Fire's of Almia

Quick summery- ok so Kate is finally going to live her dream of being a ranger! Kate in this story is known as "The Heart of Summerland." But after moving to Almia someone finds out her secret and wants to use her powers for evil. She is stuck between 2 choices. Tell her friends and let them help her or protect her friends and try and set things right by herself.

This is my very first fanfic! :D!

disclaimer: i DON'T own pokemon.

"Kate...Kate...KATLYNN JONES GET UP!"my mother Angel yelled.

"Im up,Im up." I said slowly.I looked at my alarm clock it read 7:00. Today I leave for almia. I was so excited! I jumped out of bed and put on a pair of camo shorts and a white tank top. I looked into the mirror and pulled my hair up into 2 spiky pigtails. "Todays the day eevee." I said standing up. Eevee and I walked tothe stairs before i was tackled by a tiny minun.

"Min min! Minun!" the little pokemon yelled.

"Goodmorning minun. Where's Lunick?" I asked as I stood up. Lunick is my cousin he had been away on a mission with his girlfriend Solana. I walked downstairs to see my parents, little sister, Solana, and Lunick. He sat facing away from the stairs. Quietly i snuck up behind him "LUNICK!" i yelled. He jumped nearly a mile high before he fell out of his chair. "YOUR BACK!" I quickly hugged him before hugging Solana and my family.I sat down at the table and my mother gave me a plate of waffles. I was too excited to eat.

"Honey eat your breakfast. You'll need the energy." My father said

"I cant! Im too excited and HYPER!" I nearly yelled.

"I can tell." My father said slowly.

"Hey did the ranger school say if i can bring eevee or not?" I asked. Eevee was my best friend. On my 13th birthday my dad gave me an egg. When eevee hatched a bond formed between us. I protect her and she protects me.

"Yes. You can bring eevee. bu-"My father started

"YES!" I yelled.

"BUT" My father continued."She is your responsibilty."

"Got it."After breakfast I got my bag and gutair case and went to the dock.I sat there with eevee and my family and waited for the boat. Time seemed to go by slowly.

"Are you sure you dont want me or Solana to fly you?" My cousin Lunick asked.

"Im sure." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Lunick if you keep asking she might make you into sharpedo food." Solana stated.

"Thank you!"I said. The boat finally arrived before I borded, I said my goodbyes.

"Take this."My mom said."When your ever in trouble put this on and help will come."

"I will mama."I got on the boat and looked at what my mother gave me. It was a gold necklace with a heart charm carved from a fire stone.I put it in my pocket and picked up eevee."This is it."I said to the small evolution pokemon.

When we arrived at the dock, I grabbed my bags and left the boat. I sat down at a bench and put my bags down. I was in puel town and waiting for my brother to pick me up. After a couple minutes, I heard a little girl scream. I ran towards the sound untill I saw a small blonde little girl being beaten by a man in a trench coat.

"HEY!" I yelled. Both the man and the little girl looked at me. The little girl ran to me and hugged my leg and began to cry. "Leave her alone!"

"Or what?" The man asked.

"I'll teach you a lesson. Eevee lets go!" I yelled. I looked at the little girl and said "Go find your family. I'll take care of this." She looked at me before running off.

"Tyranitar!" The man yelled pulling out a pokeball.

The pokemon stood before us. It looked strong but I knew we could beat it. We had to. " Eevee! Shadow Ball!" I yelled

"Dodge it! Then use hyper beam!" He yelled

Tyranitar dodged eevees attack. Before I could say anything eevee was hit by hyper beam. It was took the hit head on. "Eevee! are you ok?" I asked. The little pokemon stood up but i could tell she was hurt bad. Before I could call an attack, the man yelled to use hyper beam agian. I ran and coverd eevee and took the hit. I thought it might be the end as he called anothe attack. "Eevee...I...Love you." I said holding her in my arms

"Capture ON!" a masculine voice yelled.

When I opened my eyes I saw the man being arrested and tyranitar under control. I looked around and saw the little girl next to a boy my age with a mushroom style hair cut and ranger.

"Kate are you ok?" The ranger asked.

"Yeah...Crawford?" I asked

"No its the easter bunny." He said in a sarcastic tone

I hugged him tightly before looking at the little girl and the boy. I walked up to them " Hi im Kate. Thank you for getting the rangers" I said as I approched them.

