AN: So this is sort of my first Young Justice Story. This was a story idea posted by Silverangel83 on the Young Justice Fanfiction Challenges forum. Wally always was my favorite character for some reason. I also like Robin and his awesome laugh! Impulse is crash! I'm a late comer to the series sadly, so I might have to rewatch the series :D.

Beta: I have Greendogg rereading this for me!

Announcement: I'm making this a one-shot for now, but If you want more just tell me. I might be able to add to this.

Peace and all that stuff,

Lizzy (Obsessivebookdiva)

Miss Lewis, who preferred to be called Miss May, is one of the councilors at Central City high school. She claimed to be the best of the best when it came to teenagers. She loved working with the different types of teens and helping them. It's one of her many passions since she herself was a high school student. She continued her goal and along the way, earned a degree in education and psychology. If anyone knew what she was doing, it was her.

She always kept a sharp eye on the students around her. As she did, she couldn't help but notice a certain teen's actions in class. Wally West, a sophomore with a mind for science, caught her highly educated eye. He looked like a typical boy genius. He was brilliant, but lacked in maturity. He seemed to have an excessive habit of being jumpy and impulsive at times.

Now she was curious about this particular red-head. Why was he so active all the time? Her first thought was that he was a very excited person. After she scanned over his profile, she knew this wasn't the case. That's when she started thinking like a counselor. The way he acted brought up many red flags to her.

For one thing, he consumed way too much food for his certain body type. He wasn't too skinny nor was he fat, putting him in the lower healthy range. Everyday, he would eat at least two lunches causing the lunch ladies to smile. The only option is that he had some sort of eating disorder. He could be bulimic, but that would mean that he was throwing up his food. Just looking at him she could tell that it wasn't the case. People who were purging after they ate always suffered an after affect. It could be many different reasons. It could be low self-esteem, illness, or something else. With such a wide range of possibilities it was hard for her to be sure. Though eating disorders were more common in girls, boys still had them. She added eating disorder to her list.

Another weird thing about Wally was that he never seemed to be around any friends. At lunch he always sat by himself in the farthest corner in the lunch room. She wasn't sure if this was by choice or not, but likely it was his choice. Once when a student came over to sit with him he slowly moved over showing signs of discomfort. That was the last time the poor kid tried to sit there with Wally.

To find out more she had interviewed all four of his teachers and found something strange. His English teacher had informed her that he preferred to work "solo" and none of his other teachers disagreed. His algebra teacher added that whenever he was asked to do group work he'd freeze up. He did seem to avoid eating, speaking with many people, working in a group, and generally being with other people. This proved he either had social anxiety disorder or social phobia. This would explain his excessive tardiness at school.

Next thing was his nonstop movement in class. It starts off as his foot tapping but progresses to a leg twitch. His body was always moving, and his brain seems to as well. He has earned some of the highest grades at this school, but never really focusing in class. He was either teaching himself at home, or was just a genius in general. With this in mind she was thinking he might have ADHD.

Gathering all the material she would need on Wally, she read over his file. From what Miss May could see this had started between his fifth and sixth grade years. Though, his social anxiety didn't seem to start there but at the age of eight. This made her curious. What had happened? What changed in those 4 short years?

Miss May decided to call Wally's old earth science teacher. It took two minutes for her to pick up the phone. "Mrs. Robin speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hello Mrs. Robin, I had a few questions about an old student of yours. Wally West? I'm his school counselor at the high school." She told the women.

"I haven't had him in my class in three years! I'm sure you know I can't say anything confidential, but I'm sure you can get those answers yourself." Mrs. Robin informed her.

"Of course! I was wondering what Wally was like while you had him in your class."

"Oh he was a real sweet heart! He always did his homework, but the poor dear was always exhausted. He would fall asleep in some of my more boring lectures, but would always past the tests. Maybe sleeping through them he absorbed the knowledge in his sleep. He would always tell me good morning whenever he came into class. He seemed to prefer the desk in front of mine. Poor boy, probably had the kids after him." Mrs. Robin said sadly. "I wish I could have done more for him."

"What do you mean by that?" Miss Lewis asked her.

"Oh dear, you didn't know? He had an accident around that time. He was struck by lightning. Poor kid was stuck in the hospital for a long while. After the accident he wasn't ever really the same Wally. He was quieter than before, always jumpy whenever a classmate accidentally moved his desk in the slightest. He seemed to act like he might get struck again." Mrs. Robin sighed.

"He was struck by lightning? That wasn't in his files." Miss May muttered under his breath. "Did Wally have any friends at the time? Anyone he would hang out with that you noticed?"

"Not really. He liked being alone from what I could tell."

