Inspired by the song "Just Like You" by Three Days Grace.

Disclaimer: The only Epic thing I own is my talent for stories (wow, Im the most modest person I know) ;)

First day of Leafman training, she thought. Why did I sign up again?

M.K. winced as her thighs, calves, abs, and-well every muscle- burned with pain. She felt utterly drained of strength, energy, and even emotion, as she trudged towards the barracks.

"You rookies get a two minute shower!" the drill sergeant barked at them. "Then it's inspection and off to bed. You'll need it."

M.K. couldn't agree more, and the other recruits groaned at the thought of a hot shower and a pillow. Then she scoffed at herself. The water will most likely be cold. And the bed will be like sleeping on a rock. Still, this is better than home.

She was almost to the barracks when she heard the scuff of a boot on the rocky ground. Instead of turning around to see what it was, M.K. quickened her pace. She thought it was the sergeant ready to yell at her for not doing as many push-ups as the rest of them. I'm almost to the showers!

"Hold it there soldier," a commanding, but neutral, voice sounded behind her. Wearily, M.K. stopped and turned be face to face with General Ronin, renowned and legendary leader of the Leafmen!

She was awestruck for a second before remembering protocol and saluted, making herself stand straight as a rod, despite her protesting muscles. "Sir!"

"At ease," he said, and M.K. relaxed though watched him attentively. His face gave nothing away, his blue eyes studying her and boring into her green ones.

"Did I do something wrong sir?" she queried, not sure if she was allowed to speak first but did it anyway.

"No, you didn't." At that, M.K. was confused. If it wasn't a mistake, then what had drawn Ronin's attention to her?

"I was impressed by your skills today," he said. Her eyebrows shot to her hairline, shocked that this man, of all people, would be impressed. By what exactly, she didn't know. He continued, "In the unarmed combat lesson, you seem to anticipate your opponent's every move before he made it. And in the strategy class, you placed your troops exactly where I would put them."

M.K. thought back to the day's early class. They were divided into groups of four and given a map of the forest, and little wooden Leafmen on hummingbirds. The teacher instructed them to find the best place on the map to lay an ambush on a horde of Boggans coming from the north.

The red head shrugged. "I just put figurines on a map, and the teacher didn't even look happy about where I put them."

Ronin shook his head. "You positioned your's differently. Many of the recruits kept their troops together, but you scattered them. You did something different."

M.K. bit her lip as she thought of a way to explain her actions to the general. If she came up with a sound reason, he'd lessen her punishment. "They are always telling us to expect the unexpected when it comes to Boggans or any other enemy. I just thought it was a good idea at the time. For us to do the unexpected."

For the longest time, Ronin stared at M.K. and she found herself staring right back. She didn't know why, but she felt like she was being tested.

Then the man nodded, seeming satisfied. "You and I will be talking more Mary Katherine. You better hit the showers now." He turned to walk away.

"It's M.K." she said automatically, then cringed when the words left her mouth. Ronin turned back, one eyebrow raised. She continued awkwardly, "It's shorter and more convenient that way."

The general dipped his head. "Very well, M.K. Good luck with the rest of your training." Back straight, he strode away toward the center of Moonhaven.

M.K. stared at his retreating back for a while. She was able to read between the lines. "I will be watching you from now on"

Finally, it sunk in. God, she had gained the attention of General Ronin! He was second only to the Queen Tara herself! And she had impressed him! Her mind raced with renewed excitement as she jogged to the barracks. Her spirits were so high, she didn't care if she had missed her shower.

Why did I sign up for this? Oh yeah. For that.

M.K. blinked as she pulled herself out of the memory. That had been two years ago, when she was sixteen and a new recruit. Back then, she was unfit, inexperienced, and not very confident. Looking at where she was now, M.K. was a completely different girl. Now, she walked like she owned the place. She could fight a man blindfolded and shoot an arrow through the eye of a mouse. The Leafmen's training regime had done wonders to her body. She was stronger, faster, and more determined. Yes, that girl three years ago has been shaped into something more amazing.

At the moment, her career of combat was about to take a new turn. For today was the day she would be tested. If she passed, and she had the highest confidence that she would, M.K. will officially become General Ronin's protégé. The next in line to take up the mantle of leader of the Leafmen!

All she had to do was answer the questions the high ranking council and Queen Tara would ask her. If her answers satisfied them, they promote her to the next test; a simulated field exercise where she would command her own force. M.K. got dizzy just thinking about it! She knew now how it felt to be excited and nervous at the same time.

Today's the day.

"Get up weakling."

Panting and with his limbs shaking from exertion, the seven year old Boggan pushed himself up from the floor and glared at his sparing partner. He could hardly hold his short sword's tip above the ground.

"I'm not weak!" the small Boggan spat, showing off his pointed teeth.

The larger Boggan snorted. "Your defense is slow, your offense is sloppy, and you leave your left side so wide open, a baby Jinn could get through it! Now raise that sword and come at me again."

The little Boggan glared and stood still. He was too tired for another round; couldn't his idiot teacher, Jok, see that? He was only seven and it was pass midnight. He just wanted to go to bed.

Jok grinned wolfishly when his young student refused to comply. He didn't care how tired the boy was. If he decided to be defiant, that just gave Jok an excuse to beat on him. Not that he needed an excuse.

"Alright Drake," the Boggan sneered. "You've been quite rebellious and annoying lately. I don't know what you're going through, and I don't care, but that just makes you my punching bag. So stand still." Jok sheathed his bone weapons and cracked his fists. "This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me."