"No thank you for saving my sister. I am Issac and this is Melody." he said

"Hi!" the little girl said."Big brother is visiting me!"

"Yes and I must be going. Farwell Kate." Issac said before leaving.

I looked at my brother. He gave me eevee who was now healed. I held eevee as we walked back to the bench. It was noon and today I go to the ranger school. My brother gave me a uniform and i quckly changed.

"Are you ready to start your first day?" my brother asked

"Excited as ever!"I said. We walked to the ranger school and were greeted by an oldman in a brown suit.

"I am principal lamont and you must be Kate. Please follow me. Janice will take your bags to your dorm." He said

I followed him through the gates and up a flight of stairs. He led me to the center of the yerd where we were greeted by a lady with short brown hair, a maroon dress, and a white apron. she took my bags and left. I followed principal lamont to another building and entered.




Capture! ON!

I drew loops around the pikachu. It didnt take long to capture the next thing I new the capture was done. After I released the pikachu, it ran to a man in a blue cap.

"Hehehe."He laughed as he walked up to me."Congrats. Im Mr Kaplan you passed and are now apart of team school. An evil organization and together we shall rule the world!"He said

"MR KAPLAN!"A women yelled "I would thank you kindly to not scare my students!"

"Ahahaha. Congratulations you passed with flying colors!"Mr Kaplan said

"I am your teacher Mrs April!" she said as I followed her into the school."Stay out here untill I say."

she walked into her class and started to talk. I picked up eevee and held her close."I hope they like us." I said. There were a couple of questions before she told me to come in.I entered the class and walked up to the front.

" Hi im Kate Jones and this is my eevee." I said. There were a couple of aw's about eevee.

"Ok kate you can sit next to Keith."She said pointing to a boy with spiky orange hair.

I sat down and put eevee down aswell. Eevee begain to glare at the boy I looked over and gave him a small smile before turning back and petting eevee.

"Ok thats it for treating you like a transfer student. Now you will be treated like one of my students that I take pride in teaching!" Mrs April said cheerfully."Today will be a free study. Rythmi can you please show Kate around the school?"

"Sure." Said a girl who sat a couple rows away.

After she left everyone began to crowd me and eevee. there were atleast 4 or 5 people. Eevee hopped up onto my desk and was being pet by a few girls.

"Hi im Rythmi." said the blonde in front of me.

"Hi. Im Kate."I said

"Follow me." She said pulling my arm

She led me out the door and eevee followed. I pulled out 2 sticks of Cherry gum and gave one to her. when we were in the hall eevee hopped onto her shoulder and began to sniff her."Eevee no!Im sorry shes always so well behaved!" I said.

"Its ok"she giggled"Shes only curious."

I followed her to a classroom across the hall."This is Mr Kincaid's class."she opened up the door and everyone turned to stare."Sorry to disturb your class. I was just showin our new student around."She said.

"Ah yes. Well I have one running in the halls."Said a man with hair about a foot tall.

She shut the door and led me tothe library when I broke into laughter.

"Whats so funny?" Rythmi asked

"His hair!" I said between laughs.

"Yeah I did the samething when I first saw him." she said.

The two began to laugh as they went upstairs." is the lounge on the right is our dorm on the left is the boys dorm."She said.

I followed her through the pink door into a hall. There were 3 doors."Ours is the one on the left."She said.I followed her into the dorm. I sat down on my bed and began to unpack. It was a medium sized room with 2 beds. There were 2 small dressers by each bed and a desk in the corrner of the to the closet was a mirror. there were 2 doors. one was a bathroom and the other was a supplies closet. After I unpacked, I tookout my gurair and the stand. I put the stand together and then put my gutair on it.

"You play gutair?"Rythmi asked.

"Yeah a little. My dad tought me."I said

"Cool. My dad tought me to play piano."She replied.

I was about to say something when the door flew the door way was a black haired girl with a pissed off was waring a uniform like the girls only she wore a skin tight green top with a yellow scarf insted of a tie and a brown skirt.

"What do you want claire!"Rythmi said clearly annoyed

"Oh I cant see the new girl?"she asked"I just came to say stay away from keith. Got that?"

"Claire your so pathe-"

"can it blondie!" claire said.