"So he wouldn't talk about anyone with you? Anyone he might be close to?" Miss May inquired.

"Well there was someone, but it wasn't a student." Mrs. Robin told her. "His uncle would come by the school and drop of his lunch every now and then. He would also sometimes pick Wally up from school early. Wally would always be so excited to see him. I had talked to his uncle and asked why he would pick him up and found out why. Since Wally would get such great grades he would take him out for ice cream. It was ones one of the sweetest things. Wally absolutely loved him!" Mrs. Robin laughed. "It was one of the cutest things a seventh grader could do!"

"Did you ever talk with his parents?"

"Absolutely! They were very proud of Wally. They were both very busy, but always made time to make Wally feel special. "Mrs. Robin informed her. "They were very kind polite people. You don't meet people like that now a day do you? They are all on their cell phones texting."

"So, what was the relationship Wally had with his other teachers? Did he act the same way he did in your class?" Miss May asked.

"From what I heard from Mr. Williams he was the same. He would sit in the closest desk to his as he could. He would never raise his hand and avoided any attention he could get. It's such a shame such a bright mind would hide himself like that. It's like he hated the fact that he was smarter than the other students. Thankfulluy, Mr. Williams understood and didn't force anything on him, but it was still very sad. Avoiding such a gift is always a depressing thing." Mrs. Robin lectured.

"I fully agree, but did you ever find that Wally was difficult to work with? Was there anything in particular that made him pop into your attention?"

"Wally was a bit on the difficult side, but nothing too different from the other students in my classes. He always turned in his work on time, but it had some odd sketches of a lightning bolt on it. I thought it could have something to do with his accident, but I could never be sure. He caught my attention because of the way he acted in class. Usually the smart kids in my class were constantly gloating, but he as you probably know, didn't. I wish he would've." Mrs. Robin said. "I recommended him for National Junior Honors Society you know."

Miss May paused in shock. "That wasn't in his file either."

"It wouldn't be. He never wanted to get in. His parents helped him fill out the application form, but he wanted to keep it private. I pretty much had to force him to go to the induction ceremony. He didn't even tell his family, but I did. They sat in the back of the auditorium and watched. Wally was very surprised to see that they showed up. He had thought since he hadn't told him that they wouldn't show." Mrs. Robin explained.

"The why wasn't it in the file?"

"Nothing from past schools really gets transfered. The principle sees it, and then it's destroyed. Only the very important things are kept. How long have you worked in this school system?" Mrs. Robin asked.

"I'm fairly new to this district."

"That explains it! Anyway, why have you called? Is Wally causing too much trouble?"

'We have the exact opposite problem to tell you the truth. He doesn't do anything he isn't supposed to. He's a great student, but I'm worried about him." Miss May admits.

"You and me both. I haven't seen him in years and I can still remember how he used to look so sad when he sat alone. I only remember a few students like Wally and I'm worried for all of them. Maybe you should call his uncle, I'm sure he would want to know of any of your findings." Mrs. Robin informed her. "That man treats him like he's his own son instead of his nephew."

"Thank you for answering my questions Mrs. Robin. Call me if you would like to share anything else." She said.

After she hung up the phone she looked into Wally's file. She felt the need to call this Barry Allen, but she had follow school regulations. She dialed Wally's mother's phone, but received no answer. She got the same result from her husband's phone and their home phone. She looked back into his file to see that Barry and Iris Allen were listed as emergency contacts. Now, she could call them.

She dialed the number within two seconds and waited four beeps for someone to pick up "Hello, Allen residence. Barry Allen speaking."

She paused. "Hello Mr. Allen, I'm Miss Lewis. I am Wally's councilor at the high school. I was wondering if you had a few minutes to speak with me about your nephew.'

There was silence over the phone line for a minute. "Is he ok?" Mr. Allen's worried tone stretched over the line.

She blushed. "Yes, of course, I was just curious about a few things." There was a sigh over the line. "Are you aware that your nephew might have a social anxiety disorder?"

"Where is this coming from?"

"I have been worried about Wally since the beginning of the semester. He has strange eating habits, social phobias, and his teachers think he has ADHD. Were you aware of this Mr. Allen?" Miss May asked.

"No, I was not. I thought Wally was doing great in school. I don't understand where all this could have come from. No other school staff members have ever said anything before."

"I'd like to meet with Wally, could you ask his parents if I could have permission to?" Miss May asked.

"Well sure, I'll speak with them after I pick Wally up from school." Barry Allen told. "Good talking with you."

"You as well."

Barry Allen hung up his home line and sat on the couch. "What was that about Barry?" Iris Allan asked from the kitchen.

"I just got an interesting call from Wally's school."