Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. I am writing this non chapter to explain what a shitty author I am. If I were you guys I would have given up on this story a long time ago, and I am so so sorry. I'm going to be blunt about this and say something that is probably going to break your hearts. I've lost all interest in Fairy tail.

Yep. You can hit me now.

Before Fairy tail used to be so great for me. I could relate to mostly all the characters and I loved the plot, but now its just…eh. Its not like I haven't been keeping up with either, I'm all caught up in the manga and it fucking sucks that I don't like it much anymore because I really wanted to finish this. I created this account when I was like 12, and I have only done a few short pieces that I never finished because I was too inexperienced to continue on with them. I still don't think my descriptive skills are good enough and my spelling, vocabulary and grammar could always use some work. But that's besides the point, I really do want to finish this.

The whole point of this message is because I need inspiration to finish this thing. I figured out some details about the harem and I have a few story plots that I want to rewrite and make better, but I need to be interested in the characters again. If you guys could recommend some good fairy tail fanfictions that would probably help. I know I really shouldn't be asking you guys for help after all this time, and you guys have already given me a ton of reviews, but I don't know what else to do at this point. I've tried watching the anime again, and I've tried looking for good fanfictions but I have either already read them, or they aren't that good. Please help me get back into the swing of things.

Help me Finish this story.

Thank you