Some day, Tanaka will have passed, still loyal to the Phantomhives. He never left the estate, but rather built a little cabin on the premises. Mey-Rin, Finny, and Baldroy are getting old, but also never left. The live together in that same shack that was once Tanaka's Finny had found work at a vet clinic when he was younger, but now his super strength caught up to him and he has terrible Arthritis. Baldroy's smoking has left him with a course harsh voice, but he's as sweet as ever. Mey-Rin had fallen in love and had a family, but her husband is dead now, and the children grown. One day they go to London, one last time. They're eating in a little cafe on a street corner, when something catches their attention. What is that? A boy riding by in a carriage, watching them. He looks exactly as the young master did. He even has a butler, grave and silent, sitting beside him like a shadow... Is that Sebastian? They stand up in sync and the table falls over, meals and all, at the sudden jostling. They stand there, mouths agape and Finny rubs his eyes. The boy is gone now. Must have been a trick of the light. Old eyes and minds do play tricks. On their way home though, they rode in silence, thinking about and remembering the old days. Withing the next month, all three died. No one knows how, who or why, but the bodies were discovered already buried with headstones bearing their names, and on each one read, "Here lies -, a faithful servant of the Phantomhive family. Rest in Peace"