A/N: Okay, this one started going around my mind after I had written the small short story in my Under the Sea –collection (you can find it here if you want: s/6643165/2/Under-the-Sea ) which is still very small. Probably going to be for some time too since I keep getting distracted. Anyways, that little story was inspired by an episode in the Little Mermaid –series, which in turn caused this one to come to life.

The character of Apollo is based on the Apollo from the episode, but aside from his name and roughly his background, I don't think my Apollo reminds him at all anymore… He's younger too in this, though he can't be too young.

Which reminds me, a matter of ages. I have no idea how long the mermaids in the Disney movies live, but I have taken that tidbit from the original story where they live three hundred years (unless I remember wrong). So even if the age difference between Apollo and Ariel seems a bit large, it really isn't. Three hundred years is a long time ;)

Okay, way too much babbling. Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Ariel, Erik or anyone or anything belonging to Disney. I'm merely playing around. (And this covers the whole fic)

Apollo's Return

"Oh Flounder, you're such a guppy", Ariel sighed fondly as she grabbed her friends fins and tugged him out of the small round hole in the ship's hull. Her golden and blue friend popped out of the hole and he shook himself a little.

"I'm not a guppy", he argued as he moved to follow her mermaid friend glancing fearfully around in the dark of the ship.

Ariel giggled silently as she explored around the ship. While Flounder jumped and started behind her, she found an amazing silvery thing with a kind of a handle and four spikes of equal height sprouting from it. It gleamed and glittered as the light hit it. Next she found a strange thing made of the same matter as the ship, she thought, it was something called wood. It reminded her a little of a horn or some other instrument like that, but of course she couldn't be sure.

"A-Ariel", she heard Flounder call her name as she was bent down to try and dig something from the pie of wood and other broken things, trash mostly. Sometimes the best treasures could be found in piles like these.

"A-A-Ariel! A, a shark!" Flounder stammered.

"Flounder, please. There are no sharks here. Stop worrying!" Ariel said and straightened herself turning around at the same time. And coming face to face with the biggest shark she had ever seen. For a moment Ariel could only stare at it eyes wide open, frozen to the spot. But then it crashed through the window and Ariel and Flounder were swimming away as fast as they could get.

In a few short moments the ship was almost unrecognizable with the shark destroying everything in its wake as it pursued the fish and the mermaid. The chase was moved outside the ship and Ariel headed towards the rocky area where there would be more cover for them to hide. That however proved to be unnecessary as they managed to fool the shark into swimming into an anchor hoop as it pursued Flounder. Both of them were out of breath and Flounder was still shaking out of all the excitement.

Ariel giggled relieved. "Sorry", she said to the shark not sounding very sorry at all. Flounder blew a raspberry at the shark which led him to quickly retreating behind Ariel's back as the shark gave an impressing demonstration the sharpness of his teeth. Ariel laughed some more and turned to go, but found herself quickly stopping as she came upon a person right in front of her.

"Well, I see you're still the same as before", said an amused voice dryly.

Ariel raised her gaze and saw grinning face of a friend.

"Apollo!" Ariel exclaimed and rushed to embrace him. "You said you'd be gone only for awhile. It's been two years!"

Apollo chuckled. "Two years isn't that long time you know. I could've been away longer if I hadn't wanted to get back here to see you."

The statement made Ariel blush slightly and she untangled herself from the embrace carefully. Apollo watched her intently trying to gauge her feelings. As she watched his gold speckled blue eyes she was reminded of their conversation two years ago even more strongly and she began fidgeting with her hands, quite like she had back then. He was still as good looking as he had been back then with his muscular and strong body and an indigo blue tail. His golden hair flowed in the sea, some of it having strayed from his braid.

"Well, I'm glad you're back", Ariel said smiling.

"Me too", Apollo answered. "What were you doing in there by the way?"

Ariel shrugged. "Oh, you know. Being curious as usual. And going to meet Scuttle."

"Scuttle? Who's that?"

"He's a friend and a… seagull", Ariel answered slightly wary. Her father was unreasonably against anything from above the sea and she knew some of the merpeople shared that thought. Even when it was only birds. But Apollo didn't seem to be bothered by a seagull.

"Seagull? Really? But aren't they a bit… cracked?" Apollo asked interestedly.

"Well, I don't know about other seagulls but Scuttle is a bit of a persona. But he is very nice and he knows awfully lot about the world above the sea, so whenever I have something I'd like to know about, I go to him."

