**EDIT: I updated the rivals list noting I forgot one in the original writing of this first chapter. Though my writing has been a lot more refined since the original posting and the time gap in between chapters, I'm refraining from editing chapter content unless it is completely necessary for the long run. That is all.**

**EDIT 2: Updated Natalie's name to reflect current chapter progress**

A/N: Hello everyone. I am CirciFox81314. I'm here to present Circi's Pokémon Adventure, which tells about the struggle of the Pokémon Trainer, Circi Fox! Before we begin, I need to say something. Pokémon X and Y won't be included in this. Neither will R/B/Y or FR/LG. The Johto Arc already covers the FireRed/LeafGreen Arc, excluding the plot which serves as a prelude to the events of HG/SS. I will put the order of the journey for some more context.


Johto and Kanto


Unova (B2/W2)


The Pokémon Ranger Regions


BONUS- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Arc

Also, Circi's first Pokémon team and her rival are named after some characters in another game series called Drawn to Life. HOWEVER, Wilfre's full name is Wilfred, but he prefers being called Wilfre for short. Also, some of the other game rivals will appear, such as Silver and Hugh. NOT ALL OF THEM WILL APPEAR.

The reasoning as to why I crossed Pokémon over with Kingdom Hearts in this story is because when I originally began writing this, it included some of the Kingdom Hearts characters (mainly because of Pokémon Battle Revolution. However, this story will only include Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas, Naminé and Xion.

I'll explain the characters now so I won't have to tell you later.

I'm not going to mention the game characters. Noting the arcs, I don't want it to seem like I put OC's instead of the real characters. Also, this is for the Pokémon Trainer Arc of the story, which is Sinnoh-Unova. Sorry if its annoying that I'm putting the characters down.

Main Characters (OC):

Circi Fox

Roselyynn Hana

Yami Mizu

Saki Satou

Rivals (OC):

Wilfred (Wilfre)


Natalie Backlot

Champions (OC):

Zia (One of the World Champions)

I apologize for this really long Author's note. This first arc is mainly based off of Pokémon Pearl, with hints of Pokémon Platinum.

The first bit is in Circi's POV.

*Mint isn't the same Mint from one of the side series Pokémon Games who is a girl. This Mint is a boy who is from Hoenn and is currently on a Pokémon Journey.

So get ready! Here's the first chapter of Circi's Pokémon Adventure!


Chapter 1: Start of a New Journey!

Hello. The name's Circi Fox.

I want to be a Pokémon Trainer. I'm able to, since I'm ten, but I haven't paid a visit to the Pokémon Professor thanks to my mom. I also have a friend named Shadow. Well actually, his name isn't Shadow. I call him Shadow since he has dark hair and red eyes.

His name is actually Richard. Okay, it's not Richard. I have many nicknames for him. His real name is Wilfred. I usually call him Wil or Fred for short as well as Shadow, but he usually tells me to just call him Wilfre since Wilfred seems too formal. That's a stupid reason!

Anyway, part of the reason I haven't gone on a Pokémon Journey yet is because of my mom. You see, she used to be a Pokémon Coordinator, like our neighbor Johanna. She wants me to be a coordinator for some reason and she also nags me for not wearing much color. I like the color black! It's not like I'm going to wear a rainbow. Some things collide with my bright orange hair so that's a part of the reason.

AND, she tries making me wear pink. A lot. I know my eyes are pink, but seriously?! I'll end my rant here.

Anyway, what I am doing right now is watching some program that my mom made me watch about some Shiny Red Gyarados. Apparently, the team failed to get it, so I see no point about this program.

"CIRCIIIIIIIIIIIII!" There's my mom calling me. Better go see what she wants.


Circi comes downstairs from her room to see her mom, Clara, who was shouting.

"What mom? I was watching that program you forced me to watch."

Circi's mom responded by still shouting. "WILFRED WANTED TO SEE YOU!"

"Mom, I'm downstairs already."


"Mom, it's not even cold."


Circi rolled her eyes. "Nope. Not wearing that scarf."


Circi started getting a headache before covering her ears. "MOM, STOP SHOUTING. I'LL GO SEE WHAT WILFRE WANTS, OKAY?!" Circi angrily shouted back before leaving.

"CIRCI, YOU FORGOT YOUR SCARF…" Clara began before the door was slammed, and her nagging was cut off. With a sigh, Clara began to wonder whether or not she should've done better with how her voice was raised in the house around Circi.


(Twinleaf Town)

Circi was right. It wasn't even cold outside. She didn't quite understand her mom, but she really didn't care. Circi then walked up to Wilfre's house and knocked on the door.

