Here we are. The final part of this story.

Thank you to all that have read it. I seriously didn't think anyone would read it (except Megschemegg because she likes weird things). So thank you.

I hope you all liked Bella and Edward, the dildo. Bella and Edward, an OTP, even when one of them is a sex toy. Let me know your thoughts in the reviews.

Once again, huge thanks to Meg who came up with 69% of this plot bunny. Also big thanks to Vicanlp for being a grammar queen and providing the best feedback.

I considered texting Masen on Saturday to the cell phone number he gave the team. During our first brainstorming meeting, he did say that we could call him for anything at anytime. He was 'here to help us,' and I needed help. I was almost 30 years old and I couldn't stand up to my friends about my love life. Pathetic.

Edward kept me company Saturday and Sunday, when I wasn't working at home and running errands. Edward and I took our relationship to a whole new level; I took him to the shower for the first time. He worked perfectly. God bless the person who invented water-resistant toys.

On Monday morning, I rode the elevator up while giving myself a pep talk. I needed to ask Masen, potentially beg him, to come with me to the party on Tuesday. I reminded myself that if Masen went, I could tell Rosalie and Alice afterward that it didn't work out, maybe that he's weird and my boss, and that I needed to put off dating for a while.


Today, the five us and Masen were writing up a plan using the research we gathered up for the campaign. I told myself that when we took the break for lunch, I would catch him and just blurt my request out.

The entire morning I felt constipated. I was trying to word the question in my head.

'Hey, boss man, I need you to come with me to a 4th of July party. If you don't, I will die.'

'Oh, um, Masen? Remember how I rejected you last week and you probably called me a bitch in your head? Yeah I need to take that back and ask if you would accompany me to a barbeque tomorrow?'

'Yo, yo, yo, my man! You gots plans tomorrow for the 4th of July? No? Then come with me to a partay, my brother!'

Yeah, no. This is why I was in love with Edward, my dildo, not a dude with an actual penis.

By the time everyone decided that it was time for lunch, I really didn't know what to say. I decided to wing it. That's why when Masen was walking out of our meeting room, I rushed to him and said the first thing that came to mind.



"Sorry, I just need to break the ice," I chuckled. "But I really need to ask you for a huge personal favor and I hope you don't get offended. I am really not trying to insult you or insinuate you're a hermit with no social life. And you don't have to agree to do this, although I would really, really, appreciate it. I know I rejected you last week, but please, I would like to take it back and…"

"Bella, stop, you're rambling," he interrupted. "Is this personal favor, sex? Money for a loan shark? Someone to go to with you to a One Direction concert?

If it hadn't been for the large grin on his face, I would've though he was serious, and consequently died. He had a sense of humor.

"You know about One Direction? Liam or Harry? You know what? Forget it, it's beside the point. The favor I need to ask from you is for you to come with me to my best friend's 4th of July barbeque. And yes, it would be like a date, but just know that if I don't take you, I will be pushed toward a dude that has crabs, who I never want to date. You don't have to kiss me or act all lovey dovey with me. I should also mention that there will be an insane amount of free alcohol and food. Free..."

"I'll go."

"For real? I mean, don't you have plans with your family and friends? Not that I think you're all alone in the world or something."

"My family actually lives two hours away but they are on vacation in Hawaii, so I was going to spend the day unpacking and decorating my condo."

"Oh my God, bless your family's absence. It just saved my life."

He chuckled. He had such a sexy chuckle, deep and rough.

"It would be my pleasure to go. I'll pick you up at your place and then we can go to the party. Just text me your address and pick up time and I'll be there, okay?"

I felt such relief and joy that I t ackled him in a hug. I was going to reward myself tonight by going swimming with Edward in my bathtub.


The 4th of July party was going great. Rosalie and Alice had given me two thumbs up and a hip thrust when they met Masen.

Masen was actually a charming social butterfly. He befriended Emmett and Jasper five seconds after they met. He was also very attentive and had given me a peck on the lips when Rosalie was staring at us playing in the pool. Masen totally exfoliated his lips because they were so soft and smooth. I told him it wasn't necessary, but I wasn't going to stop him. It was a free country and if he wanted to kiss me, more power to him.

If that wasn't enough to make him awesome, he played in the pool with Emma and Ben. A hot guy playing with kids was hot. It made me wonder what his flaw was. Was he addicted to porn? Did he suck his toes? What if he had erectile dysfunction?

When more guest started arriving mid-day, we continued to mingle. Masen and I were in a conversation with Emmett, Jason and a couple of their colleagues, when my life changed.

"Yeah I went to Northwestern for undergrad and stay in the city for work. I didn't have that much of student debt…"

"Wait, you went to Northwestern for undergrad? So did I. Oh my god! You're Edward Masen! I knew I recognized you. It's me, Jason 'Beer Pong King' Lowe. How are you doing man?"

