A day to celebrate! Finally up with the last chapter to One Of The Good Guys.
I know that I took a chance with this second story of the Cordelia verse. A lot of people fell in love with A Song For Cordelia and that adds expectations to a second part. I may have lost followers because Sam became a huge part of the story, but I still hope that I have made him justice, because I see him so differently that canon Sam. Finishing up I feel I have told the story that was in my heart about how unexpected life can be and how important it is to have friends around you that will pick you up no matter what. It's also been a story about second chances - and at the end of the day we all need them.
But it ain't over till the fat lady sings. There will be a third story to the Cordelia verse. It will be very Klaine focused with a six months time gap. I'm already on it and will post the first chapter as soon as I can. So follow me to make sure you will get an update when the story begins.
As this is the last chapter, reviews would be lovely. What did you love? What did you hate? What did you care less about?
For those of you who loved "Never Say Never" can I say that I have a new CrissColfer story comming up as well. It's not connected in any way to NSN - it's more AU, but I think you'll like it anyway. So stay tuned.
See you around
Chapter 26 - New Beginnings
Kurt only had a few rituals before going on stage. He always wore the old wrist watch his dad had given him the night his mother died. The watch had belonged to his grandad and even though it wasn't working anymore, it represented the years he'd had with his mother. Time should be treasured, especially the moments that were most important. The watch had also been on his wrist the night Blaine had sung "How wonderful life is" and asked him to be his boyfriend for the second time.
Another ritual was a vocal warm up to Defying Gravity because that song contained his every being and because he knew he could reach the top note just as well as Rachel Berry.
The third ritual was walking around backstage and checking up on his fellow castmates. Maybe it was his caretaker gene kicking in from being alone with his dad when he grew up, or maybe he just felt responsible for a production overall.
He put on his first costume, the ragged outfit, did his "shabby" makeup to go with it and finished up with untidied hair. He smiled to his own reflection in the mirror before his eyes wandered to the picture in the corner. Opening Night a year ago; Blaine and him, smiling to the camera; Blaine with a huge secret behind his golden eyes. Even to this day Kurt gets emotional just thinking about that night.
He got up with happiness stirring inside. This would be another night to remember, for different reasons, but still important and groundbreaking. His first stop was the stage itself. He loved the sense of calm before the storm hit this very spot. Jason was struggling with a top light above the side of the stage, balancing on a tall ladder that was kept steady from the ground by Vladimir. The two men were too busy to notice Kurt as they worked together on whatever issue the spot was causing, Vladimir described what he could see from the ground as Jason tested different options. Whenever Jason needed a tool Vladimir gave a shout out to Michelle. She would then appear around the corner, only halfway done with her makeup, trying to help the best way possible. Kurt couldn't help smiling. It was rare to see cast and crew work that closely together, but considering what they had endured together it was possible that everybody in this production had gotten really close.
Michelle was the first one to discover Kurt and she immediately strode to him with eager eyes. "Thank god you're here I need your opinion about this." She pointed to her face and monitored his reaction carefully.
Then he realized that each side of her face had different makeup on. "Oh," he said and looked closely. "Um the left side is a big vague and I think your right side is too dark." He stepped back, trying to make a dicition. "Keep the makeup around your eyes pretty strong and tone down your lips. Big eyes are signaling innocence, while painted lips are more suggestive."
"Thank you," she said and got up on her toes to give him a peck on his cheek before she disappeared around the corner again.
Kurt moved on smitten by her enthusiasm when he bumped into Ally. She was struggling with the gown of the Evil Queen, Morgana. "Certain things shouldn't be left to strangers," she muttered with needles squeezed between her lips in one side. She looked up, removed the needles and snapped a thread between her teeth. "Hey Kurt. Just have to deliver this," she said. "Come walk with me."
He took the big gown out of her hands and followed along. "Any major crises?"
"No, just minors," she answered and exhaled before she took the crook of his arm and shot him a tired smile. "But after tonight it's not my problem anymore, then Eva will take over again."
"And then what? Any new projects for you?" Kurt asked.
"Fred and I will take a vacation, nothing big, just getting away from New York for a few weeks. How about you and Blaine?
"We're planning a trip to Italy late in the summer.
"Oh my god that's so amazing," Ally responded. "I've always wanted to go to Europe, but I think it will have to wait until my bundle of joy has arrived." She subconsciously stroke the babybump that was now visible. "You have to tell me all about it when you guys come back."
