"Aww, Frannie, you were so cute!" Rachel exclaimed, "What happened to you?" she added teasingly, earning a shove from Frannie.

"Shut your face Rachel." Frannie said childishly.

After Judy shooed them away after dinner, claiming that the maid would take care of the mess tomorrow, they decided to settle in the living room, going through some old family albums, with Rachel cooing at every picture she saw of the Fabray kids. She especially enjoyed the embarrassing stories of them that Russell and Judy were telling.

"You're secretly hoping that your kid comes out looking like me, don't deny it Rachel!" Frannie smirked.

Quinn gave her a smack in the head with a scowl on her face, while Rachel just rolled her eyes. They had been like this during dinner too, Frannie teasing Rachel just to get a rise out of Quinn, and Quinn did get upset but stayed silent. It was interesting to Rachel to see how Quinn was with her sister, while Frannie loves calling Quinn names and insults, Quinn is just 'Yes, Frannie', 'No, Frannie' or 'Stop it Frannie', never calling her anything but her name and remaining calm with her.

Apparently you have to mess with her kid and her girlfriend to get a rise out of her.

Judy chuckled; a jealous Quinn was definitely an amusing thing to see.

"Quinn your little demon hasn't eaten yet." She reminded Quinn.

"Oh! I totally forgot about Benji!" Quinn exclaimed.

Frannie rolled her eyes.

"Just remember, Rachel, that she's going to be the parent of your children." She said sagely.

Quinn was about to give her another smack in the head but Judy beat her to it.

"That's enough Frannie, leave your sister alone." Russell said sternly.

"Who's Benji?" Rachel asked confusedly, pointedly ignoring Frannie's comment.

Quinn stood up and held her hand out for Rachel.

"C'mon, I'll show you." She said, smiling softly at her. She only hoped that Benji would behave, that dog was crazy.

Quinn lead her through the kitchen to the backyard where Rachel could see a figure sulking in the corner.

Rachel gasped making Quinn smile. She opened the sliding door gaining the attention of the puppy. He came bouncing to Quinn but stopped short when he noticed another person with her. He stared at Rachel, as if enthralled by her.

Quinn smiled confusedly at Benji, he usually would be barking and growling by now. He wasn't very fond of strangers in the house.

Quinn knelt down to pet him. "Benji," se called him softly. His eyes flickered to her for moment before coming back to Rachel. Quinn looked at Rachel nonplussed.

Rachel chuckled and smiled at Quinn. She knelt down in front of Benji and laughed softly when he plopped down on his butt, wagging his tail. "Hey buddy," she said softly, stretching her hand out to Benji but not making contact. He sniffled her hand for a moment before nudging it with his snout. Rachel smiled widely and scratched behind his ear, making him groan happily. "Aren't you just the sweetest thing ever?" Rachel cooed at him.

Benji licked her cheek, making Rachel laugh.

"Well, I never thought I would be jealous of a dog." Quinn quipped. Though there was some truth behind the statement.

Rachel laughed again, pulling Quinn close so she could give her a soft but firm kiss.

"Better?" she asked teasingly.

Quinn hummed, "Yes, much better." She grinned, stealing another kiss.

Benji whined, upset that he wasn't getting any more attention. Quinn went to serve him his dinner while Rachel played with him.

"Come on buddy, your food is ready." Quinn called him. He ignored her. Quinn rolled her eyes, "Bring that demon over, Rachel." She huffed.

Rachel stood up with a groan, "Come on buddy, dinner's ready." He started walking obediently after her, when they reached Quinn he looked expectantly at Rachel. Rachel stifled a laugh when Quinn huffed again. "Eat." She pointed at his bowl of food. He started eating without hesitation.

"Traitor." Quinn muttered.

Rachel wrapped her arms around Quinn's neck. Smiling when Quinn's hands went automatically to her waist. "I love you." She said softly, resting their foreheads together.

Quinn grinned. "I love you too, so much." She said softly before tenderly kissing Rachel.

Rachel sighed contentedly, closing her eyes.

"Baby?" Quinn squeezed lightly Rachel's waist.

Rachel hummed.

"What were you and my mom talking about?" She chuckled at Rachel's confused expression. "In the kitchen, before dinner." She added.

"Oh!" Rachel chuckled, "She was telling me that she made me an appointment with an OB-GYN."

