Ayumi was on the other side of the room. Away from the sleeping Yoshiki, her face felt like it was melting. She didn't even remember leaning on him like that. All she remembered was warmth and a nice feeling of protection. Ayumi had almost ended up slapping Yoshiki square in the face and yelling at him, but then she remembered the importance of silence in this school, over run with the dead.

She looked over to Yuka who was wide awake next to a dozed off Satoshi.

Ayumi let out a sigh, "Did Mochida see me leaning on him?"

Yuka shrugged, "I'm not sure."

"What's happening?" A low tired voice softly made it's way into the room. Ayumi froze, Yuka looked confused. Yoshiki rubbed his eyes and stretched.

He then began to talk again, "Oh hi." He smiled at Yuka.

"It's nice to see you guys are well." Yuka said with a shining smile.

Ayumi met Yoshiki's eyes for a second. There was a brief silence as their faces grew red. She wanted to ask how she had ended up sleeping on him, but was afraid of the awkwardness intensifying.


"I g-guess I was just really tired right?"

"Yeah..." He scratched his head and looked down, "I didn't want to move you. You were exhausted."

Ayumi nodded and looked away. She had never been so close to a guy like that for that long. She felt dumb, she was the one making a big deal out of it. Ayumi took in a deep breath and decided just to forget about it.

"Anyway, how have you been? You're not hurt are you?" Ayumi asked Yuka.

The little girl shook her head, "No, we've just been running around a bunch." She shivered and looked down, "Those things are scary."

"I know." Ayumi said. "We have to find a way out of here."

"Have you guys been to the front of the school?" Yoshiki asked.

"Yes, but the door wouldn't budge." Yuka said.

"What?" Ayumi's eyes widened, "Why?"

"We tried everything. We even had the keys to open the door," She lifted up a ring of various keys from her pocket,"but it wouldn't work. It was like it was a part of the wall."

Ayumi looked over to Yoshiki. "What're we going to do?" She asked.

"Well, we can check the back entrance. Maybe that one's different?"

The idea sounded dumb to her, but what else where they going to do?

"Did you guys try and break any of the larger windows?" Ayumi asked. The idea had popped into her head and as soon as she thought of it she said it.

Yuka shook her head, "We haven't done that, we were to afraid of the noise it would cause if we failed the first time ."

"We could try that again then. If Satoshi and Kishinuma try at the same time they might be able to break a whole window open enough for all of us to fit through." Ayumi said.

"We need to find the others too." Yoshiki said, "I hope they're all right."

Ayumi suddenly remembered Mayu, Seiko, Naomi, Morishige and Ms. Yui. "I hope they're okay too." She said.


"Hey..." Naomi poked Seiko's shoulder. She turned pushed her hand away and continued to sleep. "Seiko..." Naomo couldn't believe that they had slept of the bathroom floor. Well at least they rested their heads on the wall, but still. It was pretty disgusting. Naomi felt dirty all over, she had wished she wore leggings with her skirt. Turned her phone on and flashed the light in Seiko's face. "Wake up... come on." She didn't want to be too loud, she felt like something would smash open the door if she did. It was like something was watching them, and the dark bathroom didn't make that any better. She wanted to leave as soon as they could.

Seiko opened her eyes and looked at Naomi, "What..." a few seconds passed and her eyes widened. "Wait where are we?"

"In the girls' bathroom." Naomi answered.

"Oh yeah..." Seiko then stood up and brushed herself off, "I feel dirty."

Naomi got up as well, "Me too. I hope the janitor recently moped the floors or something..."

"It's daytime right?" Seiko asked.

Naomi looked at the time on her phone, the time was 11:43, she was a bit surprised that they had slept so much. "Yeah." She frowned as she looked to the corner of her phone. The signal was still out. She had wondered if her mom had forgot to pay the phone bill or something, but when she looked at Seiko's phone it was the same. The plan they had come up with before falling asleep was to get to find the janitor's closet and get the back door exit keys. With that they could unlock the doors and leave, hopefully.

"Do you think any of our friends are here as well?" Seiko asked. Naomi had wondered that too, but she didn't know the answer. They hadn't seen another live student in hours though. "I don't know... but as soon as we leave we'll call the police then maybe they can find them." It was the best answer she had. Naomi hoped that her friends weren't stuck here like they were. Maybe they were already home and safe.

