Disclaimer: I do not own anything from RWBY.
The murmur of angry voices filled the deafening void, waking it's lonely occupant. Blindfolded in the unforgiving cold, she felt like she was floating, yet she couldn't move her limbs. It was as if they were chained to balls of lead. However, this time she was not afraid.
Any human with common sense would be scared in her situation, scared of being a hostage of war. Panicking from the fear of being interrogated with the persuasion of unmentionable tools lying on a cool metal tray, waiting to be used if their lips stayed sealed, but not her. She'd been there many times before.
Ever since her incident on the train, when she would fall asleep her subconscious would fill her usual dreamless sleep with this scenario again and again.
A hostage to an ominous door made purely from engraved ice. With a blurred image so distinctly familiar yet just out of her reach. The frozen threshold she had once thought originated the frigid cold, as frosted tendrils of air seeped from it every so often, was the only thing keeping her warm.
But this time it was different. She felt safe, relaxed even. She could move. The door was still there, but she was not it's hostage.
Maybe it was the subtle embrace of a familiar aura or the delectable scent permeating the unforgiving cold that had broken the door's hold on her. Although she was disappointed she couldn't pinpoint its origin or how it entered her dreamscape, she couldn't suppress the elated feeling bubbling inside of her. For once she was not alone. It had been too long since she had last felt like this.
Yet...the aura was not one she remember. But she felt connected to it, protected by it.
The fragrance reminded her of a walking through a snow covered garden at the peak of spring, yet it smelled like winter mixed the fragrance of the flowers that littered her garden in various shades of red and white.
It hit her; Roses.
Like the sudden elation of emotions surging through her veins, a whirlwind of images swirled around her like the eye of her very own storm. Clips of her memories, all related to her current predicament. Swirling at a speed where they blurred together, illuminating the darkness. She didn't understand them, but the clips that consistent bits of red and black that spotted throughout the white storm, urged her to understand. It was as if they called out to her.
Like how she had been trying to force her mind to define the engraved image upon the ice, she urged her mind to focus, remember, those specific red and black moments. Despite her luck with the door, storm continued to rage on, but the moments she had wanted were plucked from the storm and floated in front of her.
She watched in silent awe as the clips became clearer with each re-run. Watching in silent fascination as the red and black blobs turned into red caped figure donned in black with their back turned, facing away from her. Reaching under the billowing majestic red cape to unhook a reddish rectangular block from the small of it's back. The block unfolded as the figure swung it around, becoming the monstrous weapon of the reaper of grim. The clearer the weapon became, more her veins sung. Before the clip was even fully focused, she knew she knew the name of that beautiful monstrosity.
Crescent Rose.
There was only one person in the world that could wield it with such deadly yet graceful force or wield it at all. Her dolt.
Her beloved had saved her. Her other half was there. Her love is alive. But... she can't be, because she had sacrificed herself to save her.
The dead can't come back to life, yet.. the scent of roses, the angry voices. She has to be here! She has to be alive. Its the only answer to every question. Dead or alive, she has to see with her very own eyes.
The storm dispersed as she re-focused her willpower to her ears, searching for the husky voice that could only belong to her beloved.
" ...Blake!" Blake! She's fine. It brought great relief knowing the Faunus was alive, but she couldn't connect the single irate filled word to a face. She need more.
"...dont know! One moment ..." The immense frustration found in the angered tone could only belong to one person, that person being Blake. She already had come to the conclusion that Blake's alive. But, she still didn't know who was scolding Blake. Focusing her senses more, Weiss sought for the other angry voice.
"You had one job Blake." Even though the ire, Weiss could pinpoint the soft huskiness of concern that came with the fussy side of her beloved when the heiress was injured. She's in the room, and she knows she's not dreaming this time. Knowing this, she willed herself to wake up and move. She fought against what she had concluded as a medically induced coma.
The door disappeared and everything faded along with it.
She was so close, yet so far.
