Note: Hey everyone, sorry that the updates are taking longer to come out, but regardless I hope that you will enjoy this chapter! I put some thought into how the story is flowing and I think I'm going to make things progress a little bit faster. As always I am open to suggestions and requests when it comes to my stories, such as things you would like to see or areas that you want more explored.

Regardless, I hope you will enjoy the chapter and as always, I do not own Lord of the Rings, only my ocs. Enjoy!

Chapter 21 – Dinner Party

A woman sat on a throne, on her clothed arm there was an eagle. The bird cleaned his feathers as the woman ran pale fingers over its' head. The room was quiet for once in weeks as she sat there alone. Her husband was in a meeting with their son and many advisers discussing what was to be done. By now her aunt had been missing for well over three months and the kingdom was becoming antsy.

"Πρεπει να ξεκουραστεις, φιλε μου, εχεις μεγαλο ταξιδι μπροστα σου." (You must rest my friend, for you will have a long journey ahead of you.) The woman whispered to the bird perched on her arm, in response the eagle made a whistling sound. She lifted her arm and the bird flew from her side and perched itself onto a ledge in the throne room, the dark haired woman unwrapped the fabric from her arm and placed it over the arms of the throne. As Isis walked down the steps of the throne a familiar woman rushed into the throne room. Her brown hair hung down in front of her breasts in a braid and the adviser quickly curtsied to the Princess.

"Βασιλισσα μου-" (My Queen-) The woman started to speak, but was quieted by the stand-in Queen

"Δεν ειμαι βασιλισσα, θα μου απευθυνεσαι ως Πριγκιπισσα Ισις." (I am not Queen, you will address me as Princess Isis.) The dark haired woman corrected her as she stepped down from the last step of the throne. The eagle which had previously been perched on a ledge high in the throne room made a loud sound as it flew down to the two women. The eagle circled for a moment before he perched himself onto the throne itself and witnessed the event laying out before it.

"Με συγχωρειτε, Μεγαλειοτατη, δεν ηθελα να σας προσβαλλω." (My apologizes your Highness, I did not mean to offend.) The brunette apologized with a bowed head. Her posture was slightly hunched as she continually stayed in a bowed position. She did not look up directly at the Princess who had walked to a window in the room. The Princesses' raven colored hair fell softly down her back as she gazed out at the ocean that stretched out beyond the kingdom. The adviser stood slowly but did not approach the Princess, instead she stayed glued to her spot and continued to speak, "Ερχομαι μονο φερνοντας νεα απο τη συναντηση. Ο συζυγος σας ηθελε να ερθει αυτοπροσωπως, αλλα πρεπει να ετοιμασει μια ομαδα νεων να σαλπαρουν για την απεναντι μερια της θαλασσας." (I only come bearing news from the meeting. Your husband wished to come himself but he must ready a voyage of young men to sail across the sea.) If the comment interested the Princess it was not visible by her posture, the woman continued to face the window with her arms resting on the ledge. After a moment of silence Isis spoke.

"Ακουω την αναφορα σου." (Rely your message.) Her voice was soft but stern at the same time, and the adviser did not waste time by making her wait.

"Το πλοιο τους εντοπιστηκε στα παραλια μιας αγνωστης περιοχης, το πληρωμα των Ντυνα ανεβηκε στο καταστρωμα και φαινεται πως υπαρχουν σημαδια αντιστασης και οτι το πλοιο εγκαταλειφθηκε ταχυτατα. Ο Αρχελαος αποφασισε να στειλει μια επιπλεον ομαδα ικανων στρατιωτων και μελων της φρουρας, ελπιζοντας να βρουμε τη Βασιλισσα μας." (Their ship was spotted off of the coast of an unknown land, the crew of the Dyna went aboard the ship and there appeared to be a struggle and it was abandoned with haste. Archelaus has decided to send an additional group of capable sailors and members of the guard to search the island in hopes of finding our Queen.) The female adviser explained with haste, however there was no nervousness in her voice. She sounded calm and collected, only slightly rushed to relay the message to the niece of Queen Selene. During the whole speech Isis did not turn around to face the adviser, although there was a visible tension in the Princess' shoulders. The weight of the country and her family rested on her shoulders. Her aunt was still missing and the country would fall into chaos soon if action was not taken.

