AN: Wow, this wasn't an easy chapter to write! I'm glad everyone is pleased with this story, since I'm spending some time with it. There is only one more chapter left though. I can feel the ending coming near, so I can tell it's time. This was originally a one shot, so it's come a long way. I'd like to thank all of you who have supported me as I wrote this story.

Info: When many people panic, it helps to think about, or talk about, something they enjoy. In this chapter Wally is seen talking about science, since it's something he enjoys. This does help people calm down when they're worried, so this fact is true. For me, I would start talking about books, or write a story out of the blue. So yes, this method does work!

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice, or the names Thing One and Thing Two.

Dick Grayson was busy getting ready to have dinner with the West family at Wayne mansion, his home, when the door bell rang. He finished dressing and tied his tie, which Alfred insisted upon, and headed downstairs. He had worn a black suit and a smiley face tie Bruce bought for him last Christmas. He continued down the stairwell and saw the West family, minus Wally, and Mrs. And Mr. Allen. Luckily, Dick's plan had worked perfectly. He had texted Wally earlier and told him he needed him for some party. Dick figured that was the only way he could get Wally and his family in the same room together.

"Master Richard," Alfred's voice rang around the manor. "Your guests have arrived. Your presence is required."

Dick sighed. He wasn't even the one to invite Wally's family. Bruce had insisted that they kept their yearly family dinner the same, even if Wally wasn't in the right mood. Wally's family and his family always had dinner each year together on the same day and time. It was like clockwork.

. "Coming Alfred!" Dick called downward. "I hope Wally will be here soon!" he begged. Thinking about Wally, Dick wondered how his friend hadn't figured out what was going on. Since this occurred every year, Dick figured Wally would've known about it. Then again, Wally did have quite a few things on his mind.

Dick would never tell Wally's parents, but they could be rather boring. They were nothing like Uncle Barry, which would make sense since he wasn't related by blood. Both of Wally's parents worked long hours, which caused them the time to socialize with people other than their co-workers. They also weren't around for Wally as much as they should be. Because of this Wally stayed at Mount Justice longer than required. His parents only told their classic work stories, which meant there were constant repeats. There were some days where he wondered how his friend survived a day.

Dick saw Barry Allen as soon as he exited the stairwell. The man was not dressed up anything like him, but that was to be expected, nor does he wear anything to match the occasion. Then again, when did the Allen's ever dress up for these dinners? The last time Dick had seen Barry Allen in any formal wear was on a mission in France where he had to be bait. Barry had complained about it, but Bruce made it clear that the bait had to be blond, and that Aquaman was busy with whatever he did in his domain. At that point, Wally had laughed at his uncle feeling uncomfortable.

"Did you tell him we were coming?" Barry asked.

"No, I told him that I needed because I was stuck at some dumb party." Dick grumbled. "He should be on his way now."

"So, you're as good of a liar as Bats? I didn't know you had it in you to lie to your best friend." Barry said.

"I never said I was lying." Dick said with a straight face.

Barry just laughed. "I don't like coming to these formal dinners either kid. Everyone just makes me feel uncomfortable with their fancy clothing and speech. The only good thing is Alfred's cooking! Man, I think I'll eat twenty of his grilled cheese sandwiches!"

Dick looked at the grown man drool. "Um, you do realize this is a formal dinner. Meaning, we'll be eating formal dishes. Sorry, there'll be no grilled cheese tonight."

"That just ruined my night kid." Barry muttered. "So, I'll have to eat things like crab and steak. As much as I can go for those, I was really looking forward to the sandwiches! Do you think Alfred can make me some for the way home?" Barry whispered the last part.

"Of course he would, he's Alfred." Dick huffed. "That man can do anything.

Thirty minutes went by and Wally hadn't made it yet. Everyone had run out of topics to talk about, and now were politely staring at the door. At this time Barry had already eaten most of the appetizers, and had Iris scolding him on portion control.

"Speedsters need to eat; it's not my fault Wally hasn't showed up yet. Besides, why ruin perfectly warm food." Barry said with a smile.

"No one else has eaten a bite Barry; you should have eaten something on the way here!" Iris bit back.

"Excuse me, but has anyone else realized what time it is?" Dick asked after looking up at the clock. "Shouldn't he have been here by now? I know he isn't as fast as you Barry, but shouldn't he been here by now?" Dick said using the man's name. Long ago, Barry had given him permission, along with Iris, to use their first names. Bruce had done the same for Wally. "What could have happened?"

"Bruce," Barry looked at Bruce. "Could you maybe go check where Wally is? I just want to make sure he isn't goofing around."

"Yes," Mr. Wayne muttered and walked off. "I'll be back in a moment."

Ten minutes after Bruce had left, he was back. "His signal is picking up somewhere in between Central and Gotham. He seems to be running slow, around the speed of a car, which is unusual. "he turned to Dick. "Did he say he was getting a ride?"

