A/N: So this is the end. I just want to thank every single one of you who reviewed, favorited and followed this story. I'm also grateful for the kind tweets and even for the lurkers who checked out this story. Keep checking in you never know when I'll more motivation for a new story :) Also a special shout out to the actual couple themselves who are getting married very shortly I wish them a lifetime of love and happiness and if they both just happened to return at the same time then I'd be thrilled, if not that's ok too. Thank you all again!


Wrestlemania went off without any issues. Dean and Punk remained professional (far from friends) and put on a great match. As a way to prove to Punk and AJ he was moving on (with Renee) past their issues he agreed to lose the match at Wrestlemania the night before the big show. Punk wasn't sure what Dean was up to but Hunter and Vince wanted Punk to take the win since Undertaker losing was going to be so disappointing.

AJ on the other and couldn't compete in the Diva's invitational since her ankle still wasn't a hundred percent. But she did get her moment, Punk shared his big moment with her. Daniel Bryan won the title after wrestling Hunter in the first match and when Brie (now the Diva's champion) came out to celebrate with Daniel both Punk and AJ came out and effectively turned heel. They attacked both champions and were booed by most of the crowd. AJ would be ready for action by the time of Extreme Rules in four weeks and that's where she'd be getting her first title shot and first title reign.

Her and Punk loved working together but once the summer approached and the UK tours were done they were both exhausted. And they knew it was time to step away at least for now. Leading into Summer Slam Punk and AJ both met with Vince who knew why they wanted to see him.

"There are my two favorite Champions" Vince grinned as both Punk and AJ took a seat "You've got some bad news for me don't you?"

"Yea Vince I agreed to extend my contract past July for Summer Slam but that's it I'm not signing on again" Punk told him "I need to step away"

"We can accommodate you" Vince assured him "Sign a new deal take off for a few weeks-"

"I need longer than a few weeks" Punk said cutting him off

"How long?" Vince asked

"I don't know" Punk shrugged "I don't want to put a time table on it"

"How much will it take to get you to stay?" Vince asked

"Nothing" Punk told him coolly "It's not personal Vince but I'm burnt out and I need this time"

"Ok" Vince said with a slow nod "AJ?" he asked looking towards her

"I know my contract isn't up until the end of September-" AJ started

"You want an early release?" Vince asked and she shyly nodded

"We want to start our lives together" AJ told him "We can't do that on the road"

"Maybe start a family?" Vince asked and AJ just smiled shyly "I understand. You've done a lot for this company and if this is what you truly want then you've got it"

"Thank you" AJ smiled

"This doesn't mean I'm not going to be calling you both up constantly begging you to reconsider" Vince warned the two

"Wouldn't expect anything less" Punk said seriously

"So at Summer Slam we'll have you both drop your titles maybe a loser leaves the company type of matches?" Vince questioned

"Whatever you want" Punk agreed "It's your company"

"Any special suggestions on who you want to pass the torch off to?" Vince asked Punk

"Yea Bryan" Punk said without hesitation "He's been shortchanged of the title for over a year now. Summer Slam would be good vindication for him"

"I don't know" Vince said shaking his head

"Are you seriously not seeing the money in him?" Punk questioned "People love him they want to see him win you aren't going to regret it"

"I'll talk to Hunter" Vince agreed slightly "And in that case AJ were looking to push a younger Diva, Paige perhaps?"

"I think that's great" AJ agreed with a smile

"Ok" Vince sighed "Let me get in touch with creative so we can start going over all of this. Good luck to you both" he said

Once they stepped out of the office Punk pulled AJ aside

"Are you sure you're still ok with this?" Punk asked "You don't have to leave because I am"

"I am sure" AJ assured him "I got the title and an awesome reign, I got a Wrestelmania moment, I got to work with you again and I have more t-shirts than most of the guys. I came, I saw, I accomplished and now it's time for me to work on my other dreams"

"What other dreams" Punk asked leaning in closer to her

"Having my own family with you" AJ said sweetly "Isn't that what you want?"

"Hell yes" Punk smiled happily "I just want to make sure its what you want"

"It's what I want" AJ assured him "We're not getting any younger- well at least you're not" she teased

"Funny" Punk smirked "I'm really excited to spend time with you"

"We spend time together all the time" AJ reminded him

"Working together isn't the same as being together" Punk reminded her "I want some uninterrupted time with you" he said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her flush against him

"Well we're going to have to enjoy it because I'm not waiting on having children" AJ warned him and he just smirked "We're getting right to work on it"

"I mean we've had so much practice" Punk said kissing her cheek causing her to giggle

"We're at work" she reminded him as she felt his hands roam to her behind

"Let them fire us" Punk whispered as he kissed her neck

Before their last matches Punk and AJ spent most of the day saying their good-byes to the other talent and employees.

"Punk" Daniel Bryan said making way over to Punk who was chatting with one of the refs

"What's up?" Punk asked "All warmed up for tonight?"

