This chapter four of our story. Not much more done to it can't fix stuff if I don't get feedback. more chapters to come.
Chapter 4
Later on that evening Peter was still out with the ship and everyone else was inside ready to hear about their new friends past, and what happened to the earth.
" Sarah you don't have to tell us if it is a sad memory," Tenchi says trying to reassure her.
" It's ok, Tenchi. I've had almost 2 years to deal with it." Sarah takes a deep breath in and settles back in her seat, everyone's eyes on her." Well about two years ago the earth was in a huge war with pretty much everyone in the universe. Other planets didn't like our democracy, they believed that in order for a planet to run properly you needed a ruler. We didn't believe so. At the time I was just assigned my new position as chief scientist, I was totally overwhelmed. I was only 18 years old and in charge of pretty much every aspect of the ship. Peter was Lieutenant still. We were working the same shift one night because we were leaving the next day to go down to earth to visit our parents and sister. We left around 8 in the morning so we could have the day with them. We arrived on earth at about 10 o'clock and made our way to our home. We spent the whole day with our family, it was great. Then at about 5 o'clock that night we got a wire from the Macross saying that we were to report immediately back to the Macross. We said our good byes and left. That would be the last time we saw our parents and our sister. We got to our ship and went back up to the Macross. Everything was haywire. People were panicking saying that we were in a huge battle and that the enemy was on it's way. Peter and I ran to the bridge to see what was going on. They ordered Peter to get in his Veritech and I had to start analysis on the enemies. Before we new it the enemy had over taken us. We ordered an immediate retreat. As soon as all the veritech were back we made our way from earth, let them have their try. There was nothing left for us to do. The enemy was to powerful, within minutes they used their main weapon. I remember holding my breath as I saw my world disappear before my eyes, my head was full of so many thoughts about my parents, my sister, all my friends, then my mind went on to Peter. Had he made it back to the ship ok. Of course you know the answer to that because he is here with me know. We have been inseparable since, we only have each other now." Sarah had begun to cry at the thought of her families fate." I did everything possible to find their weakness, they were immune to everything." She sobbed.
"It's okay I'm sure that you did your best if they where strong enough to destroy a whole plant then what could you have done or even your brother." Tenchi said in a consoling voice.
Ayeka and the other girls shock there heads in agreement with Tenchi was saying. just then the door opened on there stood kasaheto and, Pete with a look of surprise on his face. kasaheto had gotten the jump on him.
"Hello grandfather" Tenchi, ayeka, and Reoco all said at once.
"Tenchi! Why didn't you tell me that we had travelers at the house." kasaheto said sharply at Tenchi.
"Well I got busy in the fields and.." Tenchi was cut off suddenly as his grandfather smacked him in the head.
"I found him wondering around in the woods near the shrine and smacked him, but he was able to avoided it"
"barely" Pete added rubbing his still swore calf.
"MY LAPTOP" came a shout from Sarah as she want through his bag.
"oh shit now I'm in for it" He had just gotten that thought out when Sarah jumped up and shot across the room yelling "YOUR GOING TO WISH THAT HE DID HIT YOU AFTER I'M DONE WITH YOU" Sarah screamed . Pete saw the attach in time and was able to roll out of the way.
"calm down Sarah I swear I'll get you a better one when we get back to Macross!" he said pleading.
"with out my laptop I cant analysis what happen, and scene I cant do that I cant get us home." Sarah yelled throwing a ruler at him
"Please excuse us" Pete said over his shoulder running out the door with Sarah hot on his heals.
"Come back her you cowered" Sarah yelled rushing out the door.
As the masaki family sat stun at what had just occurred in front of them no one daring to break the silence that had taken them.
"I like them, there funny" Sasami finally breaking the silence.
Everyone began to laugh at that comment and went out to see what had become off the siblings. Kasaheto and Washu hung back.
