This is my First Pokemon fanfiction so I decide to do a pearlshipping story because I like Pearlshipping and Advanceshippers you will not like this story I promise that I will do a Advanceshipping story after I finish this story because I like Advanceshipping as well..

Ash – 16 years old

May – 15 years old

The sun was beaming down on over the open ocean, the waters reflecting its bright sunlight. A (small or large? Not specified boat) was moving throughout the waves. Upon the boat was a sixteen year old raven-haired boy by the name of Ash Ketchum. (Describe what achievements he has done)

Ash was currently looking out over the rail at the new region in the distance. He was accompanied by two Pokemon. One was a yellow rodent named Pikachu. The other was a purple monkey that had a hand-like tail named Aipom. It stood on Ash's new red hat with a blue pokeball design in the middle.

Besides the two Pokemon looking over the horizon, Ash had two Pokemon whom he was holding in his arms. The first was a female Budew. It is a special Budew, as unlike the norm, its chest is purple instead of gree. The other Pokemon was a Manaphy which was a small, blue aquatic-type Pokemon with stubby feet and club-like arms. It also had a red gem on its chest and a yellow dot below the gem. It had an onion size head which has two long blue antenna with spheres at the end.

As Ash looked over the railing of the boat, all he felt was cold and unfeeling. Normally, Ash would be excited and enthusiastic when he was going to a new region. That wasn't the case this time. There wasn't a trace of joy on his face. His Pokemon hated to see him like this. With the exception of Budew, they had each known Ash a long time and could tell this wasn't the norm. He was in a lot of pain right now, and it was all because of one certain girl.

"Why, May? Why?" As murmured quietly as he remembered what happened only a few hours ago.


Ash Ketchum had been talking about going to Sinnoh ever since his battle with Gary's Electivire. He felt like he had to go to Sinnoh to catch some new Pokémon and get one step closer to achieving his dream. Currently, he was in his room preparing to pack for his trip. His mother had been kind enough to make him a new set of clothes for his journey, despite being saddened that he was leaving again so soon. (Descibe the scene)

As Ash was packing, he couldn't contain his excitement.

"I can't wait to go to Sinnoh to get new Pokémon!" Ash said happily

Ash heard chuckling and looked at his girlfriend May. He loved it when he heard that cute laugh escape her mouth. It was like his face would heat up every time he heard her lovely voice. Ash still blushed when he thought of May as his girlfriend even though they had been dating for over two months now.

"Oh,Ash. Only you can get this excited to go to a new region filled with new Pokémon" May said while she continued as she finished giggling.

"Well, it's not my fault that I get excited to go to a new region. Isn't that right, Pikachu?" Ash replied as he looked at his best friend.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu nodded excitedly.

"Oh, Ash. That what I love about you," May said and then giggled once more.

Ash grinned and pulled her close to him. He then kissed her passionately, and after a short battle for dominance, he started exploring her mouth. Suddenly one of Ash's Pokéball opened to reveal a certain aquatic Pokemon.

"Mama, papa?" said Manaphy as she looked at Ash and May.

Ash and May broke their kiss and looked at Manaphy, looking extremely awkward. They hoped that Manaphy hadn't noticed what they were doing.

"Yes, Manaphy?" May said while kneeling down to give Manaphy a hug.

"I love you mama" Manaphy murmured happily.

May smiled back at Manaphy "I love you too, Manaphy."

Ash smiled as he looked at the scene with Manaphy and May. It was almost like they were a real family. He, Pikachu, May, and Manaphy. He didn't know what he would do if they weren't in his life. He felt like he could stay in this moment forever.

"Ash, sweetheart, can you come down here please?" his mom asked in a sweet tone.

"I'm coming mom." Ash replied.

Ash gave May a quick kiss and then took Manaphy from May. He held Manaphy in his arms and went down stairs. May and Pikachu followed him into the kitchen where Ash's mom was seated on a chair, waiting for him.

"So mom what do yon need?" Ash asked curiously.

Delia smiled at her son. "Ash, Professor Oak needs you in his lab. Apparently it's very important. All he said is that he wants to give you something he found about half an hour ago."

