Hey guys! Here's the next chapter as promised! I hope you enjoy because it's going to go both ways. Another character is going to enter the fray and so the plot is going to get a little intense because now I'm starting to add other plot lines end. So laughs and tears for everyone!
"Some are born mad, some achieve madness, and some have madness thrust upon 'em."
― Emilie Autumn
Hinata sat awkwardly in between the half and half man and Tobi. They had literally dragged her by the feet when they found her because she had punched the nearest guy in the face when she managed to squirm out of the plant mans grasp. They silver haired guy got hit a lot by her. Currently she was trapped with these lunatics in their temporary base: The motel!
"So… want to go by my place?" The albino asked Madara who was casually picking his nails.
"No yeah! You're place is a dump un! My roof top view would be better that your dust infested wear house yeah."
"Is that a yes or a no?"
"No yeah!"
Hinata whimpered. They had been talking a while about where they should go to test out some type of serum on her.
"Oh! Tobi thinks we should go to Zetsu place!"
"You're dumber than a rock you know that?" Sasuke barked. "This is Zetsu place, and the closer we are to this place the easier it is for the authorities to find us, bust a cap in our heads, and take her home!"
"Well let's go to Kakuzu's. He lives a good distance away from here."
Hinata was getting frustrated; they were purposely being vague so she wouldn't know where she was or where she was going. "Hey… you ok un?" Hinata whipped her head to the right where the blond guy looked at her curiously. Now that she got a good look at him…
"Ino chan…"
The blond boy reeled back, his face pulled into a mask of pure shock and confusion. "Oh no no no no no!" He whispered grasping his hair tightly; he stumbled backwards hitting the dresser table. Whipping around he turned and smacked the lamp off the top of the dresser before sliding down its length. "Why un? Why did you have to un…?" He gasped out before clambering back to his feet. The blond boy went on a total rampage screaming curses and breaking anything he could get his hands on. Hinata could only watch in shock and morbid fascination. "Hell yeah! Let's wreck some shit!" The Albino yelled his face spread out into a malicious smile as he punched the wall.
"Don't worry, Deidara only really goes crazy when he hears his trigger word, and Hidan just love violence. Tobi said casually, his voice had lowered an octave and he sounded… intelligent. "My name is Obito."
Hinata's eyebrows rose an inch. 1, Tobi had dissociative identity disorder and 2, apparently his name was now Obito… Isn't that their little brother's name?
"I see the confusion in your eyes; no I am not the little Obito. I am the real Obito and that boy is basically a spy. He got close to Hanabi to get information out of her about you; unfortunately your sister is very tight lipped about her personal life so we gained nothing useful about you that could help us in our research."
Hinata sent a mental high five to Hanabi.
"So… what triggers the others to make them crazy?" Hinata asked looking worriedly at everyone else.
"Nothing, It all happens at random except for Deidara." A loud crash signaled that Hidan had successfully head butted the window hard enough and was now dripping with blood. Laughing crazily he dropped to the floor, he rolled around a few times before touching his head and licking up the blood on his fingers. Hinata gagged at the hideous display.
"But, things can speed up the process of them going crazy, for example- "Motioning in the direction of Gaara, Hinata studied him closely.
Gaara had a pained look on his face as he gripped the edge of the chair he was in. Gaara's eyes where following Hidan's every movement as Hidan drunk up his own blood. Suddenly Garra stood up laughing hysterically as he scratched his jeans harshly. "Gaara wants to play!"
"To Gaara blood speeds up his reactions to the serum. Sasuke on the other hand would react more violently to fighting or verbally abuse."
Hinata watched in horror as Sasuke slammed into Deidara who was swinging a towel around the room; he had got it out of the bathroom and was using it as a whip. "Now watch as Zetsu reacts to flesh." Tobi continued as if they were in a zoo and he was explaining facts about the animals in their natural habitat. Zetsu then proceeded to stand up and bite Sasuke in the arm when Deidara and pushed Sasuke causing him to scrape up his arm.
