Chapter 17: New Kingdom

(My deepest thanks to everyone who has read and loved this story! I will be sure to have more good things coming along for Aizenfans. Kenpachi fans, don't worry. I will have more of those up soon also! Off to work now. Have a great day, everyone! Love, Spunky.)

(six months later)

It was still dark in the king's suite and the moonlight shone brightly through the glass panes of the balcony doors as Tetsuya stirred and his blue eyes opened. The light reflected in his large, gemlike orbs as he slipped out of his king's arms and crept slowly across the room. One hand slid down to caress the large round bump on his abdomen, beneath which their child grew. He moved forward on silent feet, unashamed of his nakedness and careless of the hour and that he was alone. He flash stepped onto the iron rail of the balcony, his motions graceful despite his gravid state. He paused, letting the moonlight fill him inside, letting the wild feel of its ambient energy collide with his own feral nature, then flash stepping down and walking along the tree lined trail that led into the king's gardens.

Behind him, Kuchiki Koji slipped out from a nearby room and followed at a respectful distance. His lips smiled as he watched Tetsuya pause to sniff a bright flower, then straighten to breathe in the misted air that surrounded him.

Tetsuya-sama looks truly content. Aizen-sama has eyes only for him, and his passion for Tetsuya-sama is so fierce it is sometimes frightening. And the baby growing inside my master only teases the king and makes him more desirous and hungry for Tetsuya-sama. I know it makes my master happy, but at the same time, it feels so very dangerous.

Koji's smile warmed as Tetsuya's tall stallion stepped out of the bushes, shedding his concealing form and reaching out his long neck so that his soft nose brushed against Tetsuya's cheek.

"Hello, Arashi," Tetsuya greeted the stallion, "How goes the night?"

All is well, Arashi's wispy voice whispered into Tetsuya's mind.

The stallion shook his head, neck and shoulders, and large, black feathered wings spread out, over his satiny back.

Would you like to ride? he asked Tetsuya.

"Go on," Tetsuya answered, nodding, "I want to walk in the gardens."

As you wish.

He watched as Arashi's lovely wings spread out and the stallion broke into a run. He angled his wings and swept upward, into the sky. Tetsuya smiled at the way the moonlight touched his wings, giving them a pretty blue glow. He watched as the stallion glided over the trees and disappeared into thick, puffy clouds, then he turned his attention back to the flowers along the edges of the trail. He reached the end and stepped onto the dewy grass, heading for the king's healing pool. He was at the edge and ready to sink down into the hot, bubbling water, when strong arms suddenly wrapped around him from behind and Aizen's low, seductive voice rumbled in his ear, setting his heart skittering in anticipation.

"I don't believe I gave you permission to leave our bed," he breathed into his consort's blushing ear, "What are you doing out here, alone at night, Tetsuya?"

"I am not alone," Tetsuya assured him, "Koji is nearby, as always. And it seems I take but a few steps before you realize I am gone and come to find me."

"My apologies," Aizen said unrepentantly, sliding a hand down to caress Tetsuya's rounded belly, "but you really are irresistible like this…filled with our progeny and more lovely than the moon you keep slipping out at night to see."

Tetsuya's blush deepened as the king's teeth nipped at his earlobe and his hand slid down further to stimulate his warm, aroused genitals.

"I see I am not alone in my desires," he commented, earning a soft moan that escaped Tetsuya's lips as Aizen nudged him towards the healing pool.

The two continued to kiss as they descended the steps into the pool, then settled in the riled water. Aizen reclined near the edge, coaxing his pretty consort onto his lap. Tetsuya straddled his king's body, rubbing against him amorously and indulging in hard, open-mouthed kisses while Aizen's fingers plundered his alert nether region, slowly preparing him for their joining. Tetsuya waited until he was about to make his conquest, then loosed a soft whisper that made his body disperse into tiny water particles that swirled around the surprised monarch and dragged him under the surface of the hot pool.

Tetsuya's power shared with Aizen the ability to breathe under the water, and he watched in silent wonder as shadowy copies of Tetsuya surrounded him, their insistent fingers touching and caressing him all over, and their soft, hungry lips suckling and tasting, tickling the broad expanses of white flesh relentlessly while Aizen writhed hotly in their embrace, his passion igniting and growing increasingly fiercer until he loosed an erotic exclamation that shattered his consort's waterforms and returned Tetsuya's solid form to his unyielding arms. Suspended beneath the surface of the water, he attacked, parting his consort's creamy thighs and passionately claiming Tetsuya's body.