"Yea" Daniel smirked "I heard you really went to bat for me to get me this opportunity thank you"

"You earned- you earned it a long time ago as a matter of fact don't thank me" Punk told him honestly "I'm honored to have you retire me" he smirked

"Who would have thought ten years later and this where we'd be?" Daniel asked Punk

"I did" Punk told him smugly

"So what's next for you?" Daniel asked "Are the rumors true? You and AJ planning on kids?"

"Yea we are" Punk admitted "Maybe we'll do a little traveling"

"You travel three hundred days a year" Daniel laughed

"No real traveling. Stay in a place for a week and then move on to the next place" Punk told him "I actually already have out first trip planned"

"I just saw AJ and she didn't mention a trip" Daniel said to him but Punk just smiled "You sly dog." Daniel laughed "She already married you I think it's a good time to stop making us all look bad"

"I love to surprise her" Punk told him "And this way we can concentrate on our goals while we're away. If we're home she'll be running around trying to get re-settled"

"Nice" Daniel nodded with a smirk "But seriously besides working on having kids what are you going to be doing?"

"Everything I haven't been able to do. Watch the Hawks win the cup this year, catch some Cubs game, hang out with my friends and family" Punk shrugged slightly "If I get bored maybe I'll drop on a show"

"Good for you" Daniel said happily "You deserve this time"

AJ was hanging around the catering area when she felt someone tap her shoulder she looked up and saw Dean Ambrose standing over her.

"You have a minute?" Dean asked but AJ didn't respond so Dean took a seat across from her anyway "I just wanted to say good luck"

"Thanks you too" AJ replied a little coldly

"I wanted to apologize to you for everything I've done" Dean told her sincerely "I know you can't forgive me and I know I can't make it up to you but I live with my choices everyday"

"You know Dean you've had a huge impact on my life and most of it wasn't for the better" AJ told him honestly "I often wonder where I'd be today if I hadn't been thrown in that story with you"

"I'm confidant in saying that I'm pretty sure you'd be right here where you are" Dean said to her "Married to your dream guy and running away with him. I wish you all the best"

"I hope you find peace too" AJ told him honestly

"I already have" Dean smirked "Renee has a good effect on me"

"Don't hurt her" AJ pleaded lightly

"I don't think I'm even capable of it anymore" Dean said to her

"You ok?" Punk asked walking over the two

"Yea Dean was just saying good-bye" AJ told her husband as Dean stood up and extended his hand to Punk

"Bye" Punk remarked coldly refusing to shake the man's hand causing Dean to let out a laugh

"I'm going to actually miss you" Dean said still laughing then walked away. Punk then took the seat Dean was previously in.

"You look good" Punk said eyeing her attire for her last match. "You always look good actually"

"Thanks" she smiled blushing "You don't look bad yourself. We're going to have gorgeous children"

"Absolutely" Punk agreed seriously

"Speaking of children I think Darla and Logan are going to be thrilled when we get home tomorrow" AJ said to him "I think they're sick of Colt"

"Actually we're not going home tomorrow" Punk informed her

"What?" AJ asked surprised "I thought we agreed to not do Raw"

"This is our last night of work for a very long time" Punk confirmed "I'm whisking you away for a little"

"Seriously?" AJ asked with a wide smile "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise" Punk said seriously "And we're both already packed so we're all set"

"What's the occasion?" AJ asked "Am I missing an important milestone?"

"No occasion" Punk told her "I love you and want to spend time with you and I thought being in a romantic setting we can spend a lot of time making babies" he said seriously causing her to let out a loud laugh

"Making babies?" she said still giggling

"That's the most romantic way I could put it" Punk shrugged "I could have gone with ravishing you until I in-pregnant you but I thought that was too blunt"

"I like it when you're blunt" AJ said standing up and moving onto his lap "Are you that confidant in thinking the first time we try I'll get pregnant"

"Don't underestimate me" Punk said seriously looking up to her "Unless you want to wait a few months"

"I'm done waiting" AJ said to him giving him a kiss "Please tell me where we're going" she pleaded pulling away pouting her lip

"I'll tell you when we get to the airport" Punk promised

"I hate surprises" AJ pouted again

"I know but I love your face when I surprise you" Punk said giving her a goofy smile "Your eyes get really big and your mouth drops and you're always super appreciative of me afterwards"
"You're mean" she said glaring at him

"You love me" he corrected pulling her into another deep kiss

AJ had finished her match and Paige had won the Diva's title in an amazing fifteen-minute match. Most of the crowd had already known her and Punk were done after tonight and she received a standing ovation despite being a heel. During Punk's last match with Bryan AJ hung back and let Punk has final moment and the crowd loved the match, chanting 'this is awesome' through out most of the thirty minute battle which ended with Daniel Bryan getting the win and being crowned champion. When Punk headed backstage all the superstars and workers applauded Punk and Vince was the first to greet Punk.

"Thank you" Vince said shaking his hand "This isn't the end" Punk just nodded and looked around until he found AJ who was already set to go.

"You were amazing" she said giving him a quick kiss and pulling him into a hug

"Thanks" Punk said as she pulled away. Next in line to greet Punk was Paul Heyman and then a line of guys. AJ stepped aside and let him have this final moment.

Once they arrived at the airport AJ realized he was taking her to Greece.