The door opened and she saw Wilfre. Wilfre had a resemblance to their neighbor, Barry, but he had black hair and the rest of it that was longer was tied into a ponytail. His eyes were red, but not too crazy red.

"Hey Circ." The boy greeted.

"Hey Shadow."

"It's Wilfre, not Shadow." Wilfre corrected.

"Kay Shadow. What did you need?"

Wilfre let out an annoyed sigh.

"I wanted to go to Lake Verity. There might be a Pokémon there like that Red Gyarados…"

Circi cut Wilfre off with, "That that stupid team epically failed to catch."

Wilfre mumbled something before finishing, "At the lake. So how about we go?"

"ALRIGHT! I'm going to beat you there!"

Then Circi started to dash off as Wilfre muttered, "And I'll get that thing I need from my house first." Before going in his house.

A guy almost stopped Circi, but she threw him aside and continued running.

"That Circi Fox…is always in a rush."

As Circi ran through Route 201, ignoring all the wild Pokémon, that either fled or flew off, she finally stopped at the Entrance to Lake Verity and she began pacing. "Darn it, darn it, DARN IT! Where is he?!" The orange haired girl angrily shouted.

Circi couldn't wait anymore and she stormed back through Route 201 to Twinleaf Town, went to Wilfre's House, and angrily opened the door without knocking. Wilfre's mom, Raven, noticed her.

"Oh, hello Circi! Wilfre is upstairs."

"He better be. I'm going to fine that guy if he doesn't get his butt down here."

Raven turned red. "No, no! No need to do that now, Circi! We don't need to have two Barrys in this town!"

Circi huffed before mumbling, "Then I'll say this."

Circi took a deep breath before shouting, "WILFRE, GET YOUR A** DOWN HERE BEFORE I COME UP THERE!"

Raven sweat dropped before saying quietly, "But unlike Barry, Circi is the one who tends to curse."

Wilfre finally came downstairs. "Yeah Circi?"

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Circi exploded.

"I was getting ready to go to the Lake. Why?"


"Why are you shouting like your mom did earlier?"


Wilfre waved goodbye to his mom before he and Circi went off to the Lake. As they walked, Circi said very proudly, "If we find a legendary Pokémon, we'll be a legacy! Maybe we will become trainers!"

Wilfre stared at Circi like she was an idiot.

"Circi, many people have seen legendary Pokémon. Especially that one Champion, Zia."

"I know that. I heard there is a legendary Pokémon living at the lake. It might be one of the lake guardians!" Circi happily yelled.

"Lake…guardians?" Wilfre asked.

"YEAH! I heard Lucas mentioning it to Dawn the other day."

"You mean eavesdropped?"

"Wilfre, shut up. I don't eavesdrop." Then Circi got a hold of Wilfre's arm and dragged him through the Entrance of Lake Verity.


(Lake Verity)

At the entrance, when Wilfre and Circi walked in, they saw a man with Lucas and Dawn. The man had a briefcase. That man, currently unbeknownst to them, was Professor Rowan.

They had run into him when he was exiting and he was entering. In response, Circi had shouted. "Hey! Watch it Grandpa!"

Wilfre sighed. "Sorry sir. You may get through."

Rowan huffed before mumbling, "At least one of you has manners."

Then he shouted, "Dawn, Lucas!"

"We're coming, Professor!"

When Dawn and Lucas ran after him, Wilfre noticed that they had forgotten something. "Wait! You…"

It was too late. They had left behind their suitcase.

As Circi began to head towards the tall grass, Wilfre shouted after her, "Get the suitcase! We have to return it!"

"If you wanna get it, then get your a** over here Wilfre!" Circi snapped back.

Wilfre sighed before following her. When the two friends began to recover the suitcase, something flew down and pecked Circi, causing her to drop it, opening it up and revealing three Poke balls within.

"Ow! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Circi looked to see two angry Starly.

"We might've gotten into their territory!"

"Then grab a Poke Ball! We can't defend ourselves!"


Circi saw a Chimchar, a Piplup and a Turtwig within the Poke Balls.

"Take your pick."

Circi stared at Turtwig's Pokéball. "Turtwig! I choose you!"

Wilfre sighed. "Ash Ketchum is going to get you."

"Whatever! Take your pick and let's do this!"

Wilfre picked Chimchar.

"Alright! Let's go!"

Circi glared at the angry Starly. "Go, Turtwig!"

Circi released the Pokémon from its Pokéball. The turtle was ready.

"Use Tackle!"

Turtwig slammed its body into the Starly, weakening it quite a bit.

The Starly tackled back.

"Use Tackle again!"

Turtwig repeated its move. Starly was about to tackle into it again, but Circi yelled, "Avoid it!"

