Hello everyone! I am sorry about the delay, Life has been crazy as of late. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
To my guest reviewers that puts her name as "Hi" Thank you so much for reviewing! It means a lot to me=) I can't mail you so I am doing this lol. You should really make an account so we can PM^^. I just wanted to say I am so glad you noticed, I was putting little things in here and there hoping someone would see and comment XD. It will be clear in this one^^. Hope everyone enjoys.
~Chapter 7 Desolation comes upon the sky~
Bofur must have nodded off at some point; he awoke some time later to a gentle touch on his shoulder.
"Master Dwarf, you should go rest in a bed...You look ill." A young thoughtful voice said.
Bofur raised his head from Fili's bed. He was sitting on a chair next to Fili's medical cot with his arms crossed on the mattress.
"Aye, sorry lad, must have been the cool air that put me out." Bofur offered a smile as he started to sit up, "any idea how long I was asleep?" he asked standing then stretched his arms and back out yawning tiredly.
"Only a half hour or so...you have not rested since the war started." the boy responded, as he started looking over Fili's wounds, then continued "You need to go sleep properly before you make yourself ill."
Bofur placed a hand on Fili's shoulder then let out a yawn as he walked over to check on Kili,"Ernak, will you be here for a while?" he asked, dismissing the comments. He did not want to leave the boys alone.
The young healer nodded, not looking away from Fili's leg. "Go rest, you need it"
"I am fine lad, just a bit hungry." The toymaker responded, as he checked Kili's breathing then yawned once more.
"Of course you are fine. What would I know, I'm just a healer!" Ernak mumbled, as he started to unbandage Fili's arm.
Bofur couldn't help but chuckle at the comment, "Thanks again" he said, before heading out of the tent, letting the flap fall closed behind him.
When he stepped out into the sunlight, he nearly took a step back as he brought his arm up to block the rays from his eyes. He squinted, quickly looking to the ground, the light hurt his eyes and he didn't like it. He lowered his arm back to his side, taking in a deep breath of fresh morning air. The air more clear now than before, however it seemed too heavy, he thought, like it had a weight to it with each breath. The toymaker shrugged these feelings off before yawning again, heading to the next tent over.
Entering he hesitated for a moment, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Once they did, he walked over to the bed Fili had slept in the day before. He knelt next to the bed, picking up his hat and then placed it on its rightful home, covering his head. Bofur stood a little too quickly for his body and felt a rush of dizziness that caused him to lean back against the cot. The aging toy maker took a few breaths then pushed off the bed, steadied himself, it was nothing and exited the tent once more, his eyes being assaulted by the bright rays of the sun again.
Once his hand shaded his eyes, he glanced around at the other dwarf's as well as Elves and men who did not seem to be bothered by the light. His eyes came across his brother Bomber cooking at a fire pit some ways away from where he was. Bofur started to walk toward his brother but stopped, his loyalty, Concern and devotion spoke louder than his stomach and needs.
The toy maker glanced over his shoulder and made up his mind. He turned walking toward a large tent across from Fili & Kili's healing tent, approached it, paused for only a moment before he entered slowly.
Bofur glanced around seeing Dwalin asleep in a chair toward the right of the tent then toward the middle right Balin sat in a chair, his eyes rested on the center back of the tent where a king size bed that held Thorin's motionless body. Bofur didn't move from where he stood at first, taking in the full scene.
"Ah Bofur! I was wondering when you would come back" Balin spoke in an even tone to his friend.
Bofur smiled at his friend then let his mouth fall into a frown as he brought himself to ask "is he?..." with deep concern.
"Sleeping, he hasn't awoken since his outburst about the lads" Balin reassured.
Bofur gave a nod "How is he doing?" he asked, walking over and sitting next to the white haired dwarf.