"What in the hell is going on in this room?!" The balding owner of the motel screamed as he opened the door with his master key. He froze in his steps when he saw what was unfolding in the chaos. "Holy…"
Turning around the chubby man ran as fast as he could in the direction he came from, probably to contact the police.
"Kakuzu's it is." Madara declared as he stood up from his seat in the corner. He had started to go over some weird diagrams when everyone started to act funny. Walking to the broken window, he smashed it a little more before jumping out. He landed perfectly since they were only two stories up.
Soon enough everyone followed including Hinata who of course had been thrown over Zetsu shoulder.
Kakuzu sat hunched over his bathroom counter. Blood seeped out of the deep gash he had just recently received after some brats tried to jump him.
To bad for them.
Taking a thick needle from out of his cabinet, Kakuzu threaded it with thick tar black thread. Sitting on the toilet he smiled sadistically as he jabbed the needled into his skin. Each stitch he drew was at most 1 inch apart. He could easily use a sharper, thinner needle that the thick, blunt one he was using now. He could easily use flexible and thin thread instead of his bulky, coil like threads. Yet, Kakuzu loved every singly push and pull of his needles as the pierced his sensitive flesh.
He loved every single spine tingling rush of pleasure as he felt the treads weave their way through his body. He loved it so much that he would cut himself on 'accident' just to feel it. Or he would purposely look for danger to get hurt.
Over time it became an addiction.
Kakuzu remembered when he was relatively handsome. Besides his snarky attitude and obvious snippety behavior towards money woman came after him from every direction. His uniquely colored eyes and chiseled features were praised. That was until he was injected.
His fear of piercings or punctures was immediately eliminated and turned into one of love.
An obsession.
So now, when he lures people in he helps them to understand his love for it. Turning towards the bath tube he looked at the group of three boys were had jumped him. They were nearly beaten to death. Only nearly… they hadn't even gotten to the best part. How was he going to let them die before experiencing the best pleasure ever?
Grabbing the nearest guy who was unconscious in the tube Kakuzu smirked. He dragged him over to his operation table and sat down next to him, the boy had a mow hawk and multiple chains hanging from his neck. Finally the boy came to.
"Woah dude! What the hell?!" Jerking left to right the boy yelled furiously.
"Hello." With that Kakuzu stood back up and went over to a drawer. Pulling out a hand sized saw and marker Kakuzu walked back over to the boy and sat down.
"Hey man what are you about to do! Look just fucking let me go I'll never come around here again and, I swear to god I won't tell the cops!"
Kakuzu ignored him completely. Un-capping the marker Kakuzu made a dotted line directly on the boys skin under his shoulders. Then he slipped on a pair of gloves. Turning to look the boy in the eye, he smiled wickedly. The stitches on either side of his mouth caused the boy to wriggle around even more. With each jerk at his binds more and more rage filled tears spilled out of his eyes.
Sure he had done so crazy bad shit but, did he really deserve this?
"Are you ready?"
The boy screamed even louder and he could hear his friends shouting back at him from some other point in the house.
Kakuzu wasted no time before placing the slightly blunt blade on his skin.
Every thrust of the blade on his raw skin sent a new blood curdling scream through the air. The rusty blade dug a few more inches before scraping on solid bone. By that time the boy had fallen un- conscious due to the pain so Kakuzu just kept cutting.
And cutting
And cutting
Until the boys arm now was severed completely. Taking a hose of the counter Kakuzu washed the blood off the counter until nothing else was visible besides large water droplets on the stainless steel.
Slowly the boy reawaken to the living. Instinctively his hand went up massage his head but he realized al to quickly what happened when he had no control. Pure dread crossed his face as he shakily turned his head to the side to now stare at his missing appendage.
He opened his mouth to let out a scream yet there was no sound. Only strangled release of air escaped his throat as pure horror and shock over took him. "Time to begin." Kakuzu said simply as he pulled out a thick blunt needle and thread that looked more like wire.