"Anyways let's get out of the bathroom." Naomi said. Seiko nodded and followed her to the door. Naomi opened the door slowly, just a crack. The sun light faintly came into the bathroom. Naomi looked around the area outside as much as she could from the crack. There wasn't anything around. "It seemed okay..." She said. Naomi opened the door wider and stepped out with Seiko.

"Okay first step of our plan is to find the keys." Seiko said. "Let's get to the janitor's closet."


"I don't want to wake him up but... we should move before it gets dark again." Yoshiki said as she looked over at Satoshi. Yuka nodded, grabbed Satoshi's arm and shook it gently.

"Mhhmm?" Satoshi opened his eyes and looked around. He yawned and stretched his arms, "What's going on?"

"We have to start heading to the back exit." Ayumi said.

"Huh? But isn't it still a bit early?" Satoshi said.

Yoshiki scratched his head. "Well... yea but we don't know how long it'll take us to get there."

"Really? But we aren't that far."

"Yeah, but some strange stuff is happening in this school. We don't know how long it'll take."

"Strange stuff? Like what?"

"Like walking around the school in circle and getting lost even though you know the way. Stuff like walking into the same hallway again and again." Yoshiki replied.

Satoshi nodded. That hadn't happened to him yet. The front door was the only weird thing, that reminded him he hadn't told them that yet.

"Speaking of strange stuff the front door-"

"They know, I told them." Yuka said.


Yoshiki still couldn't believe half of the stuff they were experiencing, but he couldn't deny it. He looked over at Ayumi. She didn't seem tired anymore, but she did look stressed.

"You okay?" He asked.

Ayumi nodded, "Yeah." She gave Yoshiki a weird look. Why did he ask that? Did she still look exhausted? Did she have huge bags under her eyes? She wished she had a mirror, she didn't want Satoshi seeing her like that if she did.

"Well, I guess we should get going." Satoshi said and stood up. He looked out the small window on the door. "There's nothing out there right now." He said.

Yoshiki nodded, "Let's hurry and go before they come back."

Satoshi opened the door and held it for the others to walk out. He then gently closed the door and looked around.

They all walked in the direction to where they thought the back exit would be. "It's near the scince room right?" Ayumi askd.

Yoshiki nodded, "It should be." They walked down the hallway and made a turn at the end.

"Um..." Yoshiki didn't know how to react. The new hallway they had turned into was extremely long. "It wasn't this long before right?"

"No..." Ayumu answered.

"Should we keep going?" Satoshi asked.

"No. I don't like the feeling of it." Ayumi replied.

"What else are we going to do?" Yoshiki asked.

"We could try breaking a window?" Ayumi said.

Yoshiki shrugged, "We could." He looked at the hallway. There were large windows, but there was nothing to break them with.

"We could use a chair from one of the classrooms to break one open." Satoshi said.

Yoshiki then went to one of the classroom doors and laid his head against the door.

The others waited behind to him, "It doesn't sound like there's anything in here." He said and opened the door. The classroom looked empty and clean. There was a learge widow on the wall. "We could break this one." Yoshiki said. They walked into the room and closed the door. He hoped that the closed door would minimize the noise. He picked up the first chair he saw and looked over to Satoshi who was also picking up a chair.

"So... at the same time then?" Yoshiki asked.

Satoshi nodded, "And if it doesn't work the first time we'll just keep doing it."

They both got near the window with the chairs. Ayumi smiled a bit, they looked kind of funny like this.

Yoshiki took a deep breath and then began to count "One... two... three!"

They both slammed the chairs against the glass as hard as they could. A loud thunk was heard, but not a crack was made.

"Again!" Satoshi yelled. They both hit the window again and again. They both worked up a sweat until they became too tired to go on.

"What... the hell?" Yoshiki said between pants. "It's like it's part of the wall or something..."

"It's like it's made out of unbreakable stone..." Satoshi said. They both stood in silence as they tried to catch their breaths'. Ayumi walked in front of them and up to the window. She touched the glass, it felt cold and dusty. Why wouldn't it just break open?

With her back to them she asked,"Does this mean that the back exit is like this too?"She felt terrified in that moment. What if they were stuck here forever?

"We won't know until we try." Yoshiki said.

"I-I guess..." She turned around to face them, but they weren't there.

"Wha..." How could they disappear like that? It was like they were never there to begin with.

"Kishinuma...?" She whispered. She was too afraid to call out his name in fear of attracting the dead. She didn't want to deal with them alone. "Mochida, Yuka?"