"How did you plan all of this without me knowing?" AJ asked sitting next to him at the airport "I should be concerned by how good you are at keeping secrets from me"

"Only good ones" Punk said to her

"Are you ok?" she asked "Are you in pain?"

"A little" Punk admitted "Nothing that hot weather and beaches won't fix"

"Do you think if I didn't have those problems with Dean we'd be sitting here today?" AJ asked honestly causing Punk to look over to her

"AJ I have loved you since the day I set on eyes on you" Punk told her "Everyone saw it including Dean. With or without Dean we'd be sitting right here together I have no doubt about it" AJ smiled towards him

"You've really loved me for that long?" AJ asked playfully poking him

"The first time I saw you at NXT you were playing a DS and had this batman backpack on and I'm pretty sure a Dragon Ball-Z shirt and I knew I was in love" Punk told her seriously "Twenty minutes later you came out to the ring with Primo and your glasses were long gone and you had on this short dress and heels and you looked just as beautiful and I remember saying to myself 'not many people can surprise me anymore'" Punk admitted "And not many women can pull off the nerd and dressy look at the same time."

"You fell for me for my looks?" AJ smirked

"No it just encouraged me to speak to you" Punk said to her "And then I said to myself 'I've never met a woman who was as beautiful on the inside as they were on the outside'"

"You really thought that?" she asked and he nodded firmly

"What did you think of me?" Punk asked

"I had known of you since Ring of Honor" AJ smirked "I thought you were even more hot in person then you were on TV"

"So you're the superficial one" Punk smirked

"No because once we became friends I remember thinking how amazing you were and I don't know why people complained you were so mean and difficult" AJ said seriously

"I am mean and difficult just not with you" Punk pointed out "You have no idea how happy you've mad me. There was a time where I thought I'd never be able to walk away from wrestling I just thought I would have nothing and now I realize I have everything"

"You saved my life" AJ said to him seriously "I owe you everything"

"You give it to me everyday" Punk said and she couldn't help but blush lightly "Are you ready for this?"

"Ready to run away with you and start a family?" AJ asked "I've been ready since the day we got married. You're the best wrestler in the world, the best husband in the world and soon you'll be the best father in the world"

"I don't know about that" Punk said to her

"Oh I do" AJ said confidently and that's when there flight was called to board

Six weeks later Punk and AJ were long back home in Chicago. They spent a week and a half in Greece and it was the most relaxed they had ever been. Once they got back to Chicago they spent time with friends and family and even planned out a trip to Puerto Rico to spend time with AJ's family.

"What days exactly are we going to Puerto Rico?" Punk asked from the bed while AJ was in the bathroom blowing out her hair

"We leave on the 12th and get back the 20th" she reminded him

"Do you want to go to LA on the 27th?" Punk asked "There's a UFC event"
"Sure" she said simply "I've never been to a UFC event"

"We have to fix that" Punk said seriously typing away at his phone he then glanced over to her as she stepped into bedroom "You ok?" he asked eyeing her oddly. She seemed nervous almost and slightly pale.

"Yea" AJ said as she got onto the bed and crawled over to him and rested her head against his chest

"You sure?" Punk asked looking down at her "You don't have to go"

"Oh I want to go" AJ said firmly "It will be nice a trip for the three of us"

"Yea I mean I've got a lot of friends in LA" Punk said to her "And maybe we can even train a bit with Eve and Rener" then he stopped and looked down at her "Did you say the three of us?"

"Surprise" AJ said picking her head up and resting her chin on his chest so she was looking up at him "You're not the only one whose capable of surprises in this relationship. I'm pregnant"

"You're sure?" Punk asked. This is something they had both wanted now and they were getting impatient

"I went to the doctors today" she said to him "It's a hundred percent"

"I would have gone with you" Punk said astonished

"I wanted to be sure" AJ said "Are you-"

"Thrilled?" Punk asked seriously then smiled "Yes" he said grabbing her face and kissing her "How far along are you?"

"Five weeks" AJ told him as he placed his hand over her stomach

"I was right" Punk grinned happily "I knew we made a baby on that trip"

"Yes you were" AJ laughed as Punk pushed her night shirt up slightly so her stomach was showing and kissed her still flat stomach

"Hi there" Punk said to her stomach causing AJ to laugh

"It's still early so I want to make sure no one finds out" AJ said to him as he looked back up to her "I didn't even tell my parents"

"Whatever you want" Punk assured her

"Besides I can wait on all the hate mail I'm going to get for carrying your baby" AJ teased

"I won't let anyone bother you about it" Punk promised

"I know" she smirked as he kissed her belly again

"I have both of your backs" Punk said still admiring her belly

"We know you do" AJ smiled running her hand through his still slicked back hair "And we have yours"

"I knew I'd be excited but" Punk started then grinned foolishly "I didn't think I'd be this excited" he kissed her stomach one last time before moving back up to by eye level with his wife

"So this is it" AJ said glowing "We're a family"

"We've been a family for a while" Punk said to her "Now we're just adding to it" he gave her a kiss then placed his hand back over stomach, this was only the beginning.