"Hey! Dont talk to her like that!"I said as I stood up.

"Or what?" She said in an annoyed tone.

"Or I'll hit you so hard all that hot air in your head will get knocked to Unova!" I said She gave me an annoyed look before she left."Hm. You ok Ryth?" I asked as I looked at looked shocked and happy at the same time.

"Yeah im "She said

"No problem. your my friend she has no right to say that."I said happlly

"Nobody's ever stood up to her. She is the most popular girl in thinks she's the best because her mom is an actress and her dad is a top knotch operator." Rythmi explained

"Meh. So what she wants to be a ranger?''I asked

"No. She wants to be an operator. Im also hoping to be an operator."She said

"Im gunna try my best to be a ranger! Also try and get over my stage fright."I said

"Im sure you will be a top ranger and an amazing performer!"

"Thanks Ryth!"


"Now we can go outside!"


Eevee and I ran after Rythmi out the door the fresh air felt good."Ahhh outdoors!"I said eevee sat in the grass enjoying the air and Rythmi looked at us and rooled her eyes.

"Come on theres another place to show you!" Rythmi said.

I followed her to a flight of stairs. we walked down the stairs to a small place with a statue and a dock that looked out into the water. It was beautiful to just look at the water.

"This is assention square. This is where the outdoor classes are held."Ryth said

"Cool."I said. We walked back up the stairs and were greeted by a boy with brown hair.

"Hey up?"Ryth asked

"You just missed it."The boy said

"Missed what?"She asked"OH! Kate Kellyn! Kellyn Kate!"

"Sup. Claire she went 'crying' to keith about a chick who threatend her." Kellyn said.

"Oh did she say."Rythmi said

"Something bout a girl wanting to punch her. Now Keiths in an outrage."He said.

"Kate stood up for me and told claire off."Rythmi explained "Where's keith now?"

"Looking for Kate. We got to hide her." He said

"Hell no! I can take care of myself!" I stated

"But Kate!"Rythmi said

"No buts I can take it. Eevee and I have delt with stuck up girls and their overprotected Boyfriends." I said

"Kate, Her parents hired him to watch over her! She likes him and has been trying to get him to like her."Rythmi explained

"Hey!" a boy yelled. He walked over to us and looked me in the eye. "You Kate?"He asked

"Are you Keith" i asked

"Yes."said the orange haired boy

"Yes im kate." I said

"Back off Claire! She is way more improtant than you."He said almost annoyed.

" your tone says it all."I said."You hate her and she annoys you. you wish could quit and hangout with your friends but you cant because she never leaves your side" I said.

They all gave me a shocked look."What? Its a gift sorta."I stated

"How did you know? That exsactly how i feel."He asked

"Let me put it in a way as one prankster to another shes an annoying prick and she loves you want her to stop Tell her. or get a girlfriend." I said before walking off.

It was night. I changed into my PJs and was sitting on the couch talking to Rythmi and petting eevee."So let me get this strait. She flies home every night and then Flies back every morning?"I asked

"Yes that is the only moment of peace we get around here."she said.

"wow and on the weekends she stays home?"I asked.

"Yup. good thing its friday." Rythmi said.

"Hey how about a movie night with the guys? It will be fun!" I begged

"Sure! I'll get the guys!"Rythmi said

"I shall get the movies."I said. I got the movies from my bag as well as a couple bags of candy. When I came back, Kellyn was hooking up a dvd player and Rythmi was talking to keith. No one seemed to noticeme so i slamed the candy on the jumped and looked at me I sat down the movies there was: A Haunted House, Fast and Furious, Were The Millers, and Paranormal put in the first movie a couple minutes in, i stood up and left.

"Where you going?"Rythmi asked

"I'll be right back."I said. I walked outside and down to assention square.I looked out into water and took a deep breathand held out my hand. I closed my eyes and focused my energy. When I opend my eyes fire in the shape of a heart appered. "New life, Old secret."I said. I moved the fire in my hand and watched it disaper into my body. I began to glow for a few seconds before going back into the school.

Nobodys P.O.V:

Kate made her way back to the walked up the staires what she didnt know was someone saw her. After she left assention square, out of the shadows of the pledge stone a man in a trench coat came out.

"So the rumors are true."He said "The heart is here."

I hope you liked it! Please review and tell me how you liked it :)