Professor Oak had wanted to see him and give him something. Ash's curiosity was immediately piqued. He wondered what it could be. Ash then nodded to his mother before giving May a small peck on the cheek ( Don't put in story, just a note: they won't due a passionate kiss in front of Ash's Mom like you originally had). When they broke apart, Pikachu jumped on to Ash's shoulder and together, Ash and his best buddy left the house.

As May watched them leave, she saw Sceptile leaning against the wall of the house with its eyes closed and trademark twig in its mouth.

"Hey, Sceptile." May greeted to Ash's Pokémon

Sceptile opened his eyes and looked at May.

"Tile" Sceptile replied, and then waved back at May.

It was then something caught Sceptile's attention, causing it to perk up. He narrowed his eyes when he saw someone with familiar green hair. He was still wearing the same with purple shirt and greenish pants that he had in Hoenn. Sceptile started growling at him, not at all happy to see him here. May heard Sceptile growling and looked at the person who was causing him to growl so angrily. She walked outside to meet the person.

"Drew? What are you doing here?" May asked in a confused tone.

Drew said nothing in response and just kept walking, which started to unnerve May a little bit. She was about to ask him again until Drew hugged her as soon as he was close enough, effectively cutting her off. Sceptile watched on, getting ever more suspicious of what's going on. He never really trusted Drew and could sense something was up.

"May, it's been two months since I last saw you. Can't a come a visit a beautiful young woman?" Drew said pleasantly as he pulled out a rose and gave it to May

May blushed and took the offered rose. If there was one thing she knew about Drew, it was that he always had a steady supply of roses somehow.

"Thank you, Drew." May said.

Drew then lost his pleasant smile before giving May a serious expression. "Can I talk to you privately?"

May gave Drew a curious glance. What could be so important that Drew had to talk to her privately? After looking into his pleading eyes for a moment, she decided there could be no harm done to hear him out. She then gave a nod to the green-haired boy.

"Ok, Drew follow me." May said.

She led Drew up to Ash's room and closed the door so they could talk privately.

That was the final straw for Sceptile, who had seen the whole thing. He didn't want his master to be heartbroken like he was when Meganium choose that Tropius instead of him. That scene still haunted him to this day and he refused for Ash to feel the same way it did that time. He immediately shot off towards Professor Oak's lab, going as fast as he could to get Ash. HE hopped that he was quick enough they'd be able to stop May from doing anything with Drew.

In Ash's room.

"So Drew, what do you want talk about?" May asked.

They were both sat on the bed looking at each other. Although Drew was staring far more intently at May. He was stunned by her beauty. Everything from her luscious hair to her perfect curves . He stopped his staring when he noticed that she was looking at him, expecting an answer to her question. He took in a deep breath before saying what he wanted to for a long time.

"May. I-I l-love y-you. Ever since the first time we met, I fell head over heels for you." Drew managed to stutter out.

He then looked at May and could tell by the look on her face that she was shocked. May took a moment to compose herself and then gave Drew a sympathetic look. She couldn't believe Drew actually loved her. Sure, she had known that they were friends, but love?! She had never thought of Drew like that! Unable to reciprocate his feelings, May gave him a sympathetic look.

"Look I'm sorry Drew. But the thing is I'm with Ash now." she said, trying to sound as nice as possible..

Drew felt his jealousy growing. He had to find a way to get rid of Ketchum. That boy had always been in his way of getting to May. Now Ash had stolen her from him! Suddenly, he had an idea. A smirk formed on his face but he quickly got rid of it before May would notice. He then gave May one of his customary smiles that would make any girl melt. Then Drew did something unexpected. Something that May had no chance to stop. Drew leaned in and kissed her. She sat on Ash's bed, completely shocked that Drew was kissing her. Several alarms seemed to be going off in her head, telling her to break the kiss. She didn't know what to do but found, to her surprise, that she was enjoying the kiss. Her conscience failed as thoughts of Ash were temporarily forgotten she kissed back.

"What the hell?!" a voice yelled from the door.

May knew that voice as a look over horror came to her face. This was one of the few times it sounded angry. May broke away from Drew and saw none other than her boyfriend Ash at the door, looking completely outraged. May was surprised at the extremely pissed off look on Ash's face. She had no idea that he could actually make a face like that since he was always so happy and forgiving. She could see that he was on the verge of tears and realized how stupid she had just been. She then noticed Manaphy, Pikachu and Sceptile looking at her. The first two had shocked expressions and the latter glared at her and just shook his head. May was in such shock that she almost didn't notice the shiny Budew sat in Ash's arms.