"Promise," Kurt said. "And how is everything with your bundle of joy by the way?"
"Oh she's fine, I've already felt a little splash from in there," Ally laughed.
"Do you know it's a girl?" Kurt asked excited.
"Nope, it would just be a lot more fun sewing girls clothes than boys."
"Unless you Ally-up boys clothes so they come in more than blue and green," Kurt said dryly.
"I love when the designer in you wakes up, Hummel."
" I know," Kurt said and delivered the big gown to the Evil Queen herself. While Ally stayed back and helped out in the dressing room Kurt saw a glimpse of Charlene. "Hey girl, wait up," he said and adjusted his step to her quick pace.
She gave him a once over. "Hey poor guy with ripped clothes, do I know you?"
"Sweet, and I take that as a compliment," Kurt claimed.
"You should. Have you seen, Dub by the way? she asked, looking around.
"Um no, not for awhile," Kurt answered. "Everything all right?"
"Yeah, I'm just tying up the last loose ends before curtain call." She smiled. "How about you, are you ready?"
"Please, I was born to do this. I'm sure I performed in my mother's womb."
"Why does that not sound crazy at all." She whispered loudly.
"Where are the dancers?"
"Warming up."
"And Kevin and Lucy?
Charlene stopped for the first time. "Lucy is pale as a sheet and Kevin is trying to be brave but he is barely keeping it together."
Kurt chuckled "That is so adorable. I'll go talk to them."
Charlene squeezed his arm. "That would be great, then I'll continue my search for Dub."
Kurt didn't have to look for the children for long. They hung out in one of the common dressing rooms, all dressed up and with makeup on. Kevin was rehearsing his routine and Lucy sat down, stone faced in front of a mirror. Kurt met her eyes in the reflection. "Hey beautiful girl," he said softly and turned her around as to break the spell.
"Kurt, I can not do it. I thought I was so cool about this and professional and all, but I'm nothing like that. I'm pretty sure I'll pee my pants, or my dress in this case, and I will embarrass myself and be a disappointment to Dubrowski. And if I don't pee, I'll probably just fall and not know how to catch up with the routine again. And I will never, ever be picked to do another show for as long as I live. This was a huge mistake!"
Kurt stopped her ramble as soon as she paused for a breath and took her hands in his. "Lucy Margaret Hamlin. You know, just as well as I, that all those things you just said was your fear talking. It's trying to take control over you and if you don't fight back fear will keep pushing you around. I can't promise you that your performance will be perfect tonight. Most of us will make minor mistakes, but most times the audience won't notice if you don't give yourself away." Kurt glanced at Kevin. He was pretending not to listen, but he did. "The two of you have nailed every rehearsal and I promise that everybody on that stage are friends and they will catch you if you fall and help you through this night." He squeezed her hands. "And tomorrow you will be a little less nervous and as the nights go on you will be able to enjoy every minute you get to be in the spotlight. You will add little details and experience how amazing it is to be part of a group that turns stories into magic, night after night."
The girl exhaled and managed to give a small smile in return. But then she caved and threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you," she whispered.
A lump got caught in Kurt's throat. "Oh you're welcome," he whispered back, surprised by his own emotions. He got up and walked the distance to Kevin. "You're ready?" he asked, knowing his approach to the boy had be slightly different.
"Yeah, I'm cool," Kevin said and tried to broaden his small chest. "Better make the best of it, right? Who knows if I'll get a chance like this ever again."
Kurt was puzzled. "If you want to I'm sure there is more for you. You have pretty solid connections after all."
"Um, I'm just thinking if Dub will ever need me again."
Kurt heard the hope in the boys voice. "You know he just might. I can tell he has been very happy to work with the two of you."
Kevin smiled sincerely and forgot all about his chest. "He is really cool," he said. "I mean not as cool as you, obviously, but close."
"Oh my god, you almost blew that one, Kev," Kurt said with a laugh. "But … I'm glad you like him."
"Of course I do," Kevin said.
From the common dressing room Kurt had one more stop to do. He wanted to find Dub. They needed this final break a leg before he was ready to enter the stage himself. He found him in his office, but the sight that met him was slightly different than he had imagined. Dubrowski stood with a magnificent bouquet of flowers in his arms and an uncertain, bewildered expression.
"Wow those are really beautiful," Kurt stated and smiled.
