I don't mind
I don't care
As long as you're here
If you take me for everything and do it all over again
It's all the same
- Sick Puppies, All the Same
She was adamant until the very end, shedding no tears for Kyoyama Eisuke – her father. He was the epitome of a good parent until he got very sick and could not provide for his family anymore. Being the eldest of three children, she had no choice but to carry her father's burden. There was no one else – not her sister who's barely two months old, or her younger brother who hasn't even finished middle school.
She hated being the responsible one, that sometimes she wished they abandoned her as a child. Her mother was of no help either. Kyoyama Miharu treated her like a slave, blamed her for the tiniest things, that by the time she turned eighteen, she had gotten used to her mother's foul words, to the point she learned how to tune them out.
Kyoyama Anna often wondered why she seemed to hate her so much.
Anna was not going to agree to this – she was firm on her resolve. But the incident last night – she couldn't shake off the feeling that if it wasn't for the old man's help, they would've been killed. Maybe, she'd welcome death for herself, but her siblings have their lives ahead of them; she was going to give them a shot for a better future.
So, she met with him – the old man's son, Asakura Yoh. His smile was unlike any other and she can tell it was genuine. It would have been a breeze to fall in love with him, if it weren't for the fact that his father arranged the marriage, and that her father agreed to it. Or wait.
Her father did NOT agree to it. Had he done so in the past, they wouldn't have jumped from place to place just to get away from his creditors, the loan sharks. Asakura Mikihisa was right; she'd rather hate Eisuke for giving her away in exchange for a debt-free life, than to live in fear.
Perhaps, there's an even better explanation; she does not seem to care anymore, as long as her family's safe.
"Thanks for meeting me." She started.
" I initially didn't agree with this setup but... after seeing you..." He paused. "I changed my mind."
Anna raised her brow at his statement.
"Ahh-no, I didn't mean it in a bad way or anything!"
"Doesn't matter. I have to get back."
"But you just got here." Anna scowled at him and he flinched at the sight of her glare. "Ahh, right. I'll pick you up tomorrow?"
"Fine by me."
Ishimaru Taiki was a junior student at her college when they first met. He was the average happy-go-lucky guy who had no dreams, and was considered a delinquent in the campus. It was highly unlikely that Anna would fall for someone like him, if not perhaps for his looks. He's actually decent when he shaves and fixes his hair, and wears proper clothes. Plus, he's not really a troublemaker like the other guys in his class.
One good trait of Anna is that, she does not base her preference of men merely on appearance and charm. Taiki is a man of few words, and even though he was regarded as a delinquent student, in reality, he's sensible and smart. She found out that he was failing on purpose to show defiance against his dad, for forcing him to take an engineering course, when all he wanted was to paint. If he wanted to, he could ace his exams and graduate with flying colours. But then, why would he give his dad that satisfaction?
They were alike in many ways, which is why she agreed to marry him when he proposed. But the day she wished hard not to come, changed everything.
"I'm sorry Taiki."
"Don't do this to me, Anna. I'll work hard to pay off that debt!" He pleaded.
"There are bigger things at stake here. Just know that I'll always love you."
"I can't accept that."
"I'm truly sorry."
She removed the engagement ring from her finger and placed it on his palms. She stared at it for a brief moment and then gently had him clench his fist, as she clamped her hands over.
Anna never saw him again after that day.
Thugs raided their house a week after her father died, and demanded payment. She gave what little money she had, and she knew it wasn't enough. Anna asked them to give her time to get the funds, but they told her, it was long overdue; that Eisuke had given them such a hard time searching for them.
The burly man who seemed to be the thugs' leader threatened to hit her, but her little brother got in the way, and got slapped instead. Just when they were about to land a punch on her, a bunch of men in suits came in and forced the intruders out of the house. From the porch, she saw that the gangsters' fighting skills were no match to the professional bodyguards who easily subdued them.
Anna was scared for her siblings, yet all she can do was confine them in a protective hold. After a brief moment, one of the better dressed men came back in and wished to speak with her. The young woman was hesitant, but he assured her he was on their side.