"ONE Job! and you couldn't -" Yang watched from the side lines as her sister continued to chew Blake up. She should really do something to save her kitten from the big bad wolf, but she couldn't find a breaker between the two Faunus, quarreling true to their primal cat and dog nature. Taking a peek at the slumbering princess, Yang barely caught the small twitch in the heiress's left index finger.
"Weiss…" The brawler whispered, eye brows Faunus' quarrels silenced upon the heiress's name . If Yang knew this would happen, saving herself from a throbbing headache, she would have said Weiss's name much much earlier. Well, maybe… Yang ignored the Faunus' curious look, opting to seek another twitch in from anesthesied heiress.
She shouldn't be able to move. They put her in a coma to keep her from aggravating her abnormally fast healing wound. As huntresses, they trained their auras to help them heal wounds in the midst and after battles. There were also dust injections to help speed up the healing process. But even if both options were performed, her healing speed wouldn't be this fast. Her wound was healing at three times the average rate. Sure she was a master with her aura but that would only put her on the upper side of average, not an exception. Yang wondered if it had to do anything with the form Weiss had taken, explained by Blake, before they got there.
Following her sister's gaze, Ruby realized Yang was staring at Weiss and immediately feared for the worse. Her ears flattened as a small whimper emitted from her throat. But before she could make her way over and check on Weiss, she heard a sound. Barely audible, but it was clear and music to her ears. Her ears perked up straight, as Weiss raspy voice echoed her name once more. Renewed to the brim with energy, Ruby couldn't stop herself from bolting to the sleeping beauty's bedside.
Although, Yang snatched the collar of Ruby's cloak and lifted her into the air before she reached Weiss's hands. Holding a hissing Blake in the other hand, also by the collar, she gave a look of sorrow before walking towards the doors.
"Now look what you've done." Yang chided, using her toe to open the shoji door. "You've gone and woken up the sleeping beauty from her much needed beauty rest! Take your cat and dog -"
"Panther/Wolf!" the Faunus corrected respectively, then giving each other the death glare as they noted their synchronization in defending their animal halves.
A burst of bloodlust leaked from the red eyed brawler, prompting the two Faunus to cower. Their tails hung limply between their legs.
"As I was saying" Yang coughed, once her eyes reverted to their original color. "Take your cat and dog fight somewhere else. Or else" Yang's eyes flashed red once more emphasising her threat. The two disappeared, leaving only a cloud of dust behind. Satisfied with her work, she turned to attend to the miraculously awakened medically induced coma heiress.
"Sorry Weiss." Yang sighed, preparing a dose of anesthetics before continuing her train of thought. It pained her to listen to the heiress chant her supposedly dead sister's name with such desperation. "but, Ruby's not here."
The trio had agreed not to tell the heiress until all was blown over. They feared if the heiress knew, hell would break loose. The heiress would have ordered an all out war against the White Fang.
No's replaced her sister's name when Yang got close enough to administer the sedative. Weiss's desperate voice halted her movements for a moment, but she had to be strong. Strong for them. Pretending to have a sudden case of deafness, Yang did the only thing that came to her mind that wasn't painful. She praised the heiress. "By the way princess, nice tat you got there."
"Wah?" Weiss rasped out one last time, before succumbing to slumber once more. And for some reason she knew the subtle aura or permeating scent wouldn't be there to save her from being the door's hostage once more.
A/N: Okay sorry not sorry for the huge delay in updates. Yea this chapter is shorter than most, but I just can't the story in my head on to paper in the way I dream it. You can ask Silverheart117 (aka Silva) my beta reader how many times I've re-written this section, or just how many random documents I have shared because the chapter I had written didn't really fit the timeline I wanted, or something wasn't just explained in beforehand, or it was just super off tangent from where I want the story to go. But don't worry all those documents will show up somewhere...someday...some probably as a side story...
ANYWAYS... I wanted to say how surprised I am that some of you are able to find my story, since it's been ages since I've updated. Well anyways READ and review i guess... but mainly review to thank Silverheart117 for putting up with me and betaing a chapter x80293840398 because I'm always constantly changing my mind before he even finishes reading.