"Yes, yes, they are … quite extraordinary," Dub stuttered.
Their eyes met. "Who are they from?"
"Um … Joyce." Dubrowski blushed. "I know it's a bit overwhelming, but it must be because I've taken good care of Kevin and Lucy, right?"
Kurt leaned against the doorframe . "I'm sure it is ... among other things."
"I … Kurt, I don't know what to do," Dubrowski confessed. "This must be weird for you … I mean. You and Blaine are so close with her … and ... anyway, I'm not sure she means anything by it."
"With a bouquet that size?" Kurt smirked. "Dub, that's got to mean something, don't you think?"
Dubrowski cleared his throat. "Could be, I don't know."
"Look Dub, I'm not blind," Kurt said. "I've seen the two of you together and … I don't want you to hold back because of me. If you're the one making Joyce and Kevin happy, I would never interfere. Just .. give me some time to break it to Blaine," he begged.
"Oh, of course, of course, I would never be inconsiderate, but honestly ... I don't know if she really would want someone as damaged as me."
"We all get damaged one way or another," Kurt declared. "Joyce is damaged in her own way. Raising Kevin on her own hasn't been easy. But a lot can happen on Opening Nights, take it from me. It's like a new beginning."
Charlene popped in. "Wow Dub, those flowers are beautiful. Let me get you something to put them in. They will look lovely on your desk." She reached out for the flowers without a hint of surprise that he had been given them in the first place. "When I come back I have a few questions for you, oh and Kurt, a very gorgeous man with a bouquet of red and yellow roses is looking for you."
Kurt felt his heartbeat quicken. "I better hunt him down then, he sounds like a keeper."
Kurt had almost forgotten how overwhelming the rush of adrenalin could be entering the stage. But once there and settled in the familiar dialogue, he knew there was no other place he'd rather be. His voice rose effortlessly until it soared underneath the ornamented ceiling; the top notes clear as crystal and the bottom notes filled with sorrow and hurt. Just like Blaine had composed it for him. Michelle had been slightly stiff in the beginning, but once she trusted him to catch her, she relaxed and played along.
As predicted there were a few hiccups here and there, but no major mistakes and the applause when the cast took their final bow was magnificent and intoxicating. Flowers were given to key persons introduced by Stevenson, who seemed to be in a brilliant mood. But when Kurt received his bouquet Dubrowski was handed the microphone instead.
"I've been allowed to say a few things tonight," he started, "even though I'm sure the cast and crew are a bit tired of my voice by now." A muffled laugh was heard from the stage. "But there are three people I would like to tribute in a very special way." He put his hand above his eyes to see through the spotlight. "Blaine Anderson and Ally Cole , why don't you come up here with the rest of us."
The audience applauded as Blaine and Ally shyly found their way through the rows. "Please come and stand next to Kurt," Dubrowski encouraged them. Once there Kurt reached out his hand and gave them both a peck on their cheeks.
"Did you know about this? Blaine whispered through a stiff smile as he too received flowers.
"No," Kurt said truthfully, "but I'm sure it's something good."
"These three people are the heart and soul behind A Song For Cordelia," Dubrowski continued. "Kurt has written the play, Blaine has composed all the beautiful songs you've heard tonight and Ally has designed the costumes. I have been lucky enough to get to know especially Kurt and Blaine during the setup of this production. And I will tell you, apart they are talented, but together they are a force of nature. Because of them I've been on a personal journey that has changed my perspective and my life. Kurt, thank you for everything you've given me, the cast and the crew over the last two months and please promise me that you, together with Blaine and Ally, will create more amazing musicals that will gain recognition on stages all over the world."
A standing ovation backed up the beautiful words Dubrowski had spoken. Blaine intertwined their hands. "This is crazy," he said with a happy smile and looked at Kurt.
Kurt tightened his grip. "Wall of Fame, remember? We are going to get there, baby, just like we dreamed about."
"Gershwin theater," Blaine responded. "I will never forget."
"So, tell me your secret," Stevenson said with his deep familiar voice and a wide smile.
Kurt had changed into his own clothes and was getting ready for the afterparty. Blaine was waiting for him together with Cooper and Katie in the hall. "I don't usually tell secrets," he said, "especially not when I don't know which secret."
"What did you do to Dubrowski?" The big blunt guy looked puzzled. "I mean, how did you go from that terrible meeting at my office with a Russian guy ready to destroy you, to whatever happened tonight? Dubrowski asked me permission to give you and Blaine a special tribute. I hadn't seen that coming in a million years, I swear to god."
