Another story for you guys

I wanted to get these two stories out about the same time.

Don't know why, just wanted to. At this moment in time I don't know how well this will work but I will try and make it.

The song all the way through is Iris by Goo Goo was originally going to be Clarity by Zedd but I ran out of lyrics.

Hopefully these chapters will be longer than those in Forromah's Poison but they aren't going to be any better.

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow

Chapter 1

Morgan was so happy. Finally they had got enough people to go on a school trip that she had been trying to organize for years.

Morgan Fay is a 26 year old black haired beauty. She has always been fascinated by the Arthurian legend, even wanted to go and study Anglo-Saxon and Celtic studies at University. Yet her father wouldn't allow her. Apparently you had to do something practical, even if he had all the money in the world. Although she could have done something with the degree. She could have become an archaeologist or a professor. So she when to be a teacher, specializing in history. Her father wasn't happy for her to become a teacher, he wanted her to help him and her brother run the company. But Morgan had always enjoyed teaching after she corrected her teacher during one of her AS history classes. The teacher had joked saying why don't you teach the class. Morgan has detention for a week afterwards due to getting up and actually teaching the class.

They may be a school in London but for ages Morgan had hoped that she could take students down to Cornwall to the places where Arthur could have been, where Merlin could have saved him.

She had read may different versions of the legend and enjoyed every single one of them. It fascinated her how one story, one great legend, could all be told in a different way and some many times.

"Miss are we nearly there yet?"

Morgan placed down her book. She was just getting into it as well. It was a new version of the legend that had just come out. It was saying that Uther had a purge of magic and Merlin and Arthur were similar ages. Merlin had just been forced into choosing between Camelot and the Lady Morgana. She knew that he loved her from the start.

"Not really Michael. We are about an hour maybe an hour and a half away. I did warn you that it was a long journey when I gave out the letters." She said turning around to look at him.

Morgan turned back to her book.

"I don't know how you can read for so long moving. Even as I look at you I feel car sick."

Morgan looked at the teacher to her left. "Years of going here, there and everywhere over the country because of my father, you get use to it after a while. My brother wasn't much fun to talk to anyway. Also I may have been one of those teenagers that never had their head out of a book. I just enjoy reading too much."

Mrs Jennings was a kind lady. A few years older than Morgan but started at the same time. They had grown into a quick friendship that hadn't faltered. She was the first person that Morgan asked to come on this journey as she didn't really want to be stuck with anyone else.

Morgan went back to her book.

Merlin poured the hemlock into the water skin. The guilt rushed through him. He had to do it he knew, he had to save Arthur. But why did it have to be Morgana? Why did he have to kill her?

His heart started to ache.

"This is the room that represents what the council chamber in Camelot may have looked like."

The room was covered in red and gold, the dragon standing tall. In the middle of the room was the famous round table.

The tour guide was boring and Morgan was correcting most things he said.

Morgan didn't really want the tour guide but as they were a big group their were required to have one. She belived it was because they were a school and need to be under some sort of supervision. Just because they were a comprehensive school didn't meant that their students didn't know how to behave. She hated how they were stereotyped.

"This is where Arthur sat with all his knights, his queen and faithful friend and adviser Merlin." The tour guide said as the stopped by the round table.

Everyone looked at it. Morgan swear she was having some type of deja vu.

"Again depends on the legend." Morgan spoke up after shaking of the feeling.

The tour guide turned to glare at her.

Morgan carried on. "The story I am reading at the moment, the round table has been established but Merlin hasn't got his place. He is still the manservant of the King. He has been for many years but they are close. You could call Merlin his unofficial adviser."

"Merlin was never the manservant of the king. He was the magical adviser of Uther then Arthur."

"Oh that's another thing that happened in this version of the legend. Merlin was born after a purge set about by Uther. He set about killing all the people with magic because of the death of his barren wife after Arthur was born because of magic." Morgan took the book out of her bag. "I am really enjoying this side of the legend. Arthur and Merlin are roughly the same age and Morgana is Arthur's sister by father."

The tour guide turned back around and stormed out of the room, the group quickly following him.

"I believe that he doesn't like you." Mrs Jennings whispered to Morgan.

"I know, its quite funny."

After a couple more rooms, the tour guide gave up and followed the group as Morgan took head of the group, explaining everything in the different rooms.

They went into the last room and Morgan was stumped.

In a glass case there was two roses, one white and one black, sitting in a vase. The black one has wilted but it still managed to have its colour.

Behind the case was photos and drawing of the two roses.

"Now you don't know everything." The tour guide said smugly. "These are the two roses that Merlin made just before Camlann with his lover, Morgana Pendragon. Legend has it that one rose is him while the other is her. As you can see for the pictures behind, the white rose seems to always be fine but the black rose fluctuates between being alive and dead."

"How is it possible that the white one is always alive then? Merlin must have died at some time." Sophie asked.

The tour guide turned to Morgan and saw her just staring at them.

"That's because Merlin was known as Emrys. Emrys in Welsh means immortal. This could prove that the legend was real. Merlin's destiny was with Arthur and Arthur was known as the once and future king. He will rise again when the world needs him again."

"Then couldn't he have already risen? We have been through two world wars and a Cold War. We would have needed his leadership then." Mrs Jennings asked.

The tour guide turned to her. "Of course but I don't think so. I believe that if the legend is true that we would all know when Arthur is back. Magic left the earth but I think it would come back when he does. So will everyone that he loves."

"So they will all come back?" Micheal said.

"I suppose so. The round table was established with those who were closest to Arthur. He would need their advice and guidance again."

The tour guide kept watching Morgan. He had never seen anybody react to the roses like she had done before.

Morgan took a step closer towards the roses. It felt like a force was dragging her towards them.

"They are beautiful." The words fell out of her mouth at the same time they were whispered in her head.

The world started to spin faster around Morgan. She couldn't stay up right.

She heard shouts of miss before she felt herself hit the floor.

Before she total blacked out she heard a voice.

"Goodbye Morgana."

Pain shot through her side as she welcomed the darkness.

An old man sitting by a lake quickly sat up with the speed of someone much younger than he looked.

A wave of magic had flowed through him.

A smile fell onto his face and a small chuckle.

She was back. She was finally back.

She wasn't far away but would she still be alive when he reached her? Would she still be single? Or would she want to kill him or want revenge? Would he get to her first?

He had no idea but was excited.

She wasn't too far away but it would mean that he would have to leave.

The man turned to the lake. "Sorry old friend, I need to help her this time. I hope that you understand and will forgive me. Forgive me for everything I have done. If you forgive me and she does as well, maybe I will learn to forgive myself."

With one last look at the lake, the old man started to run down the road. He knew where she was, he could feel her magic awakening.

I just hope that I am not too late.