Before that incident

Ash Ketchum was at Professor Oak's lab, wondering what the Pokemon professor had in store for him.

"So Professor what do you want me here for?" Ash asked the Professor.

Professor Oak looked at Ash and smiled. He took a pokeball out of his pocket and threw it onto the floor, revealing a Pokémon that made Ash's jaw drop and caused his eyes to widen. Standing on the desk in front of him was a shiny Budew. Professor Oak chuckled at the look on Ash's face. This was enough to snap Ash out of his shock.

"Ash I want you to take this Budew with you to Sinnoh. I found it a couple of hours ago. Incidentally, it was playing with your Pokémon at the back of my lab. Since shiny Pokémon are so hard to come by I could pass up the opportunity to catch it. I believe that she has the best chance of reaching her max potential with you which is why I want you to take care of this Budew." Professor Oak told Ash.

"Wow Professor! Thank you for having so much faith in me. I promise I will take care of Budew and make her as strong as she can possibly be!" Ash said enthusiastically.

Professor Oak nodded and gave Budew's pokéball to Ash. Ash tried to return Budew but something was strange. It was constantly dodging the red beam. Ash watched as Budew shook her head and glared at the pokéball. Ash immediately understood what was going on. It seemed that made two Pokemon, after his Pikachu, that Ash owned who didn't like pokeballs. Ash placed Budew's Pokéball on his belt and picked up Budew. Budew quickly nuzzled Ash affectionately. Ash smiled and rubbed her head.

"Don't worry, Budew. I won't make you go in the pokeball if you don't want to," Ash told it kindly.

"Dew," Budew cooed softly.

Pikachu wasted no time in introducing himself to Budew.

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu greeted as he waved at her. Manaphy then gave Budew a hug. Ash and Professor Oak smiled that both Pokémon were making Budew feel welcome to the family.

"Ash, I have something else for you . This is a Shiny Stone so if Budew evolves to Roselia you can use this to make her evolve into a Roserade."

Professor gave the Shiny Stone to Ash. Ash quickly placed the Shiny Stone safely in his pocket.

"Thanks a lot, Professor," Ash said sincerely.

Before anyone could say anything else, Sceptile burst through the door. Ash was confused to see Sceptile here, and judging from his expression, he could tell it wasn't good news. What could have it in such a panic?

"Sceptile, what are you doing here" Ash asked.

"Scep sep tile!" Sceptile replied frantically.

Ash had gotten such a close bond with his Pokémon that he could get the gist of what his Pokémon are saying

"So something bad is happening at the house?" Ash deduced.

"Tile!" Sceptile confirmed while nodding.

Sceptile then pointed to his own back, and Ash understood what it meant..

"So you want me to ride home on your back?" Ash asked.

Sceptile nodded. Ash got on Sceptile's back and the Hoenn starter shot off incredibly fast to Ash's house. Pikachu, Budew and Manaphy had to cling on to Ash while they screamed, not at all liking the speed Sceptile was running at. Finally, to Budew, Pikachu and Manaphy's relief they reached Ash's house. Ash walked inside and Sceptile pointed to his room. Ash walked up the stairs and pressed his ear to the door. He was disturbed when he heard May moan. Ash yanked open the door, and what he saw horrified him. He felt his world crumbling down as his heart broke at the scene he was watching. What made it far worse was that May kissing Drew back. Ash suddenly felt a rage he never knew he had come over him.

"What the hell?!" he screamed.

He watched as May broke the kiss with Drew and looked at him in shock. Drew smirked at the look on Ash's face and felt a rush as he knew that this was the end of Ash and May's relationship. May didn't know Drew was smirking as she was still staring as Ash and Manaphy. Ash, on the other hand, saw that Drew was smirking, which immediately doubled his rage. Drew was doing this on purpose. Ash growled at Drew and started to clench his fists. The temptation to punch Drew and wipe that smirk off his face was growing.

