Chapter 7

"So uhm…" Santana began to speak as she looked at Rebekah from the corner of her eye. "Something happened when I went to see Quinn last night" She stated carefully, still unsure of how mad her new mentor was. Instead the blonde raised a suggestive eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

Santana sighed and laid her head back on the car seat; unsure of how to explain such a strange thing.

"I went to her house. And.." The Latina frowned a little in confusion. "I was just standing next to her bed and all of a sudden, it was like I was in her head. Like.." She shook her head disbelievingly. "Like I could put things in there. I was actually communicating with her through a dream. I have absolutely no idea if that sounded crazy but it's the truth.."

Rebekah looked at her friend with a knowing smile before turning her eyes back on the road. Luckily she borrowed her brother's SUV which had tinted windows, or else Santana would've burned to death.

"I guess I forgot to tell you that part.." She smirked and tapped her index finger on the steering wheel. "You have the ability to visit or even manipulate people's thoughts. It's sort of cool"

"Wait.." Santana held up a finger to stop the blonde from talking. "I wasn't imagining it? Wow..everything seems so surreal right now. I'm not even sure what's happening yet".

"You'll get used to it, love. I promise. There will be good and bad days but it's just something you'll have to get used to" Rebekah replied softly.

"There's something else.." The Latina began carefully. "You remember when you made that joke and told me I should visit Quinn in the evenings?"

Rebekah nodded and motioned for her friend to continue. "Well, I wasn't planning on doing any of that but when you told me to go, I just went. Like I couldn't stop myself. And I don't understand why"

"Shit" Rebekah muttered under her breath and her fingers instantly tightened around the steering wheel as a look of utter shock appeared on her facial features.

"What, what's wrong?" Santana asked as she placed her hand on the blonde's knee with her eyes furrowed.

"Uhm.." Rebekah stuttered. "Nothing..I just uhm..I forgot to fill the tank with gas. We'll just stop at the next station" She gave the Latina a reassuring smile and she backed off instantly.

Quinn was wandering around school like a zombie the whole day. The dream she had about Santana last night really got to her. Damn, I thought some distance will help me figure out how I feel and now she decided to haunt me.

She was currently sitting in Glee club, not sure about what everyone was saying because she wasn't listening. She was snapped out of her daydream when she felt someone tap her shoulder. It was Finn. Oh, God Finn. I'm such a bad person. What the hell am I going to do?

She cleared her throat and gave him the politest smile she could muster. "Yeah, honey, what is it?"

"Is everything okay with you? You seem a little out of it" He asked as concern clearly dripped of his voice.

"I'm fine" She nodded frantically, trying to convince herself. "I just didn't get much sleep last night. That's all"


Santana and Rebekah finally arrived in New Orleans and they were currently waiting for some which to show up and help them. They were in a shop full of potions and herbs and she doesn't know what else.

"This place is really freaking me out.." She said softly and Rebekah nudged her shoulder when a woman came out of the back, obviously surprised to see the blond woman standing there.

"Sophie.." Rebekah began but got cut off by the small witch.

"How can I help you Rebekah?" She asked rudely and the Latina felt a sudden urge to protect her friend. But before she could tear into the stuck up witch, Rebekah spoke again.

"I believe you owe me a favor"


"Finn, maybe some other night. I just want to go home and get some rest okay?" Quinn said as she closed her locker door, trying her best to avoid eye contact with her boyfriend.

"You know what..fine" He threw his hands in the air and quickly made his way down the hallway, clearly pissed at being shot down once again.


"This is AMAZING!" Santana gushed as they walked in the park where the sun shined brightly. She held her hand in the air to admire her daylight ring and smiled thankfully at her friend.

"Thank you so much Bekah. I don't even know what I would have done without you. You're so wanky for doing this for me. I could throw the biggest hump into you right now"

Rebekah all but choked on her water at hearing those words. "I're welcome" She nodded and started walking a little faster to put some distance in between her and a smoking hot body. I am an original vampire for god sakes. I'm the one supposed to be making the underwear drop. Not the other way around. She scolded herself with a shake of her head. The Sire bond. Oh fuck me. She thought and kicked a nearby bench out of frustration.

"Hey wait up blondie." Santana said as she caught up with her obviously frustrated friend. "Are you sure everything is okay? I mean, you've been listening to my crap for the past few days. I'm sure I can muster up the courage to listen to yours" She smirked at the blonde, earning herself a glare.

"Don't push it little girl.." Rebekah said with mock seriousness and began laughing at Santana's adorable pout. Maybe this could be fun after all.


"Quinn..we're friends right?" Rachel asked the blonde as they sat at the piano in the auditorium, trying to write a song together. Quinn wasn't really registering anything that was not Santana. And that frustrated her even more.

She looked at Rachel and nodded, knitting her eyebrows together slightly. "Yeah, I guess"

"What's going on between you and Santana?" Rachel asked suddenly and Quinn felt like slapping the girl. It was none of her business. It was no one's business.

"I'm not sure what you're referring to here Rachel" Quinn raised a questioning brow and the tiny brunette just sighed and fidgeted with her fingers nervously.

"Look, I really care about Finn, Quinn. I don't think that's a secret anymore so I'm just trying to look out for him. I wouldn't like to see him get hurt" She said and stood up to leave but was stopped by a raging blonde grabbing her arm tightly.

"Was that supposed to be a threat, Hobbit? You don't know anything about me and you don't know anything about Santana. So I suggest you keep that big nose out of my business before someone really gets hurt! Are we clear?" Quinn said almost too calmly and that made her even more scarier. Rachel nodded frantically and pulled her aching arm back slowly.

"Well, it was not my intention to offend you Quinn. So, I apologize. I'll just leave now. I think you can write this song on your own. You obviously have a lot you need to express". With that Rachel leaved the room while the blonde muttered through gritted teeth. "Oh you have no idea"


A/N. Hey guys and girls. Oh my gosh, I'm so happy to be back and I feel new and fresh which means I'm totally excited about this story. I have a lot of new ideas. And yeah, what do you guys think about a sire bond between our two hotties? In The Vampire Diaries there's a love triangle that seemed to make every girl cry. So, I was thinking.. Quinn, Santana and Rebekah? Who will be the Stefan and who will be the Damon?

Let me know what you guys want and I would totally be happy if you reviewed. Laters xx