The forest was dark and cold. The sun had set hours ago and the only light was that of the moon that weaved its way in and out of the branches. But even that was too little, for there was much still unseen. Shadows moved around me, I could feel their presence as more seemed to gather around the trees. The cold wind blew and I wrapped by jacket around me tighter, though I knew it wouldn't do much good. I just wanted to get this over with and leave. I wouldn't say I was getting scared, just a little bit unsettled. This place creped me out. Breathe, Breathe. How much longer will he be? I don't like waiting. I thought to myself.

As if on cue a large shadow swept over, covering the moonlight completely, and everything went pitch black. How appropriate. I guess they call him that for a reason. A figure emerged from the shadow, and I saw his piercing yellow eyes, full of hate and revenge. Slowly his whole body emerged and a chill went down my spine. He really was worse than a nightmare. A nightmare you could easily forget, but there was no way of forgetting him. His yellow eyes glowing with an evil power, his midnight black hair as dark as night itself, His grayish skin looked so pale and bland, and lastly that smile. A smile of pure evil; something he took joy in.

"I'm glad you could make it." He said. His voice was cold and deep.

"I didn't have much choice now did I? You took what is most precious to me and the only way I could get it back was to come speak to you. Now what do you want?" I replied impatiently.

"Why in such a hurry to get going? I thought we could get to know each other. I mean we are going to be working together now; don't you think we should get acquainted?" He emphasized the last word and moved over to my side, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shuttered and stepped back. "No, all I want is what you took from me. I have no intentions of making friends with you."

"I guess that makes sense. But if you want your precious thing back, you need to do something for me first."

"What is it?" I really wanted to get going.

"There's someone who hurt me, and I just want to return the favor."

"And you can't do this on your own because?"

"Because he's much too powerful for me to defeat. I've tried that before, and that didn't work out. I need someone to get close to him. Take him out from the inside out. He won't be expecting that."

"What are you going to do with him? And what makes you think I can do that?"

"I just need him out of the way until my plan is complete. And please you're a girl, he's a guy. You'll think of something."

Are you really implying that? Geez. Creep. "Plan what plan?"

"All in due time. All in due time. But what do you say? Do you except my agreements?"

I thought for a minute. Was I really going to do this? Of course you are. He took what was most important from me, and of course I'll be willing to do anything to get it back. "Pitch, I accept your agreements. Now who is this person?"

He smiled an evil smile and tapped his fingers together. He then came up to my hear and whispered, "Jack Frost."