Dick shook his head. "He told me he was running over here as fast as he could. He told me he still needed to change though."

"Darn you kid!" Barry exclaimed. "I told that boy never to run in civies. The one time I'm not around, and he doesn't do what he's told!" Barry's face suddenly fell into a frown. "Bruce, did you say he was moving at the speed a car would?"

"That's correct."

"Then is it possible that someone could've kidnapped him? If he was wearing civies like Dick suggested, then the person would know who Wally is!"

Silence was woven all over the house. Until that exact moment, no one had thought Wally's absence was a big deal. Dick knew that Wally's parents thought Wally was getting his tardiness from his uncle. Iris and Barry were always telling Dick about all the times they were scared because Wally took a pit stop before coming over. And he thought his friend was being a sore loser and trying to skip. Either way you go, Wally being late could be explained.

"Can you track him?" Barry asked Bruce.

"Of course I can." Bruce said with a look that said 'I'm freaking Batman, or course I can!

Wally woke up to the smell of smoke. He immediately coughed after having the awful smell reached his nose. He saw that several crates were blocking the door and windows along with the door being locked. He could hear the constant dripping coming from the ceiling. He could still feel the rope binding his feet and arms. He looked up to see the same man from before sitting at a table with Frank. Even thought the man had beaten him up twice, he still didn't know his name.

"So, am I going to know my captors names, or are you going to just leave it to me to make up nick names." Wally pointed at the man with a tattoo. "I'll call you Thing One," He turned to Frank" And you get to be Thing Two!"

A slapping noise radiated off Wally's cheek. "You think you're so funny, don't ya kid? Well I hate to brake it to ya kid, but we're not fiction characters! Besides, we'll never tell ya out names!"

Wally laughed. "Oh, really? I already know that this guy, "Wally pointed to the man without a tattoo."Is named Frank. I heard you call him that when you thought I wasn't listening, which I was. So, are you going to let me go before Flash gets here, or do I get to laugh at your stupidity? Either way works for me."

Wally felt a blow to the head seconds after the comment. He fell back down to the ground and felt the second hit his chest moments later. Wally continued to lay there and waited for the rest of the pain to arrive. He figured that his uncle would be on the way sometime soon. No way Robin would have forgotten about him, right? Surely Dick, the son of Batman, would notice his best friend's absence? That's when the panic started.

What would happen to him if no one found him in time? Would Thing One and Thing Two kill him if no one came for him? Would they chop him into little pieces so that no one could recognize him? What would happen if they just left him in here? Would he ever make it out alive? Wally grabbed his red hair and pulled it back. He needed to stop worrying. The only thing that would comfort him was science. He dove into his mind and searched for the information he needed to know for his upcoming exam.

"Scientific method," Wally whispered. "Is a series of steps used by scientists to answer questions. Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Mass is usually measured in grams. Volume is the amount of space and object takes up. Volume is usually measured in milliliters and centimeters. Density is how light particles are in matter. The density formula is mass divided by volume. Data is the recorded observations and measurements that occurred during the experiment."

Wally heard a shuffle of feet coming toward him. "Shut up kid! We don't wanna hear your mouth yapping again!"

"The control group is the variables not changed by the person conducting the experiment." Wally continued feeling a whole lot calmer. "The experimental group is the exact opposite of the control group. This group is manipulated in order for the scientists to reach their answers. Constants are variables kept the same by the researcher. It is used to see the difference between the things the scientists are testing. Variables are the factors manipulated by the experiment conductor. There are two types of variables, independent and dependent. Independent variables are purposely changed in order to reach the end result. Dependent variables are…" Wally was stopped by a quick kick to the ribs.

"I warned you kid!" Frank said releasing slobber from his mouth. "We don't want you escaping anytime soon!"

"A Hypothesis is an educated guess." Wally said continuing anyway. "It is the second step in the scientific method. An experiment is a test made to show whether the hypothesis is true or no. Results are the data collected during the experiment expressed in an essay. A theory is a well tested," Wally was kicked again. "Widely accepted view that explains certain scientific facts. A law is a scientific rule that describes the behavior of a scientific occurrence." Wally finished.

"You dumb kid!" Frank spat.

Frank pulled his leg back, but Wally caught it. "Pressure is a force used on a given point. Standard units are measurements used by scientists. These measurements include Celsius, seconds, and meters." Wally dragged Frank toward him by his foot. "Now we move onto map studies." Wally grabbed the man's arm. "Topography is the study of the surface of the earth. Geological maps are maps focusing on the features of the land. "Wally grabbed the man by the hair. "Bathymetric maps are used to show the depths of certain places. They show were volcanoes are by showing the depth change in the center of the mountain. "Wally punched Frank in the face.

"Kid, what the heck are you talking about? You're so freaking weird!" Frank cried as he saw the second punch coming at him. "Carl, get your lazy butt in here! The kids completely lost it!"