Balin's lips pulled down at the corners "He has a great many wounds, more than either of the lads or even both put together for that matter and he has lost a lot of blood...He refused to pass out until he heard they were both in stable condition..." Balin said, thinking it over, & "The healers have little hope to offer, but he is a Durin and the most stubborn one at that...he will pull through" Balin responded, then added in a quieter voice "…He must…"
Bofur smiled at the last comment and his friend's dedication to their king "He has done it, when I said I would follow him, I had never dreamed we would actually defeat a dragon and reclaim Erebor..."
Balin glanced at him with curiosity "Oh?"
Bofur nodded "I was born in the Blue Mountains and never really put much thought into Erebor. I am of the dwarves of Khazad-dûm, but not of the Durin Line. Despite the fact that Durin's folk built Moria" Bofur answered.
"I am glad you came with us, but I must ask why? Why risk your life on a quest for a home that you never knew?" Balin asked, stroking his beard.
Bofur smiled largely and answered simply, "The Adventure of course...and an adventure it was!" he said, sitting down on the chair near the end of the bed, thinking about the times they had together.
Looking back at the times they had, he thought of the tolls, elves and goblins, orc chases and spiders, the barrel rides and sneaking through Lake Town, and reclaiming a long lost kingdom.
He took in a deep breath as a peace ran through him with a sense of completion, then he felt his shoulders pull tight again as he thought of the battle of five armies, as he thought about the scene he came upon, Thorin and Kili lying on the ground then Fili fell being attacked by a fully grown battle ready warg as he tried to protect his kin...Seeing the young dwarfs leg shredded like a rabbit hunted just for sport, seeing the over powering pain he was going through…The thoughts brought tears to Bofur's eyes…The happiness he had deeply felt was replaced with pain and guilt then chased by a heavy, deep yawn as his body reminded him that he himself had not yet rested from these adventures.
"Aye, it was an adventure that is for sure...You look tired, have you slept?" Balin asked, giving the toy maker a skeptical look.
Bofur smiled "I did some last night" he said, pretending his cat nap counted, not wanting to worry his friend. "I might sleep more after breakfast"
Balin gave a kind smile "You should go eat then."
Bofur smiled and gave him a nod "I guess it wouldn't hurt"
The toy maker slowly stood, his leg a bit stiff "I think I will... Would you like me to bring you anything?" he asked, turning his back to them as he proceeded to the door.
"No. Thank you lad, Enjoy your breakfast."
Bofur exited the king's tent after taking one more look over his shoulder at Thorin.
Once out he cupped his hand over his eyes and looked back to where Bombur had been cooking. He saw his brother was gone now. A little disappointed, he still headed for the breakfast spot.
When he approached his destination an older dwarf looked toward him and asked "Stew?" in a gruff voice, as he stirred the pot with a long ladle.
Bofur nodded "please." he was handed a bowl with a spoon, then stepped away to a log not far from the fire and sat down to eat.
The toy maker absentmindedly took the spoon out with some broth, blowing on it to cool it off, then ate a bite as his mind traced back to the battle.
His eyes were focused on the fire as it kissed at the pot above it, the flames danced and grew before his eyes.
Bofur's mind traveled back as he watched the flames, to when Smaug attacked Lake Town, he remembered hearing a distant echo drift in with the breeze. The voice was dark and cruel "…I, am…DEATH" he heard and then it was not long before the fire followed. He felt the fear all over again, his first thought being that his friends must be dead and his second thought, was not knowing how he would get the wounded Kili to safety even with Fili's help.
The toymakers chest started to race before he heard, "Are you alright fella?" a voice pulled him back from his thoughts; he looked to see who it belonged to.
A mid age dwarf with a black and white beard stood before him.
Bofur smiled at the stranger. "Aye, yes fine just thinking." Bofur answered, yawning unable to keep it in.
"You look like you need sleep." the man said, sitting next to him.
Bofur smile stayed "I am actually looking to retire after this meal" he answered, even more tired than he had been before as he took in another spoonful of broth.