The ruffians who terrorized her family were seen on the ground, all writhing in pain and later loaded on an elf truck, tied up like the pigs they are. Meanwhile, Anna was led to a vehicle parked a few meters from her house.
"Hello, Kyoyama-san. I thought this day would never come."
She was still bothered with what she just went through, but she'd never forget a face. He's only Asakura Mikihisa, the most influential man in Japan. He offered his hand and shook hers while all she could muster was "What are you talking about…Asakura-sama?"
"Your father never told you? I warned him that this was bound to happen sooner or later."
"Did you send those men?"
"The loan sharks? No. You're not oblivious to the fact that Eisuke-san had money troubles, correct?"
She nodded.
"Does he owe you money too?"
"Well, he does not. However, you owe me money. Or at least you will. There's this contract Anna-san, the one your father refused rather profusely, one that will help you take care of your family. But only if you accept."
"What are the terms?"
"What are your thoughts about an arranged marriage with my son?"
"Ridiculous request. No wonder my father refused the offer. I will pay you back once I get a job, so please leave my family alone."
"Ah, but that's the thing," He caught her attention once again. "…they are not your real family Anna-san. Think about it. The color of your hair, your eyes, those are dead giveaways. Don't you think Eisuke-san's a little selfish for keeping this such a secret from you? Maybe he had good intentions?" She was annoyed with him at this point, but her curiosity to his revelations got the best of her.
"Where did you get this information?"
"He told me himself. He found you in Mt. Osore, half-frozen, about 16 or 17 years ago, which makes you about eighteen. You were almost dead that time, he said, but you fought to live. So he brought you home with him. His wife was pregnant with your brother back then."
This is why the person she called 'mother' resented her so much. Everything made sense now.
"Do you know who my real family is?"
"Why, yes! You are a member of one of the most renowned clan of itakos. Unfortunately, they all died in a fire, which I presume was just a cover up for murder, but the point is, you have a gift that would be valuable to the Asakura clan."
"Bullshit. There has to be survivors. A whole clan can't just perish."
"You're the only one left, Anna-san."
"The answer is still no."
Mikihisa's brows twitched, followed by the sound of his clicking tongue.
"Let me put it this way then. If you decline, I assure you, your family will suffer, not by my hands of course. However, those troublemakers will come after you again and this time, I won't be able to assure your safety. You are giving me such a hard time, and I just don't have the patience to deal anymore. Here's the copy of the contract. Read it, send it back to me once you make up your mind. Take note that this is your first and last chance, since Eisuke-san initially refused. Consider it, long and hard. Alright?"
She took the paper and stared back at his cold eyes.
"Good night, Kyoyama-san."
Asakura Yoh arrived at Kyoyama's residence around noon the next day, and found her standing at the porch, with all her things packed in a single suitcase. He intended to greet his would-be in-law but his fiancé demanded to leave right away.
He only managed to give Kyoyama Miharu a nod. The latter did not even acknowledged him and responded with a smirk.
Yoh led Anna to his pick-up, opened the door for her and loaded her suitcase at the back. She never bothered to look back as they drove away from the place she once called home.
It's better this way.
The young Asakura cleared his throat and started the conversation.
"I heard you were engaged before this. Why…" The words slipped out before he could stop himself (it was a wrong move as nobody wants to talk about old flames) and instantly regretted his poor choice of what is usually called small talk.
She cut him off by saying "It was never going to work anyway. End of story."
What was I thinking?!
He's now mentally slapping himself for creating an awkward situation. Anna would be lying if she tells him she doesn't mind at all, but she did not dwell on it too much and immediately changes the subject.
"Why did you change your mind…about this whole thing?" Yoh sighed in relief.
"Well, why not? One, you're beautiful." He answered with a smile.
"Seriously." She said in deadpanned manner.
"Two, you're interesting. Three, I wanted to help you. I felt sorry for you,"
The back of her right hand flew and landed squarely on his face. He got distracted and lost control of the vehicle but immediately recovered. He pulled over the side of the road in a swift motion, that they almost got thrown out of their seats had it not been for their seatbelt.
"What was that for?" Asakura Yoh nursed his red cheek. She's amazed how he could maintain his voice even, when he should already be fuming in anger.
"The last thing I want from you is pity."