The man from earlier showed up not a minute later. "How'd that weakling get a hold of ya, Frank? Were ya dozing off again, man you need to learn from your mistakes?"

Wally grabbed Frank's hair again. "Topography maps are used to locate certain physical features." Wally placed his hand on Frank's upper back. "Weather maps are used to document atmospheric conditions. Latitude lines are imaginary lines that run from north to south." Wally shifted his weight. "Longitude lines are imaginary lines that run from east to west. These two different lines help locate certain areas." Wally shouted as he shoved Frank right into Carl.

'Frank, get your big self off of me, now!" Carl yelled. "We can't let the kid get away anytime soon, or the boss will be pissed."

"You don't think I know that, Carl!" Frank argued back. "So why don't you hurry yourself up, so we can go after the dumb kid."

"I don't even see what the big fuss about this kid is anyway!" Carl yelled in frustration. "He's just this skinny punk, who thinks he's the best thing since the internet. If I was the person running this operation, I would've given up on it already. This kid isn't worth anything."

Wally shrunk a little on the inside. The only thing special about him was his speed, so without it he'd be normal. Even with his speed, these guys didn't even see what his life was worth. I stung like a bee, but he knew he couldn't get out of here. He knew he had shrunk a little in size due to not eating for a little while. He slid toward the barricaded door, and started taking the boxes as fast as he could. Who knew when those two would get out of their pile up, and start to catch up to him.

"Carl, did you bring the gun along with us?" Frank's low tone sounded from the other side of the room.

Wally panicked and started to stumble around the boxes. Soon those guys would be over here, and he'd most likely get shot! As soon as his panic reached a certain level, he began to start talking science again. "A GPS is a global positioning device. It helps track things around the world. They use latitude and longitude lines to give the location." Four boxes were left. "A scale is a ratio set between the real life object to the size of the model." Three more boxes. "Elevation is the height the area is above sea level." Two more boxes. "And then we reach weather." He stated as he finished moving the boxes.

He fiddled with the lock with no avail. He either needed a key, or he needed his best friend. Sadly neither was in the area at the moment, so he'd have to do with what he had. He plunged his hand into his side pocket in search for a bobby pin. Thankfully, Dick had convinced him to always have one in his civilian clothing. He inserted the pin, but soon found out that he had no idea what he was doing. So Dick's idea wasn't really that helpful.

"The kid's standing by the door, Frank!" Carl yelled. "Grab the shotgun, or I will!"

Wally started to mumble science terms again while he fiddled with the lock. "Weather is the day-to-day changes in an area's atmospheric conditions. Climate is the typical weather patterns that occur within a certain area for many years. The climate is based on elevation, latitude, and how close the given area is to a body of water. Humidity is the amount of water vapor…" Wally then felt a sharp pain in his head.

Wally turned around to see the butt of the gun located right above his head. Carl was holding the gun above Wally's head, ready to shoot. "I told you to stop talking kid, and then you had to go attack my partner and I. You're lucky to be still alive at this point!"

Right before Carl could shoot him, Wally formed an idea. "Why did you kidnap me in the first place? I'm guessing you're working for a boss, so he probably wouldn't want you to kill me. So you're left with two options. One, kill me here and get in trouble with your leader. Or two, tie me back up, and forget this incident ever happened." Wally explained laughing worriedly.

"Or," Frank muttered" we could just shoot you in the leg like this." Wally then felt a sting in his leg and heard his bones snapped. "Now you won't be able to run away from us, and you don't have to die. It's a win for you and me."

Wally looked down at his left leg. Blood was starting to ooze out of his jeans at a slow pace. Wally gulped as he realized his healing process had already begun, and his leg hadn't been set yet. His uncle was going to have to rebreak his leg if he didn't get here soon. Staring down at it, he figured there was no escape for him anytime soon.

'Uncle Barry, please hurry."

"Are you completely sure that they're keeping Wally in this cabin? Wouldn't they hide him somewhere more secure?" Barry Allen asked Bruce, who was dressed as Batman at the moment. "Of course you're sure, you're Batman."

"Besides Flash, this cabin is outside the city, so no one could hear anything suspicious." Batman turned to his partner. "Robin, could you take a look inside real quick."

Robin nodded. "Of course!"

Robin sneaked up to the windows, but saw they were barricaded. There was not one window that wasn't covered thoroughly enough. He crept back to his mentor. "All windows are covered, I couldn't see a thing. My guess is that this is the place. No normal person would block all their windows for no reason." Robin reported.

"But we can't be sure," Flash muttered. "For all we know these people could be vampires."

Batman glared at Flash. "There are no such things as a vampire. They're just made up stories to scare small children and teens into not breaking curfew."

"So not true, I'm still scared of them and I'm a grown man!" Flash exclaimed.

"Are your really?"

"Yes, yes I am Batman! Trust me; I would know if I was a teenager again." Flash flinched. "They truly are the worst years of your life!"

At that moment a gun fired inside the cabin. "I think we have the right place."