Kakuzu lined the arm back up and began.
The boy could only stare in mute horror. The needle dug into his skin with a jerk the came back out. Connecting his arm back together hurt, he could feel the pain. Yet every stitch left him more and more in shock, speechless, breathless. He started to feel as if everything was become –less to him and, soon the sewing turned into a dull rhythm.
And when it stopped
All the –less became into pain.
Pain everywhere
The boy screamed like a slowly dying tortured animal. "Now the other arm." Kakuzu smiled like nothing was wrong. Like it was a simple un-consequential thing. The boy could only wail louder in plea and terror.
Kakuzu's phone then rang, interrupting his torture.
"Yes Kakuzu we have an important matter to discuss."
"Well hurry up! You're wasting minutes which is wasting money!" Kakuzu snapped. His money priorities were his special thread and needles.
"All right we'll talk when I get there. Three hours tops."
"Yeah, yeah whatever Madara." Not waiting for a reply Kakuzu snapped his phone shut before turning back to the banshee crying boy.
"Guess we've got visitors so time to make it quick.
Ino held her breath as she took cautious steps off of the plane. No matter how many times she had been there she never felt truly alive. Just being in the same country as her brother wasn't enough. She needed to see him... she needed to apologize. Anything to make him come back home.
Stepping off the plane she quickly scowered the crud for the face she was looking for.
"Hey Ino." Neri said quietly tapping her shoulder. Ino nearly jumped 3 feet in the air when Neri snuck up from behind her. "Hey Neji... where's Hinata?" Ino quirked a brow at the face Neji made. His eyes dropped and his mouth formed a straight thin line. "Shes..."
"Shes what?"
"Shes been... missing for a few days..."
Ino stared at him in confusion and worry.
"Oh my gosh... how long?" Ino asked franticly. Her brother could wait a little longer. Hinata was missing and she could be dead or raped or dead!
"Two days..." Neji said solemly. Now under closer inspection Ino could clearly see how torn up about it he was. Dark rings were under his eyes, his hair actually looked un kept, and his clothes were wrinkled. "You'very been looking for her?"
"Yeah... every single day."
"Well come on Neji let's look for her! And when I see her I'll kick her ass for making you worry!" Ino cheered brightly, trying anything to brighten his spirits.
"Ok... as long as you refrain from the ass kicking if we find her..." Neji said tiredly.
"When we find her silly. When."
Kabuto looked at the thick green substance that floated and swirled inside the thumb sided vile.
Itachi lifted his head and turned into the direction of Kansas out who was cure-all sloshing a green substance in a smile vile. Placing down his paper work he gave him his full attention.
"This is it. We're so close I can taste it!"
Itachi only raised a brow.
"Come with me! We have to test the effects!"
Pushing through his stacks of research Kabuto scampered down the long corridor. Itachi followed close behind with a calculating gaze. Kabuto then slid to a stop in front of one particular glass doors of the many lining the hallway. It was subjextremely 17496 patient Tatsuya of the sound.
Sliding the door open Kabuto stepped closer towards the frightened red head. She only took another step back every step Kabuto took closer until he cornered her completley. "Itachi take her arm." Nodding Itachi snatched her arm and out stretched it, trying his hardest to avoid her pleading gaze.
"This baby here is a collaborative effort between me and Orochimaru of the leaf!" Kabuto snickered, jamming the needle into the girls arm. Itachi took mental notes of everything that occurred next.
The girl jerked left and right, clearly every cell in her body was rejecting the serum. Her body flopped to the floor, she squirmed and screamed as spittle flew from her mouth. Intricate tattoos crawled there way over her body and then she stopped. Her body still and cold.
"Damn, it was too powerful and killed her..."
Itachi could only mute look at the display. Kabuto was sick. They all were sick.
yep... so how was it? Anyway next update will be sunday. If I can't get it done than expect it on Monday. See ya next update guys! :)