"Πιστευουν οτι η Βασιλισσα ειναι ακομη ζωντανη;" (Do they believe that the Queen may still live?) Isis asked as she turned to finally face the adviser. Her grey orbs were hard and cold as she fixed her eyes on the eyes of the adviser. She was always known as being ice cold with her look of indifference, as well as her fair complexion only rivaled by that of the Queen herself. Her dark hair only added to the image as a whole, her face was void of emotion, but her body held the tension that she felt from within herself.

"Δεν εχουν λογο να πιστευουν το αντιθετο. Υπηρχαν ιχνη αιματος στο πλοιο, αλλα δεν ειχαν λογο να σκοτωσουν τη Βασιλισσα, ομως δεν ειμαστε σιγουροι οσον αφορα τη Ραμινι απο τη φρουρα. Βρεθηκαν κομμενα η λυμενα δεσμα στο πλοιο. Ισως δραπετευσαν απο το πλοιο και γι' αυτο αναγκαστηκαν να ριξουν αγκυρα. Μπορει ομως να σκοπευαν απο την αρχη να πανε σε αυτο το μερος." (They do not see any reason to doubt the idea of it. There were traces of blood on the ship but they had no reason to kill the Queen, although Ramini of the Guard we are not sure of. There was evidence of broken or untied bindings in the ship. Perhaps they escaped the ship and that was why they docked. However it could be that they always intended to go to such a place.) The adviser explained, her braid swayed as she cautiously approached the Princess. The green of her eyes seemed to shift between lighter and darker shades with each step she took. Perhaps the woman thought that she could offer the Princess some comfort on the matter? Regardless she did not get very fall before the Princess began moving in her direction, which caused the brunette to stop dead in her tracks. However Isis did not stop nor slow her pace as she approached the adviser, instead she walked right by her, not even sparing a glance in the woman's direction.

"Τελειωσες την αναφορας σου; Ελευθερη να φυγεις, ο συζυγος μου κι εγω εχουμε πολλα να συζητησουμε." (That is all then? You are dismissed, my husband and I have much to discuss.) The stand-in Queen spoke coldly as she walked. Her pace did not falter and the brunette had to quietly jog to catch back up to Isis as she left the throne room. The eagle who had been watching the whole event take place and spread its wings before soaring out of the throne room and following the Princess into the hallway.

"Μεγαλειοτατη, θα μπορουσα να ζητησω μια χαρη, παρακαλω;" (Your Highness, if I may be so bold as to make a request.) The brunette started to speak, and slowly both the Princesses' and her own walk fell to a stop. The raven haired woman turned and fixed her grey eyes back on the brunette who had followed her this far. No words were exchanged and the adviser took it as a silent cue to speak now while she held the Princess' attention. Once more the brunette bowed lowly in front of the Princess and placed her hands in front of her as if in a prayer. "Επιτρεψτε μου να συνοδευσω τη φρουρα σε αυτο το ταξιδι, θα ηταν τιμη μου να βοηθησω στην επιστροφη της Βασιλισσας μας. Θα το επιτρεψετε;" (Allow me to accompany the voyage, I would like to assist in the return of our Queen. Will you allow this?) Silence followed the request, the only thing that could be heard was the flapping of the wings of the Eagle as he found a place to land. The bird sat in a window and watched the Princess as she turned her back on the adviser.

"Βαλε τα δυνατα σου να γινει, Ευλαλια." (See it done Eulalia.) Isis said as she walked down the hallway once more. However this time Eulalia, the brunette, did not stand and follow her once more. Instead the adviser remained bowed until the steps of the Princess faded into the distance. The Eagle made a slight whistling sound before he too took flight down the hallway, once again in pursuit of the Princess Isis. Slowly the woman rose back to her feet, her hands still joined in front of her as she smiled down the corridor.