"Really?" Rachel nodded. "And when is this appointment?" she asked frowning. Her mother didn't informed her about this.

"On Wednesday, she didn't tell me the hour though." She said thoughtfully. "What's wrong?" she asked when Quinn didn't stop frowning.

Quinn shook her head. "I just… Aren't you mad?" she asked her softly.

"Should I be mad?" She asked her slowly.

"Totally." Quinn nodded.

Rachel bit back a smile.

"Are you mad, baby?" she asked softly.

"Yes… it's something that you and I should have discussed together." She said, avoiding Rachel's gaze.

Rachel's gaze softened and this time she smiled. She knew what was the real problem here.

"You're upset that you didn't think of it first." She said softly. "Quinn?" she asked when Quinn didn't said anything.

Quinn shrugged.

"Baby…" Rachel sighed. She cupped Quinn's face with her hands.

Quinn shook her head. "I should have thought of it first and not my mom." She grumbled.

"Quinn, baby, it was impossible that you could have thought about it, you did just found out yesterday. No, listen to me." She said when she saw Quinn about to protest. "Honey, I hadn't even thought about it until your mom told me." Well that was a lie, but Quinn didn't need to know that. "Quinn, remember what you have been saying to me. We're in this together. Step by step. Okay?" she reminded her softly.

Quinn let out a deep breath but nodded. "Okay." She smiled when Rachel gave her a soft kiss. "Let's sneak out before the little demon notices that you're not paying him any attention." She whispered.

Rachel smiled and nodded

"Okay." She whispered back.

Frannie and Judy were in the kitchen when they reentered, and surprise, surprise; Judy was scolding Frannie about something.

"No, Frannie, we just ate dinner! You're going to make yourself sick." Judy said firmly.

"But mom!" Frannie whined.

Judy shook her head. "No, mom nothing. It's time to go to sleep, go say goodnight to everybody and then directly to bed. You hear me? I don't want you staying up late." She said leaving no room for argument.

"Fine." Frannie huffed. She turned to look at Quinn and Rachel who were watching the scene with amusement. "Goodnight asshole," she said to Quinn, who just rolled her eyes. "Goodnight gorgeous." She winked at Rachel.

Rachel shook her head with a laugh, "Goodnight Frannie."

Judy shook her head with a smile when Frannie left. "That girl." She laughed.

"What did she want?" Quinn asked curiously.

"She wanted more pie." Judy said with a roll of her eyes.

"Seriously, after everything she ate?" Rachel asked incredulously.

Judy laughed, "Oh Rachel, Quinn was just being modest today, both she and Frannie have bottomless stomachs."

Quinn blushed when Rachel looked at her.

"Should I expect you to sneak out of bed in the middle of the night because you're hungry?" Rachel asked her teasingly.

Judy laughed again when Quinn blushed even more and shook her head in negative to Rachel's question.

"Alright girls, I'm going to bed. Russell already left, but he wishes you goodnight. So have a goodnight and rest well." She told them giving each a hug and a kiss.

Rachel turned to Quinn when Judy left the kitchen.

"Will Benji stay outside all night?" she asked her curiously.

"Well, he's supposed to, 'cause he's grounded, but he spends all night crying and scratching at the door, and my parents' room is right above the kitchen, so my mom just gives up and lets him inside." She said with a smile.

Rachel chuckled.

"Grounded, huh? Is he a troublemaker just like his owner?" she asked teasingly.

Quinn grinned. "He's worst." She said, making Rachel laugh. Quinn sighed contentedly. "You ready to go to bed?" She asked her softly. Rachel nodded. "Alright then, let's take your stuff to my room." She said, pulling her to the front door, where they had left Rachel's things.

"Baby, it didn't even occurred to me to ask your parents if they were okay with me sleeping in your room." Rachel said when they made it to Quinn's room.

Quinn chuckled, walking towards Rachel after putting her bag at the foot of the bed.

"Well… I think they kinda figured out that we are having sex." She said teasingly, softly resting her hand on Rachel's belly. Rachel smacked her arm, making Quinn chuckle. "Seriously Rach, they're totally fine with it." She said, leaving a soft kiss on Rachel's forehead.

"Alright, if you say so." Rachel sighed.

Quinn hummed. "I do. Now c'mon, let's get ready for bed." She said tugging Rachel to the bathroom.