Kurt hummed as he put on his jacket. "I haven't done much but Dub on the other hand has worked harder than anyone I know."
"Is that so," Stevenson said in disbelief.
"Honest truth," Kurt replied with a smile.
"I'll be damned. I've always respected you, you know that, Hummel, but I didn't think you would pull this one through." Stevenson scratched the nape of his neck. "Is there anything I can do for you in return?"
Kurt sat down on the edge of the table with folded arms." Yes, I think there is."
"Keep him!"
"Yes," Kurt confirmed.
"Well, he's got one more play on his contract so I'm not about to fire him, if that's what you worry about."
"Renew his contract."
Stevenson pointed his lips. "What if he stops behaving the minute you're out the door?" he asked.
"He won't, it has nothing to do with me."
"I don't know Kurt," Stevenson wavered.
"It's your call, obviously," Kurt stated, "but if you sign him for another season, you won't regret it. That's my honest opinion."
A thoughtful expression showed on the CEO's face. "I'll think about it," he said after awhile, "I promise. Have you thought about my offer to you?"
"I have," Kurt answered with a genuine smile. "And we've all agreed. "By Blackbird" would love to have you as our agent. So if you could work out a contract we can go on from there."
Stevenson barked out a laugh and shook Kurt's hand. "I'm mighty glad to hear that. You just wait and see. I'll take A Song For Cordelia all the way to the big Broadway stages.
Kurt leaned closer. "You really think that could happen?"
"Watch me," Stevenson said and laughed again until his big belly was jumping up and down.
Kurt still had a smile on his face when he had left Stevenson, that was until Victor blocked his way with his arms crossed and a suggestive look in his eyes. "So, Hummel, don't forget to save a slow dance for me at the afterparty. I've been told you've got some great moves on the floor."
"Forget it, Vic," Kurt sighed and moved on.
"Well you can't blame a guy for trying, right?" Victor said from behind.
Kurt could hear the smirk in his voice and even though he had decided to let it go he changed his mind and turned around. "Actually I can."
"Can what?" Victor asked, hope already rising.
Kurt stepped closer. "Blame you for trying." Victor's face faltered. "Have I ever in any way indicated that I wasn't completely happy with Blaine? Have I lead you on in some mysterious way? Because if I have, please let me know so I don't mislead someone again."
Victor's jaw muscled up. "You know, Kurt Hummel, you might as well come down from that high horse of yours. You and Blaine try to push this image of a perfect couple but I'm not buying it. Everybody knows that Blaine cheated on you a couple of years ago and that he was the cause of a broken engagement. So don't walk around thinking the two of you are better than the rest of us and make us believe that you're oh so happy."
Kurt was surprised by the attack but he stood tall when he answered back. "I'll tell you a little secret, Vic, a happy relationship isn't about the mistakes that are made or not made. It's about how you move on from your mistakes and how you learn from them. And if you could truly understand that, maybe you'll meet a guy one day who will say yes to you, despite your mistakes."
Victor stepped closer with fisted hands and anger trembling on his face. "You better be really careful about what you say next," he warned. But Kurt didn't budge.
"For your information I broke the nose on a bodyguard twice your size about a month ago. I'm not scared of you," he said calmly.
Victor clenched his teeth and glared back, but then he retreated, rushed past Kurt, cursing all the way to the hall and out into the street.
The following weeks were crazy in a good way. Kurt performed every night at The Ensemble with only Mondays off, while Blaine and Ally prepared Mercedes and Sam's arrival to New York. Blaine worked on the setlist for a welcome concert with Sam. He wanted it to be a special event, so the fans could get to know the newest member of Sound Of Seduction. He and Matt hyped it on the band's YouTube channel and made Sam record a couple of vines to introduce himself.
In the meantime Ally worked on the apartment at the loft, sewing new curtains, bedsheets and pillows. Fred made a portable screen that would divide the work area from the apartment and offer a bit more privacy.
The day Sam and Mercedes finally came, tired, happy and tearing up, Kurt and Blaine had prepared a small welcome party. Only those closest to the new New Yorkers were invited, which meant Finn and Rachel, Santana, Brittany, Kurt and Blaine. They all met at the loft and enjoyed some nice take-out, introducing a Chinese restaurant near by.
