OK this What If was suggested by AlvinandBrittanyForeverLove. She gave me an idea and I decided to write a what if for it. If anyone has an idea that they want me to do just PM me and I'll turn your idea to a chapter in this story. P.S the twins are 7 in this chapter.

Beep Beep Beep

Brittany woke up tot he sound of her alarm clock. She pressed the snooze button and quickly got out of bed to see her sisters still asleep. She looked at her clock and it read 2:35. She sighed and quietly got out of bed. She was lucky that she slept in her clothes because she was gonna see someone special. She ran on all fours outside and waited on the sidewalk. After a couple minutes she was about to leave but a male chipmunk jumped in front of her. She let out a gasp in surprise and tried to calm down. "Davis don't do that, you know that always scares me." Brittany said.

"Yeah but that's why I do it. So have you told your sisters that me and my brothers are back in town?" Davis said. He had light brown fur with black messy hair and emerald green eyes. His body was thin but muscular that can make any girl chipmunk (Or any female) drool over him.

"Sorry Davis I still haven't told them."

"But- oh come on bubblegum, their your sisters and my cousins. You have to tell them sometime."

"I will just give me more time, please."

"OK, I'll give you more time. All I need is for your sisters to know, because well were family and family sticks together."

"Yeah I know."

"And the sooner you tell them, the sooner you get to see the kids."

"What do they look like?" Davis smiled and pulled out a picture of the family the day they left Australia. Brittany took the picture and smiled. Her little girl Suzanna and her mama's boy Charlie were not like she remembered when her and her sisters left to become famous. The last time she saw them was when they were 2 1/2 now their 7 years old and big. They both were auburn furred with light green eyes, but to Brittany they were perfect. "Aw, Their both beautiful, but..."

"But what?"

"Will they remember me?"

"Of course they will."

"How? Me and my sisters left when they were so young and their memories of us won't be recognized."

"Actually they have asked questions about you guys and I told them stories about when we were young and even when we save them from the fire."

"OK at least they know about us."

"Yeah." It was silent for a while until Davis decided to break the silence. "Well, I think I should go now."

"Yeah me too. It was nice to see you Davis and I promise that I will tell my sisters about you guys."

"OK because me and my brothers have been waiting 2 weeks just for you to tell them." Brittany rolled her eyes and they said their goodbyes.

-Davis POV-

It was nice to see Brittany again. Even though me and her have been seeing each other every other day for the past two weeks, it's still nice to see my cousin and best friend. But I'm still worried that she might forget to tell her sisters about me and my brothers, then we will never get to see one another. 'Come on Davis, this is Brittany your talking about, your cousin that you known since you were 4 years old. She's trustworthy enough to tell her siblings about you and your siblings.' I thought.

I started to walk across the street slowly. I was too deep in thought to even look both ways before crossing. My tree was just right there and I could see my little brother Mikey leaning against it. He waved at me and I waved back. He started to run across the street but I saw a car coming his way. "MIKEY LOOK OUT!" I yelled. He turned his head and saw a car coming. I just saw him freeze in his spot because of fear. I ran to him and pushed him out of the way. The next thing i knew was that I got hit, I got hit by a car to save my brother.

I heard him yell "DAVIS!" Then everything went black.

-Mikey's POV-

I can't believe it. My brother sacrificed his life to save me from an incoming car. When the car passed I looked both ways and I was lucky enough to see that there was no other cars coming. I ran to Davis and dragged him to the sidewalk. I checked his pulse and heart. I sighed in relief that he was still alive, but unconscious. This was bad, really really bad. How am I gonna tell Trevor or most importantly his kids Charlie and Suzie? I once again dragged his body up the tree and set him on our couch. It looks like he needs surgery and fast. Luckily back in Australia I did many surgeries on many animals when they needed it. I quickly ran into the bedroom and took out my medical kit. I turned on the heart monitor and put IV into him. Since he's unconscious he won't be able to feel anything. I made sure everything was in the right place and then got to work.

3 hours later~

It's been three hours since I started the surgery and I am now...done. Before I even started the surgery I put Davis in another room so he can have some space to breath. Davis had a broken arm, broken jaw and broken leg when he got hit. The rest was just bruises and cuts. Davis heart rate is normal and his body temperature is also normal. But what's not normal is him still asleep from his accident. I'm gonna have to tell the family soon. But right now I need to get some sleep. So I left the room and quietly shut the door so I won't wake anyone. I went into my shared room and went to bed wondering about Davis.