Drake stood his ground as the Boggan loomed over him. He knew this would happen, but he was beyond caring. Maybe he'd get lucky and be knocked unconscious. Or better yet, he'll get internal bleeding and die. It was a painful way to go out, but his whole life was already full of pain, so much so that he wouldn't be able to make out a difference. At least in the end, his agony will finally fade away.

Jok's fist descended towards his head and Drake closed his eyes and waited for the impact.

It never came. Another Boggan suddenly sprang out of nowhere and caught Jok's fist with his hand. It was the equivalent of Jok punching a wall. The other Boggan stepped between him and Drake, making Jok back up to keep his balance.

"What-" Jok was cut off by a viscous uppercut. The Boggan swiftly placed his foot behind Jok's heel, and Drake's teacher went down. The little Boggan watched with wide eyes as his former assailant scrambled away, scared out of his wits by this new attacker.

"Beat it Jok," the Boggan said. "I have no use for you now."

The Boggan's voice sounded very distinguished to Drake's ears. He didn't possess the throaty, guttural accent that most of the Boggans had. He was tall, well-muscled, and had a bat cloak flowing from his shoulders.

"King Mandrake," Drake gasped and immediately got down on one knee and looked at the ground. The huge Boggan shuffled toward him, and Drake stared at his feet. He felt gracious for the King of Boggans saving him, but he was also scared that such a notorious figure even took notice of him.

"Stand young one," Mandrake ordered. The little Boggan got up on shaky legs, keeping his gaze down. "Look at me," the King said. Drake hesitantly met the glowing gold eyes that studied him with startling intensity.

"What's your name?"

"Drake," he croaked.

Mandrake smirked. "That's almost like my name."

Drake nodded and averted his gaze back to the floor. Mandrake smiled at him. "You've got a strong grip on your sword for old are you?"

Drake mumbled his answer and Mandrake cocked his head. "Speak up child. And look at me when you are talking."

Instantly obeying him, Drake met his eyes. "I'm seven."

"And you can already hold a sword and swing it," the King praised. "What else can you do?"

The little Boggan hesitated before saying, "I can throw a knife."

"Can you now? What about a bow, can you draw back the bowstring?"

Drake shook his head, knowing full well that he wasn't strong enough for that yet. Mandrake didn't seem disappointed. "That's fine. We'll work on that when you're older."

"We?" His face scrunched up in confusion.

"Yes. You're coming with me to Wrathwood." Mandrake turned back to Jok, who was still cowering on the ground. "You're dismissed. I'll take up Drake's training from here." Without another glance, the King strode away, his bat cape billowing behind him. Drake took the opportunity to stick his tongue out at his hated enemy before quickly following the Lord of Bats.

For a while, they navigated the marshy ground and rotting vegetation in silence, Drake having to jog to keep up with the older Boggan's long strides. Then Mandrake broke the quiet. "You haven't even said thank you, boy."

"I'm sorry my lord," Drake quickly replied. "Thank you for saving me."

"And don't you forget it," he chided. "I have big plans for you."

Drake shook his head. Stupid, he thought. I have to stop getting so distracted by my memories. That particular one was twelve years ago. He wasn't that weak little Boggan anymore. Mandrake had seen to that.

Under the King's tutelage, Drake became a killing machine. Though Mandrake did not go easier on him, he didn't beat him every time he messed up, like Jok did. From Mandrake, the Boggan learned to never rebel against his superiors. It made sense to Drake, now that he saw no reason to refuse anything of Mandrake. Every time he felt that unnatural defiance rise up in him again, he remembered how Mandrake had saved him from Jok's brutality.

He was taller now, lean with toned muscle that portrayed speed and strength. The young Boggan knew he was different than the rest of his kind. His skin was darker than the other Boggans, and he had an unruly mess of thick black hair. His ears were pointer, his face flatter, and he didn't have as many teeth. But he was a Boggan. He had the skin, the yellow eyes, and the bloodthirsty drive. He could fight with any weapon you put in his hands, and he'd use like it he was born to.

Mandrake had trained him as his personal assassin. Drake could disappear into the shadows or the gray colors at his leisure. His movements were as quiet as a ghost. The young Boggan committed his first kill when he turned ten.

A stupid Boggan had betrayed his King and was spilling secrets to the Leafmen. Drake had tracked him to the border, where the spineless traitor was meeting with a patrol of a dozen green warriors. From the way he was acting, the Boggan was about to tell the Leafmen an important secret. He couldn't help but smirk when he remembered how the Leafmen leaned in, eager ears pricked to listen. The Boggan never got the chance. Drake's arrow shot him threw the head and the arrowhead skewered the traitor's tongue. He'll never talk again.

Drake mentally face-palmed. Ugh, I did it again!

Now wasn't the time to be reminiscent! The day had finally arrived. It was his coming of age and the thirteenth day of the fifth month, also known as Boggan Fight Day. They really couldn't have come up with a more dazzling name?

It was the time where young Boggans would show off their fighting, tracking, and flying skills. Their demonstration would get them into the army, and if they were really good, a promotion would be given. Drake had already proven himself to be an extraordinary assassin, but only in Mandrake's eyes. This tradition would help him gain acceptance from the other Boggans.

Today is the day.

Please review! For all who are waiting for Rise of the Rose King's sequel, know that I am working on that, but this is just an in between sort of fic

hoped you liked it! Be nice and review