"so do you think that you can send them back Washu?" kasaheto asked
"I'm sure I can after all I am the universes greatest scientist.(to puppets appearing on her shoulders) I just need to locate this thing called the Macross and poof there." Washu replied smuggle
"don't be in such a rush to do it make it last awhile before you do find it." kasaheto said
"why is that? I could have them home in the morning." Washu said looking surprised
"in a few weeks thing will happen that will make it clear and my grandson will need all the help he can get." kasaheto said
With that he left to return to the shrine leaving a very confused Washu to ponder what he had said. Slowly Washu turned letting what just happen sink in and to stair at the excitement taking place out in the front yard. Sarah was chasing Peter all over the place yelling at him.
"comeback here and take it like a man" Sarah was yelling.
"God himself couldn't get me back there!" Pete replied dodging another rock Sarah through
"you have to stop sometime you bastered"Sarah said grinning
"this is true, but it wont be until I'm far away from you" Pete yelled.
After saying this Pete tore ass into the forest with Sarah hot on his tail swearing ungodly words at her brother with every step that she took.
"well this has defiantly been a very interesting day if I say so"Ayeka said leaning on Tenchi.
"and you think we fight to much" Ryoco said grasping the other half
"I guess we should leave the door open for them" Tenchi said
With that they all turn to go inside for the night, all except Washu she stared transfixed at the point that Pete and Sarah had entered the forest. thought she could no longer see or hear them her thoughts where of them. What could these strangers have, that kasaheto would find of any help from them . Washu stood there a few minuets more then turn to leave.
"I have some experiments to run on these two." Washu said walking briskly towards her lab.
Later that night the front door to the maski house slowly opened and Pete slowly stepped through looking quickly about to see if anyone. making his way to the basement that Tenchi had said they could use as a room until they want back home.
"It'll be hours be for Sarah finds her way out of the woods. he he he."Pete said chuckling to himself.
"Glad to see you made it home in one piece" Washu said
Washu scaring the hell out of Pete caused him to jump over the couch and land very hard on his back.
"who in the hel....ow its you Washu I thought that it was Sarah" Pete said relaxing
"no I'm not, but I'm afraid I need to run some test on you.!" Washu said smiling
"what kind of test" Pete asked worried. he had heard about her test from Tenchi
"oh just the usually blood, sight, urine, and he he he" Washu trailed off into a sinister laugh
"come on Washu I just had a flight test before I left I'm really healthy!" Pete said more worried now then be for
'weapon anything to defend myself' Pete thought to himself. To late Washu hit him with a bolt of electricity frying Pete. steam and smoke werecoming off Pete's still standing body. Pete fell to one knee then two he looked deep into washu's confused eyes. "That didn't hurt." then fell face first onto the floor.
"hum that usually nocks people out when it hits them never had that happen before" Washu said dragging Pete into her lab.
"ah my head hurts what happen to me?" Pete said coming around "Wait I CAN'T MOVE, WWWWAAAASSSSHHHHUUUUU!!!!!!" Pete said continuing his frantic attempts to escape.
"relax Pete all my experiments where done with you passed out your sister join you about an hour after you got back." Washu said with a smile
"Sarah! where?" Pete asked bracing for an attack completely forgetting to ask what type of experiments
"right beside you to your left" Washu said returning to her screens
"Sarah???? good she's still out a brief reprieve" Pete said letting out half of his breath
"If your nice and relax I'll let you go on your way" Washu said walking towards him
"ya, I'm much more calm now I just want out" Pete said almost pleading
"hum okay." Washu waved her hand an Pete disappeared only to fall onto the table as Tenchi and the gang where having breakfast
There where surprised looks coming from everyone then sasami said something about looking good wearing meso soup, but Pete was uninterested in what was going on he was just about o get up when the hair on the back of his neck started to stand up. 'what is going to happen now' he though when out of nowhere Sarah fell on him.
"there you are you little bastered" Sarah screamed with rage in her eyes
"oh no" Pete said in one deep unbreaking monotone.