So I've been wanting to make a fanfiction about Tony and Loki for the longest time, and I think I've finally hit something. Just so you guys know, this is the first time I've ever attempted something like this, so if it sucks, I'm sorry. :/
Tony awoke with a start, sweaty and cold. Darkness surrounded him, and he wasn't sure where he was, exactly. A sharp smell invaded his nostrils, and he cringed and turned his head away. What the hell was that? It took him a minute, but he realized that he couldn't feel his hands. And he couldn't move. Horrified, he twisted in place, his hands chained to the wall.
Where the fuck am I? He kicked listlessly at the air, a pathetic attempt at getting free. After a few minutes of throwing his body into the air and realizing that he wasn't going to move from the damned spot on the wall, he cursed and sat on the cold ground. He could still smell that horrible weird smell in the air.
The last thing he remembered he was in his kitchen of the Stark Tower, making a cup of coffee to drink so that he could lay on the couch and watch a movie. Maybe a stupid one, or a funny one. And then he would start looking for a new CEO of his business, and that itself would have taken hours. But all those plans went to shit as the rest of his memory faded away and was replaced by this sudden reality, a dark and stinky one.
Another wave of stink washed over him, and he held back the urge to puke. Strangely enough, the smell was familiar, as though he smelled it before.
"Goddammit." he muttered, wrenching his hands and feeling the metal chafe his skin. He looked around him again, hoping that his eyes would adjust to the darkness a bit better. It really didn't, but he could see the outlines of large objects right in front of him. Frustration built up inside of him: who the hell had the ability to come into the Tower and kidnap him, chaining him to the damned wall like some kind of animal and leaving him to smell that horrible odor?
"HEY!" he screamed out, his throat ripping from the noise. "WHO THE HELL IS OUT THERE!? COME OUT AND SHOW YOUR FACE LIKE A MAN! OR WOMAN! OR WHATEVER THE HELL YOU ARE!"
There was no answer, not that he expected one. He rested his head tiredly against the wall, closing his eyes in frustration. Of course this would happen to him. What the hell had he done? He thought he had done a pretty good job of laying low after the little Avengers mission he was part. Staying in New York and working on his Iron-man suit wasn't exactly laying low, according to the press, but he didn't care about their opinion.
The only opinion he cared about was Pepper's. And she wasn't a part of his life anymore, even though there was a small part of him that wished that she was. He shook his head and clenched his teeth: now was no time to get all sappy and damned sentimental. He had to find a way out, even if that meant chewing on his arms to escape.
Which it looked like it might come down to that.
Grunting, he pushed himself into a standing position, his legs trembling underneath him. He was still pinned, even though he was still trapped against the cold stone wall. Sweat ran down his face, making him colder than ever. He tried to walk forwards to maybe lodge the chains loose, but he failed miserably and ended up losing his balance. He fell back to the floor in a pathetic thump, his ass cracking on the concrete floor.
Damn. He jerked his head back up, feeling as helpless as he did when he was trapped in Afghanistan. Except the only difference was that he was warm and had some access to materials. Not to mention that everyone there was an idiot who was incapable of handling themselves.
A small light switched on at his futile movements, and he blinked, the light hurting his eyes. After a few moments, the darkness had faded and he could actually see what was around him, the objects illuminated in the florescent light.
To his surprise, and than disgust, he realized that he was in the basement of the Stark Tower. The large objects around him were discarded Iron-man suits and designs, and the horrible smell was the pile of greasy oil that was in a puddle only a couple feet away from him. Angrily, he looked up at his chains and saw that it was plain metal chains. It was attached to the concrete little hook on the wall, where he usually hung his coats.
Tony blinked and stared at the surrounding areas, unsure if this was even real. Was this a practical joke made by Fury? He always knew the man wasn't fond of him, but this would be a bit too far, right? Maybe it was Spangles, they had never gotten along. No, no and no. He couldn't see any of the Avengers doing this in their free time, much less since now most of them were on opposite ends of the universe. Or in Thor's case, opposite ends of the cosmic universe.
He groaned and put his head on the wall, temporarily giving up.
Whoever it was, they were going to get a beat-down like no other. As soon as he was free, he was going to get his suit and pummel them into the ground like the stupid Chitauri. Those thoughts were the only part of comfort that he had at the moment, instead of basking in how helpless he felt.
"Jarvis?" he spoke aloud, hoping that the AI would answer. He desperately needed someone to come and help him, even if that person was a robot made by his own hand.
"Yes sir?" the AI spoke swiftly, sounding exactly the same. Tony sighed, a small bit of relief coming to him. It helped him relax a little.
"Can you bring a video that explains what the hell happened to me? I can't remember for the life of me." Tony tugged on the chains again, hoping that there would be some miracle and they would crack. They didn't.
"I am sorry sir, but I cannot do said action." Jarvis said smoothly. "I have been forbidden."
"Forbidden?" Tony's eyes grew wide. Was this a fucking joke? He really wanted someone to pop out from behind the wall and yell 'Surprise!'. There would be some punching, and then some laughing, and it'd all be good. Unfortunately, there was a feeling deep in his gut that said otherwise. "Who the hell authorized that, Jarvis? I'm the one who created you!"
"My protocol has been overwritten Mr. Stark. I am sorry for the inconvenience." Jarvis spoke, the voice was pleasant and light as ever. "Your captor will be here shortly to free you."
Tony stared at the ceiling in disbelief, as though Jarvis speaking in tongues. His captor? What was this, the medieval times or something? It wasn't like the person had kidnapped him and took him to an abandoned building like they did in the movies. Nope, this was kinda lame compared to that.
Now it was all silent again, the AI going back to whatever he did during the day. There wasn't even the comfort sounds of technology to help calm him down, none of the suits worked and there wasn't a clock to even tick. The silence was going to drive him insane, he already knew it. He sighed heavily and felt his shoulders shudder a bit from the cold. The basement was freaking freezing. He made a mental note to change that.
If he ever got out, that is.
He sat there for what felt like hours. The minutes painfully ticked by, pounding into his head just how stuck he was. From time to time, he would yell out again and try to get a reaction out of someone, anyone. But there was nothing, not even the sounds of footsteps walking around. It was though there was no one but him in the damned Tower. Just his tied-up self like foreplay gone wrong.
His stomach grumbled, and he realized with a jolt just how hungry he was. Tony grimaced and tugged slightly on the chains again, not so he could get free, but more out of sheer boredom. He hadn't even eaten that day, just a sad little cup of coffee that he probably didn't even finish. Hell, it was probably still sitting on that little table in the living room, right in front of the TV and on top of all his business papers.
And to top it all off, he really had to use the bathroom. His bladder was going to explode if he didn't relieve himself soon. If push came to shove, he would have to go in his pants. It was a route that he really didn't want to take, though. It was humiliating. And he had good jeans on, too.
Just when he thought he was going to die of doing absolutely nothing, he finally heard sounds shuffling upstairs. Whoever it was simply walked into the Tower like it was their own. Tony sat up as far as he could with the restraints, and leaned forwards, alert. Now he was getting somewhere, finally. And hopefully to a bathroom.
The door to the basement slid open silently, and a figure dressed in black and green leather strode in. Tony felt his mouth drop open, forgetting entirely about his rumbling stomach or his full bladder.
There stood Loki, standing with his arms behind his back and grinning at him as though he had just won a large prize.
Please Review. :)