"Oh, you have something to ask him then?" Apollo said as they started swimming towards the surface. Ariel relaxed a little now that the subject was easier. Apollo had told her two years ago that he was falling for her and then left because he needed to find himself. Ariel also thought that Apollo might have left also to give her time to come to terms with the matter that Apollo was in love with her and would probably begin courting her once he returned. That might be why he hadn't returned sooner, the Courting Age began when the child became sixteen years old and she had just had her sixteenth birthday. And even then it was considered a little early, usually courtships were started at the age of twenty and up.

Ariel had had to admit, at least to herself, that she did like Apollo a lot too. But she didn't know if she loved him, not yet. But that was what the courting was for she supposed. They would get to know each other when Apollo courted her. Though he needed to ask permission from her parents first and in her case that was the Sea King. Most mermen would be quite put out by the prospect but Apollo had the position of being a War Hero behind him. And King Triton liked Apollo.

"Yes, I do. I found some objects from the ship while I was looking around there and I'd like to see if Scuttle knows what they are", Ariel answered. Then she bit her lip apprehensively. "Do you think it's bad to look for human thingies?"

Apollo tilted his head. "No. But as long as one stays away from the humans themselves. Their things aren't that dangerous so I don't think that's so bad thing to do, but to go near the humans… One shouldn't do that. They really are dangerous."

Ariel nodded pensively. At least Apollo wasn't as prejudiced as her father was. A light tough upon her shoulder woke her up from her reverie and she looked at Apollo's worried face.

"Ariel, I know you're as curious as a catfish, but you haven't been getting too close to the humans, have you? I meant what I said, they really are dangerous."

Ariel shook her head. "No, Apollo. Just looking at their thingies."

Apollo gave her a relieved smile and Ariel smiled back at him. She was a little sad though, since she had always wanted to see a human up close. By then they were by the surface and they crossed through the surface near an islet where Scuttle kept his nest. Flounder splashed next to them already heading towards the islet babbling about sharks and falling roof while swimming. They swam closer and reached the nest right when Scuttle crashed down on the hard rock in front of them.

"Hi, Scuttle", Ariel said and the seagull stumbled up right.

"Ahoy, Ariel! How ya doing?"

"I'm good, thanks. I've got some stuff with me again to show you."

"Great! Bring it on!" Scuttle said before conspiringly leaning towards her. "Who's the guy, by the way?"

"Oh, sorry. This is Apollo, a friend of mine. Apollo, this is Scuttle", Ariel introduced them to each other.

"Ooh, a friend. I see", Scuttle winked at the pair knowingly causing Apollo to laugh and Ariel to blush.

"Oh, stop it Scuttle!"

"What!?" Scuttle spread his wings innocently. "He looks like quite a hunk, ya know. Good on ya."

Ariel gave a little moan of embarrassment and buried her face in her hands. Apollo gave her a little nudge grinning and still chuckling.

"I like him", he declared.

Still from behind her hands Ariel said: "You would."

"Okay, let's see what ya have got me today", Scuttle said and dived into Ariel's bag. He rummaged around for awhile before finding the silvery thing. He named it a dinglehopper and told them it was used to comb hair and make different kinds of hairdo's by the humans. The other item was called a snarfblatt and it was an instrument like a trumpet making Ariel's guess back at the ship correct.

But as it was an instrument, it led them to talk about music and Ariel suddenly remembered where she was supposed to be today.

"Oh no! The concert!" she moaned. "Dad's going to kill me!"

She dashed off as if the shark was still after her speeding through the seaweed and kelp fields, cliffs and canyons, coral forests and finally the city. The others were almost left behind. But by the time she got back to the palace, it was too late and the concert had been ruined.


Apollo winced as he heard the tongue lashing Ariel was receiving. From both the King and Sebastian. He tried to stay farther in the corridor to give them some privacy, but he probably could've stayed in the other end of Atlantica and still hear the yelling. So he tried his best not to listen and occupied himself with the artifacts scattered in the hall. He was good at that, being a soldier and all.

He couldn't however not to notice, when the voices changed from lecturing to someone into a downright fight between father and daughter. He furrowed his brows. He didn't think they had been this quarrelsome before, but perhaps he had been mistaken. After all, the last time he had been here hadn't been for long. They had mostly spent the time traveling.