"Well, that's good lad, don't want you dropping out from exhaustion!" the soldier laughed adding in "I can't believe it's over, that it is time to return home" he said with a true deep joy.
Bofur smiled at the warrior. The toy maker had nothing in him that wanted to celebrate so he just nodded "It was a war like none other." he said simply.
His king and two close friends were laying in what could be any one of their death beds, wounded and suffering to say the least...the two boys grew up visiting his toy shop, he had grown as close to them as he could have his own nephews if he had had any and now, the two young dwarfs, who use to laugh and play on his shop's floor, were laying in medical beds bandaged tightly, fighting for life...this was in no way cause for celebration to him.
Bofur started to imagine the worse and it brought on an anxiety. Thinking thoughts of the boys passing while he was gone...the anxiety of the situation kicked in and the toy maker stood quickly, when he did the wind picked up a bit, blowing a big cloud of smoke in his face and he immediately got dizzy but from standing or the smoke he was not sure.
He dropped his bowl, falling to the ground he caught himself with his hands. He wanted to fall the rest of the way...he was so tired now but instead he started pushing himself up when the dwarf felt a pair of hands wrap around his arm, helping pull him to his feet.
Once standing, he looked to the dwarf who helped him...no, not dwarf...Elf, "Thank you" he said, a little surprised. It was the prince who had taken them hostage back in Mirkwood.
The prince gave a nod then recognized Bofur. "Your king, I have come to see him"
Bofur raised a brow, considering why the prince would be there for Thorin, but then he thought of all the help they had received from the prince and his people and nodded in the direction of Thorin's tent. "This way, I'll take you to him...but I should tell you, he is not well." Bofur said, then added as an afterthought. "You will be lucky if he wakes to be seen."
"I saw." Legolas said simply, as he followed Bofur's lead.
The toymaker couldn't help but ask "You saw?" as he glanced back over his shoulder at the graceful warrior.
"Yes...I was there when he fell…after seeing him take down the white orc." the prince replied.
Bofur considered what he said "And what were you doing at that time?" the dwarf asked, nearing the tent.
"Same as you I hope, killing the orc scum."
He could feel the prince glaring at him from behind "I…I'm sorry that wasn't right of me." Bofur said, reaching the tent, looking back at the young Elf.
The elf look surprised at the apology. He took a good look at Bofur then said "Apology accepted" as his features lightened "You must be worried for your kin."
Bofur gave a light smile "Thankfully my kin are fine…However I am worried about Thorin, and his nephews…the lads are like family to me" the aging dwarf said, looking to the ground, the very thought of the boys seemed to hurt him.
Then he felt a hand on his shoulder "I am sorry for your hardship, if there is anything my people can do to help them, let me know."
Bofur looked to the prince and gave a smile "Thank you…well, we best get you to your destination. "He said. Placing a hand on the kings healing tent, Bofur peeked his head in to announce, "Balin, sorry to intrude but the golden haired elf from MirkWood is here, he wanted to see Thorin."
"Let him come in" Balin responded, pulling his hand back from a wet cloth he had placed on Thorin's head.
Bofur let the prince in.
Legolas stepped in seeing Thorin right off "He is worse than I remembered." the prince stated, looking back to Bofur then spoke again "Could you give us a minute...I need the flap closed."
Bofur glanced to Dwalin who had a raised a brow then to Balin, who gave a nod that it was okay. The dark haired toymaker then turned and stepped out closing the tent flap. The truth was, he wanted and needed to check on his boys, the princes of Erebor.
Bofur crossed the small patch of land that separated the tents, returning to Fili and Kili's tent. He opened the flap stepping in, immediately feeling the relief of the cooler air from the shaded room.
Bofur let the flap close behind him as he took in the scene once more.
The youngest Durin laid still to Bofur's right. Kili's body was bandaged in at least several places. He was pale, too pale and had black around his eyes weak and asleep. Bofur approached Kili, placing his right hand on Kili's forehead and frowned then heard.