May looked at her boyfriend and saw that tears were now streaming down Ash's handsome face. She felt guilty that she had brought Ash to tears. Before someone could say anything, Ash lunged at Drew, surprising everyone, even Ash's Pokemon. Once the green haired coordinator saw that Ash was going to lunge at him, the smirk on his face vanished and was replaced by a look of fear. Ash then started beating the hell out of him. He was continuously punching Drew in the face as hard as he could. When he saw he wasn't doing enough damage, he began aiming for other parts of Drew's body also. Ash wanted to make Drew feel as much pain as he did right now.

May couldn't watch Ash do something so out of character and used all of her strength to pull Ash off the crumpled mess that was Drew. Before Ash ccould uttere a word to her, May pulled back her hand and slapped Ash across his face. A bright mark was left where she had slapped him.

The slap sent Ash into an even deeper shock. He couldn't even think of anything to say to her. All he could do was stare deeply into her big sapphire blue eyes. After a brief stare down, he gave her one last heartbroken expression before picking up Manaphy, Pikachu, and Budew. He quickly left the house and headed towards the port that the boat to Sinnoh was docked at.

The minute May slapped Ash, Drew knew that it was over between them, and that he had won May's heart. May saw the smirk on Drew's face and was absolutely furious. Drew shook of his smirk and looked at May

"May?" he asked.

Before the green-haired boy could say anything else, he saw her pull her hand back. He was knocked on his ass when she slapped him as hard as she was able to. He rubbed his stinging face, looking at May in shock. He was about to ask why she did that, but the glare May was giving Drew drove him into silence. He shrunk back in fear at the furious coordinator

"Don't ever talk to me AGAIN! I've lost the man I love because of you KISSING ME! I HATE YOU DREW! I DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN." she screamed at Drew as she pointed at the door "Get out NOW!"

Drew sighed sadly. He got up and took one last look at her. He saw that she was still glaring at him so he went down stairs and got out the house. Once Drew had left, May ran downstairs and walked outside. She looked around hoping to see Ash so she could have a chance to explain, but the only being she could see was Sceptile. She walked towards the lizard hoping that he'd tell her where Ash was. However, as she got close, she saw the hateful glare on his face. She averted her gaze, knowing that she deserved his hate for cheating on Ash. Sceptile shook his head and gave one last glare to May before going to Professor Oak's lab to be with Ash's other Pokémon

May felt incredibly guilty. She hated herself for what she's done, not just to Ash, but to Manaphy too. Manaphy had seen the whole thing. When May had looked into Manaphy's eyes, she saw a huge amount of sorrow. They had only met up with her about a week before Ash and May had started dating. Manaphy had come to find them as she wanted to come with her mama and papa instead of staying at the Sea Temple. Manaphy was the main reason they were together. She had helped Ash and May see how much they loved each other and eventually they confessed their feelings for each other. Now she had ruined their relationship all because she was stupid enough to return Drew's kiss instead of pushing him away immediately like she should've done.

May couldn't let it end like this. She had to find Ash before he left for Sinnoh! She went down the forest path by Pallet Town and searched high and low for him but still couldn't find him. After hours of searching, she gave up knowing that by now he was gone. She fell to her knees and started sobbing. May's face was filled with utter devastation.

"I'm so sorry Ash. I should never have cheated on you. I only hope that you can forgive me someday. I still Love you Ash. Please forgive me." she sobbed before going back to Ash's house.

Ash continued walking. He was sure he could hear May's voice, as well as someone sobbing, but he really didn't care whether she was crying or not. His emotionless face was stained with his dried tears. Manaphy, Budew, Pikachu and Aipom, who had decided to come with Ash to Sinnoh looked at Ash sadly. They could only imagine what their trainer was going through.

"Pika pi." Pikachu said to Ash with a concerning tone.

Ash then looked at Pikachu and rubbed his head.

"Don't worry about me Pikachu. I'll be fine." Ash told him, not at all convincing Pikachu.

Pikachu looked at him and sighed sadly. He felt sorry for his friend. It really was shocking to see that May would cheat on Ash, especially with that asshole, Drew. He couldn't imagine how hard this must be for Ash. He then looked at Manaphy. She look so heartbroken at what had happened. In fact, it had probably hit her harder just as hard as it had hit Ash. To see her mama cheating on her papa must have broken her heart, too. Manaphy had imagined her mama and papa staying together forever: eventually getting married, having kids and then growing old together. Pikachu turned his attention back to the road in front of him, hoping that Ash would be able to get over what had happened today. When they reached the Kanto portl they waited for the ship to be ready to take them to Sinnoh.

