Hello there! This is my first fanfiction ever, so please keep that in mind when you read it D: i guess i wrote this because it's been floating in the back of my mind for a really long time and i really wanted to somehow make something out of the idea! Hope you enjoy reading this!

Oh and some of the characters might be OOC ish because I need them to go along with the story line so...yeah!

DISCLAIMER: i do not own any characters from Shingeki no Kyojin (as much as id like to)

this story depicts MALExMALE relationships (you have been warned)

Pairings: ErenxLevi, AuruoxPetra and some other side ships, im not too sure yet :O

oh and near the end, the tune im referring to is "Eye water" in Attack on Titan (i wanted something from the anime so yeah..)

Ragged breathing and pants were all that were heard as a loud thud resounded in Eren's ears as the last titan fell.
"We..we did it..." Jean breathed. "WE DID IT YES!" cheers and exclaims filled the air accompanied by sobs of happiness and grief.

Was all that occupied the brunette's mind as he raced to the area where Levi had been assigned. Evaporating bodies scattered all over the ground as Eren darted his eyes around looking for his lover. His eyes fell upon a flicker of black hidden by the trees.

"No..NO NO NO NO". Sprinting, Eren held back tears as he approached the bloody body as it came into view. "LEVI!" the brunette screamed as he fell on his knees trying to look for signs of life in the ravenette's body. A small glint of relief found it's way into Eren's eyes as he saw Levi's chest rise up and down faintly,"Levi, we need to get you to a medic right now! Bear with me please!" Eren begged as he carefully hoisted his lover's body up.

Coughing up blood, Levi mustered up all his strength to look into the teal eyes he loved so much,"Right now I...wont make it but I promise...I'll wait for you in another life..., I love you Eren, never...forget..tha...t" Levi's eyes slowly faded.

"No...Levi" Eren sobbed.
"Hey Levi wake up..." Lightly shaking the lifeless body of his lover, Eren's heart shattered when he saw no movement in Levi's chest.

"No...please don't do this to me! No..!" Teal eyes shone with a glint of anger but most of all, sorrow.

"Why didn't you wait for me?! Why did you have to act all mighty and take on all these titans by yourself?! Why did you leave me here in this world without you?! Why...tell me why..." Furiously sobbing, Eren clutched Levi's limp body.

"Dont sleep now...If you want to sleep, sleep in our room...i cleaned the mattress before we came out so we could go back together without having to worry that its dirty...please Levi...let's go back together? Don't leave me here alone..." the brunette's eyes were blurred as tears continuously streamed down his cheeks.

"-ren...Ere-...EREN!"Jolting awake, Eren glared in the direction of the voice. Standing there was his sister Mikasa with arms crossed. "Honestly, it's lunch now! We should go out to eat whil- Hey, why are you crying?!" Mikasa asked, her voice laced with worry.
"H-huh?" Eren touched his cheek and indeed they were wet with tears. His heart still throbbing painfully at the dream he just had, the brunette raised his hand to wipe away the wetness trying very hard to ignore the horrid feeling in his chest.
"No...it was nothing, just a memory from a long time ago." Eren spoke as he stretched his arms that were cramping up due to lying on them for so long.
Mikasa's eyes rose skeptically as she decided not to pursue him on this topic, seeing how he wore a pained expression.

"...I know a good restaurant nearby, Its in a food court, lets go there before our break ends" Tugging on Eren's blazer, Mikasa urged him to hurry up.

"Alrite alrite alrite, just let me grab my wallet"

Eren got out of his leather chair and walked over to his obsidian table that was lined with silver swirling intricately along the legs. A modernized table fit for the high quality of the office.
Honestly, now that i look at it, Its kind of girly. I guess I had too much money on my hands huh? Eren thought.
Swiping his finger over a scanner that was located near the end of the table, a blue light flickered before a small compartment slid out from the side of the table revealing the brunette's valuables.
But I still can't get over that so I am glad i bought this table, even though it was worth around three hundred thousand. The brunette chuckled.

"Eren...How long are you going to spend getting your wallet? Did you lose it? Lets go,I'll pay for the meal and Armin is already waiting for us there at the restaurant" Mikasa spoke quickly, hoping to hint the urgency in her voice to the young man.
"Okay, By the way, you don't have to pay for me I can manage myself just fine! And no i didn't lose my wallet, It's here now lets go!"
Eren rolled his eyes as he hurriedly walked out of his office hearing the click behind him as the auto locks were set in motion.

Power-walking, or should i say walking at an inhumane speed, Eren and Mikasa slipped their way through the crowds of people at the food court. The food court was rather nicely maintained and gave off this high class atmosphere with large marble columns that spread themselves out over the space and matching beige leather couches with a pristine white table. Here and there, there would be medium sized flower decorations that were a mix of complimentary colours.

"Heeeeey! Over here Eren, Mikasa!" Armin called out loud enough for the two to hear and not to attract so much attention to himself.

Swiftly walking over, Eren and Mikasa sat down with their best friend since childhood.
"So! I've already decided what to order so you guys can take your time while I go and get my order written up" The blonde haired stood up and strode over to the restaurant.
Wow, there's a lot to choose from...I'm not sure what i want to eat now...but i can't take too long because we only have half an hour left before we get back to work and i really want to catch up with Armin.
Eren quickly scanned the menu and decided on the braised beef noodle soup.
I guess ill have Chinese food today.

"Eren, have you decided?" Mikasa asked.

"Yeah, let's go order now. I don't want to spend too much time sitting around! I want to catch up with Armin" Eren gave a goofy smile.

