A/N: So instead of having to boys and a wife, Andy was given custody of his niece when she was three years old, and now she's fifteen. Andy's single and neither one of them have any other family except for each other and the guys of firehouse fifty one. So hear you go. Please Follow/Fave and review

"Hey Sawyer what's up?" Said the voice of Lieutenant Matthew Casey from my phone.

` "Do you know when Uncle Andy's going to be here? He was supposed to pick me up like an hour and a half ago."

"Oh shoot," I heard him mumble to himself, "I'll be right there."

"Thanks Uncle Matt," I said ending the call. Today was rough enough I was glad he didn't ask any questions.

As long as I could remember I called the people of firehouse fifty one my family. See my dad left before I was born, and soon after my third birthday my mom died from a drug overdose, probably because of something to do with her crack head of a boyfriend she claimed was the love of her life. So when social services looked for any remaining family for me to stay with they came up with my mom's brother Andrew Darden. My mom and my Uncle Andy hadn't talked to each other for years because of my mother spiraling ways, so to him I was a great surprise. But as the story goes at least the way Herman tells it, "His heart grew three sizes the second he laid eyes on me." Apparently my wispy brown hair and big hazel eyes did the trick.

Ever since that day I've been living with my Uncle Andy and because of his over protective ways have been calling firehouse 51 my second home. It definitely made sense these people, before me, were his only family, they weren't just family to him but were all family to each other. So just like everyone else they all welcomed me with open arms and I soon became the baby of the house, everyone treating me like I was one of their own, or in Kelly's words" his baby girl". These people were the only family I had and I would never wish my life to be any different.

"Hey Uncle Matt," I said as he grabbed my bag and helped me into the passenger seat of his truck.

"Hey babe how was school?" He asked pushing a lock of wavy brown hair behind my ear and planting a kiss on my forehead. His eyes looked glossy and his face looked like he had a long day.

We talked of school and the game Friday night as we made the drive back to the firehouse. Every once in a while both of us bursting out in laughter. Everyone always says I must have got my sense of humor from him because every corny joke he thinks is funny I also think is funny. His blue eyes always gleamed when he truly smiled, and nothing made me happier than seeing the serious Lieutenant smile every once in a while. A few moments of silence went by and I suddenly heard his voice.

"Is there something wrong kiddo? I know you seem all smiles and laughs but I've known you long enough that I can see your hiding behind a mask."

"I'm fine," I replied, in the most reassuring voice I could conjure.

"What is it, tell me I'm not going to put up with this I'm fine stuff," He smirked grabbing my hand

"Well they moved some of my curriculum up to eleventh grade courses, and I'm struggling a bit that's all. It's just usually stuff comes easy to me and I know I'm no genius I just thought I wouldn't be struggling so hard to get and A," I answered staring down at my fingers that were now intertwined with his.

"Well I'm here for you babe," He reassured me rubbing his ruff thumb along the back of my hand. I chuckled at this phrase that he obviously stole from the iconic "Uncle Jessie" from the hit tv show Full House.

"What?" he asked as we pulled into the fire station. His blonde brow raising and his mouth creating an innocent smile

"Nothing," I laughed, now not only about his plagiarism but now for his oblivion.

"What," He asked once more now with his arm around me walking me through the garage. "If you don't tell me, next time I come to pick you up I'll come in one of the trucks with the sirens and lights on and call your name through the intercom and call you my little Sweetikins in front of all of your friends."

"You're bluffing," I smirked dipping out of his grasp as we entered the common area. I could see Herman reading his paper in his usual spot and Peter Mills cooking away in the kitchen.

He looked back at me with a mischievous face and replied" Am I?" I was willing to take my chances.

"So where's Uncle Andy," I questioned. Matt gave a suspicious look to Herman and ran his hand over his face before answering, Odis now entering the room.

"Oh he had some paper work to fill out at the hospital so….." He tried to reply as Lieutenant Kelly Severide grabbed me from behind.

"Monkey!" He yelled, holding me in his arms and swinging me around.

"Severide!" I exclaimed burying my head into his stone hard chest returning the embrace.

"What did you call me? Huh monkey? What was that you just called me," he asked tickling my sides with no sign of ever stopping. I wondering when it was going to end. ""You think now that you're fifteen and that all last week you were in Cancun with your friends that you're too cool to call your favorite Uncle, Uncle Kelly?" I giggled and giggled my eyes pleading for him to stop

"I called you Uncle Kelly," I screamed through the laughs. He finally stopped as he flung me over his shoulder very fireman esk, and paraded me around the room.

"That's what I thought," He said with his famous devilish smile as he placed me down and ruffled my hair. His eyes piercing grey, as he looked me over. He gave a questioning look to Matt who gave him a frowning nod. Something was up and I knew it. Know most of the guys from firehouse fifty one were surrounding me greeting me and asking how I was doing. It was nice don't get me wrong but it was unusual.

"We missed you Bella," said Herman kissing the top of my head with a distant look on his face. As long as I can remember he has called me Bella, just like my Uncle Kelly calling me Monkey, apparently Bella meant beautiful in Italian, which confused me because we all knew Herman probably doesn't even have a percent of Italian in him. That Boston accent wasn't fooling anyone. But I loved him, he was my Hermy and I was his Bella.

"I was only gone a week, Hermy." I replied walking to the table to do my homework. Grinning at him, if there was one person I would call dad it would be him and his warm loving smile. He just always knew what to say and was the words of wisdom in my life. I loved him for that.

"One whole week in a different country, without supervision, in the party capital of the world, I didn't sleep a wink." He said with a very serious look on his face. "What time did you get in last night?"

"Early enough to go to school today but late enough to be exhausted," I yawned.

"Yeah you don't look so good," He stated pressing the back of his hand on my forehead. I shivered at this almost on que.

"Thanks?" I asked not sure what to say to his comment.

"Yeah babe I think you might have a fever," Herman said with a quizzical brow. I swear he was always worrying about me.

"I'm fine," brushing the comment of he was probably just over reacting all of them were overprotective and it got annoying sometimes. He mumbled something at me but I just ignored him, as I got out my chemistry homework. The house quieted down as I began balancing equations and failing miserably at it. How was I supposed to do this?

The house was an eerie silent when I could swear I heard someone whisper my name. I looked back to see both the Lieutenants and the chief standing there all looking stressed whispering about something. Every once in a while I could see Matt glance over at me making sure I couldn't hear. Both of the lieutenants looked really stressed, Kelly had a grimace on his face and his hands behind his head, while Matt kept running his hand over his face. Both of their nervous ticks kicking in. I didn't know what this could be about. Little did I know this was going to be one wild ride…..

Authors Note: Thanks for reading I'll have the next chapter up soon… It will get better as it goes I promise! I just had to set everything up for this story. Thank you so much! Please Review!