"All Aboard to Sinnoh" the captain of the boat shouted once it was ready. Ash got on the ship and stared out at the sea as the ship set sail. He could only hope this new adventure would make him forget about what had happened.

End of flashback.

Ash, Pikachu, Budew and Manaphy looked at the new region which was now well into view. Aipom had gone back into her Pokéball a while ago as she wanted to get some rest before arriving.

Little did Ash know that there were two certain people and a Meowth who were there looking at him and his Pokémon. They had seen what had happened in Pallet, and they felt sorry for him. Despite their bad history with the raven-haired boy, they could still tell he was absolutely devastated right now.

"I feel bad for dat twerp," Meowth said to his teammates.

"Me too, Meowth. Me too" James replied.

"But that means if dat twerp is heartbroken, we can still capture his Pokémon easier and then give them to the boss" Meowth explained to Jessie and James.

Jessie, James and Meowth then looked at each other and smiled. They were Team Rocket! They had no time to feel sorry for a twerp."And then we get that promotion." they all said.

"Wobbufett!" a certain blue Pokémon said after popping out of his Pokéball

The ship docked in Sinnoh allowing Ash and his Pokémon to take their first steps in Sinnoh. Ash took a deep breath as he got off the boat and took in his surroundings. A new adventure was about to start. He took out his map to see where he needed to go.

"So this is the Sinnoh region. It looks bigger than Kanto," Ash mused as he looked at the map.

Suddenly, three nets caught Budew, Pikachu and Manaphy.

"Pika bi" Pikachu yelled.

"Budew" Budew screamed.

"Papa" Manaphy cried as she reached out for her papa.

"What the hell!" Ash yelled as he looked around. "Who the fuck did that?"

Suddenl, he heard familiar laughter. Ash looked up and spotted Team Rocket's balloon. He watched as Pikachu tried to use Thunder to break free. However, it didn't work as usual.

"I can't believe they're here." Ash screamed in aggravation.

As the balloon started flying quickly, a thought occured. "Shouldn't we know where we at first?" Jessie asked her comrades.

"You never know where you at before! Why change?" Meowth replied.

"Well, after a long trip we can look around." Jessie responded.

Meowth then got angry and screamed next thing he could think of. "You know you want to build a house!"

"So you're implying that my suggestions are less then sound." Jessie argued back as she gave Meowth a glare.

Meowth then got pissed. "I don't imply nothing to a knuckle head like you!"

Meowth screamed and his claws extended, preparing to use Fury Swipes on Jessie. Before Meowth could attack Jessie, she got Wobbufett to protect her from Meowth. Wobbufett quickly used Counter. The attack bounced off of Wobbufett tearing the balloon. Meowth was the first to realize what was about to happen.

"Oh crap," Meowth muttered moments before the balloon exploded.

Pikachu, Manaphy and Budew were released from the nets and screamed as they plummeted towards the woods as Team Rocket sailed through the air

"Can't you take a joke?" Meowth said to Wobbufett while they were blasting off.

"When it comes to countering the Wobster rules." James said.

"When it comes to flying we all rule. We're blasting off again." the trio screamed as they flew out of sight.

"Wobbufett" Wobbufett screamed as well.

Ash looked towards the woods and frowned. He couldn't believe that his Pokemon were taken from him so quickly. Ash wasn't going to let that stop him, however. He then realized he still had Aipom with him. There was no doubt the monkey Pokemon could help since his Pokemon were in a forest.

Ash then took Aipom's Pokéball off his belt and sent her out to help him find Pikachu, Manaphy, and Budew.

"Come on, Aipom! We've gotta find Pikachu, Manaphy and Budew," Ash told the monkey, receiving a nod from it.

Aipom clambered up a tree and took a look around. Despite having a good view, she found nothing. She jumped out of the tree, landing on Ash's shoulder.

"No luck, huh?" Ash guessed.

Aipom shook its head in response.

"In that case, we are going to have to search through the forest on foot," Ash replied as he took off running. There was no way he was going to lose his Pokemon like this.

"Pikachu, Manaphy, Budew, I will find you." Ash said to himself with determination.

And the end of chapter 1 dawn will be in the next chapter.