Walking over to the counter, the three quickly ordered their food and returned to their leather seats. Chatting happily, one of the waitresses brought their food over and smiled at Eren before retreating quickly.
"I think she likes you Eren" Armin chuckled while lifting a spoonful of soup to his mouth.
"You're imagining things Armin, plus you know that i have no interest in women..." Eren reminded the blonde haired man.
"Haha, i know i know i was just kidding" Armin smiled before returning to chew on his pork.
"If anyone teases you about being gay, let me know and I'll let them have it Eren" Mikasa's eyes shone with danger.

It was years ago that Eren had come home crying saying that he didn't want to complete high school because of all the mockery and insults he was getting due to his sexuality. She vowed that she would protect her brother as she didn't want to see him hurt again.

"Yeah i know Mikasa, relax! I'm not a baby anymore, i can protect myself!" Eren defended but instantly felt a pang of guilt as he saw Mikasa's head tilt a little down to hide the glint of sadness.
Oh shit...Eren quickly gathered up his thoughts and changed the topic to a more uplifting one.

As the three finished their meals, they got up to return the bowls to the restaurant when he slammed into a body smaller than his, causing him to spill the leftover soup all over the person who he bumped into as well as spilling a little on himself.

"Oh shit shit shit shit, sorry!" Eren apologized profusely, hoping that the man would forgive him.
Slightly looking down at the mess he made, teal eyes met silvery-gray ones.

Wow, they're beautiful. Almost like an uncut diamond. Wait...they remind me of his eyes...! Eren was drowned in his thoughts when he heard a small 'tch'.

"Tch, now I'm covered in filth. Disgusting." The shorter man scowled. Most of the bystanders were now looking at the scene he had caused. Blushing in embarrassment, Eren wanted to just cover his face.
"I am so sorry, I will make it up to you, come with me please! My company is not far from here, I'll get you a new suit" the brunette bowed and quickly grabbed the silver-eyed's hand and swiftly strode away in the direction of his company. He didn't forget to call out to Mikasa and Armin saying that he'll be back soon.
"O-Oi!" the raven haired man partially yelled.

When Eren reached his company, he realised he was still holding the man's hand. Oh shit, he must think im creepy now. Eren shut his eyes and lead the man to one of the level's where VIP customers would come to get their suits custom made.
Finally letting go of his hand, Eren turned around to face the man only to be shocked at what he saw.

"L-L-Levi...?" the brunette looked incredulously.
"Hmm...Yes that's me, how do you know me brat?" Levi remarked curiously. A familiar scowl decorated his face as Eren realised his lover's face has not changed even though they were reincarnated.

"You..You dont remember me...?" Eren asked quietly.
"How can i remember you when i haven't even met you before, not to mention, are we done here? Because I feel filthy wearing this wet shirt" Levi sighed annoyingly.
"O-oh, yes. Right we need to fix that up" teal eyes looked away in disappointment as he ignored the painful feeling in his chest once again.

Clicking his fingers, Eren spoke quickly to an assistant before she asked Levi to follow her down the grand hallway.
"This way please, I need to take your measurements so we can have your suit ready" Her soft voice chimed.

Tch, what an uneventful day. Levi thought as he followed in her footsteps. First I find out that I'll representing my father in that big ass meeting with his rivaling companies tomorrow and now this? I've got some shit luck.

Reaching the end of the hallway, Levi looked around impressed. Though of course he did not let it show on his emotionless facade. Hmm...this brat owns a pretty rich company. I daresay myself that he's kept this place clean, almost to my standards.

Standing on a circular mount, the one's that brides usually stand on when they were trying on their wedding dresses, Levi was instructed to remove his blazer and shirt. He noticed the slight blush on the assistant's cheek as she saw his toned abs and visible V near his hips. Tch, unprofessional of her to blush at the sight of men's bodies.

Meanwhile, while Levi was busy getting his measurements, Eren scanned along the rack, near the fitting room where Levi was, for a suit that he liked. He ended up choosing a pristine white button up shirt with black slacks made with the finest cotton and a matching blazer. He grabbed a silvery-gray tie similar to Levi's eyes with thin diagonal stripes decorating it. Seeing how Levi was not yet finished with his measurements, Eren walked out of the connecting fitting room and headed shortly down the hallway to his grande piano. The piano looked the same as to the day he bought it,the massive lid that covered the interior of the piano stood proudly and the gleaming white keys.

Dragging his finger along a few keys, Eren was greeted with a soft tinkling sound. It occurred to him that he hadn't played his and Levi's tune for so long. In his past life, Levi would always ask the brunette to hum the tune in order for him to fall asleep in each other's arm. Eren chuckled slightly at the reminiscence as he remembered how cute Levi's face would be when he was curled up in the brunette's arms. The raven haired man's scowl never left his face but always snuggled in closer after Eren had placed a kiss on his forehead. It was so cute how he would always brush against my chest hoping to find that comfy spot again. Teal eyes began to tear up as he realised how much he missed having Levi in his arms.

Deciding to distract himself from wanting to stomp straight into the fitting room and just take Levi right there and then, Eren sat down and placed his fingers on the keys. Starting to play the said tune, the brunette drowned himself in the melodic sounds that reverberated from the piano.

Nearing the end of the song, it wasn't until then he heard the intake of a sharp breath that came from the doorway.

Standing there was Levi, all dressed up in his new suit, but with eyes slightly wide with shock.

"How...How do you know that song?"

Okay so i know i dragged on and on and on about all the little details about everything but i just really want to establish the setting and the feel to the atmosphere. Like i said this is my first fic and i want it to be a proper well set out story...though i am bursting to just right smut all the way through and hurry up and get to the main scenario already but thats for the next chapter :3

It would really be awesome if you guys review! :D

I really need some insight on how im doing D; pweaaaaseeeee !

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