Yo everyone who is giving my story a try! To be honest, I feel sort of embarrassed for posting this fic, and I wonder if anyone out there is still interested in the Shizaya fandom? This was actually my very first anime that I've seen...and that was a while ago...so I apologize in advanced if the characters seem out of it. I will be back to watching it since my parents decided to sell my manga when we moved to a whole new state. Please enjoy and do not hesitate that the characters are not the same as the books or anime! Thank you all for giving this a try again.
I've read some (not a lot) Shizaya fics, but none of them contained any demons. And if there are, could any of you give me the link to it as you can see I'm more of a supernatural fan, more on demons than anything and my stories will consist of this! : Let's see if you all are interested─if not then I will stop posting this fic and move to something more interesting.
Thank you if you are giving it a try~
And this will be for the first chapter as we're all conscious that I do not own DRRR, nor I make money. Just another new/old anime lover.
A Demon's Curse
Curse 1
"Junk, junk, junk jun─wait a sec!"
Pulling out a velvet soft envelope that looked like it was made of the finest paper, soft to the touch, the raven-haired male stood from his desk and looked at the front of the envelope, the envelope was addressed to him, but there was no other sender. Just plain him, his garnet eyes traced the letter gently to see if it were dangerous. He held his letter opener and gently cut the paper. It was a letter, and it was for him.
"Well. Well." he smirked seeing that it was a wedding invitation for him from his friend since middle school.
He would have to go now, wouldn't he. He'll just have to take a few days off school and go to Ikebukuro for his friend's wedding hoping that his sister's wouldn't mind staying alone for a while. He stood up and read over the paper to see the name of the lucky girl.
"Celty, interesting."
"Big brother we want to go!"
"Shit," he cursed hoping to escape them.
"Now you swear that you will take care of her and our secret." and angry blonde asked looking at the man wearing glasses and an Armani suit.
"I swore to everything unholy and that is living down there that I will take care of your demon companion." the brunette rolled his eyes.
"Good," another blonde said holding his lover close to him.
"I know Kida believes me more than you." the brunette sighed waiting for his friend to show, he would almost be there.
The angry blond stormed off to wait in the back for their ceremony. Yes it was a wedding, but they will not get married inside a church, they would get married outside while the gates of hell will open up and only those who either have a mate, or a future mate to a demon will be able to see it. He'll be the one to give Celty away to Shinra since they are one of the oldest demons alive and entrusted each with one of the seven deadly sins. He was demon of wrath while Celty was demon of gluttony, Kida was lust, his mate Mikado pride, his younger brother Kauska demon of sloth, Vorona demon of envy and Anri demon of greed. They were all once humans long time ago, but someone had opened the gates of hell and God decided to sacrifice their bodies to imprison the demons that would destroy the world. And what a sad thing was that, that day he was going to get married to the love of his life, but he was chosen to be a demon's host forever.
At least he didn't get the lust demon, poor Masaomi Kida who has the demon and when it roared it either needed Mikado or whatever the demon was lusting for. He remembered all of them, they grew up in a small village that is now the city of Ikebukuro. Kida and Mikado were from the same village that moved to theirs thousands of years ago. While he, Kasuka and Anri were all born in Ikebukuro. Celty used to be a traveler and traveled with her father but he died when the demons were released from hell due to a man who was murdered by one of said demons. How ironic, the man released the demons and they killed him, he almost laughed bitterly. Vorona had just arrived that same day when everything went to hell. She was caught in all of this being innocent, they had no mercy for her and used her body along with the rest of them.
Now they are in the present, alive, wanting nothing to do with the world. It went boring after a while sitting back and let the humans make their sick inventions killing the planet slowly. How did a horse turn into a god-awful smelling machine that makes noise and pollutes the air? Or wagons that used to take days, weeks almost months to either a plane or a train? They have no idea how the world is rotting with every new invention that is somehow killing more the earth and how they are cutting the trees out. He liked it back then where there were no noise, where the air smelt fresh as spring, quiet and the best of all; privacy. Now people didn't know how to respect it! Seriously, the humans would literally barge in trying to sell you something not even worth a glance and won't leave until you buy them. Or a prostitute trying to feel you up and finding out where you're living. That was a scary experience, and no he's not joking. A prostitute was obsessed with him and he found her inside his room on his bed. He burnt it that day after he kicked her out and threaten her. She never came back again.
His concentration was interrupted when twin girls squealed and ran towards Shinra. Both had light-blue dresses. Hair down and a white rose decorated different sides of their light-brown hair. They were twins, but he could tell the difference right away. One of the girl's chatted animatedly to Shinra while the other smiled softly and nodded agreeing with her. His attention was drawn to the third person walking as if he owned everything Shinra's way. He had raven locks, his garnet eyes held in a mischievous glint to them and he noticed that the girls went to hug the man. The man was talking to Shinra and judging by how comfortable they talked, they already knew each other well.
"Ladies and gentlemen take a seat!" a man with black robes said. He held in a leather black book in his hands.
"Ah, Shizuo. Come meet a friend of mine since middle school, this is Izaya Orihara, Izaya meet Shizuo Heiwajima a friend of Celty." Shinra smiled, but deep down he hoped Izaya wouldn't piss Shizuo off, after all he is the demon of wrath.