"Αμεσως, Μεγαλειοτατη, δε θα σας απογοητευσω." (Right away your Highness, I will not disappoint you.) Eulalia whispered to the air as she turned and walked in the opposite direction. Her feet carried her down the stairs to her own chambers, she walked into her room and began preparing for the journey ahead of her.

Selene paced back and forth as the handmaids helped Ramini get dressed for the evening, well as best dressed as they could make her. With her injuries they could not very well put too much weight on her shoulder and yet they wanted to cover her entirely; seeing as it was their form of proper. It was still a little odd, considering the dress in Selene's kingdom was a bit different. Regardless she pushed the thoughts of the dressing style from her mind, it was not truly that important, only curious. However she only stopped pacing once they had finished helping Ramini dress; much to the brunette's displeasure.

"Σιγουρα ειναι σοφη αυτη η επιλογη, Μεγαλειοτατη;" (Are you sure this is a wise decision my Queen?) Ramini asked with a slightly irked tone as she tugged on the robe was forced to wear for the occasion. If it were up to Ramini she would have stayed in the room with Selene and tell the Queen and King that they were not coming. "We shoo not be here." Her common was still rather broken in comparison to Selene's, who had gotten a bit better sense she arrived. However Ramini was learning quickly, she always was the more adaptable one when it came to her surroundings, and despite her brash nature she was still rather intelligent.

"Απλως θα δειπνησουμε μαζι τους. Ειμαστε φιλοξενουμενοι τους, θα ηταν αγενες να αρνηθουμε την προσκληση." (We are simply eating a meal with them, it is only polite considering that we are their guest.) Selene said as she sat beside her friend as soothed out the fabric of Ramini's clothing. The brunette was wearing more of a robe than a dress, but the fabric was lighter and easier to put on and take off, so it fit Ramini's expectation and need for the time being. The fabric was thin and colored with a pale purple hue, and there were not many integrate designs; but honestly that was how Ramini would have preferred it. "Επιθυμουν να μας ζητησουν συγγνωμη." (They wish to apologize to us,) Selene started, lightly taking her guard's hands in her own. "Θα ακουσω τι εχουν να πουν. Χρειαζομαστε συμμαχους σε αυτο το μερος." (I will hear them out, and we need allies in this place.)

"Εχουμε συμμαχους στην πατριδα." (We have allies at our home.) Ramini pouted slightly, she tightened her grasp on Selene's hands as if to express her agency with the situation. "Το γεγονος ειναι οτι μου επιτεθηκαν, παλι καλα που δεν ησουν εσυ στη θεση μου. Τι θα γινει αν στραφουν εναντιον μας η αν μας παραδωσουν;" (The fact of the matter is that I was attacked, it was fortunate that it was not you. What happens if they turn on us, or if they turn us in?) She asked, and the blonde woman sighed slightly. Again, on some level she knew that Ramini's fears were justified. The brunette did not often express concern in many situations, she thought of herself strong enough to get out of any situation. However being here in this strange land was taking its toll on the young woman. Selene felt a little guilty, she had been so relieved to not be alone that she had not put much thought into how frightened Ramini must have been. The fair haired woman took a deep breath to re-center herself then she looked into the eyes of her friend.

"Φιλη μου, καταλαβαινω οτι ανησυχεις, αλλα σε παρακαλω... Κανε υπομονη, αν αισθανθουμε οτι δεν ειμαστε πλεον καλοδεχουμενες, θα φυγουμε. Ωστοσο, δεν εχουμε τα μεσα για να επιβιωσουμε εδω ακομη, και δεν εχουμε σχεδον κανενα στοιχειο σχετικα με την πατριδα μας. Σου ζητω να μη φερθεις απερισκεπτα, η λυση εδω δεν ειναι η δυναμη. Κρατα λιγη υπομονη." (My friend, I know you are concerned, but please… Just hold out a little while longer, if we sense that our welcome is taking a turn then we can leave. However we do not have the means to survive here yet, and we have little to no leads on where our home is. I am asking that you will not act out too rashly, this is not a solution of force. Bide your time.) Selene spoke in a soft yet firm tone, she was trying to keep the maid in mind as they spoke, she did not want to give that strong of an impression on her. Yet in the same breath she needed Ramini to come to terms with the current events, with their situation, even if she did not find them favorable.