Surrounded everywhere with delicious heat, the two indulged in a flurry of hard, fast thrusts, feeding on each other's mouths, their fingers clenching and holding on tightly as their passions swelled and finally spilled over. Echoing howls filled the water and pulses of melting heat filled Tetsuya inside, affirming and strengthening the powerful bond between the two. They floated slowly to the surface and rested quietly, looking up into the stars as they began to wink and fade as the night ended and a new day dawned.

"What a lovely display," Aizen complimented his prettily flushed mate, "You truly are a wonder, Tetsuya."

"Aizen Tetsuya," Tetsuya corrected him.

"But we are royalty and no longer need a surname," Aizen said, looking amused.

"I will wear that name proudly," Tetsuya assured him, "I never want to forget how we struggled to reach this place, Sousuke. I want our children to know when they are old enough to understand. I never want the horrible things that happened before to happen again."

Aizen turned and dragged him down, under the water for another bout of steamy kisses.

"As I said…you truly are a wonder. I am very glad I didn't kill you."

Tetsuya smiled.

"I am glad I didn't die," he laughed.

The two entwined their bodied again, surrendering once more to their desires before exiting the pool and standing quietly as their attendants appeared to dry them off and dress them in soft yukatas. Lacing their fingers together, they started back towards the palace, breathing in the cool, sweet morning air.

They had nearly reached the palace when Tetsuya paused and laid a hand on his round belly, panting softly as a pain radiated in his lower abdomen and back.

"Are you all right?" Aizen asked, signaling Koji to bring a healer.

"Fine," Tetsuya assured him, his fingers clenching tightly despite his calm tone, "I…it is just my first time having a child, so…I feel…anxious."

"Here," the king said, "you should lie down."

"B-but shouldn't we go inside?" Tetsuya asked, blinking.

Aizen smiled warmly.

"Given your power, maybe we should return to the healing pool," he suggested.

Tetsuya bit at his lips, considering, then nodded in assent.

"I might be more comfortable there, and there will be less of a mess if my powers go awry.

Tetsuya groaned and panted harder as another sharp pain began.

"Oh! It really is time now, isn't it?" he panted.

Aizen spotted Tetsuya's attendant returning with the royal healer and he swept Tetsuya into his arms.

"Koji, go and wake Kuchiki Byakuya and the rest of Tetsuya's visiting family."

"Hai!" Koji answered, flash stepping away.

The healer and several attendants followed the king back to the healing pool, where he and Tetsuya shed their clothing and the king carried his pregnant consort down into the water. Aizen held Tetsuya at the surface, reaching down to infuse his swollen belly with soothing reiatsu. Tetsuya panted and employed calming breathing techniques as the pains in his abdomen intensified and the flesh on the surface of his midsection began to glow from within. The healer joined the two in the water and examined Tetsuya carefully.

"The birthing is about to begin," he announced.

The old man smiled comfortingly at Tetsuya.

"You are doing very well, your highness. Everything should go smoothly.

"Th-thank you," Tetsuya managed between panting breaths.

A look of relief overtook his comely face as Byakuya arrived, still wearing his nightclothes and flanked by a sleepy-looking Renji, as well as a proudly smiling Rukia. The three donned small wraps and entered the pool, watching as the glow in Tetsuya's belly brightened and the delivery began. Byakuya moved to take the king's place, holding Tetsuya at the water's surface, while Aizen joined the healer at Tetsuya's side for the birthing.

Very slowly, a shining, golden cluster began to emerge, and guided by the healer's skilled hands, it rose until it hovered just above Tetsuya. The healer collected the cluster and set it in the king's waiting arms. King and consort watched intently as the cluster flickered and gradually resolved into a tiny, white body, topped with wild swirls of black hair, a strand of which fell down over the baby's pretty sapphire eyes. The baby squirmed in Aizen's embrace, turning his head and squawking anxiously. The king set the baby in Tetsuya's arms, smiling contentedly as Tetsuya's eyes widened and misted over with happy tears.

"He's amazing, Tetsuya!" Rukia exclaimed, wiping her eyes.

"He is a lovely child," Byakuya added, "Congratulations, watashi no itoko."