Finally the arguing stopped and Ariel swam from the room obviously distraught and not seeing anyone she passed. Apollo watched as Flounder trailed her relieved that she had someone to keep her company. Apollo straightened out as he was called into the great hall and swam on. He found the King sitting on his throne with Sebastian next to him on a smaller dais. The King seemed a little unhappy at the moment, but Apollo figured that a fight with family always left one a little unhappy. And the King and Ariel were equally stubborn, he had found out.

"Apollo! How great it is to see you again!" the King said smiling welcomingly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. It is great to be here", Apollo answered bowing low.

"What brings you here?"

"Well, Your Majesty, last time I was here you offered me a position in the palace guards. I turned it down because I felt I needed some time to think, but I've done my thinking now and I was wondering if the offer might still be standing", Apollo said.

The King smiled at him happily. "Of course the offer still stands, Apollo. You are a great warrior. We in the palace will feel ourselves more protected than before if you are here, I'm certain."

Apollo smiled a little uneasily. "I'm glad you think so, Your Majesty."

"Splendid. Sebastian here will show you around and help you get settled in. We shall talk more later. I wish to hear all about your adventures in the last two years, young man", the King chuckled.

Apollo gave a bow. "Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you."

He turned to follow Sebastian who was already swimming out of the hall. And for the next half an hour he got to keep a slightly pained smile on his face as Sebastian praised him from the bottom of the sea to the high skies. When he finally had to return to his other duties, Apollo breathed a sigh of relief and started unpacking his small amount of belongings in the simple room that he would be living in at the barracks.


Ariel gritted her teeth as she swam towards her secret cave. Why couldn't her father understand? It wasn't like she was swimming right under the humans noses. She was just interested in their stuff that was lying under the sea, not above it. Of course there was the fact that she would actually like to see humans up close, but that would be something that probably shouldn't be told to her father. He was mad enough already. She hoped that Apollo's return would put her father in a better mood. He liked Apollo and he had been a little disappointed when Apollo hadn't stayed two years ago.

Ariel smiled slightly as she thought about Apollo. It made her really happy that he was back. She had missed him and now that he was back they could get into many adventures together. That was what Ariel liked him about, he had the same kind of adventurer spirit as she did and he wasn't as forbidding about human things as her father was. Then Ariel sighed slightly frustrated. About going close to the humans, though, he was.

So no company from him in those trips if she ever got around to go and see humans. She hadn't had a chance yet, but someday she would go up and spy on some humans and find out what they used some of their things for. For now though, she would settle for her treasures and collecting them. Ariel slipped through the entrance of her cave. For once she was alone in here. Usually she was here with Flounder, but he had had something to do with his family and Ariel got to come here alone for a change.

She took her treasures she had found and placed them into proper places. Then she swam a little away and let herself sink slowly to the cave's floor and enjoyed her collection. It had grown over the years and was now filling up nearly the entire cave. Ariel sighed. Why wouldn't father understand? They couldn't be all bad, the humans. There was good in everything, surely in the humans too.

Ariel rolled over to her stomach and played with the sand. Wonder if Apollo would like to see her collection, she thought. Her hand stilled in the sand as she thought about the golden haired merman. She wasn't sure how she felt about the man. She knew she liked him and she thought she liked him more than just a friend since her stomach was prone to give little flips if she as much as thought about him. Like now, for example. And now that he was back she noticed it was hard to stay angry and think about her father when her thoughts kept straying to Apollo, to things he had said and done, to his handsome looks and deep blue eyes with those beautiful golden specks in them.

And she really wanted to spend more time with him, to learn more about him. Things she hadn't learned in their adventure two years ago. She knew Apollo liked her. In fact he might even be in love with her, since he had told her that she had taken his heart when he had been leaving two years ago. She just wondered when would they have time to be together when Apollo was taking the position in the palace guards? He would be working often when she was swimming around with her friends and she knew Apollo would take his job seriously.

Well, he would have days off, Ariel thought. They'd need to use those then. Maybe someday she could show him her collection. Ariel giggled suddenly as a thought occurred to her. Apollo would no doubt look quite dashing in his palace guard's armor.


A week had passed and Apollo had adjusted to the life in the palace quite well. He had always had a good sense of direction so he didn't even get lost anymore. Which for a guard was a pretty good thing. The other guards had taken him as one of their own happily, though some problems had risen from a few fans, who wouldn't shut up about his 'accomplishments' at the Octopun War. Granted, he no longer was the same cowardly man he had been then since he had found his courage, but that didn't mean he liked to be reminded about it. Aside from a few sharp words he had managed to be relatively polite.