"Μαλιστα, Μεγαλειοτατη." (Yes my Queen.) Ramini's voice was a bit strained, likely from the annoyance of the situation. Her posture was stiff and her face twisted slightly into a grimace. Clearly displeased with the turnout of their talk, but regardless went by the wishes of Selene. Regardless the brunette did not look away from her Queen, instead she kept a steady gaze to show she was not backing down. The talk was over for now; they both knew that, but they both also knew it was not over yet. Ramini was too stubborn to just give in like that.

"I am sorry to interrupt maladies," the maid was hesitant as she spoke, the tension was thick in the air and she seemed less than pleased to inject herself into the conversation. "Dinner will be starting soon and if you are ready then I will escort you down to the dining hall." The second handmaid nodded as if to strengthen what the other one was saying.

"Alright, thank you." Selene stood up first, her hands still locked with Ramini who hesitated. For a long moment she remained seated before she slowly stood and released the fair woman's hands. With a slight smile of encouragement to her friend, Selene followed the maid out of the room and down the hall. Ramini walked silently behind her and the maids had to glance back every so often to make sure both women were following them. Selene was used to Ramini's silence as they walked, it was something she grew accustomed to over the many years they had known each other. It was a silent reassurance of her own safety as well as being unalone in a strange new country.

Soon they entered the dining hall. The walls were white, true to the country's own image, and a long wooden table sat in the center of the room with chairs all around it. The wood of the table was a paler shade than one would expect, however it did continually fit into the theme of the country itself. At the head of the table sat the Queen and King on Gondor, both of whom smiled and stood at the arrival of their guests.

"Thank you, Eileen and Ashli, for showing our guests the way. You both are dismissed for the evening." Aragorn, the king spoke kindly to the two maids who both bowed in response. Without a word the two left the room, leaving Aragorn, Arwen, Selene, and Ramini alone in the large room together. Plates were already laid out on the table and glasses of water already filled. Selene smiled, and stepped forward and gave a light curtsy to the royals.

"Thank you. Inviting us was kind, happy to accept the invitation." Selene spoke, a few words were missing from her sentence but regardless the Queen and King of Gondor seemed to understand what it was she was saying to them.

"We are happy that you chose to join us. We have a few more guests whom will be joining us tonight, but please. Take a seat where you would like." Arwen spoke this time and swept her hand out over the table as a gesture to sit. Selene turned to her friend, who still looked rather tense at the entirety of the situation. Only a few words were exchanged between the two in something other than common. The room was silent as they briefly spoke to one another, and Ramini's eyes darted around the table before she spoke quickly to her Queen. After a moment of debate from the two women they walked around to the left side of the table and walked up near Aragron and Arwen, although not too close. They sat roughly about six seats away from the Queen and King which placed the pair higher on the table rather than the center. As Ramini sat her back was to a wall and there was a window a few feet to the right of her. Selene sat on Ramini's left side, also with her back to the wall, and directly in front of them there was a pair of double doors.

"May I ask, who is joining us?" Selene asked. Curiosity seeping into her tone while she was trying to remain polite. Arwen simply smiled and chose to hold most of the conversation with the two women.

"Faramir, Eoywn, and Valdon shall be joining us for the meal." Arwen paused as she gave it a moment to sink in. "We hope that you two will not mind." Arwen said, and to her pleasure both of the women seemed to comprehend what was said because both of them shook their heads.

"Not at all." Selene responded as silence fell upon them as they waited for the rest of the company to join them at the table. They did not have to wait long for Valdon to walk into the room along with Faramir and Eoywn. Eoywn and Faramir sat beside the Queen and King Gondor, as there seemed to be a certain amount of comfortableness there. Valdon however chose to sit across from Ramini at the table. The brunette's posture seemed to straighten out slightly as she looked across the table at the elf. There was a tension between the two of them as Eoywn and Faramir spoke happily to Aragorn and Arwen.