"But I don't pity you, Anna. I said I felt sorry because of the situation. It's as if you got the short end of the stick from this deal."
"The short end of the stick?" His fiancé smirked.
Between you and me, you're actually the unlucky one.
"Don't make me laugh." She continued.
"The thing is, I saw how your mother looked at you and appeared to be relieved, like she wasn't interested with anything you do with your life or anything that has to do with you for the matter. I mean, she just gave you away. Who does that to their own daughter?"
"It doesn't matter, Yoh. I made my choice, and that's that. Just make sure my siblings are well taken care of."
"Yes, you have my word."
She looked out the window and crossed her arms, followed by a quick apology.
"Sorry, for the slap."
"Sorry for mentioning the previous engagement."
"We're even."
He started the engine again and made their way to his house. The whole trip was such a drag, thanks to Yoh, who deliberately drove like a snail. He felt she needed the silence, so he decided not to bother her at all.
The gates opened automatically upon confirmation of his identity via biometric scanner. His vast land was unlike any other, although it did include usual amenities like swimming pools and basketball court (to name a few), but the most amazing thing about it, is that he even has his own forest.
"I love trees." He explained.
Anna would have to spare one whole day to explore the whole property, maybe more. And she liked it; at least she'll have something else to do.
"So, this is your new home. I hope you'll like it here." He said. "The wedding is set by next week, and I already have everything prepared as per the agreement. It'll be an intimate ceremony which will only involve my family, as you requested."
"I have to leave for a few minutes to close a deal with a client," He fished out a mobile phone and handed it to her. "Call me if you need anything. I won't be long."
He considered it for a moment, and spoke again "Say, do you want to come with?"
"No, thanks."
Truth be told, he doesn't have any appointment; he cancelled everything just for this day. Nonetheless, he wanted Anna to feel comfortable at his place. In time, she might learn to warm up to him. Maybe, if not lovers, they can at least be good friends. Yoh will be contented with that.
At this time of day, she would've completed a significant amount of tasks which used to be a part of her daily routine. Hell, she dreaded today, the day of her wedding. All because...
Hair and make up took thirty minutes or more, and then there's the elaborate dress Mikihisa picked out for her. Every single detail took forever. The worst part? The ceremony hasn't even started yet, and she's already exhausted.
This is exactly how she imagined it, she knew Mikihisa would never settle for anything less since he's his only son.
Yoh, did all he could to make her feel at ease. After all was said and done, he kissed his new bride on the lips as lightly as he could and in the shortest amount of time possible, even when the crowd demanded another.
The family photo op took about half an hour or more, mainly because her husband's relatives proved to be endless. Everything else that day, was a complete blur.
The newlyweds flew to Hawaii the same day for their honeymoon, a complement from one of the principal sponsors. It was around nine in the evening, when the private plane landed and thirty minutes later, they arrived at their luxury suite.
Anna had to brace herself for this night, because he will definitely do the deed.
Yoh approached her and slowly took her hand in his. Her hands were ice cold, but he led her anyway to bed. He motioned her to lay down first, while he sat by her side. Anna closed her eyes, and waited; except all he did was kiss her forehead and bid her goodnight.
She asked him what he was doing, and he answered "We both had a long day. I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight, call me out if you need anything."
Anna's brows creased, "I'm confused."
"Anna, you don't have to pretend you like me. You can be yourself when you're with me and I promise I won't judge." He grinned at her and left the room. She wasn't expecting this at all. All she wanted was to get it over with. All he wanted was to get some sleep.
She woke up by seven the next day and almost forgot that she's his wife now, if not for the ring on her finger. Anna sat up, got out of bed and ran into Yoh, who was just about to check on her, on her way out.
"Oops, sorry! My fault!" He was wearing a sweat shirt and jogging pants, after completing his morning routine.
She almost fell down upon contact, but Yoh grabbed her hands quick enough, and helped her regain her balance.
"Are you alright?"
She responded back with a slight frown.
"Yes. Can I get you anything? I'm your wife after all. I'm supposed to tend to your needs or something."
Yoh sighed. "Thanks, but no thanks. Actually, I made you breakfast before I went out. It's over the counter. You just have to heat it up."