They took longer than usual because Quinn kept interrupting Rachel with kisses, until they were finally done and tucked under the covers. They were lying with Quinn on top of Rachel, snugly accommodated between her legs.

"Baby." Rachel sighed when Quinn started kissing her neck.

Quinn looked up, grinning. "I love it when you call me that." She said, leaving a soft kiss on Rachel's lips.

Rachel smiled against her lips. "I know. That's why I do it. You know what I love?" she asked. Quinn shook her head in negative. "The feeling of you on top of me." She chuckled when she felt Quinn's cock twitch against her thigh.

"You do, huh?" she said, slowly rocking her hips against Rachel's, dragging a soft moan out of her. She started kissing her neck again while she sneaked a hand underneath Rachel's shirt, softly caressing her side.

The mood instantly dropped, though, when Rachel tried to suppress a yawn.

Quinn chuckled, stopping the movements of her hips. Rachel smiled sheepishly at her.

"I'm sorry, baby. I guess I'm still tired from our sessions from earlier in my house." She said softly.

"Don't apologize, baby, I'm actually proud that I tired you out." She joked, but there was absolutely some truth behind the statement.

Rachel just rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

"Do you have any plans for us tomorrow?" she asked Quinn.

"No, not really. Do you want to do something?" She asked, stealing a kiss from Rachel. She just couldn't get enough of them.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could go to the mall to start checking out prices on baby stuff." She said quietly.

Quinn grinned. "That's great baby." She suddenly frowned. "But just the two of us, okay?" she said.

Rachel frowned too. "Why?" She asked curiously.

"Because if we take any of my parents or Frannie with us, they're going to want to buy everything they see. And I know that you're too polite to say anything to them, but it would make uncomfortable."

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Like you will be any better." She teased.

Quinn pouted. "Well… no, but at least you don't have any problem in telling me no." she paused. "Not that you can stop me from buying everything I see." She said cheekily.

"Like hell I can't. We're not buying anything tomorrow, Quinn." Rachel said firmly.

"But baby." Quinn whined.

Rachel shook her head. "No." She said again. "We're just going to check out the prices, understood?" Quinn nodded reluctantly. "Besides, I think that it's best if we wait until we know if we're having a boy or a girl, don't you think?" Quinn shook her head, making Rachel smile. "No? Why not?"

"Because I already know what we're having." Quinn said seriously.

"Oh really?" Rachel said, amused. Quinn nodded sagely. "And, according to you, what are we having?"

Quinn rolled off Rachel to rest beside her. "It's a girl." She said surely.

Rachel smiled. "Baby, just because you want a girl doesn't mean it will be one."

Quinn pouted. "Well… yes, I want a mini-Rachel, but I just have this feeling, you know, that it's a girl." She said quietly, her hand drawing soft circles on Rachel's stomach. "An– And I'm going to start calling it a she." She said stubbornly.

Rachel chuckled. "And what if it's a boy?" She rested her hand atop of Quinn's.

Quinn shook her head. "No." she said firmly. "It's a girl. We're going to ask the doctor on Wednesday and you'll see that I'm right."

Rachel gave her a soft kiss. "Okay, we're going to ask, but I think that it's a little early to know."

Quinn shrugged. "We don't lose anything by asking. The doctor will just be confirming." She said, making Rachel laugh. "Hey, did your parents call you?" She was actually a little worried that they hadn't called yet. She got confused when Rachel nodded in affirmative. "Really, when?"

"When you were raiding my fridge." Rachel said matter-of-factly, making Quinn blush and smile sheepishly at her.

"That explains why I didn't notice." She mumbled. She frowned when Rachel sighed heavily. "What's wrong?" she asked softly, taking Rachel's hand and kissing her palm.

Rachel shook her head. "It's nothing, don't worry." She tried to smile.


Rachel sighed again. "It's about my parents." She said quietly. "But it's getting really late." She said when Quinn prompted her to continue. "We'll talk about it tomorrow, I promise." She said, giving Quinn a reassuring kiss.

"Alright then, tomorrow. We'll talk tomorrow." She said bringing Rachel close to her. "I love you, baby, good night." She said, leaving a soft kiss on Rachel's forehead.

Rachel closed her eyes, sighing contentedly. "Good night. Love you." She mumbled, succumbing to sleep.

A/N Time jump in the next chapter, Quinn gets to hear the baby's heartbeat.

Thank you for being so patient with me, I'll start to speed things up, I promise!