A/N: If my assumptions are correct, this is the first Naruto/Addams Family crossover on this site. Maybe in existence. If anyone knows of another N/AsF crossover, tell me 'bout it, alright?

Anyway, this is going to go a lot like my Not Yet a Monster story. This first chapter is a bit of a teaser until I either finish this story or get past 10 chapters. So it might take a bit for the next chapter. Unless enough people are interested in this.

Chapter 1: The Addams

-Based off of Addams Family 1960's Version.

Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed. He glanced over at the blonde toddler in a crib about a metre from him. Peacefully sleeping, even though he had just had an attempt on his life. Hiruzen scanned over the ANBU report once more, before leaning back in his chair. He was getting old. Far too old for the prejudices of the village he ruled over. To scorn and try to harm a child for something that wasn't his fault. Then again, he was the reason the villagers hated the boy. Telling them that the boy was a Jinchuriki, the Fox's Jinchuriki, less than a day after the attack? He was a fool. He gave them someone to project their frustrations on.

"Hokage-sama. I have gotten the folder you requested..." A tired voice said, as a dog-faced ANBU slipped into the room. "Is Naruto..."

"He is alright, Kakashi. You may go home and rest now." Kakashi nodded, and, throwing the sleeping two year old one more glance, jumped out the window. Hiruzen wearily opened the folder on his desk. "Uzumaki, Kushina..." He read, before staring at the picture of a joyfully smiling redhead. He shook his head sadly and skimmed through the file, looking for the part of the file that listed potential relatives. "...the Addams..." Hiruzen muttered, looking at the only family name in the column. He had requested the blood-test after Minato got one as well. He put the file down, and thought back a few years.

About three-weeks before Minato discovered Kushina was pregnant, he had gotten a letter from the Addamses, claiming that they were related to him distantly through his grandparents. Minato, after getting a quick blood-test, had been overjoyed to learn of his distant cousins, and immediately wanted to visit them. But his Hokage coronation was coming up. He decided to postpone it for a few months, and kept in communication with them. And when Kushina told him the good news about his coming child, Minato couldn't wait to tell his cousins. His cousin Gomez and his wife had visited about three months into the pregnancy, and the two couples celebrated in Minato's home privately.

Hiruzen knew that, with a relation through both parents, no one could stop him from giving Naruto to the Addamses. Before he could change his mind, Hiruzen grabbed an empty scroll and quickly wrote up a letter to Gomez. The letter introduced himself, and what he wanted. He briefly told about Naruto, the young boy's burden, and why Minato no longer talked to him. He knew that the letter seemed desperate, but he really was. He was afraid about Naruto growing up in a place where he'd never be treated like a person. He hoped Gomez was not mad about Minato, and that he would take the toddler. He rolled the scroll up, tied it off, stamped it important, and stood. He glanced at Naruto, before rushing from the room to send the letter off.

Three weeks. It's been nearly a month, and there was no reply from Gomez. After two weeks, a small ball of dread settled in his stomach. The ball grew with each day that passed. 'If this day passed with no response,' Hiruzen silently decided, 'I will simply resign to place Naruto back into the orphanage and watch over him from afar.'

"HOKAGE-SAMA!" A chunin shouted, barreling into the room. The chunin glared at Naruto, who was playing in the corner with a toy frog.

"Yes?" Hiruzen asked coldly.

"Ho-Hokage-sama, at the front gates. There's this group of weird people, claiming that you wrote them! They even had a scroll with your signature on it!" Hiruzen shot to his feet. Could it be? Could the Addamses had simply come to claim Naruto, without writing beforehand? Minato had called them unconventional... Hiruzen scooped up Naruto, who screeched happily at the motion, and quickly fled the room.

Hiruzen slowed to a stop a few metres from the front gate. He easily recognized Gomez and Morticia Addams, Gomez wearing the same suit he shown up in a few years ago, and Morticia in a black dress similar to the one she wore before. A bald man stood next to Gomez, and a frizzy white-haired woman was hunched beside him. Morticia held a small blond-ish haired four year old's hand, while she gripped a glaring black-haired two-year old to her chest. The two chunin manning the gate were awkwardly trying to get the family to sign the pedestrian sign-in sheet. One of them happened to glance up and spotted Hiruzen.

"Hokage-sama!" He shouted, effectively drawing everyone's attention. Hiruzen tilted his head and made his way forward.

"Hiruzen my good man! It's been a while!" Gomez said, raising an arm in greeting.

"Indeed it has, Gomez-san."

"Now, let me introduce you to my wonderful family!" Hiruzen nodded, and Gomez lifted his wife's arm. "You already know my cara mia, Morticia. In her arms is Wednesday, my daughter, and Pugsley, my son, is the one holding her hand." He turned to the two beside him. "This is my brother, Fester, and my mother, Grandmama."

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Hiruzen bowed his head. "This here, in my arms, is the reason why I asked you to come here." Hiruzen lifted Naruto slightly. "Naruto Uzumaki, your cousin's child." Gomez swept forward and stared intently at the blond.

"He does look an awful lot like Cousin Minato. There's a bit of Kushina in there as well."

"Yes, well... this is not a conversation to be held in the middle of the road. Please, follow me to my office."

"I... see." Gomez mumbled once Hiruzen finished explaining all about Naruto that he did not explain in his letter.

"I am afraid for him." Hiruzen admitted. Gomez looked towards Naruto, who was playing with his children in the corner. He then glanced back at his family.

"Cara mia..."

"Gomez, we should take him." Morticia said, a light smile coming to her face. "Look at him, the way he acts. It just screams Addams. He has a certain... je ne sais quoi."

"Tish, you know speaking French makes me go wild!" He bounded up to her and started kissing up her arm. Hiruzen cleared his throat. "Oh, sorry."

"It's fine. Now, Naruto?"

"We'll take him!" Hiruzen smiled and held out a couple of forms. Gomez signed them with flourish. "Say, I've heard about a nice family here named Uchiha. Do you think we can meet with them?" Hiruzen blinked.

"Well, I don't see why not."

A/N: This is where I am cutting it off for now. Does this idea sound nice? I think it does. I hope you all enjoyed my attempt at a, possibly, never before attempted crossover.