Morning, Normal POV~

Charlie woke up and walked into the living room to see his little sister crying into a pillow on the couch. "Suzie what's wrong?" Charlie asked. All she did was look up at him and pointed to the bedroom in which their father is in. Charlie turned around and walked to the room. He froze at the doorway when he saw his father laying on a bed unconscious. He felt tears in his eyes but wiped them away. Mikey woke up seconds ago and walked down the hallway to see Charlie standing at the doorway where Davis was and Suzie crying into a pillow. He walked to Charlie and put a paw on his shoulder. Charlie turned to his uncle and just cried into his chest.

"Sh, it's OK Charlie." Mikey said trying to calm him down.

"How? How is it OK?"

"I-I don't know." Mikey thought for a while until he had an idea. " Charlie I'm gonna go get your mother, you and Suzie stay here and tell your uncle Trevor about Davis."

"Um...I think Suzie already got a head start." Mikey had wide eyes and turned his head to find that she was gone. "We need to get her back."

"OK forget about telling Trevor right now. You and me need to get your sister back before she gets hurt too."

"OK." They both jumped out of the tree and headed for the Seville's. When they got to the door they went through the doggie door to see two chipmunks watching TV. The two chipmunks saw them and gasped.

"Simon who are they?" Theodore asked.

"I don't know Theo." Simon said. Mikey and Charlie looked at each other then ran for the shared bedroom. "After them!" Simon and Theodore ran after Mikey and Trevor till they reached the bedroom to see the two chipmunks heading for Brittany's bunk. "Oh no you don't!" They both ran after Mikey and Trevor that the sounds woke up the chipettes. When Simon and Theodore arrived at Brittany's bunk, she was just starting to wake up and screamed when she saw the two chipmunks in front of her plus a female chipmunk. She then calmed down and started to talk to the brown furred one.

"W-what are you doing here?" Brittany asked Mikey.

"Um..it's about Davis, he's hurt." Mikey said.

"But he was fine when I saw him last night."

"Mama I saw him when I woke up this morning. He was unconscious while having fluids and a heart meter next to him." Suzie explained.

"Wait C-Charlie, Suzie is that you?"

"It's us mom" Brittany hugged both her kids then Mikey.

"It's good to see you guys but not good that I just found out that your father is hurt. How did he get hurt?"

"Well when he was walking home, I ran across the street but froze when a incoming car was coming. Davis pushed me out of the way and he got hit." Brittany gasped and started to tear up. Eleanor and Jeanette then jumped on the bed to see Brittany crying while hugging two children.

"Um..whats going on?" Eleanor asked. Brittany looked up and wiped away her tears.

"Girls you remember Mikey right?" Brittany asked her sisters.

"Yeah, why?" both girls said.

"Because this is him with Charlie and Suzie." Eleanor and Jeanette smiled and hugged Mikey, then the kids. When they were done Brittany was still upset. "That's it. Mikey where's your tree?"

"Just across the street."

"OK I'm gonna see Davis."

"Uh why?"

"Why?...Because that's my best friend who was hit by a car not too long ago, I need to see him."

"OK just don't get hurt. I'm gonna see if I can cheer Jeanette and Eleanor up." Brittany nodded and her and her kids left the house to the tree.

"Are you sure he's gonna be alright?" Jeanette asked.

"Y-yeah I'm sure. If he survived the accident, he can survive anything." Mikey explained. Eleanor and Jeanette started to cry.

"W-why does it have to happen to him. Out of all people it had to be him."

"I know Jeanie." The three of them did a group hug and just sat there worrying about Davis. Simon and Theodore felt so bad about all this that they decided not to bother them. As they were walking out they were wondering who they were.

"Simon who do you think this Davis is?" Theodore asked.

"I don't know."

"Should we tell Alvin or should we follow Brittany?"

"Well If we tell Alvin he would want to see Brittany and find out whats going on. So lets tell Alvin"

"Tell me what?" A familiar voice said. Simon and Theodore turned around to see Alvin. "Guys what's going on?"

"It's nothing its just..."

"Just what?"

"Uh Bri-" But Simon shut his mouth when he saw Mikey. "Where's Jeanette and Eleanor?"

"Getting changed, were gonna see Davis and try to comfort Brittany."