Shinra almost died when Izaya smirked. With a small wave he left not bothering to say a word and sat down next to the twins. The brunette slowly turned towards Shizuo with his forehead covered in sweat. He almost fainted when Shizuo had his mouth twisted to the side, he knew Izaya pissed him off with just the smirk. He wanted to scream for the younger man to run, but it was too late, Shizuo dashed and snatched Izaya from the forearm and dragged him to the back of the ceremony.
"Who the hell do you think you are to walk away like a cocky bastard?" Shizuo said and his hand shook with every word.
"You're hurting me!"Izaya tried to take his hold off the man but failed.
"Answer the damned question." he growled deep from inside his chest.
Izaya felt the man's chest grumble and he shivered. He wondered how the growl would sound if it was used differently. For example: when he is growling to someone else you perverts. But seeing the blonde man up close he could smell the spice scent mixed with cigar and coffee. Mm, he loved coffee and wondered if those kissable thin lips tasted like it. The long eyelashes made shadows washing over Shizuo's mocha eyes making them look darker and mysterious. His sun-kissed skin looked soft as a rose's petal.
"I don't care. Let me go!" Izaya hissed not scared of Shizuo's anger. Said man was stunned, he was never been told that before. Izaya snatched his forearm away from Shizuo and gave him one last glare, he left to sit down.
"Ready?" asked the soft voice of his childhood friend, Celty. Her brunette hair was in a bun to one side decorated with blood-red lilies. She wore a crimson satin duchess dress that flowed elegantly. A black veil covered her lovely face and she held her bouquet of crimson lilies.
"Yeah," Shizuo smiled giving her his arm and they began to walk. No music was played, they just walked calmly towards the man in black robes. His eyes landed on Izaya who looked confused when he saw them. He looked around looking cutely, wonder what he was looking for? He mentally shrugged and walked Celty to a nervous Shinra.
Izaya was beyond confused. Where the hell is the jolly music when the bride was being escorted by her father. Or in her case friend; since her father died years ago. He looked around and noticed that they all wore a slight smile and others looked indifferent. He noticed two women that stood and walked to the man with golden goblets. Both women were beautiful, but he noticed they held soft gazes. One of the men with a yellow tie and bleached hair stood with a small jar that held a dark liquid, but since the sun was setting, it almost looked black, but it really was a red-violet color. He saw that he poured half jar to one goblet and the other half to the other goblet. Both women walked towards the man in robes and sat the goblets on the ground.
His eyes shifted back to Shizuo, he was hugging Celty and gave her hand to a scared looking Shinra. Izaya frowned, why was he scared of that man, in Izaya's mind Shizuo reminded him of a monster with that anger. The man began to speak and he noticed most of the crowed go into a dream-like trance. Half of the audience were smiling like a bunch of idiots while others remained impassive. He began to listen.
"─ mate until death do you apart, and you will live as one of us." he said in a deep voice, but to Izaya it sounded of an old man from the 1300's.
"I accept to mate with Celty Sturluson demon of gluttony one of the seven deadly sins as a demon." Shinra said with his voice trying to come as strong.
Okay, what the hell were they smoking? How can there be demons roaming around the world. Izaya looked around and saw that the half people still wore those expressions. Have they no idea what the hell was going on. His garnet eyes landed on his sister who sighed in content. He saw that their eyes were glazed with fake happiness. He felt eyes on him and he looked up to see a blonde woman glaring at him with her ice-blue eyes. She was talking to another woman with short black hair and dark eyes. She then began to talk to the bleached-blonde haired male and so on with a surprised expression.
"I accept to mate with Shinra Kishitani, a human mortal and to turn him into a demon in front of you." Celty said slicing her wrist in one of the goblets along with Shinra who looked nervous when a knife was thrown his way to slice his wrist.
What the hell were they doing? Some sort of weird ass sacrifice? No one slices their wrists while they are getting married! Who does that? Izaya had a cute confused expression that a certain blonde did not miss. The raven-haired male knew he was being watched, he ignored it and tried to focus on this weird wedding. If this is a wedding, he'd rather not go to their funeral.
After the 'ceremony' where the people thought it was beyond the best─much to Izaya's muse─ they went to the party. His sisters were squealing when Shinra put the 'ring' on Celty's ring finger. It was more the other way around, she had marked him. The mark looked more like a butterfly, but the wings represented a bat's wings shaped exactly like a butterfly, the antennas were shaped as horns, and around the butterfly, there was seven small stars all but one color were the same. The stars were all black, but for the other star and butterfly were crimson─almost like blood. Izaya noticed that Shinra had his on his left side of his arm and so did Celty. How could he have missed that one! It looked like a tattoo, but looked realistic all at the same time, if he stared at it for too long he could easily see the different red color changes. He felt that the tattoo was alive.
"You've seen it,"
Izaya looked to see a short girl look at him with a shy expression on her face. He raised an eyebrow not wanting to be bothered when he was thinking about something important. Her dark eyes looked at him with dark intentions.
"What?" he asked stupefied.
"Our ceremony," she said looking behind her to see a beautiful blonde woman with ice-blue eyes glaring daggers at him for no apparent reason.
"Is that true, Izaya?"
Said man looked behind to see a shock doctor with an equally shocked bride. What the hell were they on? Did he do something that he wasn't suppose to? His russet eyes looked up to see the angry blonde look at him without any emotion, and Izaya froze when the blond spoke.
"You're a future mate to one of us."
Review and I'll see you all soon~