I apologise for this taking so long and for how short it was. It took ages because I simply didn't know what to write about and it's so short because I had nothing left to write, it's officially finished :) Hope you enjoy the final chapter and that it's not too much of a let down :P

The floor approaches me quickly, until my body slams into it. It's dark and the floor is a cold grey stone. I can hear a voice exclaim my name, but I don't make any effort to see who it is. I already know who it is and it's too late for me to warn him. Before he can reach me, Christopher dives from the shadows, attack Pitch head on with the element of surprise on his advantage point. I try to drag myself up, to help fight as I hear the struggle and pain, but the same pain as before is drilling into my abdomen. There a sparks and flashes of light coming from the direction of the fight, but I can't tell who's wining. I need to do something! I grip my staff and use it to push myself slowly to my feet, keeping my balance. This draws the attention of both the men, but only one strides over to me.

"I thought I got rid of you!" Christopher snarls, preparing to attack me again. However, I don't give him the chance, with the strength that has remained in my body, I swing my staff round, hooking the crook of it around his neck and pinning him against the wall. He struggles against it, gripping, scratching, pulling, anything to try and get out of my grip. But I keep my hold.

"Are you ok Pitch?" I call, looking as the older spirit brushes himself off.

"I'm not the one who just got thrown into the floor." He reminds, smiling assuringly at me, "I hear Tsar Lunar's pissed with you." He states, knowingly, turning his attention to Christopher.

"You deserve everything that I can do to you. You're a lying, manipulative murderer! I don't understand why the Guardians trust you so much!" He screams, kicking and pulling at my staff.

"Pitch never murdered anyone, you have no right to do any of this!" Jack argues, moving the staff slightly so it presses against his neck harder. I can feel the pain rising in my stomach, begging me to release and relax. But, I resist the urge of showing my pain by clutching my stomach and continue with my stance. I can hear the whirring of machinery from above and a distant light. A few seconds later, the Guardians, fronted by Nightlight enter the lair.

"I'll take it from here Jack." Nightlight says, placing a hand on my shoulder. He pulls out what looks like handcuffs made from the same light material their weapons were made from. As soon as he is restrained, my body finally gives out and I fall back, my legs buckling from under me. Yet, like always, Pitch catches me mid fall, pulling me close to his chest.

"Are you ok?!" He panics. I nod, a warm smile spreading over my face.

"Just aching." I reply, reassuringly. I see an instant wave of calm flood over him.

"What will you do with him?" I hear North question Nightlight.

"I'll take him back up to Tsar Lunar, there he can be judged and dealt with how Tsar sees necessary. But I can guarantee he won't get off lightly." Nightlight explains.

"You're leaving?" Tooth question, saddened by his sudden departure. He nods solemnly.

"Don't worry Tooth, I'll come back soon." He grins.

"Hey Nighlight," I call. The boys face turns to me in question at my calling. "Thanks, for everything." I grin. He grins back at me.

"I'll see you again soon Frost." He laughs. I stand on my own two feet, assuring Pitch I'm fine, and walk toward the spectral boy.

"Promise the next time we meet, you won't be attacking me?" I joke. He shares my laughter.

"Promise, " he laughs, "and, Pitch will be fine. Because of you, he's changed and not... 'Evil'. He's more like the General again." He explains, a serious tone in his voice.

"How did you know about that?" I question, curious because I haven't broken my promise and have told no one.

"Because I know her. Mother Nature, Emily Jane..." He replies, like he saw my dream. Walking away from me, he grabs the handcuffs holding Christopher.

"Oh, Pitch, I think you should know, you're daughter say's hello." Nightlight smirks, passing a message. I turn to Pitch, seeing his eyes fixed at the spectral boy who seems to dissipate into the air. I can his shallow breathes, before he finally regains his composure and holds his hand toward me. Cautiously, I take it and we walk toward the Guardians and most like to the pole. I won't press and explanation out of him, he'll probably tell me in his own time. Besides it could be an unhappy, unwanted memory and I don't want to be the one to re awaken it. Everything will smooth out to normal now... well, nothings normal being a Guardian. But I'll just enjoy the time I have with Pitch until another problem or task arises.

And that's it. Thank you all for the support that I was given on this story and I'm sorry it took so long to finish. Like always, Thank you to:








For all taking the time to review and keeping my confidence up which pushed me to continue with the story. Also thank you to everyone that has Favourite/Followed me and this story. Please feel free to browse through my other stories and PM for any questions or if you just want to chat :) See you in the next fic :3