The last days in LA had been hectic and emotional. Sam and Mercedes had both had a hard time saying goodbye to Puck and Artie, but at the same time they were looking so much forward to getting settled in the big apple. When Kurt had to leave for the theater, everyone else helped clean up and left Sam and Mercedes to get some much appreciated sleep.
After a couple of days it became obvious how well things worked out at the loft. Sam and Mercedes never felt alone and they needed people around them as things were new to them in almost every area of their lives. Mercedes had been attending a few meetings with agents Rachel had recommended, while Sam had spend time with the band. Everybody usually met for lunch and one Tuesday Santana and Charlene joined them.
"Sam, we have a business proposition for you," Santana said when everybody was done eating and Sam had entertained them with his first location mistakes in the big city.
"What kind of proposition?" he asked.
"You know how I'm not a big fan of churches, right?" Santana said. "God and I are doing just fine without the interference of Christians and buildings. But Charlene's church seems to get the total love your neighbor and everything - and that I'm cool with. Anyway, this church is located in a pretty rough area with a lot of kids getting themselves into trouble. They want to start some sort of youth club where the kids can hang out or attend different art classes. Charlene will teach dance and I would like to get some of them to sing. If I'm not mistaken some of those troubled kids may have talents they are not even aware of. But we need someone to connect with the boys, maybe teach them to play the guitar and we really think you could be that guy."
Sam looked at her with a thoughtful frown. "This isn't some sort of charity project called get Sam a job, right? Because I don't need that."
"Don't you think I respect you more than that, Sam Evans?" Santana asked squinting.
"I hope you do," Sam answered, " and I'm sorry for asking but I need to know for sure."
Charlene jumped in before Santana got mad for real. "This has been a dream of mine, Sam, for a couple of years at least," she explained. "Six months ago I mentioned it to the reverend and to my surprise he'd been thinking about something similar. Then Tana came along and she loved the idea from the very start." The girls smiled at each other. "We've been to a couple of meetings with the leadership of the church and they have agreed to finance the project the best way they can," Charlene continued. "Your name came up when Tana realized you and Mercedes were moving to New York; she said we couldn't get a better guy for the job."
Sam caught Santana's eyes again. "Sorry," he repeated, "I didn't mean to doubt your intentions. I'm just sensitive about these things, that's all."
Santana softened. "Of course and I should have known that. I've just ... I've been so excited to tell you about this and I know you will be perfect for the job. It doesn't pay much, at least not in the beginning, but it could develop into something bigger."
A spark showed in Sam's blue eyes. "What do you think, baby?" he asked turned to Mercedes.
"Oh no, Sam, that's your decision," she said with a laugh. "You know I'll support your decision no matter what, but it's your choice."
"Can I think about it?" Sam asked.
"Sure," Santana answered.
A lopsided smile showed on Sam's face. "Okay, I've thought about it. Of course I'll do it." Santana fist pumped in the air and Blaine, Kurt and Ally cheered.
"That job has Sam written all over it," Blaine claimed happily. "One time Sam came to New York to cheer me up and we ended up in Central Park making an impromptu concert with a homeless guy?"
Sam scratched his head. "Yeah, I guess equals attract."
The welcome concert was booked at the Cavazz; a music bar in Soho where everything had taken off for Sound Of Seduction more than two years ago. The owner, Bill, had become a huge fan of the band and they had an open invitation to the weekly "It's not all Jazz" nights.
They could easily have filled a bigger venue, as Kurt regularly pointed out, but Blaine loved the closeness and the atmosphere that the smaller places offered. He felt more in touch with the audience and loved to see faces respond to the music.
Sam had been in boot camp for the last week in order to catch up with the setlist and the repertoire in general. Mercedes was invited as a guest soloist and she had blown the bands minds at rehearsals.
Everybody was invited, family and friends, the LA gang, the New York fans and people connected to any of the above. Artie, Quinn and Puck had arrived the day before and Mike had been in New York for a couple of days. He had already seen A Song For Cordelia twice and he had been a huge help with the last minute arrangement details before the concert as well. His dance tour was on hiatus for two months and he had decided to spend the summer in New York.
On the night of the concert Kurt did a lot of mingling while the band was preparing backstage. He wanted to make sure everybody was having a good time. Finn and Rachel were entertaining Burt and Carole, while Cooper and Katie were catching up with the Andersons. Santana was proudly introducing Charlene to everyone who hadn't met her and Kurt joined them for awhile.
