This is going to be a mashup story of some of the Disney stories like Sleeping Beauty and my own imagination...i guess :P

Hope you enjoy it ;)

"Princess Fine! Princess Fine! Hurry up and dress up. Prince Shade is here to see you!" Camelot yelled, as she ran down the hall towards Fine's room.

"What?!" Fine yelled in astonishment. "He's here already?" Fine scrambled around her room, changing into a pink dress that only reached her knees. Lulu-her servant, helped Fine braid her hair into two short braids. She added a black hairband with a red flower to her hair, as she started to giggle to herself. Looking into the mirror she saw a beauty staring back. She knew her looks and intelligence had to do with magic which were from her mother's friends- fairies. She always bothered her mother to tell her the story over and over again ever since she knew about them, but she always felt like something was missing from her mother's stories.


Elsa had just given birth to a little girl with the same red hair and shinning ruby eyes as herself. She held the baby in her arms as she smiled to Truth. They already agreed to name her-Fine. Truth held onto their baby girl as Elsa dressed herself for Fine's first birthday. They invited many guests.

The ballroom was crowded with people Elsa and Truth invited for Fine's birthday. When all of them finished giving them gifts and congratulating them, three fairies came in.

"You made it!" Elsa smiled, as she welcomed them.

"Welcome!" Truth said, as he led the three fairies to see Fine.

"Oh my! Look how cute she is! "The red fairy said, "As a gift I will grant her the best looks a woman could wish for when she grows older, she will become the most beautiful woman in this kingdom." The red fairy waved her wand around Fine, sprinkling fairy dust. Fine giggled, a clear and cheerful sound ranged out, silencing the party.

"Fine, now has the most beautiful features and clearly a lovely voice, too...then...I shall grant her intelligence!" The yellow fairy said as she waved her wand around.

"Since Fine has both the looks and the brains, I will grant her..."

*Bang!* The doors of the ballroom opened forcefully, with four soldiers laid cold on the floor, either unconscious or dead. There was a greater chance of them being dead since their new guest was the evil queen-Raverna. Raverna walked in, chilling the ballroom with a cold and chilly air. Raverna was dressed in a dark purple and black dress that reached all the to the floor. With each step she took, the closer she reached Fine. No one dared to attack her, for they knew what she could do with her dark magic.

Raverna quickly reached Fine. She grabbed her little chin with her long finger nails. Then, she suddenly turned around towards Elsa and Truth, "It seems I wasn't invited to this party, by accident, so I invited myself. And I brought Fine a little of my gift too!" She walked back to Fine's crib, "My gift to you is Fine's eternal slumber!"

"Guards! Seize her!" Truth yelled.

"Ah, Ah, Ah!" Raverna said as she flicked her wrist. The guards that came running towards her, flew out of her way and dropped to the floor. Turning back to Fine who was now asleep, "When Princess Fine reaches the age of 16 she will be pricked by a needle therefore falling into an eternal slumber...along with everybody else from this kingdom! You people will become as good as dead! MUHAHAHA!" Raverna turned around and flew out the door in the form of a black cloud.

"Oh my! What are we going to do?" Elsa cried to Truth.

"Everything will be okay," Truth said, trying to sound calm.

The blue fairy that didn't get a chance to grant Fine a wish came forward and said, "I think I can help."

The blue fairy flew towards Fine's crib, "I will grant you a twin brother, that will look similar to you, but he will be born from different parents and different places. At his sixteenth birthday, he will be cursed with the horrible luck of entering war. He will then be embarked with the journey of venturing to our kingdom. He will bring your destined one along with him, saving our kingdom from an internal sleep. I am truly sorry but this is all I will be able to do for you." As she started to sprinkle fairy dust around Fine, a black crow knocked her wrist, but the magic was already done. The blue fairy felt something different occur, but since she couldn't place her mind on it, she ignored it. With that the ball ended quickly.