Please note that this does not continue where the last chapter left off. I know a lot of you said that you wouldn't mind me updating a few chapters every now and then, but I am having zero inspiration, and this chapter has been sitting on my computer basically from the start. So, this is basically the end. I could add another chapter afterwards, but idk. Anyway, this is what I was planning on to be the end of the story. I'll still go back and put in some new chapters for when he's a child if I do get some inspiration, but for now, I want to put this end chapter in before I forget about it.
If anyone wants to submit me some things to include, I will (and I will properly credit you). If they're just ideas I'll try and write something out for them, but no promises. If you get inspiration and want to actually write out a chapter or small segment, I'll put that in as well and credit you. You can send it through PM, message me on Tumblr, or send it to me through email (put Regression in the subject line so I know what it is and let me know what name/username I should credit it to) at akirafanatic2 gmail
For the first time in a few days, Ryousuke wasn't woken up early in the morning by his little brother. Yawning, he sat up and looked down, only to find Haruichi curled up next to him with his stuffed elephant and sleeping soundly, back in his own body. "Welcome back," Ryousuke whispered, brushing some hair behind Haruichi's ear.
Carefully getting out of bed so as not to wake the sleeping teen, Ryousuke stretched and began gathering his things and getting ready for morning practice. When he was ready, he gently shook his brothers' shoulders, pulling him from his dreams.
Haruichi yawned and opened his eyes, blinking sleepily up at his brother. "Onii-chan?" He asked, rubbing his eye and sitting up. Feeling the elephant in his hand, he stared at it in confusion for a few seconds before looking back at his brother. "What happened? Why am I in your room?"
"You were sick," Ryousuke lied easily, putting the back of his hand to Haruichi's forehead for good measure. "You've been out of it for the past few days. How are you feeling?"
"I'm OK," The younger Kominato said, letting out another yawn. "What time is it?"
Ryousuke chuckled. "Almost time for morning practice if you feel up to it." Haruichi nodded and put his feet on the ground before standing up. A sudden dizzy spell washed over him and his knees buckled. He would have fallen, had his brother not caught him. "Take it easy," He said, helping his brother sit on the bed again. "You've been sick for a while, so I think you should sit out of practice today. You are still recovering, after all."
Haruichi frowned slightly but nodded, blinking away the spots that had come with the dizziness. "I'll be fine by this afternoon," He said, looking up at his brother. Blinking as a sudden thought came to him, he asked, "What day is it?"
"Thursday. You've been sick since Saturday. Don't you remember anything?" Haruichi frowned a little more and rubbed his temples as a sudden headache came. "Don't try and force it," Ryousuke said, "Just try and get a little more sleep. I'll come check on you after practice ends."
Haruichi nodded and Ryousuke gently pushed him back to lay on the bed. Much to Haruichi's surprise, his brother proceeded to tuck him in; something he hadn't done since they were children. "Try and get some more sleep. I'm sure you'll feel better when you wake up." He then ran his fingers through his younger brothers' hair and kissed his forehead before leaving.
Haruichi blinked as he attempted to process what had just happened. His brother had stopped tucking him in and giving him goodnight kisses like that when he'd turned five, saying he was too old for them. Turning over to face the wall, he smiled, pulling the blanket just a little higher. He wasn't sure what had happened, but he was sure it couldn't have been too bad, if his brother was acting like that.
Seeing the elephant next to him, he reached out and stroked the fur, smiling at how soft it was. Glancing back at the door, he pulled it close, burying his nose in it and closing his eyes.
"Where's Harucchi?" Eijun asked, seeing that Ryousuke was alone that morning. His mind instantly went into panic mode, fearing the worst. "Is he alright? Did something happen?"
Ryousuke shook his head. "He's fine. He turned back at some point last night though." There were mixed reactions at the news. Some of the regulars were saddened that he was no longer a toddler, while others were smiling slightly and some just didn't seem to care.
"So why isn't he at practice?" Tetsu asked as they all walked over to the dugout.
"He was a little disoriented when I woke him up," The small third year explained, "So I had him sit out today."
"Did he remember anything?" Kuramochi asked.
Ryousuke shook his head. "Nothing. I told him he was sick the past few days, which explained why he wasn't feeling too good."
Miyuki sighed. "I think I'm going to miss little Haru-chan. Though, I guess a few more days and he would have had to leave anyway."
Jun rolled his eyes. "It's not like he's gone. He just grew up."
"I'm sure you'll still see some of the habits he has," Ryousuke said. "He still hasn't quite grown out of a few of them."
When practice was over, Ryousuke went to check on Haruichi as promised. He smiled and took out his phone, snapping a quick picture of the scene before him. Haruichi was curled up with his elephant, the bottom half of his face buried in its' fur and the blanket up just a little over his chin. Deciding to let him sleep for a little longer, Ryousuke changed out of his uniform and headed to breakfast.
Chris raised an eyebrow as Ryousuke sat next to him and across from Jun. "You look happy," He said.
Ryousuke chuckled and took out his phone, setting it down so the others could see. "Haru-chan's so cute," He said, digging into his food. Miyuki smiled and took the phone, sending the picture to himself so he could add it to the collection he'd taken during the five days' the first year had been a toddler.
"I want it too!" Eijun cried, reaching for the phone. Kuramochi crackled and took it from Miyuki, holding it out of Eijuns' reach and sending it to himself before tossing it back to Miyuki. The two played monkey in the middle with Eijun for a while before Ryousuke held his hand out for the phone. Smiling, he sent it as a mass text to the regulars, save for Haruichi.
"So are you going to go wake him up for lunch?" Chris asked as they all settled down and began eating.
Ryousuke hummed a little. "Maybe. He really didn't look too good when he woke up though. He might actually be getting sick or it could just be a headache."