He smiled that goofy smile again and she hated it.
Why was he like this? What was he trying to do?
"Should I do it for you?"
"I just have to take a quick shower and then I'll join you at the table. I mean, if you don't mind."
"Right." And there's that sarcastic tone again.
"Anna, I know you hate me and all... heck, I think you think I hate you too, but I really don't. If you could try a little bit to get to know me, that'd be great. However, if you don't feel like it, then don't. Okay?"
His smile was infectious and she couldn't help but feel guilty of her utter indifference towards him.
"You can't just be okay with this."
"Is there a reason why I shouldn't be, Anna? Perhaps, the question should be, why aren't you okay with this?" He didn't mean to sound condescending; he has his limits too. "Don't think about it too much." He touched her face lightly "If you don't want me around, I'll stay out of your way. Only far enough so I can get to you in case you'll need me. I guess it won't happen anytime soon, ne?"
By now she would've come up with a feisty remark, but none came. She wondered how long they can keep this up; it's only been a day and they're at each other's throats.
Why is she throwing a fit anyway?
"I guess that's that. I'll leave as soon as I clean up."
Things are not going so well between the young couple. Obviously, Anna's miserable, yet he wanted her to stay. That's all she has to do. Was that too much to ask?
He muttered something indistinct as he stretched out his hands on the wall.
Yeah, maybe it is. She despises you.
He scratched his head rather forcefully out of frustration.
Yoh was startled when the bathroom door suddenly opened. There she was, not more than a few feet away. The only thing that separated them was the foggy shower glass door.
"Wha- Anna! What are you doing you here?" He swiftly turned his back and held the edge of the shower entrance. He's confident she would not be able to pry it open, even if she tried.
Unless she breaks the glass.
"I'm almost done, can you give me a minute?"
"May I join you?"
Maybe he's hallucinating; she would never resort to this.
"W-what?!"He replied anxiously, as he focused his attention on keeping the damn door closed.
Why the fuck didn't I lock it anyway?
"I asked you a question."
"But... why?"
"Why not?"
"B-because... "
"Because...?" He spared her a quick glance (and kept the hot water running), and realized she had nothing on.
Yoh sighed.
Screw this.
He opened the door, swiftly grabbed his towel as well as her bathrobe,and kept her from facing him.
"Because…I know you don't love me, much less, like me." Yoh draped the robe over her shoulders very carefully as he continued "I know what you're trying to do and if you feel bad for me, don't. You agreed to honor the contract, that's good enough for me."
"So, you don't want me?"
"I want you more than you'll ever know, Anna. But not like this. I'll go get changed."
It's clear to her then; he's truly a gentleman. And she's being a bitch.
Anna went downstairs and saw Yoh fiddling with his fingers.
"I thought," she started
"I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What is it?"
He was hesitant to bring up the topic but felt it was the right thing to do.
"Three months," He gestured with his fingers. "...that's the time I need to fix everything."
"What's it got to do with me?"
"In three months' time, I will let you go."
Anna's brows knitted closely.
"Let me go? Are you kidding?"
"I'm serious. I know you did this for your family,"
"Everyone knows I did this for my family. Besides, even if I wanted to, I can't. I'm the collateral, remember?"
"Everything I have will be yours. I promise, your family will never go through that again."
"What is wrong with you?"
"I think it's only fair I give you what you deserve. You deserve better."
He stood up, flashed his famous grin, and turned away. "And one more thing, I really love you. "
"I don't think so."
"I knew you'd say that."
It was hard for him to confess about his real feelings for her, because he knew the answer all along. He's hurting in more ways than one, but at least, he was able to say it out loud.
You did good, Yoh. It's all good. So, why are you crying?
"Are you, actually crying?" Did he stay there too long? He was supposed to go out, right? Hey, he made it out the door! How long has she been following him?
"What? No! I just got something in my eyes."
"There's nothing to apologize for."
"I think, we got on the wrong foot. Let's start over, I'm Kyoyama Anna." She held out her hand. "Well, it's Asakura Anna, now."
"I'm Yoh, nice to meet you."
A/N: Happy New Year! What are your thoughts on this story? Please let me know. Thank you!