Turtwig managed to get away. "Tackle it one more time!"

Turtwig finished Starly off, making it fly off fearfully.


"Pokémon Abuse…" Wilfre muttered.

"Hey, I heard that! Now let's go return this suitcase to that old guy!" Then Circi tugged on Wilfre's ear before exiting Lake Verity.

(Route 201)

Circi was singing badly as she tugged on Wilfre's ear.

"OW! Are you trying to make me deaf and pull off my ear?"

"Nope! We are going to Twinleaf Town!"

"What? I thought we were returning the briefcase!"

"That can wait. My crazy mother ordered me some Running Shoes."

Wilfre frowned at Circi.

As they headed into Twinleaf Town and reached her house, Circi commanded, "Shadow, you stay here, I will go in and get my Running Shoes…"

As Circi opened the door, her mother chucked her Running Shoes package at her and shouted, "You can read the instructions yourself! You click the B button to equip them and run."

"B…button? I don't see any buttons around here!"

"Well, somewhere, there's a B button."

Her mother shut the door.

"Why do you need running shoes to run in this world? Its like you are limited to walking until you get Running Shoes."

"I don't know, Circi. Don't act like it's my fault this world is weird."

"Still, what idiot made the rule of not being able to run without Running Shoes?!"

"Maybe Game Freak or something?"

"Game Freak? Oh, those people those appear here who break the fourth wall?"


"Wait, Ash Ketchum runs without Running Shoes?"

"Maybe. Or the same rule applies to him."

"Okay. And what's the B button? And the X button that apparently opens the Menu? And the Y buttons that allows easy use of Registered Items? And the A button that allows you to continue Chat Boxes? And Game Sprites? What are those?"

Wilfre shrugged.

"I have no idea. We should return that briefcase now."

"But I need to know…"


"Okay! Sheesh."

Then the two headed to Sandgem Town to return that Briefcase.


(Sandgem Town)

The two headed into Sandgem Town to see a Laboratory, and it said Professor Rowan's Laboratory on the sign.

"This must be where the Old Man is. Let's go in."

(Professor Rowan's Laboratory.)

"Where is that briefcase…?" Professor Rowan began until the door opened.

"Hey! We came to return that Briefcase!" Circi shouted.

"Oh?" A Professor's Aide asked.

Professor Rowan noticed. "Oh, you're that rude youngster from earlier."

"We also came to return those Pokémon." Wilfre indicated.

"What…?" Lucas asked.

Wilfre looked at Circi, who soon realized she had to explain.

"Okay, when we were off to return the Briefcase, we got attacked by wild Starly. You can have Turtwig and Chimchar back." Circi explained.

As they were putting back the Pokeballs, Rowan suddenly said, "Wait."

"Did we do something wrong?"

The Professor shook his head. "No. It seems that Turtwig and Chimchar have come to like you."

"What?" Circi asked in shock.

"You may keep them." Circi kept from setting Turtwig's Pokéball down as did Wilfre with Chimchar's.

"Would either of you like to give your Pokémon a Nickname?"

"No." Wilfre answered.

Turtwig came out of its Pokéball and looked up at Circi with a smile.

"I think I'll call him…Grassly."

"Dawn, Lucas, could you give them those two devices over there?" The two nodded before retrieving the two devices off the desk.

Dawn presented one to Circi while Lucas presented the other one to Wilfre. Accepting them, Circi held her device in her hand.

"This is called a Pokedex. If you didn't know, a Pokedex records Pokémon Data."

"Um…Professor Rowan, right? How come you're giving us these?" Wilfre asked.

"I need you two to do me a favor."

"Yeah? What is it?" Circi asked.

"Will you complete those Pokedexes for me?"

Circi tilted her head. "Complete it? Like getting all the entries in?"

Professor Rowan nodded.

"Alright. We'll do it." Wilfre and Circi said in sync.

Then Wilfre left, but before going out the door, he said, "Thanks."

Just as Circi was about to leave, Lucas and Dawn shouted, "Wait!"


The two each gave Circi five Pokéballs before realizing their mistake.

"Oh…wait. You were only supposed to have five."

"It's okay though. The more the better!" Dawn told Lucas.

Circi went silent. "Can I…leave now?"


Just as Circi was about to leave the building, the Professor shouted, "Wait!"


The Professor walked over and gave Circi a letter.

"Give this to your parent or guardian to tell them you're going on a Pokémon Journey."

Circi gulped, imagining her mother's reaction.

"Are you sure…? My mother is…"

"Yes. Give it to your mother."

Circi frowned before taking the letter and leaving.