"Oh, hey. Yeah I thought you looked familiar. I'm good. So you came here for law school? Still shocked you even got in, man," laughed Masen. No, Edward. Edward.

"Your name is Edward?"

"Yeah. My full name is Edward Masen Cullen, but I go by Masen. Why? What's wrong?" He looked concerned.

"Um. Edward. Umm that's my... my aunt's... neighbor's...cousin's dog's name. It's pretty."

"Uhh, okay, I guess," Masen, Edward, whatever his name was, didn't looked convinced. I needed to get away. I was feeling flushed and turned on.

"Excuse me, I have to go poop or something. Bye."

When I got into the bathroom, put my head against the door. This was such a weird coincidence. How can the guy I kinda like have the same name as the toy I am in love with? My life deserved a reality show.

I had to be honest, Masen having the same name as the thing that was providing me with the best satisfaction I have gotten in a long time was sexy. Really sexy.


The rest of the party went perfect. Masen, who told me to continue calling him Masen after I moaned out Edward, blended well into my group of friends. He had even made plans with a couple of people to play basketball at the gym. I was glad he wasn't lonely in the city anymore. He had been attentive with me, rubbing my back and bringing me drinks when I didn't want to get up from my seat. I was tipsy but content and glowing.

Masen was driving back to my apartment and all I could do was sit sideways on the passenger seat and stare at his sexy face and his forearms flex. I wanted to rub my thighs together. I was going to get laid tonight, with either Edward.

When we arrived to building, Masen swiftly parked and turned to me. He grabbed my neck and pushed me forward until our lips met. There was nothing going to stop me from attacking him now. I sucked on his lips and he pushed his tongue inside of my mouth. We played tug-of war for almost five minutes until he broke away.

"I wanted to that all day," he said as he smiled. "Actually, I've wanted to do that ever since you introduced your love for your dog, Bobby in that first meeting."

"Come upstairs with me, please?"

"Let's go before someone reports us for public indecency," he laughed.

After I checked that Bobby had eaten and done his business, I rushed Masen into the room.

We both tried to shed our clothing while keeping our lips locked, but I realized it wasn't an easy feat like Hollywood liked to portray. When we were naked, I was in awe of his body. All that lean muscle was beautiful. I needed to touch his body all night long. That was when this Edward won over the Edward in my drawer.

"I'm so glad you have a body, I mean that you have a great body, that I can touch like this."

"Me too."

We continued to kiss, touch and explore. When he put his weight on me, he asked me if I was ready. Even though I felt high and out of it, I remembered something important.

"Wait. Condom. Bedside table. Top drawer."

Masen reached over to grab a condom, but I should've known he would find Edward.

"Bella, is this yours? I mean…you play with yourself…touch yourself with this?"

I swore I felt his eyes get darker and his erection go harder against my thigh.

"Yes," I said in a small, breathy voice. I couldn't handle seeing Edward Masen holding Edward Dildo. It was the sexiest thing my eyeballs have seen.

"Shit," he moaned as he leaned down to capture my lips once again. "You don't know how incredibly sexy that is. All I am imagining right now is you, playing with yourself and coming. Can I try something with you?"


He leaned back on his knees and pushed my legs apart. He turned on the vibrator and pushed it towards my slit, letting my lips and clit feel the vibrations. Then he pushed it inside. By then I couldn't stop my moans and panting.

"Fuck. Masen. Edward. So. Good."

Thankfully, I was able to control my hyena noises as he pushed Edward inside and out.

"You look so beautiful, Bella, writhing in pleasure."

I couldn't stop it. The pressure that both Edwards had created became overwhelming and I just had to let go. My back arched and I closed my eyes tight.

When I started regaining awareness, Masen had lined up his cock and pushed it inside. I was sensitive and couldn't help moan really loud.

"Is this okay?" Masen said as breathed very heavy.

"It's perfect."

When he started thrusting, I wrapped my legs around his waist. It was something I was unable to do with Edward. As he sped up, I quickly felt the pressure building up again.

"Oh my god. Bella. You feel so good."

"Don't stop. Please. Please don't."

When his thrusts became erratic I knew he was close. Thankfully I was right behind him.

His body became tense and he moaned my name. I came right after him. It was such intense orgasm, that my body tensed and arched so hard, it hurt.

As we laid in bed, panting and recovering from the amazing sex, I wondered if real-person Edward Masen was too good to be true. He probably pooped with the door open or was an organic food snob. I decided that it was now my duty to find out as we hung out more and had great sex. This could be a fun adventure, but I knew I needed to know something before I mentally committed to this thing.

"Masen? What do you think about poop and fart jokes?"

"I think bathroom humor is hilarious because it involves nasty universal acts every person does," he said as he turned his body facing me and smiled.

"Oh, okay."

I snuggled closer to him and smiled. I knew I had a new Edward I could fall in love with, only this time he was able to snuggle with me and was bigger than 9 inches .

Thank you all for reading my first work of fiction.

xo Sara