Hey guys this is my first Adventure Time Fanfic and i hope that you enjoy, please review and critique i really like seeing them, please no flames though! Enjoy the story. I do not own Adventure Time or any of it's characters.


The boy surveyed the area, trying to keep the smile off of his face. He pushed back long golden locks, which had found their way out from under his signature bear hat. The dungeon-like setting was full of defeated enemies all lying flat on the ground, weapons feet away from them and moaning in pain.

"Haha! Mathematical!"

The boy yelled out excitedly, happy to have emptied the dungeon as quickly as he did.

"I can't wait to tell Jake about this, and show him some choice loot."

He said to himself, with a childish grin spread across his face. He lifted the blood red sword in his hand, and after examining it for damage, slipped it back into the sheath he carried on his back. He carried on forwards, stepping carefully over his defeated enemies, navigating the dim room with the grin still on his face. He was heading towards a chest in the center of the room, with a single light shining on it from the ceiling. He rubbed his hands together as he approached the chest then jumped slightly, startled as a bright red light flashed in the top left corner of his eye.

"Aw man what? Already? Ugh fine. Glob, save game now."

A womans voice rang out,

"Game saved. Log off?"


He sighed out. He kept his eyes open as the room faded around him, the enemies and chest seeming to dissolve from reality, as did his own limbs.

"Successfully Logged off of Adventure Forever."

Spoke the voice as the screen went back, and he felt feeling come back into his arms and legs. The boy reached up and took the headgear off, carefully making sure that his hair didn't get caught in the metal helmet as he sat up, stretching his body out.

"Man, that session went by way more quickly than i had thought it would."

He said as he looked to his bedside clock, the time read 7:45, and he had started at 6. He shook his head and put the Immersion helmet next to the clock on his bedside table. He then proceeded to look around his room and admire the blue walls as he put a beanie with bear ears on over his long blonde hair, making sure that all of it was safely under the hat. He then grabbed his school ID off of the night stand, which read 'Finn Haro: Grade 10,' and left his room for school, leaving his bed for later.


Finn thought about his last game session as he walked the short way to the school, trying to keep his mind off of the fact that he was heading back for yet another day of what he considered torment. He kept his baby blue eyes down, trying his best to ignore the people walking close to him, which was fairly easy until a loud voice rang out,

"Hey Finn! Finn!"

Finn rolled his eyes with a small smile as he looked back towards the voice, seeing a short, stocky blonde kid with tan skin and a yellow jacket run up to him, with a goofy grin on his face.

"What's up Jake?"

The boy grinned as he caught up to Finn and straightened his letterman's jacket.

"Nothing bro, just wishing we weren't going to school. So how did that dungeon crawl go?"

He asked excitedly, his dark brown eyes opening wide with excitement. Finn groaned aloud, and said in a hushed whisper.

"I haven't finished it yet, and keep it down man."

Jake snapped to attention as though he just remembered something important which, in this case, he did.

"Oh right, sorry. Sometimes i forget you keep it on the down low that you're Fi..."

He cut himself off before he spilled the secret. Finn rolled his eyes and came in close to Jake.

"Just remember, i don't want people knowing that im Finn the Hero just yet, or ever really,"

He whispered softly. Finn the Hero was his Adventure Forever tag, and he wasn't exactly a small player. He was actually the top male player in his school, though nobody knew that. Adventure Forever was the world's biggest game at the moment, played on what was called Immerison gear, which put you directly into the game and actually let you be the person you played, while experiencing everything that your character did.

Finn was a relatively shy person and found it difficult to make friends other than Jake. All he really wanted was to be left alone and to be able to play his games in peace. Finn just walked along as all of these thoughts went through his head, not noticing that they were just about to enter the doors to the school. Finn sighed and looked to Jake, who beamed back at him, and strode into the first hallway.


That's it for now! By the by, i am also accepting 5 OC's for boss fights later on in the game so if you would like your character in my story, please send the char sheets to me in a personal message, thanks!