He was deeply involved in a conversation with Sam's parents when he suddenly caught a glimpse of Dubrowski and Joyce, holding hands. His heart dropped to the floor. He knew Joyce had been invited but no one had talked about Dub. He quickly scanned the room for Blaine, but he still appeared to be behind the stage. Then he walked the distance to the happy couple.
"Oh hi," he stuttered, as if he incidentally had bumped into them and that everything was alright. He wondered if he could ask them to keep low tonight without offending anyone. "What a nice surprise. I hadn't expected to see you here," he added and looked at Dubrowski. "I mean you're more than welcome."
Joyce leaned over and gave Kurt a warm hug. "Blaine invited us both and we're thrilled to be here," she said with a knowing smile.
"Did ... I mean ... okay so Blaine invited you." Kurt bit his lip. "That's just ... really sweet of him." His mind was racing "Great, great ... and where's Kevin?"
"He's with Mira," Joyce explained. "They have been on a theater raid today. Mira got tickets for three different plays and now they're at home watching musicals."
Kurt turned speechless at first but then it felt like a burden rolled off of his shoulders and he almost laughed. "That's ... that's just amazing," he said. "I can imagine Kevin having the time of his life."
"Mira too, to be honest," Dubrowski added. "He will have Kevin turned into a theater nerd in no time."
"I agree," Kurt chuckled. "The boy is a lost cause from now on."
They chatted on for awhile until Kurt felt it was alright to excuse himself again. He had to talk to Blaine before showtime, because he might have invited Dub along, but Kurt doubted Blaine fully understood what was going on. He was usually the last one to detect when people around him were falling in love. Kurt had to fight his way through groups of talking and laughing people, all wanting to chat with him, which meant he didn't reach Blaine until a few minutes before count down.
"Hey baby" Blaine said the moment he saw him. "Is everything okay?"
"Wow, I'm usually the one asking you that question before a gig," Kurt mumbled.
"But you're the one looking a bit lost."
"Um, did you invite Dub for tonight, together with Joyce?" Kurt asked.
Blaine smiled "Yeah, I did. I hope it's alright. It just felt like the right thing to do, all things considered."
"Considered what?" Kurt repeated, just to make sure they were on the same page.
"Don't you know?" Blaine asked baffled. "They are dating now." He patted Kurt's shoulder. "Try to keep up here, baby. You're usually the smartest one of us about these things - and it happened on your watch." He gave Kurt a quick kiss and winked before he disappeared.
"I cannot believe this just happened," Kurt mumbled in disbelief.
When the band hit the stage it was to a deafening applause. Josh started up a solid beat on the drums, groovy and laid back, while Blaine spoke in the mic. "Ladies and gents, my name is Blaine Anderson. I'm here to welcome you to an amazing night where we hope to entertain you to the fullest and bring this house down! On the drums we have Josh Litmann, the youngest member of the band, but also the loudest." Josh turned up the volume even more and rocked, receiving a heavy applause from the younger females in the audience.
"On the piano," Blaine continued, "no other than the beautiful, ridiculously talented, Megan Steadham". Meg hit the coolest chords with an organ sound that cut through the room like a musical saw.
"The next member you need to pay attention to is our bass player. He can groove your socks off and make you move like you've never dreamed you were capable of. Give it up for Matthew Connor." Matt took off with a simple riff and then added layer after layer until the meanest slap bass made people roar.
"But as you know, that is not all," Blaine thundered into the mic. "Sound Of Seduction have a new member. For two solid years I have begged this guy to join the band. Now my dreams have finally come true. He has moved to New York with his girlfriend and I promise you that together they will leave their mark on this fine city, starting tonight here in Soho. Please, make some noise for the amazing, once in a lifetime, Mr. Sam Evans!"
Sam stepped up on stage with a shy smile, looking overwhelmed when the applause rose to a roar again. But the minute his fingers hit the strings on his guitar, he conquered his part of the staged like he had belonged there all along.
Now the groove changed to Uptown Funk and Blaine made people clap to the beat. "You may think the surprises are done for tonight. But we are just getting started. Because tonight we have our very own brass ensemble." Three guys, sitting randomly among the audience got up from their seats and started playing on shiny instruments, a horn, a saxophone and a trombone. Playing along they found their way up on stage and made silly big band moves as they settled in.
Blaine threw his head backwards with the end of the mic pointing to the ceiling.