This had also caused him to try and avoid Sebastian as much as he could, since he was among the worst admirers. Unfortunately he was often with Ariel, even when Apollo was there with her whenever he had the free time, since the King had ordered the crab to look after his young wayward daughter. In those times he just tried to grit his teeth and not to stuff him into some small and dark place where it would take him hours to get out. The crab had the uncanny ability to be one of the most annoying persons Apollo had ever encountered.

The week had been busy, there had been many diplomatic events and many dignitaries had been visiting in Atlantica. So the guards had been busier than normal and Apollo's first week had been a little chaotic since he hadn't known the ways of the house yet. But now it was calming down, for awhile at least, and King Triton had invited him for lunch and to talk about his adventures to him, now that he finally had the time.

Apollo had had lots to tell so the lunch had stretched on long into the afternoon. As the lunch progressed he was getting more nervous by the minute. He had decided that he would ask from the Sea King permission to court his youngest daughter today. Unfortunately, while facing the father of your loved one was always slightly nerve wracking, when that father happened to be the Ruler of the Seven Seas it took the whole matter into new proportions. He had tried acting normally, but he supposed some of his nerves must've shown through since by the time they finally reached dessert the King asked what was bothering him.

"Well, Sire, there is something I'd like to ask and I've been trying to phrase the question", Apollo answered, still trying to think how he would ask his question.

"Well, what would you like to ask, Apollo?" the King said still seeming to be in a good mood, which was good.

Apollo drew a steadying breath. "Your daughter Ariel, Your Majesty, is the most amazing person I've ever met and I've grown to be quite taken with her. I wished to know if I could have your permission to court her."

The King was staring at him frowning. Apollo tried to swallow silently.

"The permission to court Ariel, hmm?" the King hummed.

Apollo allowed himself to relax ever so slightly. The King had not lost his temper yet which was good. He would probably have good chances to get out of this alive at least. Hopefully in one piece as well.

"And do you know how she feels?" King Triton queried.

"I think she feels the same way. At least she didn't reject me when I asked her what she thought about me courting her, Your Majesty."

The King nodded still pondering. Then he nodded more determinedly apparently reaching a decision. "Very well, you may court my daughter, Apollo. I like you and I would be very happy to see her with you."

Apollo smiled part happily and part relieved. His smile didn't last long however when he noticed the King glaring at him.

"But mark my words, Apollo. Do not hurt my little girl. You would not like the consequences."

This time Apollo swallowed audibly. "Yes, Your Majesty. I won't. Wouldn't dream of it."

King Triton laughed heartily and waved his hand to the servants. "Come, let's have a toast in honor of your courtship to my daughter!"


Ariel glanced around her before coming out of the cave fully and turning to close the mouth of the cave with a large rock. She had been taking her latest treasures to her hideaway and now it was starting to get late and she knew her father would worry if she wasn't home before nightfall. Especially since she was not supposed to be wandering around at the moment.

Ariel hoisted her bag o her shoulder when she heard her name called. Ariel looked around not seeing anyone until she noticed a figure peeking behind the rocks.

"There you are", Apollo said. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Oh, you have?"

Apollo swam next to her and Ariel looked at him expectantly.

"Yes", Apollo dug his hand into a bag of his own rummaging through it. "I wanted to give you something."

Ariel tilted her head. "What is it?"

"Well, a gift", he said still trying to find it. "I asked your father a permission, and blessing, to court you" – Ariel's stomach gave once again one of those strange flips – "and he said yes. So I thought I'd give you something to celebrate it."

Ariel's eyes widened. "He actually said yes?"

Apollo nodded and grinned at her mischievously. "I think he hopes that my courting you would make you calm down a little."

Ariel gave a burst of laugh before she could stop herself. Her eyes widened and she looked at Apollo. He raised a brow.

"Oh, don't worry. I have no intention to do anything of the sort. I'd just get myself a headache", the last part was said in a teasing manner.

Ariel narrowed her eyes. "Are you implying that I'm difficult?"

Apollo took on an innocent look. "No, no. Nothing of the sort."


Apollo grinned and pulled his hand from the bag holding a smallish wrapped box. He held it out for Ariel to take who did so turning the package curiously in her hands.

"What's in it?"

"Well, open it and find out."