"And what's that in your paws?" Theodore asked.

"Just a scrapbook Davis wanted to give Brittany."

"Oh." Jeanette and Eleanor walked out of the bedroom.

"You girls ready." They both nodded and the three of them walked out of the house to the tree.

"OK someone tell me whats going on or else I'm gonna flip." Alvin said.

"Well these two chipmunks came inside the house and me and Theo ran after them. We followed them into the shared bedroom and saw them heading for Brittany's bunk. We chased them and I guess the sound woke up the girls. We found out that this person named Davis got hit by a car last night and Brittany and her two children went to see him." Simon explained kinda fast. Alvin looked at his brother lost.

"Um..OK. Anyways should we follow them?"

"Um..I don't know Alvin, that chipmunk they were talking about is family to them."

"Well what should we do?" Theodore asked.

"Well I'm going over there and see who this 'Davis' is" Alvin said.

"A-Alvin, that's not a good idea." But by the time Theodore finished his sentence he was already gone. Theodore and Simon looked at each other and ran after Alvin. When all three of them reached the tree they saw Brittany leaning against the tree while looking at the photo Davis gave her. The little girl that Simon saw came down the tree and sat next to her mother.

"Mama, will daddy ever wake up?" Suzie asked.

"I-it takes time, depending on how bad the accident was." Brittany explained.

"Oh well I just want him to wake up."

"Me too Suzie, me too." They both then hugged.

"Hey can't we get a hug?!" Charlie said. Both Brittany and Suzie looked up to see Charlie and the rest of the family. They both smiled and nodded. They all jumped down and all hugged. All that went through their minds was 'I hope Davis will wake up soon'.

Alvin and his brothers felt really bad that they went home, deciding not to bother them for a while.

- A couple weeks later-

It's been like 6 weeks and Davis still hasn't woken up. Everyone has been worried sick about him, they don't know if he'll ever wake up. Since the accident Brittany hasn't been the same, she won't talk to anyone or even go to the spa. She always stayed in the room that Davis is in. She never left his side, ever. Right now she was taking a nap right beside Davis. She was snuggled up to him with a blanket over her. She couldn't feel it but Davis started to stir and opened his eyes. He looked to his left to see Brittany snuggled up to him, fast asleep. He smiled and pulled the covers up farther so it covers her full body. He closed his eyes and rested his head on her head, that's on his shoulder while stroking her hair. A couple hours later Brittany woke up to see Davis paw on her hair while his head was on hers. She quietly gasped and looked at Davis to see a huge smile on his face. "Davis...Davis wake up." Brittany said while trying to get him p. After a while he finally woke up and saw Brittany. "Hey Davis, how you feeling?"

"Well my head, arm and legs hurt." Davis said.

"Do you remember anything?"

"No not really."

"Do yo remember me?"

"Of course, who can forget you."

"If you remember me, than what's my childhood nickname that only you call me?"

"Bubblegum and if your gonna ask me about my family I have two brothers named Micheal but we call him Mikey for short and my youngest sibling Trevor."

"What about your kids?"

"Suzanna rose and Charlie Liam. "

"What about your cousins?"

"I have three cousins, you, Jeanette and Eleanor."

"Who's your best friends?"

"Of course it's you bubblegum." Brittany smiled and hugged him tight. "OK, can't breath. Brittany please let go." Brittany realized how tight she was hugging him so she let go.

"Sorry it's just that you were asleep for 6 weeks." Davis groaned.

"Great. How exactly did I become unconscious?"

"You saved Mikey from being hit by a car." Then Davis remembered it all.

"I-I remember now, I was walking home and Mikey ran across the road. I saw a car coming and I pushed him out of the way, making me get hit by the incoming car." Brittany stroke his cheek.

"It's OK, you saved your brother. Your a hero Davis" Davis smiled and they both hugged again.

"Daddy!" A voice said. Both Brittany and Davis pulled out of the hug and turned their heads to see Suzie and Charlie standing at the door happy. They both just stood at the door until Davis opened his arms and both kids ran and hugged him. The rest of the family came into the room to see Davis wide awake. Everyone got to hug him and even Mikey thanked him for saving him. Davis said your welcome and they all got to spend the rest of the day together.

Once again thanks again to AlvinandBrittanyForeverLove for giving me this idea. IF anyone has an idea just PM me and I'll see what I'll do.