Year 2016

Piper was on the radio doing an interview on NPR. She was talking about the play that was written about her book. It was a crazy success and she had used the success to promote her agenda for Women's rights in prison.

"We're talking to Piper Chapman Vause, author of the memoir turned the Broadway sensation Orange," he said to remind the public of his guest after they took a call.

Steven Skeep asked Piper if she had ever had a brush with the law since she got out. "Oh no, I am an old married woman now...that same love of my life that got me in prison is now the center of my world. We're expecting our first kid next month. So no..no more law breaking for us. We just work, travel and enjoy our family." She couldn't believe people asked her that still. Like she'd ever admit anything illegal on the radio.

"So your wife is pregnant? When is the due date?" he asked in his sexy radio voice. Piper had to admit his voice was one of her favorite things on NPR.

"Um a little under a month from now on June 6th...we're really stoked. Our family is all coming into town to visit. Alex is radiant. I must admit, I'm kinda happy she's the one having the baby...it has been amazing to watch," Piper beamed. He told her that he could tell she was ecstatic.

"Oh we have another call, this is Nichols from Manhattan, you're on the air with Piper Vause," Steven said.

"Yeah, thanks for taking my call it was so good to hear Piper so excited about her child," Nicky said.

Piper was stunned. She laughed and said, "Nicky?" Why was she calling? They were having dinner together tonight to celebrate the end of her stepfather's trial. He had turned state's evidence on a one of the mobsters and was only going to do thirteen months at Danbury.

Nichols growled into the phone and Piper's eyes got big. "Yeah, it's me. Piper turn on your damn phone! Get your ass to hospital, Alex is in labor!" she blurted out. Piper stood up and looked around for a door. She started to run to the door but she still had on the headset and was nearly pulled off her feet. The host laughed and told the producer to go to a promo.

"Here, let me help...there...don't forget your purse. You aren't driving are you?" he asked as he untangled a frantic Piper.

"It's too soon...it's too soon..my phone..oh..." she turned it on and saw she had fifteen messages. The first one was from Alex.

"Pipes, don't panic but my water broke while I was helping Taystee with the window display. We're taking the car service to the hospital then sending it to you. Just as soon as you're done come..ooohhh ohhh fuck another one..oh..um sorry kid..please hurry our little watermelon wants to come out NOW." Piper was frantic and ran down the hallway. People were bright faced and helpful. She ran right in to Taystee's husband, Ronald.

"I got you Mrs. Vause, come on..I know the fastest route," he said as he helped her into the car. Piper dialed Nicky's number once she was in the car.

"How is she? Is something wrong?" Piper asked as soon as Nicky picked up. She told her that Alex was in delivery and that Lorna was with her. Her contractions are close together and it wouldn't be long. Piper asked again why it was so early and Nicky said the kid just wanted to get there.

"Hell, you are always rushing this place or that..you decided to have this kid on a trip and now he or she just wants to join you for the next one!" Nicky joked. Piper could hear Alex crying out in pain in the background. She felt like she was going to throw up.

"Tell her I'm on my way...tell her I love her and she is perfect. Tell her...just ..Nicky please.." Piper begged. Nicky told her she'd be fine and not to worry...just get there safely.

Piper hung up and willed the car to move faster. She was thrown to the side as Ronald cut down a side street. She didn't care. He was an excellent driver and knew the city like the back of his hand. He gave her a reassuring smile.

"Taystee is at the hospital as well. She called your folks and everyone else. You sounded great on the interview, it was nearly over so that is all good. No worries...she'll be fine. Women been doing this forever or none of us would be here," he observed. Piper tried to smile but nothing would be right until she was by her wife's side.

It was on their second honeymoon trip in January that Alex told her she'd like to carry a baby...maybe even that year. "I told you when I married you that I'd do it again each year and I'd recommit. I said I'd work on things we need. Well, I think this year I'd like to start our family...with my womb. I'm older and though the doctor says everything is fine, it is still risky. But Pipes, I really want to give you a child," Alex said it while they were sitting by the fire in that mountain cabin she promised long ago. It wasn't a long trip...they didn't go to Sydney like they did after New Orleans. No it was a small trip North Carolina and Piper loved it. She had taught Alex to ski on the bunny slope. They laughed so hard her sides actually hurt.

"You're serious? What about..." Piper indicated with her hand. She didn't want to mention her miscarriage. Alex still went to counseling though Piper had stopped. Her work was getting so busy it was hard for her to make the appointments. She knew she'd go back if she ever needed it but so far it was good.

"I think this will help me put it behind me. That child left me because it wasn't created with love. We've got love in spades, kid. Let me share it with you in the form of our child...okay?" Alex asked. She pushed up her glasses and looked at Piper with such hope.

Piper swallowed and kissed her face all over. The fire crackled and she pulled back. She was crying softly and found she couldn't really speak. She just nodded her head and Alex let out a triumphant whoop.