Ariel swam to a rock nearby and sat down, Apollo following suit. She unwrapped the present carefully revealing a plain, but well made box. She fiddled with the opening mechanism for a moment before lifting the lid. Inside, cushioned by seaweed, was an obviously human made statue. But what made it even more amazing was that it presented a mermaid sitting in a rock combing her hair and, judging by the looks of the face, singing.

Ariel looked at it eyes wide. "It's beautiful!" Ariel traced the statue with her fingers. The mermaid was very beautiful though the proportions seemed to be a bit off. Like the tail was not quite big enough to look like she could swim very well with it.

"How… why… They make statues of us?" Ariel stammered amazed.

"Apparently", Apollo answered. "Do you like it?"

Ariel turned and hugged Apollo tightly. "Yes! Yes I do. Thank you."

Apollo wrapped his strong arms around her and smiled. Ariel backed up enough to see Apollo's face.

"Really, I love it. Where did you find it?"

"When I was traveling. It made me think about you", Apollo said with a soft smile and watchful eyes. He seemed bent on capturing every facial expression that crossed Ariel face. Ariel smiled, pleased, and glanced to the side. Apollo lifted a hand and brushed some of her hair behind her ear.

"I was thinking", he began. "I have a couple of days off in a few days and now that I have a permission to take you everywhere, I have this place I know of that might interest you. Would you like to see it? It would be a daytrip at least, though we'd have more time to spend there if we took seahorses."

"What kind of a place?" Ariel asked and seeing Apollo's expression continued resignedly. "Wait. Let me guess. It's a surprise."

Apollo smiled charmingly. "Oh, yes."

Ariel smiled back. "Well, then it's a good thing I like surprises."

Ariel untangled herself from the embrace and looked down upon the statue. It would be great if she could take it to her room in the palace, but her father had forbidden her from bringing human objects there. So she would need to keep it in her secret cave. Ariel hesitated for a moment. Could she show it to Apollo? She thought she could. Apollo had said he didn't have anything against human things and he had given her a human thing as a present.

Ariel turned her face to look at Apollo closely pondering whether to trust him with her secret or not. Apollo tilted his head inquisitively.

"What is it?"

"Just wondering", Ariel said.

"And what are you wondering?"

"If I could show you my secret place or not."

"I promise not to tell", Apollo said grinning disarmingly.

Ariel smiled. "Alright. Come on."

She swam to the rock covering the cave's mouth and pushed it aside. Apollo followed her curiously. Ariel sneaked through the opening and Apollo tried to squash himself through the tight opening. It took a little wriggling for him to move, but once past the mouth of the cave the tunnel widened enough for him to move more comfortably.

Ariel waited him in the cave holding the statue close to her in a nervous gesture. She watched Apollo carefully as he came to the cave and got his first look at the contents inside. His eyes widened and a look of wonder spread on to his face. He made a slow circle taking it all in trying to see everything at once.

"Whoa", was the only thing he could think of saying.

Ariel fiddled with the statue. "It's my… collection."

Apollo turned to glance at her still wide eyed. "How long have you been collecting to get all of these in here?"

Ariel gave a small and a little proud smile. "Years."

She went and looked for a place for the statue. "I can't take anything that has anything to do whit humans to home, because father doesn't like them so I started bringing them here and that's how it started, I suppose. Now I don't think I could bring these home anymore because there probably wouldn't be any space for them.

Apollo nodded and commented in a dry tone. "I see your point."

Ariel glanced at him with a mock annoyed look and continued finding a place for the statue. Finally she found the perfect place where the light from the high up hole in the roof of the cave hit the statue just right, illuminating the small mermaid combing her hair. Apollo went on to take a closer look at everything in the cave asking questions when seeing something interesting. Meaning he asked a lot of questions.

They spent a long time talking and looking through Ariel's collection. Eventually they noticed how time had gotten away from them and that it was nearly midnight already. Ariel winced as she thought about her father's reaction, but Apollo comforted her by saying to blame him. And in a way it was his fault since if he hadn't come by with his gift, Ariel would be home by now.

As they swam towards the palace Ariel laid a hand on Apollo's arm. "You won't tell my father, will you?"

Apollo smiled at her and bent down to give her a peck on the cheek. "I won't. I promise."

Apollo continued forward but Ariel stayed frozen to the spot hand slowly rising to her cheek where Apollo had kissed her. She felt her cheeks warm up a little and gave small delighted grin before rushing to follow Apollo.

A/N: So, the first chapter. Review's are appreciated :3