravagant, four courses with different wines and champagne all chosen by Sophia since neither man was a foodie or particularly into wine. Grimmjow sipped at a rich red while Ichigo was still enjoying the sweet bubbles that had been chosen for him. They made him a bit silly but it was his wedding day and it was allowed.

They'd danced together for their first dance, Grimmjow's arms locked around his lover as they moved to the music and they'd done the obligatory dancing with their female relatives before getting to relax together, Ichigo giggling round another glass of sparkling wine. He leaned back on Grimmjow, the other's hand round his shoulder and lying on his chest as they watched the other dancers and merry makers in the room. Ichigo had shed his jacket and Grimmjow was appreciating the view of all that inked flesh in front of him.

"I like the shirt."

"Thanks, Shinji talked me into it."

"I'll have to thank him later."

"You happy?"

"More than I ever thought possible. Who knew I'd end up with a baby carrot for a husband?"

Ichigo rolled his eyes at the nickname, wondering if it'd ever get put to bed. "Well I didn't think I'd end up married to the blue haired idiot from my primary class. But I'm glad I did. When do you think we can escape?"

"After the cake love. I'll nab a couple of bits and we can take them back to the cabin."

"Can we take more wine too, I like this." Ichigo held up his nearly empty glass, making Grimmjow grin. They looked out seeing Nnoitra and Shinji sitting together, pretty much as they were too. "Is Nnoitra ever going to ask Shinji to marry him?"

"Yeah, he didn't want to distract the diva from planning ours. They'll be engaged before we get home."

"God, if he got this worked up about our wedding, what is he going to be like with his own?"

"Unstoppable. He'll ask you to stand beside him."

"Yup, and you'll be across from me next to Nnoi."

"Think we can reuse these suits?"

Ichigo grinned, elbowing his lover gently in the stomach. He glanced up as Shinji got up and took the microphone from the band. "Hey, I think we're up. I'm in the mood for some cake."

"I hope so, but you'll not be eating it for a while." Grimmjow's feral smile said enough and Ichigo stood, fixing his clothes before joining his friend out on the dance floor to cut their cake, his trousers getting a bit uncomfortable as he walked.

Grimmjow pinched his ass as he took the knife off the blond and he mock glared before holding the sharp implement out. The pair of them held it together before slicing through, people stepping up to take pictures.

The cake was taken away to be sliced but was returned quickly and everyone sat down to enjoy a piece. It didn't take long for the grooms' disappearance to be noticed, the two chairs at the top table being in everyone's view after all but no questions were asked.

Oh my god that is a long chapter. That's this fic finished. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, leave a couple of words to let me know, it means the world to me. See you on the next one.