(Twinleaf Town)

20 minutes later, Circi arrived at the door of her house once again and opened it up, quickly greeting her mom, who was waiting for her at the table. "Hey mom." Circi said nervously, wondering how she was going to bring up the latter.

Clara handed her daughter her hat, her scarf and her bag, which she forgot, and she went to her nagging tone right away.


"Mom, seriously, don't yell. Here's this letter I'm supposed to give you."

Circi handed her mother the letter.

"Yes, you can go on a journey." Clara said upon reading the letter, finally lowering her tone.

Circi sighed in relief at both things.

"Now get! You can't go be a trainer standing around here." Circi left her house, ready to go.

As she walked out of Twinleaf Town, she waved goodbye to those who were outside and went out of Twinleaf Town to Route 201.

As she was walking through Route 201, she suddenly tripped over something and landed on her face into the grass.

Then she heard a munching noise and saw a Bidoof, looking at her while gnawing on a stick.

"A Bidoof?"

Circi could see it was clearly a male Bidoof, looking at its tail, which had five tufts.

Looking at Grassly's Pokéball and then the Bidoof, who was still gnawing on that stick, smirked, before yelling, "Grassly, come on!"

Grassly came out of its Pokéball, eager for battle. The Bidoof blinked and continued gnawing on its stick.

"Grassly, tackle!"

Bidoof realized what was going on and threw the stick, but he couldn't avoid getting hit. In anger, Bidoof tackled back.

Circi knew she had to weaken it enough to throw a Pokéball at it. It was instinct.

"Grassly, tackle it again!" Circi ordered.

Bidoof's eyes widened and it tried to avoid, but Grassly hit it again, weakening him once more.

"Go Pokéball!"

Bidoof looked up and a Pokéball hit it. The ball shook once.

"Yes!" Grassly was excited too.

The ball shook again.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The ball shook once more.

"Come on! Please tell me I caught it!"


"YES! I CAUGHT MY FIRST POKEMON!" Circi squealed before retrieving the Pokéball and letting Bidoof out.

"Sorry, buddy. I just wanted you to join my team. What should I call you?" Circi began to think.


The Bidoof nodded as it went to gnawing on another stick.

Remembering the red scarf she didn't need, Circi wrapped her scarf around Jowee's neck before tying it. Then she head a ring in her bag and found a Jingle Bell and a safety pin.

Attaching the Jingle Bell onto the scarf with the safety pin, Jowee looked like an official team member.*

"C'mon, Grassly, Jowee, let's return to Sandgem Town!"



Joined by her Grass-type Starter Grassly and her new partner, Bidoof, Circi Fox's journey began.


A/N: There's the beginning of the story!

First, I'll bring up the references.

*The reason I put the scarf and the jingle bell on Bidoof and why its nicknamed Jowee is because of Drawn to Life. However, my OCs and Circi's teammates named after them have nothing to do with Drawn to Life. This is also because Circi's Bidoof/Bibarel in my Pearl Version is nicknamed Jowee.

Grassly's name: Grassly's name came from the trend I had in Pokémon Black version involving adding "ly" to the end of a nickname. However, the reason he is named Grassly is a tribute to my Torterra Grassy from my original Pokémon Pearl version, which vanished mysteriously.

Circi and Wilfre's personality differences: As I said before, Circi and Wilfre's personalities differ from Dawn/Lucas and Barry in D/P/Pt. However, the only time Circi doesn't act all hyper and crazy is when she's in battle, and neither does Wilfre. In fact, Circi tends to be smarter in battle than normal.

The reasons the Kingdom Hearts characters haven't appeared yet: The first appearances the Kingdom Hearts characters in this story are set to appear in either the next chapter or the third one. Sora, Riku and Kairi will appear in Jubilife City while Roxas, Ventus, Naminé and Xion will appear in Oreburgh City.

Roselyynn, Yami and Saki also appear after Circi wins her first Gym Badge. In the original version, they joined up with her before Jubilife City, but I decided Circi would start out alone.

If I missed anything with the references or if you have any questions, make sure to ask in the reviews or PM me.

Please review if you'd like. I do not need reviews to continue, but I don't mind if I get any because I feel more motivated.

I'd also appreciate it if you review, don't flame me.

I will see you all in the second chapter of the story, and because of the planned length of each chapter (about 2500 to 3000 words), it may take longer to update than usual.


[As one final note, I had to update this chapter to erase any inconsistencies it could cause later on, and that meant fixing character names and the like. A few chapters will have to be updated as well in order to fit such, as well as formatting errors I made that would interrupt the flow of the story. Also, certain phrases and stuff will be edited to keep track of characters and note who is saying what.]