They found a sperm bank, spent some months picking a donor dad then started the process. It took them six long months but finally Alex was pregnant. She told Piper by putting the pregnancy test in a book they were reading. She opened it up and it fell out on the bed. Piper thought it was too soon to check but Alex had bought the early detection ones. The next day they got a test at the doctor and the rest has been a crazy train ride. They moved to Brooklyn and Piper learned how to do dad things. Her own father was very helpful. Even Cal helped her put the crib together. Alex offered to help but Piper was determined. She could never repay her for the gift she was giving them. They decided not to find out what the sex was...mainly to fuck with Nicky and her family. Nicky couldn't understand why they didn't want to know in advance. The suspense was killing her.

Alex was radiant pregnant. She hardly complained about the discomfort. It brought out a feminine side of her that made her even MORE irresistable to Piper. Ronald pulled up to the hospital and Piper was out of the car before he stopped it. She stumbled out and nearly ran into a lady in a wheelchair.

"Sorry, my wife is having a baby! " she explained as she ran into the hospital. It seemed like people could just tell by her expression she was looking for delivery. She made it to the third floor but couldn't find the room. So she started to yell.

"Alex! Lorna...Anyone that was INCARCERATED," she screamed out. Nicky poked her head out down the hall.

"Shut your trap and get in here. I can't take it...I swear I don't want to see that baby come out..so get in here," Nicky said running out. Piper ran down the hallway and skidded into the door. Alex had her feet up in the stirrups and her face was red.

"Get your ass in here Chapman! You did this to me...YOU...UHHHHHH," she screamed. Piper was at her side. She knew Alex had to be out of it to call her Chapman. She held her hand and nearly buckled as it was squeezed. Lorna wrenched her hand away and moved to the other side of the room.

"All yours Piper..oh I need some ice," she mumbled as she moved out of the room. There was a nurse trying to put a gown on Piper but she wouldn't really let her. Piper tried to remember their classes and have Alex breathe right.

"Um..breathe..or focus...which..uh..which..ooww ow ow," she said as she buckled under the pain in her hand.

"I'm focused..I was a perfectly lovely lesbian woman then I decided to let an alien inhabit my body for nine months...and it didn't even wait...AAAAAHHHHH" Alex gritted out. Piper reached up to stroke her face. She was afraid..more afraid of something happening to Alex at that moment than she was of being a parent.

"Push, one more time Alex...one more and your baby is here," their doctor said. Alex looked at Piper and told her she didn't think she could

"Come on...one more time baby...this is nothing...think of the story you'll have to tell?" Piper teased.

Alex growled and started to push as she said, "That uhnnn is..uhhh mmmmy...line". She screamed out then and something happened. She fell back and Piper rushed to her face. She used a towel to wipe away the sweat..then she heard the most amazing sound she'd ever heard the sound of her child crying. She looked over and back at Alex. Her wife tried to raise her head.

"What..." she asked and Piper asked as well.

"You have a son," she said holding him up. Piper looked at her and started to cry harder. She kissed Alex's face all over and thanked her for the gift of her son. "You want to cut the cord Piper?"

Piper nodded and moved down. She saw the blood and felt faint but the sight of her son took her breath away. It was just like that moment when Alex first smiled at her at that bar. Her world shifted under her feet. Her hands shook as she took the little shears and cut the cord. He was whisked away from her to be cleaned and Piper moved back to Alex.

"Are you okay? Oh baby, he's perfect...you're perfect. I'm sorry I wasn't there," Piper murmured into her ear.

"I'm just tired...I want to hold him, Pipes," she said softly and the nurses brought him over. Piper got him first and when she clutched him to her. She moved towards Alex and put him gently in her wife's arms.

"Here he is...Levi Alexander Vause...our son," Piper said as she put him in her arms. They had the names all picked up.

She looked at him and kissed his soft wet head. He wasn't crying but just all scrunched up in her arms. She kissed his head and said, " Hey kid...welcome to this crazy world. Your mom and I are going to do our best not to mess ya up too much." Piper agreed and kissed her wife. They would do their best and that would be more than enough.

"You'll grow up surrounded by love, Levi. Welcome to our family, son," Piper whispered to him. Alex moved over carefully in the bed after the nurse was finished and Piper got in beside her and took Levi from her arms so she could recline better. They cuddled for a little while more before inviting his god parents in to meet him.

"He looks like you...I know we chose a donor with your eyes and hair color but ...he does," Alex gushed. Piper beamed at the compliment.

"He is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen...and he is all you," Piper replied. She kissed Alex again and asked if she should go get Nicky.

"Not yet..just us a little while longer," Alex asked. Piper was happy to do that. She soaked up the first moments as a new family. Piper pulled up Alex's cover and tucked it around them. She would keep them warm and safe. He may grow up and make a terrible mistake. He may have to pay for that mistake...but his mothers will always accept him with love. It was inevitable.

***WOW..thanks so much for reading my Trilogy. Thank you friends. I always knew the epilogue would be about the next phase in their lives..not always sure what it would be but I'm happy they got to that place. ENJOY SEASON 2! I hope to see y'all on Twitter and Tumblr. Peace Always, Fae***