"He seems to be running a little warm, but it is nothing to stress about yet."
Bofur raised his gaze from Kili and glanced across the tent seeing Ernak. "Have either of them shown any sign of change, besides the fever?" he asked, concern heavy in his voice.
Ernak kept a neutral expression and tone as he stood from the desk that he sat at before.
Putting his shoulder bag on, he walked toward Bofur and Kili. "Well, the young one has shown little signs of anything...however, The older one has shown signs of nightmares and has had no luck controlling his pain…he had one violent spasm while you were gone."
Bofur 's lips curved down into a frown as he asked, "Any good news?" fearing what this meant.
Ernak stopped on the opposite side of Kili's cot taking a look at a couple wounds, "They are both still living" is all that he could offer. The healer then walked past Bofur on his way over to Fili
Bofur rotated, watching the youth. He walked over to Fili, wishing for any improvement as he watched the healer peek under a few bandages. He saw the healer frown when he looked at his leg which had bled through the bandage again.
"I changed their bandages not long ago, but before I go I would like to change his leg bandage once more...care to assist?"
"Of course" Bofur responded, walking over getting a small pot off the water warming pit and poured it in a bowl and grabbed a towel. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing Ernak cutting the bandage away.
Bofur returned, placing the items on the small table next to the cot, watching the healer peel the bandages from the golden hair prince's leg.
"Shouldn't the bleeding have stopped by now?" The toy maker asked worriedly.
"Most of it has...however with the wider lacerations we have to keep the salve in them to slow the bleeding until the body can do its work."
Bofur flinched as the last bandage came off, he even got sick to his stomach and felt like vomiting now. The wound had blood resting around the jagged ripped skin which did not lie where it should in some areas of the tear. It did not look like a wound that the boy would properly recover from and the grief mixed with worry, and held back tears, made Bofur sick to his stomach and weak in his knees. He didn't say anything at first in fear of vomiting as he handed the bowl and towel to Ernak.
The healer continued to work in silent for a few moments then said "are you alright?" The dark haired youth asked.
"Will, he walk again?..." Bofur finally asked.
Ernak was silent for a moment then answered. "That...is up to him and his body. I have seen less disable men before but those men were not Durin's...At the same time though, it would give him much pain even after he heals if he survives this."
"When!...W-when he survives this..." Bofur said, getting choked up.
The healer was a little surprise by the tone then when he looked to the toy maker, he saw the pained look in Bofur's expression.
"Of course...when he survives" The healer said, taking a can from his shoulder bag, opened it and scooped out with two fingers a glob of salve, using it to clog the princes wounds again.
Everything was quiet for a while as Ernak took care of Fili's leg and re-bandaged it. The healer propped up the young dwarf's leg for comfort with a small pillow. Ernak then pointed out an extra cot that he had brought in while Bofur was gone and insisted that the toymaker used it leaving Bofur alone with the boys.
Bofur watched over the boys for a while until Ori returned and they sat in silence for a long while as Ori worked on his drawing.
Bofur stood stretching "I think, I am going to sleep for a short time lad...wake me before you go?" Bofur asked, feeling guilty about giving in to his fatigue.
Ori looked over his shoulder at him and gave a familiar smile, glad to see his friend going to rest then nodded before going back to his picture. "Sleep well".
Bofur crawled onto the cot more tired than he had ever been before. He laid his body down, took his arm under his pillow, laid his head on it, then before he could even have a thought, the world went black.
Bofur was violently ripped from his sleep by the terrorizing sounds of a brutal scream…
Bofur gasped as he sat up as fast as his body would allow. His eyes fighting to come back into focus… He recognized the screaming voice "Fili!..."
Thank you everyone so much for reading=) and as always Thank you MercedesAsheSorrel for being awesome and beta'ing for me but more importantly being an awesome friend! Thank you!
If you would please review=).