"We have received word from Legolas as the sun rose. He spoke with his father on the matter of the languages and the women," Valdon said as he glanced from Arwen and Aragorn to Selene and Ramini who sat across from him. However his eyes darted back to the King and Queen as he continued to report to them. "Legolas should be returning soon in order to report his findings to both of you. The letter arrived today, however he likely left a few days prior so he may be here sooner than expected." Valdon concluded, the Queen and King nodded as they absorbed the information.

"Thank you Valdon, we appreciate you keeping us informed. Was there anything else in the letter?" Aragorn asked.

"Yes, a friend will be accompanying him." Valdon explained, and Aragorn nodded before looking at his wife and exchanging a few words.

"We will have additional rooms prepared for their coming then. Dinner should be arriving soon, so please, enjoy yourself." Aragorn spoke and Valdon nodded in response. As they conversation ended Valdon look back at Ramini.

"Η πληγη σου;" (Your wound?) Valdon asked, it was only a simple combination of words but it was still impressive how much he was able to comprehend of the language. Ramini stiffened slightly and moved one of her hands up to her shoulder injury.

"Εχω υπαρξει και καλυτερα." (I have been better.) Ramini stated. Selene was watching the exchange between the two with a slight smile on her face. "Αλλα αυτο δεν ειναι τιποτα. Ισα μια γρατζουνια, εχω παθει πολυ χειροτερα στο παρελθον." (However, this is nothing. A scratch really, and I've had worse things happen before.) Ramini wasn't intending to gloat or anything of the sort. This was sort of how she got around men, she had to work hard to gain her status in her country and she was often used to the men looking down on her.

"Τοτε χαιρομαι." (Then I am relieved.) Valdon responded to her after a moment of silence on his part. Possibly comprehending everything that she was saying to him. Ramini in response moved her hand away from her shoulder and placed her hands on the table. She continued to stare him down, as if sizing him up.

"Valdon," Selene called to catch his attention, and it worked. The dark haired elf turned his eyes away from Ramini and looked at the fair haired woman. "I have been… meaning… to thank you." Selene started, there were slight pauses as she tried to think of what to say and how to phase it in what they called "common". "Assisting my gu- my dearest friend. Thank you." Selene bit her slip as she almost called Ramini her guard.

"I am simply relieved to see that she has recovered considerably in a short amount of time. It would have made me no better than those who have attacked her if I stood by and watched. A "thanks" is not necessary, I did what anyone would have done." Valdon responded, his face was void of any emotion as he spoke, but somehow Selene felt like he actually did appreciate the gesture.

"Θα επρεπε να τον ευχαριστησεις, σε εσωσε." (You should thank him as well, he did save you.) Selene said to Ramini as soup was brought in and laid out in front of all the occupants of the table. Ramini frowned slightly and so Selene continued her minor lecture. "Ειμαι σιγουρη οτι μπορουσες να τους νικησεις και μονη σου. Ωστοσο, σε βοηθησε, παρ' ολο που δεν ηταν υποχρεωμενος να κανει κατι τετοιο. Ισχυριζεσαι οτι δεν εχουμε συμμαχους, αλλα αυτος δε θα ελεγες οτι ειναι συμμαχος μας; Καλο θα ηταν να τον ευχαριστησεις για την καλοσυνη του, Ραμινι. Ξερω οτι δεν την περιφρονεις την πραξη του." (I am sure you were more than capable of fighting them off. However he did assist you when he did not have to do such a thing. You claim we have no allies, but is he not one? You should thank him for his kindness Ramini. I know you are not above such things.) Ramini stirred her soup for a moment as she took in what was said to her. Her brown eyes shifted up towards the man across from her who was already starting to eat.

"Σε ευχαριστω για τη βοηθεια σου τις προαλλες, ηταν γενναιο εκ μερους σου." (I thank you for your assistance the other day, it was brave of you.) Ramini said, then she began to eat her soup and for a moment there was silence. Valdon continued to eat his soup as well but then after a moment he quietly responded to her.

"Παρακαλω." (You are welcome.)

Note: that's it for now and hopefully I'll be able to update more later. I hope you liked seeing more of Selene's home and Ramini's interactions with everyone. I will try to keep their culture in play more and hopefully you'll get to see more of it later. Please review and tell me your thoughts.