"Either way," Kuramochi said, joining in on the conversation, "We don't know if there were any lasting effects from what happened."
"Well help ya keep an eye on him," Jun said, picking up his tray. He scowled and flushed a little when Miyuki said how sweet it was to offer. Ryousuke chuckled as the two bantered back and forth before getting a sudden chill down his spine, like something bad was about to happen, and Haruichi's face suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.
Frowning, the third year stood up and left, muttering an excuse about going to the bathroom. Making his way back to his room, he felt a sense of dread wash over him when he found the door open and bed empty. Taking a deep breath he attempted to calm himself. 'He probably just had to go to the bathroom,' He thought, making his way to said place. 'Though it doesn't explain why the door was left open. Maybe he was in a hurry, or just forgot. Maybe-' Ryousuke cut himself off when he reached the bathrooms and frowned when he heard the tell-tale signs of someone vomiting.
"Haruichi?" He called, making his way inside. He heard something between a moan and a whimper from the first stall and peered around the corner. "Oh Haru-chan," He said, dropping down next to his younger brother. Haruichi was partly covered in his own vomit, more residing on the floor signaling he'd been just a smidge too late.
Wetting a handkerchief, Ryousuke started wiping his brothers' mouth, frowning when he felt how hot the boy was. "You're burning up," He stated, pulling the sick teen to his feet. He frowned when he saw the height difference. Normally, Haruichi was nearly as tall as him, but at the moment the top of his brothers' head only reached his chest.
Kneeling down and grabbing onto his brothers' arms, he brushed back some of Haruichi's bangs and asked, "Haru-chan, look at me. Look at me Haru-chan." He lightly smacked his brothers' cheek, waiting until he had his attention. "Haru-chan, I need you to answer some questions for me. Can you do that? Can you answer some questions?" Haruichi nodded, wavering a little. "Can you tell me where you are?"
Haruichi gave a small hiccup, tears in his eyes as he mumbled, "'room". Giving a small sob, he mumbled a little louder, "Bathroom."
"That's good," Ryousuke said, nodding encouragingly, "But can you tell me where the bathroom is?" Haruichi shook his head, tears streaming down his face. "Hey, don't cry. Don't cry Haru-chan." Ryousuke wiped the tears away and smiled. "One more Haru-chan. Can you answer one more for me?" Hiccupping, Haruichi nodded again. "Alright. Can you tell me how old you are?"
Haruichi sobbed a bit and wiped at his tears. "N-Nine," He hiccupped. Ryousuke felt his heart plummet as his brother ran to the toilet again to vomit some more.
Holding some of his hair out of the way and rubbing his back, the older Kominato asked, "What's happening to you Haru-chan?" When it seemed like he was done, Ryousuke guided his brother out of the stall and wiped his hands and face clean. He picked up the sobbing child and started walking back to the room.
"Ryou-san," Jun said, catching sight of the other, "I was-"He cut himself off when he saw the sobbing mess of a child his friend was carrying. "What happened?"
"I'll explain later," Ryousuke said, still walking. "I'm going to give him a bath first. Will you bring some clean clothes?" Jun nodded and went to get the clothes while Ryousuke carried his brother into the changing room. Setting the child down on one of the benches, Ryousuke helped him remove his soiled clothes before removing his own, grimacing slightly.
He didn't waste any time scrubbing the nine year old down and rinsing him off before doing the same for himself. He didn't wait or soak in the tub afterwards, but simply led the now sniffling child back into the changing room where Jun was waiting with two sets of clothes.
Ryousuke took one and got changed while Jun helped the younger male into his, frowning when he felt how hot he was. "I'll go get some medicine," Jun muttered as Ryousuke picked his brother up. He nodded in thanks and walked back to his room, rubbing a hand up and down Haruichi's back as he walked.
He had just sat on the edge of his bed when Jun came back with some medicine, a glass of water and the rest of the regulars. Ryousuke didn't question it and simply took the offered medicine. Haruichi was too tired to protest taking it, and simply moaned a little. He could only finish half the glass of water before refusing to take anymore, burying his face in his older brothers' shoulder.
Pulling back the blanket, he slowly lowered the child onto the bed, prying his hands from his shirt in the process. Eijun held out a cold towel and the older Kominato nodded slightly in thanks, taking it and putting it onto the burning forehead.
"What happened?" Miyuki asked softly.
Ryousuke shook his head. "He was fine when I left him, but after breakfast I found him throwing up in the bathroom, nine years old."
"So he regressed again," Chris said, one hand oh his chin as he thought. "The stress on both his mind and body after the first regression could have been substantial and they're attempting to find balance. My guess is that the sickness came on due to the stress and he'll continue to regress and regrow until his mind and body find the balance they need."
"By that logic," Miyuki said, "He's going to get worse until a balance is reached. If we assume he'll regress to an older age than the previous one, it means it's getting closer each time. By the same logic though, the ages he regresses to could become closer and closer, meaning more regressions until the balance is reached."
Kuramochi crossed his arms and frowned, "So it could be only a few more times or it could be a lot. We won't know until it's over with."
"Let's just hope his body can hold on until it finds the right balance," Tetsu said, staring down at the flushed child.
So...yeah. This ended up how I planned to end it. I literally wrote 'And this Haruichi died' at one point because I didn't know what else to put. So at least I didn't end it like that. Honestly tho, I left it open enough that it could end either way. The reason I like leaving it here is that you all can decide which you like better. I mean, anyone who's ready my stories before should know that there's no way I can write something fluffy without having some angst. So really, you should have expected this on some level.
Anyway, let me know what you thought, and if you have any ideas or wish to contribute to this story. Not sure if/when I'll get around to thinking about writing more for this since I'm caught up in other fandoms right now. I was just going through my stories and remembered that this hadn't been posted.