"I'll bet he's going to cause some trouble," Renji chuckled, squeezing Byakuya's hand, "Can't wait to have a few of our own."

"Have you decided what to name him?" Rukia asked.

"We've considered several names," Tetsuya answered, looking up at his royal spouse, "One of the names we were thinking of is Akemi, beauty of morning."

"I believe that suits our son perfectly," Aizen agreed, touching the baby's face with warm fingertips, "Akemi."

"Ahem," the healer said suddenly, "Pardon me, your majesties, but we seem to have another arriving!"

Tetsuya sucked in a surprised breath, blinking and staring as the healer captured a second golden cluster in his gentle, wrinkled hands. He set the cluster in the king's arms and the family watched as the cluster resolved into a pale body with wavy brown hair and gentle brown eyes. The baby remained oddly calm as she surveyed the ones looking down at her, then she reached for Tetsuya, whimpering softly. Smiling widely, Tetsuya handed their son to Rukia and accepted the baby girl into his arms. The baby whimpered more fitfully, turning her head towards Tetsuya's chest and reaching out with her fingertips.

"Your highness," the healer said quietly, "I think your baby is hungry."

Tetsuya looked back at him curiously.

"Have you noticed an ache in your chest that increases when she is whimpering like that?"

Tetsuya nodded.

"Some males are able to breastfeed. You may give it a try, if you wish."

Tetsuya swallowed hard and brushed back the edge of his yukata, bringing the baby to his breast. He flinched slightly as the infant girl latched on and began to suckle contentedly.

"This is good for helping you and your babies bond," the healer informed him, "They will need to feed at fairly short intervals at first, so I wouldn't expect you'll get much rest."

Tetsuya fed the baby girl until she broke away, then gently burped her and turned her over to Renji.

"What're you gonna call her?" Renji asked, grinning down at the cooing infant.

"She has a very gentle demeanor," Byakuya commented.

"Yeah," Renji agreed, smirking, "You wouldn't know she was related to a…"

He paused, chuckling nervously.

"Well, to him."

"You never know what lies beneath a placid surface," Aizen mused, "But she does look quiet and gentle. What do you think, Tetsuya?"

Tetsuya accepted their son back from Rukia and set him to his other breast, waiting as the boy latched on before answering.

"I think Shika is a pretty name," he offered, "Naoki and I once knew a girl named Shika in the prison."

He paused, sadly remembering the girl's fate.

"I…always wished she could have escaped too. She was quiet and scared sometimes, but she was also smart and she was friends with Naoki and me."

"Then, if you wish, we will name our daughter after her, so that her memory will go on," Aizen offered.

"I would like that," Tetsuya answered.

"Very well," Aizen said, nodding, "Miki, you will inform the advisor's council when they meet this morning that two heirs have been born…Akemi and Shika."

"Hai, your majesty!" the attendant answered, bowing and flash stepping away.

"Tetsuya-sama should eat as much as he is able to both restore himself and to support breastfeeding the baby."

"I will see that he is properly fed," Aizen agreed.

"And he will need plenty of rest."

Tetsuya handed Akemi back to Rukia and smiled up at the king as Aizen lifted him out of the water and carried him out of the pool. He set Tetsuya on his feet and attendants dried and dressed the two. Aizen swept Tetsuya into his arms and turned back towards the palace. He carried Tetsuya to the royal suite and laid him back in the soft bed.

"I think you have done enough wandering for a while," Aizen said firmly, sitting down on the bed beside him, "You are to follow the healer's orders and sleep. Koji will bring food for you anytime you are hungry."

"But, how can I sleep?" Tetsuya laughed, "I've only been away from the babies for a moment and already, I want to see them. And what about feeding them and…?"

His words were ended in a long, powerful kiss and a little throb of sedative kido that made his body relax easily into sleep. Aizen smiled down affectionately at Tetsuya's sleeping face and kissed him more gently on the mouth.

"You really are very stubborn, Tetsuya," he said, smirking at his sleeping husband, "but you know I welcome your high spirits. They have served you well. I don't know that there's anyone who could have done as you did so courageously. All along, I was sure that I would kill you. I know you sensed this and you were afraid. But you came through everything and brought me into balance. I see now the importance of those balances…and I am pleased to share this with you. I love you, Tetsuya…like I have never loved before and never will again."