This hit
That ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer
That white gold
This one, for them hood girls
Them good girls
Straight masterpieces
Stylin', while in
Livin' it up in the city
Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent
Got kiss myself I'm so pretty
I'm too hot - hot damn
Called a police and a fireman
I'm too hot - hot damn
Make a dragon wanna retire man
I'm too hot - hot damn
Say my name you know who I am
I'm too hot - hot damn
Am I bad 'bout that money
Break it down
Kurt secretly snapped for air. He would never get tired of watching Blaine perform with the band and especially not when he hit his I'm-up-to-no-good vibe, making moves that shouldn't be allowed in public. He let his eyes follow the curves in the tight pants, up to Blaine's broad chest and his strong arms. But it was his half opened eyes and his tempting lips Kurt lingered on.
Don't believe me just watch
Don't believe me just watch
Don't believe me just watch
Don't believe me just watch
The applause lasted into the next song
Get up offa that thing
and dance 'till you feel better
Get up offa that thing
and dance 'till you, sing it now
Get up offa that thing
and dance 'till you feel better
Get up offa that thing,
and shake 'till you feel better
Get up offa that thing
and shake it, say it now
Get up offa that thing
and shake 'till you feel better
Get up offa that thing
and try to release that pressure
Get up off
Good God
so good
The big band vibe carried through song after song. As usual it was a mix of covers and Blaine's songs. And with a growing fanbase that knew the songs from YouTube it felt like a known repertoire either way. Half an hour later the band shuttled into a more laid back style until most of the audience sat down again and just listened intensely to the music.
Closing up first set offered yet another surprise. "We have one more unexpected treat for you guys tonight," Blaine said and gulped down water before wiping the sweat off his face with a towel. "This singer has been a friend of mine since high school, and you know, you sometimes think that you know people really well based on the years of your friendship. But it wasn't until recently I truly understood just how strong, kind and giving she really is. And my friendship with her will be treasured forever. On top of that her voice is amazing! This is why I'm so honored to introduce to you, Miss Mercedes Jones!"
The band cheered just as much as the audience when Mercedes entered the stage wearing a big toothy smile. Then she centered herself and waited for quietness. With closed eyes she hummed along to the intro of the song, only accompanied by simple piano chords and a lonely trumpet, weeping each note into the room.
The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the endless skies, my love
To the dark and the endless skies
And the first time ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth move in my hands
Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command, my love
That was there at my command, my love
And the first time ever I lay with you
I felt your heart so close to mine
And I knew our joy would fill the earth
And last till the end of time, my love
And it will last till the end of time, my love
The first time ever I saw your face, your face
Your face, your face
The last note from her was fragile as breaking glass and yet so controlled that in a few seconds not a sound was heard . Then came the applause, exploding and persistent.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mercedes Jones.
The concert became everything Blaine and the band had hoped for and after an equally successful second set they gathered backstage to enjoy the humongous adrenalin rush they all shared. When everyone had changed and was preparing to go out and talk to their families and friends, Mercedes decided to make some sort of a video diary. She zoomed in on Sam and Blaine, having a blast with each other.
"Say something for the camera boys," she pleaded.
"Something," Sam said and winked.
"You have to do better than that, baby," Mercedes complained.
"Okay," Sam said and grabbed a bottle of water from the table, using it as a mic. He put on a show face. "I'm standing here with the crazily talented, Blaine Devon Anderson, after one of his sold out concerts. And I'll tell you, the atmosphere in there has been exhilarating and it may not be too much of a stretch to say that mister Anderson's street credit is in par with no other than The President Of The United States." He looked at Blaine and continued with a shiny smile. "You're a musician with a band of your own, on the verge of getting a record deal. You're a composer with a Broadway musical on your resume ...,"
"Off," Blaine added into the water bottle and smiled to the camera.
"Off what?" Sam said puzzled through his stiff smile.
"Off-Broadway," Blaine explained, eyes still on the camera.
"Ahh, of course. But there's even more. You're a talented dancer and a spoken for tudor for the future talents out there. What's next?" Sam asked. "Have you done it all or do you have a secret goal up your sleeves? World domination? Ending poverty? Anything you can share with us?" Sam pointed the mic at Blaine once more.
"Um actually I do have something new coming up," Blaine answered with smiling eyes. "I'm going to propose to my boyfriend … and when I propose, the world will know!"